BPTH :: Volume #5

#434: Be in full bloom!

434 chapters are in full bloom! 434章盛开! The god city shines together seven color gods today once more only, the subjects in god city see has had not seen you for a long time the miracle several years later once more. However this time has not actually caused the god City Subjects surprised and prostrates oneself, instead many people show the expression that contemptuously snorts at contemptuously. 神城今日再次亮起一道七彩神光,神城的子民在几年之后再次见到了久违了的神迹。但是这次却没有引起神城子民的惊讶和膜拜,反而许多人露出轻蔑嗤之以鼻的表情。 These days, the miracle produces were too many, did not say that the [gold/metal] angle god, did not say that great face. Said that yesterday and that has made a sound Lei Ming of half double-hour in that [say / way] shocking seven pink clouds light that above Demon Clan shone, broad did not have the several fold compared with god city god miracle overwhelming power. 这段时间来,神迹产生的太多了,不说金角神主,不说那张巨脸。就说昨天在妖族上方亮起的那道骇人听闻的七彩霞光和那响了半个时辰的雷鸣,都比神城这神神迹威猛恢弘了无数倍。 Also, many people at this moment right, the god that they believe in feels the deep question. In those days was protecting them, invincible god, when the god city was broken where? Their children disappear inexplicably, he where? God city four health/guard use the blood and iron method suppression god City Subjects time, he where? 再说了,许多人此刻都对,他们信仰的神主感到深深的质疑。往日守护着他们,战无不胜的神主,在神城被破的时候在哪里?他们的子女莫名消失的时候,他在哪里?神城四卫用铁血手段镇压神城子民的时候,他又在哪里? In the god city has the response is only Tu Shenwei burnt god Wei He just the superior newly murders the god health/guard, as well as the messenger in god city. 神城中唯一有反应的就是屠神卫焚神卫和刚刚上位的新弑神卫,以及神城的使者。 This moment Tu Shenwei and burns the god health/guard, is jointly attacking the battlefield in the murdering god health/guard of slaughter immortal Lou Jiaoxin superior, suddenly sees above the god pavilion to shine together seven pink clouds light, in abundance in great surprise. Panic-stricken cross-eyed, three people in a hurry hurries to toward the god pavilion. 此刻屠神卫和焚神卫,正在屠仙楼教新上位的弑神卫合击战阵,突然见神主阁上方亮起一道七彩霞光,纷纷大惊。惊恐的对视一眼,三人匆匆的朝神主阁赶去。 The god went to Purple Island they to know, but went to for quite a while actually suddenly to come back? Comes back to be very normal, but he does not flicker to move, but is transmits, that is not normal. 神主去紫岛他们是知道了,只是怎么去了半天却突然回来了?回来很正常,但是他不是瞬移回来,而是传送过来的,那就不正常了。 When they rush to the god pavilion hurriedly, just got to the entrance, actually sees to let they incomparably shocking one. 当她们匆忙赶到神主阁的时候,刚走到门口,却看到让她们无比震惊的一幕。 In the god pavilion courtyard, the god just like go fall flatting on one's face to be the same, distressed lying on the ground, the whole body is the bloodstain, unceasing is shivering, nearby the body is also sparkling seven color multi-colored sunlight. His scarlet Chinese-style gown, actually completely turned into the hard coke, leaves behind upper body several broken steps alone in that unceasing braves the blue smoke. 神主阁院子内,神主正宛如狗吃屎一样,狼狈的趴在地上,浑身都是血迹,正不断的颤抖着,身体附近还闪耀着七彩的霞光。他的一身大红袍子,却全部化成了焦炭,独留下上身几块碎步正在那,不断的冒着青烟。 God, you, you how?” “神主,您,您怎么了?” Before Tu Shenwei and burns the god protected just to tread the gate, sees this, not having the half minute to hesitate, immediately turns around to dodge toward the gate by. But the murdering god health/guard of that new superior, actually walks all the way in the forefront, looks at this situation, the hurried color, overran hastily wear a look of hurriedly must help up the god, as if must express his loyal and kind heart to the god. 屠神卫和焚神卫刚踏到门前,看到这一幕,没有半分犹豫,立刻转身朝门两旁闪去。