BPTH :: Volume #5

#433: A blood deer clan

433 chapters of Blood Deer Clan 433章血鹿一族 In the disorderly grove a red form lasing, the scarlet Chinese-style gown was delimited by the branch splits the innumerable [say / way] openings, on shining bald also one wipes the mud, the whole person appearance is exceptionally distressed. 杂乱的树丛中一道红色的身影激射而出,大红的袍子被树枝划得裂开无数道口子,发亮的光头上还有一抹烂泥,整个人样子异常狼狈。 Little animal I must tear into shreds you! Rips 108!!” “小畜生我要将你撕碎!撕成108块!!” Slaughter red black double pupil flood red light, just like already violent anger to the extreme. A black bear violent anger palm, although has not brought very big injury to him, but he did not remember many years, oneself not such distressed. Today under chance coincidence by small eight levels of demon beasts, fan maliciously is flown unexpectedly, but also does as even with such to be distressed. 屠一红一黑的双瞳泛起道道红光,俨然已经暴怒到了极点。黑熊暴怒的一掌,虽然没有给他带来很大的伤害,但是他不记得多少年了,自己没有这样狼狈过了。今天竟然机缘巧合之下被一只小小的八级魔兽,狠狠的扇飞出去,还搞得如此狼狈。 Although cannot use supernatural power in Purple Island, although a moment ago, because the general idea was sneak attacked, although this demon beast strange changes the body, moreover changes behind the strength is not inferior to a God Rank expert human body strength, but the slaughter thinks that this absolutely is his life unprecedented shame, if this matter outside passing, own honor lost completely. 虽然在紫岛不能动用神力,虽然刚才自己因为大意被偷袭,虽然这种魔兽诡异的会变身,而且变身后力量不亚于一个神级强者的肉体力量,但是屠认为这绝对是他一生空前的耻辱,这事要是传到外面去,自己的脸面都丢尽了。 Boils!” “熬!” Roar that the black bear refuses to admit being inferior, but in eye actually obvious has to draw back intent, its strongest strength palm. This person actually looks like does not have the least bit injured, moreover his hand great axe sparkle the god on of terrifying only, making it be scared, but has not drawn back concerned about Little Black, it can only continue to brandish the giant bear's paws to roar. 黑熊不甘示弱的吼了一声,但是眼中却明显的有退意,它最强力量的一掌。这人竟然看起来没有半点受伤,而且他手上的巨斧闪耀的恐怖的神光,让它感到害怕,但是碍于小黑没有退,它只能继续挥舞着巨大的熊掌咆哮起来。 Jie Jie! Death! Today Purple Island, therefore the demon beast must die, including your thing, you must die! Must die completely!” “桀桀!死!今天紫岛的所以魔兽都要死,包括你老东西,你们都要死!全部都要死!” The slaughter looks that Old Lu pats the ground, the body sticks out suddenly, then steadily stands in the ground, but also thinks that he must escape. On the foot steps on strange step, the body from the sky is transforming becomes enlightened a illusory image, the great axe sparkle god only, toward here crazily throws piece by piece. 屠看着鹿老一拍地面,身子暴起,而后稳稳站在地面,还以为他要逃跑。脚上踩着诡异的步法,身子在空中幻化成道道幻影,巨斧闪耀片片神光,朝着这边疯狂扑来。 Squirts chirp!” Little Black looks at Old Lu, in the eye is sparkling the worry, hints Old Lu to retreat, first returned to Ramble Pavilion saying that simultaneously urged the black bear to come up to withstand first. “唧唧唧!”小黑望着鹿老,眼中闪耀着担心,示意鹿老撤退,先回逍遥阁在说,同时驱使着黑熊上去先顶住。 Snort! Does not use! You withdraw!” “哼!不用!你们退后!” Old Lu lets somebody cool off or calm down one, obviously was chopped a moment ago by slaughter a series of dividing really hot, the sound becomes extraordinarily cold incomparable. In the hand black iron rod raises, the body actually high jumps, explodes to drink: Your card in a hand shone, now was one's turn me! Changes the body!” 鹿老冷冷一哼,显然刚才被屠一连串的劈砍动了真火,声音变得奇寒无比。手中黑色铁棍一扬,身子却高高跃起,爆喝起来:“你的底牌亮出来了,现在轮到我了!变身!” Slaughter body forcefully has anchored rapidly suddenly, looks grows up in the midair unceasingly Old Lu that looks head of Old Lu towering emits a blood red silique, looks his iron rod unceasing increases to lengthen, starts to send out to make a debut black light, panic-stricken opening eye, the violent draws back while called out: „Are you Blood Deer Clan? Didn't the blood deer exterminate the clan?” 屠急速强行的身子陡然停住了,看着在半空不断长大的鹿老,看着鹿老的头上突兀的冒出一根血红的长角,看着他那根铁棍跟着不断的变大变长,开始散发出道道黑光,惊恐的睁开眼睛,一边暴退一边叫道:“你是血鹿一族的?