BPTH :: Volume #5

#437: Seductive women

437 chapters of Yao Ji 437章妖姬 „Do you want me?” “你想要我吗?” At this time this scenery, trades to make any also to be able the good also competent man, will say without hesitation wants! 此时此景,换做任何一个还能行还能干的男人,都会毫不犹豫的说要! However plot at this moment, trades to be any wise person, will say that not or shy disguising said not. 但是此刻的情节,换做任何一个有头脑的人,都会说“不”或者腼腆的假装说“不”。 Considers, suddenly, you were transmitted to a strange place suddenly, then sees a peerless beautiful woman 试想一下,突然之间,你突然被传送到一个诡异的地方,而后看到一个绝世美人 Encounters this situation, perhaps many people meet the first vigilance, is this person the monster or the cleverness? Has what goal? Fox that the legend specialized middle school attracts the man aniline black? 遇到这种情况,或许很多人会第一时间警觉起来,这人是妖还是鬼?有何目的?是不是传说中专吸男人精元的狐妖? The matter is not unusual must have the monster, the person of silly rushing, that has become confused the fool of head by the zoosperm, was very obvious, can be transmitted to this palace, person who can enjoy the as even with such treatment, obviously was not the fool. 事无反常必有妖,傻乎乎的冲上去的人,那是被精虫冲昏了头的傻子,很显然,能被传送到这宫殿,能享受如此待遇的人,明显都不是傻子。 I indeed want you to want very much!” “我的确想要你很想要!” Ye Qinghan such age can cultivation the as even with such boundary, obviously is not a fool, but he said suddenly very silly words, he very honest will hide in the moral nature desire said directly. 夜轻寒这样的年纪能修炼到如此境界,明显不是个傻子,但是他却突然说了一句很傻的话,他非常坦白的将藏在心底的欲望直接说了出来。 Cluck-cluck “咯咯” Ye Qinghan a few words, make that woman chuckle get up, with her laughter, her body sways from side to side, on the fine ankle two strings of purple small bells exude the delightful sound, coordinates her lazy sound, obviously attracts. 夜轻寒的一句话,却让那个女人轻笑起来,随着她的笑声,她的身体跟着扭动起来,精致的脚腕上两串紫色的小铃铛发出悦耳的响声,配合她慵懒的声音,更显魅惑。 After women's chuckle, extends lotus root white hands, the cradling lower jaw, a pair of Qiu Shui pupil, is staring at Ye Qinghan, just like can see through general his whole body, the gentle voice said: „Does little man, why you want me? Why, do you dare to want me?” 女子轻笑一声之后伸出一只莲藕般的玉手,托住下颚,一双秋水般的眸子,盯着夜轻寒,宛如能将他全身看穿一般,柔声说道:“小男人,为何你想要我?为何,你又敢要我?” That moment when this female looks, Ye Qinghan felt that at this moment his body non- inch wisp, the whole body exposes in the palace, does not have the slight secret. At heart secret one startled, no longer looks at female the dressed carcass of being overwhelmed with emotion, but does not show weakness is staring at her pair of Qiu Shui pupil, has smiled, said: Your long beautiful, beautiful moving heart and soul, therefore I want you! Dares to want you , because you said that so long as I see clearly your me to obtain you!” 当这女子看过来的那一刻,夜轻寒感觉此刻他身无寸缕,全身都暴露在宫殿内,没有丝毫秘密可言。心里暗暗一惊,不再去看女子的销魂的胴体,而是毫不示弱的盯着她那双秋水眸子,微微笑了起来,道:“你长的很美,美得动人心魄,所以我想要你!敢要你,是因为你说只要我看清楚你我就能得到你!” Cluck-cluck!” “咯咯咯!” A women's chuckle, initiates the intermittent bell sound once more, becomes the atmosphere in palace fluttering flags even more, at heart provokes the fire Ye Qinghan that is more exuberant. Suddenly she stopped the smile, corners of the mouth bent an attractive radian, the chuckle said: Little man, since you think that comes, I like the little man!” 女子再次一声轻笑,引发阵阵铃铛声,将宫殿内的气氛变得越发的旖旎,也将夜轻寒心里的那把火撩拨的更加旺盛。突然她停止了微笑,嘴角弯起一个诱人的弧度,轻笑说道:“小男人,既然你想,就来吧,我喜欢小男人!” Rumble!” “咕噜!” Ye Qinghan has swallowed saliva, deep looked at female one eyes, suddenly has actually made a strange movement, he hangs the eyebrow to lower the head suddenly, then beckoned with the hand, very resolute saying: Does not come! Kills me not to go!” 夜轻寒咽了一口唾沫,深深的望了女子一眼,却突然做了一个奇怪的动作,他突然垂眉低下头,而后摆了摆手,非常果决的说道:“不来!打死我都不去!” „?” “哦?” The Ye Qinghan strange action, making the woman on jade bed be startled slightly, in the eye actually flashes through an extraordinary splendor, takes back the white hands, is very the doubts recited lightly: Why is this? Don't you want me?” 夜轻寒的奇异举动,让玉床上的女人微微一怔,眼中却闪过一丝异彩,收回玉手,很是疑惑的轻吟道:“这是为何?你不想要我吗?” If wants certainly, you are doomed are my woman!” “要是肯定要,你注定是我的女人!” Ye Qinghan has not gained ground, but very firm replying. The long turnover the air/Qi, is starting to stabilize own heart and soul, then has flung the sleeves, said lightly: Good woman, do not play this set, said the game rule, Soul Emperor he did, was this set, not having a regard, the young master not to be swindled!” 