而那名新上位的弑神卫,一路上却是走在最前面,一看这情况,连忙面带慌色,急忙冲了过去就要扶起神主,似乎要表示他对神主的忠诚和关切之心。 Bang!” “轰!” Tu Shenwei and burns the god health/guard, lightens the front door, immediately the kneeling down ground, closes one's eyes. Really a moment later, hears a huge sound, as well as murders the pitiful yell sound that the god protects. They have been afraid, terrified is kowtowing to the courtyard. 屠神卫和焚神卫,一闪出大门,立刻跪下地面,闭着眼睛。果然片刻之后,传来一阵巨大的响声,以及弑神卫的惨叫声。两人更加害怕了,惶恐的对着院子磕头起来。 Sends completely all dark health/guard, gives me to sphere Purple Island, once discovered that some people come out, immediately the crumb passes message the jade symbol to deliver 100 people to come to me, wants the Demon Clan young girl completely. Chooses a new murdering god health/guard to remember again, your anything had not seen a moment ago, otherwise dies!” “将所有的暗卫全部派出去,给我将紫岛围住,一旦发现有人出来,立刻捏碎传音玉符给我送100人来,全部要妖族少女。再选一名新的弑神卫记住,刚才你们什么都没看见,否则死!” A moment later, the slaughter weak sound passed on, Tu Shenwei and burns the god to protect them such as near the pardon, is ordinary just like two stray curs, hurrying crawls, ran not to have the shade speedily. 片刻之后,屠虚弱的声音传了出来,屠神卫和焚神卫两人如临大赦,宛如两只丧家之犬一般,慌忙的爬起来,一溜烟跑没影了。 Long time, in the courtyard hears a clenching jaws hatred sound: You are waiting to me, waits for that woman to get back one's composure, I want you to die. Once I obtain the Divine sword, the entire Flame Dragon Potential Surface people must die, the old woman, Gold Horn Spirit Clan, my does not let off, must die completely 良久之后,院子内又传来一阵咬牙切齿的怨毒声:“你们给我等着,等那个女人回神界,我要你们全都死。一旦我得到神剑,整个炎龙位面的人都要死,老女人,金角神族,我一个都不放过,全部都要死” cheng cheng “琤琤” After that day Old Lu sends the invincible might greatly, Purple Island returned to once more normal, Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu also finally can feel at ease cultivated in Purple Island. Ye Qingyu listens to Yue Qingcheng ball half lyra every day, then plays under the leadership of Little Black in Purple Island the half of the day, in the evening returns to the yard to practice, the day passes satisfied incomparable. 那日鹿老大发神威之后,紫岛再次恢复了平静,月倾城夜轻语也终于可以安心的在紫岛修炼了。夜轻语每日听月倾城弹半天琴,而后在紫岛小黑的带领下游玩半天,晚上则回到小院修炼,日子过得惬意无比。 Old Lu simply has also practiced in Purple Island, regarding this boundary, practices for several years with little to practice several years of difference not to be big, instead every day under Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu respectful serving, enjoyed a family happiness well. 鹿老也索性在紫岛修炼了,对于他这种境界来说,多修炼几年和少修炼几年区别不大,反而每日在月倾城夜轻语恭敬的伺候下,好好享受了一把天伦之乐。 Spring the spring goes, the flower blossoms to fall! 春来春去,花开花落! Suddenly, in a flash was one year passes. 眨眼间,一晃又是一年过去了。 In this period Ye Qingwu came out one time, less than one -and-a-half years of time broke through Emperor Realm, let Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu was happy that she Purple Island has rested several days later, actually sneaked in Ramble Pavilion, trained hard. 期间夜轻舞出来了一次,不到一年半的时间就突破了帝王境,让月倾城夜轻语非常高兴,她在紫岛休息了几天之后,却又钻进了逍遥阁,苦练起来。 But Ye Qinghan has actually closed up one -and-a-half years of time, not having the least bit news to transmit. He started martial arts room's ban six months ago suddenly, moreover simultaneously has isolated and soul relation of Little Black, Old Lu and Little Black cannot search his any news, this also makes several people be worried. However fears him to close up the sensibility mysterious critical moment, therefore several people do not dare to disturb him. 夜轻寒却已经闭关了一年半的时间了,没有半点消息传来。