血鹿不是被灭族了吗?” Ha Ha, our Blood Deer Clan indeed exterminated the clan, but I also had the one breath in the past, had been rescued by the master. Double Eye Netherworld Clan strength row first 50? Our Blood Deer Clan pure strength is actually the god hundred clans arranges fifth, your Middle-Rank Divine Tool hatchet bow heavy 100,008 jin (0.5 kg)? My this is actually the High-Rank Divine Tool startled day stick, 880000 cattys in weight! Pounded a moment ago very crisply? Now was one's turn me! Where is slightly bald runs?” “哈哈,我们血鹿一族的确被灭族了,但是当年我还有一口气,被主人救了下来。双瞳幽冥族力量排前50?我们血鹿一族纯力量却是神界百族排第五的,你那中品神器小斧头重100008斤?我这却是上品神器惊天棍,重量880000斤!刚才砸得很爽吧?现在轮到我了!小光头哪里跑?” The Old Lu body grew up suddenly suddenly ten times, the body turned into more than 20 meters, one actually turned into dozens meters with the black iron rod, the iron rod turned into the cone-shape shape, was thicker toward the peak, shakes hand this half meter thickness, actually turned into 78 meters thickness to that the above black god only sparkled dazzlingly, shone the jungle of appendix bright as snow bright as snow. 鹿老突然间身体陡然长大十倍,身子变成了20多米,一跟黑色铁棍却变成了数十米长,铁棍变成锥形状,越往顶端越粗,握手这段只有半米粗,到了那一段却变成了78米粗,上面的黑色神光闪耀得刺眼,将附件的丛林都照耀得雪亮雪亮。 Bang!” “轰!” Although the slaughter draws back in the violent, but do the ratio previous two legs have more than ten meters Old Lu? Several surmounted is overtaken, then Old Lu brandished this greatly ***, was pounding down to the slaughter like lightning. This pounds to smash more than a ten meters width the ground, deeply not the obvious big hole, half Purple Island vibrates, on nearby old tree is about sways, the leaf crash-bang keeps falling. 屠虽然在暴退,但是怎么比的上两条腿都有十多米长的鹿老?几个跨越间就被追上了,而后鹿老挥舞这巨大的***,对着屠闪电般砸下。这一砸将地面砸出一个十多米宽,深不可见的大坑,半个紫岛都震动起来,附近的古树上更是左右摇晃起来,树叶哗啦啦的不停落下。 Bang!” “轰!” Old Lu brandishes this great stick unceasing pounding down, but the slaughter actually just like, in the front that a monkey keeps flings about. Sees body that Old Lu increases, with on he blood red alone angle, he lost the fighting spirit thoroughly. 鹿老挥舞这巨棒不断的砸下,而屠却宛如一只猴子般不停的在前方跳来跳去。看到鹿老变大的身子,和他都上血红的独角,他彻底失去了斗志。 He knows now, why Old Lu when with him to the war, why a relaxedness of always face, he clarified a moment ago is secure. Why that looks like ordinary iron rod actually under his god axe chops to chop, why does not have the least bit trace, he also thinks is the material quality is special, now unexpectedly is High-Rank Divine Tool! 他现在知道,为何鹿老在刚才和他对战的时候,为何总是一脸的轻松,他摆明是有恃无恐啊。为何那根看起来普通的铁棍却在他神斧劈砍之下,为何没有半点痕迹,原本他还以为是材质特殊,现在竟然是上品神器 Low-Rank Divine Tool is the god is only at any time bright, but Middle-Rank Divine Tool is actually the use time will glow the god only, but High-Rank Divine Tool can actually control god only leak. 下品神器任何时候都是神光熠熠,而中品神器却是使用的时候才会焕发神光,但是上品神器却是能控制神光的外泄。 Cannot attend to thinking that many, now saves life is most important, once were pounded by him, definitely the body turns into the pulp, Divine Crystal, although will not break to pieces, but the head has destroyed, the soul dissipated to play same. 顾不得想那么多,现在保住性命才是最重要的,一旦被他砸中的话,肯定身子变成稀巴烂,神晶虽然不会碎,但是脑袋砸破了,灵魂消散了一样玩完。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Boils “熬” Little Black and that black bear looked will shortly be turning into ancient times giant Old Lu, was in abundance silly. After one, is looking just like by a monkey, slaughter that expels, two beasts excited yelled that along with the Old Lu step, pursued. 小黑和那头黑熊望着顷刻将变成远古巨人般的鹿老,纷纷傻了。一愣之后,望着宛如被一只猴子般,撵来撵去的屠,两兽兴奋的大叫起来,随着鹿老的步法,追了上去。 The slaughter by this that wrap strange step, glitters in Purple Island unceasingly, avoids the attack of this Old Lu. Looks expression that Old Lu is letting somebody cool off or calm down, the stick shade that accelerates unceasingly, he complained of hardship secretly. This way, sooner or later will be battered to death. He was calculating the direction that this stick was pounding to fall every point every second at this moment, the spirit and body has achieved the highest load. If that not careful miscalculation, or the somatic effect is half beat behind, will turn into pile of muddy fleshes. 