他半年前突然启动了练功房的禁制,而且同时隔绝了和小黑的灵魂联系,就连鹿老小黑都不能探到他的任何消息,这点也让几人为之担心起来。但是又恐怕他正在闭关感悟玄奥的紧要关头,所以几人都没敢去打扰他。 Ye Qinghan indeed is closing up, but has not actually sensed mysteriously. 夜轻寒的确在闭关,但是却没有感悟玄奥。 One year ago, after he had no intention to see that woman in that top of the head that eye, then has been trying to find the solution, unceasing approached her with the spirit knowledge, then had her! Obtains that big chance! 一年前,他无意将看到了那个头顶那双眼睛内的那个女人之后,便一直在想办法,不断的用灵识去靠近她,然后拥有她!得到那个大机缘! „!” “啊!” In Ramble Pavilion, black-and-white form, was calling out pitifully together, was tumbling unceasingly. One will roll on the ground, one will shoot then violent collision suddenly to the wall, meets and whole body unceasing rubs in the ground 逍遥阁内,一道黑白色的身影,不停的惨叫着,不断的翻滚着。一会在地上滚动,一会突然弹起而后猛烈的撞向墙上,一会头和全身不断的在地面上磨擦 The body was the blood, the clothes rubbed through, the skin has abrasioned, the meat split, revealed the white bone. However his body was actually being covered by a gentle white ray at this time, the blood first-class comes out to be stopped, the body was rubbed through, grows the body slowly, then slowly heals, as even with such unceasing relapse 身上都是血液,衣服磨破了,皮磨掉了,肉裂开了,露出白森森的骨头。但是他身体此时却被一阵柔和的白色光芒笼罩着,血一流出来就又被止住,皮肉被磨破了,又慢慢长出皮肉,而后慢慢愈合,如此不断的反复着 After one hour, Ye Qinghan stopped the tumbling finally, a delicate face, half face is the bloodstain, the muscle on face still often is twitching. An eye deep fell, tight is shutting, chest fierce fluctuating, long breath, often also painful groan. 一个小时后,夜轻寒终于停止了翻滚,一张清秀的脸,半张脸都是血迹,脸上的肌肉还在不时的抽动着。一双眼睛深深的陷了进去,紧紧的闭着,胸膛剧烈的起伏,长长的呼吸着,不时还痛苦的呻吟一声。 Your younger sister, almost, almost!!!” “你妹的,差一点,就差一点啊,啊!啊!啊!” A moment later, Ye Qinghan has opened eye suddenly, simultaneously opens the mouth angrily bellows, hand weak uphold, cleans the blood that on the face coagulated carelessly. Another hand actually supports tread, sat difficultly. 片刻之后,夜轻寒突然睁开了眼睛,同时张大嘴巴愤怒的大吼起来,一只手无力的抬起,胡乱的擦拭了一下脸上凝固的鲜血。另一只手却撑着地面,艰难的坐了起来。 Then he abstains to wipe in the ramble, takes out clothes from Cangbaoge, changes bloodstain total wreck clothes. Also takes out several spirit fruits, slowly has eaten. 而后他在逍遥戒上一抹,从藏宝阁内取出一身衣服,将身上一身血迹破烂不堪的衣服换下。又取出几个灵果,慢慢的吃了起来。 One year passed by, his whole person was fully thin, in as before the bright none remaining of sparkle except for the eye, as usual, the whole person looks like more delicate, emaciated incomparable. 一年时间过去了,他整个人整整瘦了一圈,除了眼睛内依旧闪耀的炯炯精光,和往常一样,整个人看起来更加弱不禁风,羸弱无比。 Has eaten several spirit fruits, supplemented that the energy in body, then he starts to sit cross-legged to practice, will fight the air/Qi to revolve 12 sidereal revolutions in the body, repairs completely the injury in body. Then spreads out the body, lies low to rest on the ground. 吃了数个灵果,补充身体内的能量,而后他又开始盘坐修炼起来,将战气在身体内运转了12个周天,将身体内的伤势完全修复好。这才摊开身子,在地上平躺着休息起来。 Almost, next time I can see clearly you, when the time comes do not disappoint me!” “就差一点,下次我就能看清楚你了,到时候可别让我失望啊!” Ye Qinghan twittering, heavy such has gone off, this sleep has rested for five days five nights. When he wakes up once more, from ground bounces, but time, a delicate face actually completely is excitement and anticipation. 夜轻寒呢喃了一声,就这样沉沉睡去,这一觉足足睡了五天五夜。当他再次醒来,从地面弹跳而起的时候,一张清秀的脸却尽是的兴奋和期待。 He believes that waits to investigate with the spirit knowledge again, he can certainly see clearly that woman, certainly can see clearly that to make itself entire painful one year of woman 他相信,等会再用灵识去探查,他一定可以将那个女人看清楚,一定能看清楚那个让自己整整痛苦了一年的女人
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