屠凭借这那套诡异的步法,在紫岛内不断闪烁,躲避这鹿老的攻击。望着鹿老冷冷的表情,不断加速的棍影,他心里却是暗暗叫苦起来。这样下去,迟早会被砸死的。此时此刻他每一分每一秒都在计算着这棍子砸落的方向,精神和身体都达到了最高的负荷。万一那次不小心计算错误,或者身体反应慢半拍,那自己就会变成一堆肉泥。 Bang!” “轰!” Also is a stick almost pastes his back to pound down, as soon as he treadons on the iron rod, the body shoots to go toward the left wind. On the face and carries on the back is actually cold sweat directing current, the footsteps that runs slightly somewhat shiver. 又是一棍几乎贴着他的后背砸下,他一脚踏在铁棍上,身子朝左边飙射而去。脸上和背上却是冷汗直流,奔走的脚步都微微有些颤抖起来。 The double pupil flashes through a ruthless color, the left hand fast wipes on the space ring, carved the black triangle stone of unusual mark to emerge out of thin air together completely in his hands, clenches teeth his direct crumb the triangle stone, the front presented together the front door of golden light sparkle suddenly, he moved sideways to directly. 双瞳闪过一丝狠色,左手快速在空间戒指上一抹,一道刻满了奇特符号的黑色三角形石头凭空出现在他手中,一咬牙他直接捏碎了三角石头,陡然前方出现一道金光闪耀的大门,他直接闪身冲了进去。 Withdraws!” “退后!” Old Lu sees the golden front door to shine, has anchored the footsteps instantaneously, the body will change is rapidly small, holds behind Little Black in the future the wind to shoot. But that Little Xiong actually has not only waited for Old Lu to explode drinks, already stopped the footsteps, rapidly changes the body is small, then leave a sphere, leave toward behind. 鹿老一见金色的大门亮起,瞬间停住了脚步,身子急速变小,抱着身后的小黑就往后飙射。而那只小熊却没等鹿老爆喝,早就停止了脚步,迅速将身子变小,而后滚成一个圆球,朝后面滚去。 Loudly!” “轰然!” The purple light cover on Purple Island, when a golden front door emergence, shakes suddenly, a bright resounds, then together the sturdy thunder and lightning, straightly chops toward the golden front door, obviously was the golden front door touched the ban of Purple Island. 紫岛上的紫色光罩,在金色大门一出现的时候,陡然一震,一道亮光响起,而后一道粗壮的雷电,笔直朝金色大门劈下,显然是金色的大门触动了紫岛的禁制。 The giant dust raises, the nearby presented one with previous time to divide to murder the god to protect their same endocraters, the surrounding area hundred meters were burnt, braved a blue smoke. But that arrives at the golden front door to be wrecked instantaneously, in field that thunder and lightning lowers a piece in confusion! 巨大的尘土扬起,附近又出现了一个和上次劈弑神卫他们一样的巨坑,方圆百米都是一片焦糊,冒起道道青烟。而那到金色大门在雷电降下的瞬间就被击毁,场中一片狼藉! Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black climbs up the shoulder of Old Lu, is looking at behind big hole, the excited scream, a small face full is the happy expression. 小黑爬上鹿老的肩膀,望着身后的大坑,兴奋的尖叫起来,一张小脸满是喜色。 He he, Little Black, leaves happily is too early, that bald estimate has not died, but has definitely been injured, most little must lie down for several months in the god city.” “呵呵,小黑,别高兴的太早,那个光头估计没死,不过肯定受伤了,最少要在神城躺几个月。” Old Lu is looking at the gulf of ground, somewhat regretted slightly that his body has increased, the strength has stiffened, the traveling speed also increased. However responded and attack speed actually weak, cannot leave behind this baldly, was somewhat regrettable. However a moment later, he has actually smiled: Maintains life transmission symbol! Hey, this time must make his heartache probably shear several meat, a transmission symbol is least value 100,000 Divine Stone! He sells soul Yuan pill most little to sell several hundred! Kazakh anything, walked, goes back! This estimate also nobody dares to come Purple Island to harass again, we can cultivation peacefully 鹿老望着地上的深坑,微微有些惋惜,他身子变大了,力量变强了,移动速度也增加了。但是反应和攻击速度却弱了一丝,不能将这光头留下,有些遗憾。不过片刻之后,他却笑了起来:“保命传送符!嘿嘿,这次要让他心疼得割了几块肉了,一个传送符可是最少值100000神石!他卖灵魂元丹最少要卖数百枚!哈啥,走了,回去!这次估计再也没人敢来紫岛骚扰了,我们可以安静的修炼了”
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