夜轻寒没有抬头,而是非常坚定的答道。长长的吞吐着气,开始稳定自己的心魄,而后才甩了甩衣袖,淡淡说道:“行了女人,别玩这套了,说出游戏规则吧,魂帝他老人家搞来搞去,都是这套,没有一点心意,小爷才不上当!” Cluck-cluck!” “咯咯咯!” Ye Qinghan bewildered words, actually initiated one of the female to smile tenderly, look in the eye pupil of Ye Qinghan to be full of the appreciation. 夜轻寒一番莫名其妙的话语,却是引发了女子的一阵娇笑,望着夜轻寒的眼眸中充满了赞赏。 A moment later, her sudden facial color changes, the whole body makings change, turned into a pure saintess unexpectedly, expression not attracting, but said temperately: Little man, your wisdom made me hold in high esteem, congratulates you to cross second has closed me to be very curious, how did you discover?” 片刻之后,她突然面色一改,浑身气质一变,竟然变成了一名冰清玉洁的圣女般,语气也不似刚才的魅惑,而是非常的温和道:“小男人,你的智慧让我刮目相看,恭喜你过了第二关我很好奇,你是怎么发现的?” He he, is very simple, because I have rushed to Luo Shen Mountain checkpoint of Soul Emperor located in Flame Dragon Continent, obtained Ramble Pavilion!” “呵呵,很简单,因为我闯过了魂帝设在炎龙大陆落神山关卡,获得了逍遥阁!” Some Ye Qinghan surprise has selected the brow, some doubts, why this female actually does not know did one obtain Ramble Pavilion? However directly answered her issue. 夜轻寒有些诧异的挑了挑眉头,有些疑惑,为何这女子竟然不知道自己得到了逍遥阁?但是还是正面回答了她的问题。 In Luo Shen Mountain he by unbearable that Soul Emperor tosses about, is the psychedelic boundary test disposition, is the puppet mountain range test potential and perception, finally in the gate of third pass destiny, was almost played by him. 落神山他可是被魂帝折腾的够呛,又是迷幻之境考验心性,又是傀儡山脉考验潜力和悟性,最后在第三关命运之门,差点被他玩死了。 Actually transmitted in this woman to his information said that so long as saw clearly her, can obtain her and a big chance time, Ye Qinghan a little suspected that this was the bureau that Soul Emperor set up, now this female entices her in every possible way, he confirmed this point, he experienced many peach-color traps in the psychedelic boundary fortunately, had three peerless beautiful women is the wife, was very strong regarding the resistivity of beautiful woman, moreover after Ye Ruoshui died , the three years of closing up made him mental extremely tenacious, at this moment did not have the move. 其实在这女人传递给他信息说只要看清楚她,就能得到她和一个大机缘的时候,夜轻寒就有点怀疑这又是魂帝设的局,现在这个女子百般诱惑她,他更加确认这一点,还好他在迷幻之境经历了许多的桃色陷阱,又拥有了三位绝世美人为妻子,对于美女的抵抗力很强,而且夜若水死后闭关的三年让他心智变得极其坚韧,此刻才没有中招。 Looks that own reply has not made the female dispel doubt completely, Ye Qinghan instead has doubts, asked: How? Doesn't your this palace, have in Ramble Pavilion? Don't you know Ramble Pavilion?” 看着自己的回答却没有让女子完全解惑,夜轻寒反而疑惑起来,问道:“怎么了?你这宫殿,不是存在逍遥阁内吗?你不知道逍遥阁?” Ramble Pavilion I know certainly that is one of 12 god pavilions the master refined in the past, is god famous Space Divine Tool! This place master called Illusion Palace, did not have 12 god pavilions to enter, must enter this, must have two conditions, but you have actually satisfied these two conditions!” 逍遥阁我当然知道,是主人当年炼制的12神阁之一,也是神界有名的空间神器!这地方主人叫梦幻宫,并不是拥有12神阁就能进入,要进入这,必须有两个条件,而你却满足了这两个条件!” During the female speeches, the white hands wielded the fine gauze have covered the whole body, making Ye Qinghan regret slightly that but the words of this female were make him be startled, then he thinks that smiled bitterly saying: „A condition thinks that endures that year inhuman pain?” 女子说话间,玉手一挥将轻纱盖住了全身,让夜轻寒微微遗憾起来,而这女子的话语却是让他一怔,而后他想了想,苦笑起来说道:“其中一个条件想必就是忍受那一年的非人之苦吧?” Master said that only then in being able to endure hardship painstakingly, can become the manner stranger, in the past he was also fed up the world hardship finally becomes the God Emperor first person. But the second condition must have Soul Emperor three to match the thing, soul abstention that in your hand wears, a Divine sword, Battle Armor.” “主人说,只有吃得苦中苦,才能成为人生人,当年他也是吃尽天下疾苦才最终成为神帝第一人的。而第二个条件就必须拥有魂帝的三件配物,你手上戴着的魂戒,还有一把神剑,一件战甲。” The females said that has smiled, but this time does not have the obsequious attitude, instead appears holy incomparable, making the human not dare to encroach, does not dare to have the heart of slight blaspheming: Cluck-cluck the little man you are very good, actually thousand years ago had one person also almost to enter here, but actually could not bear finally falls insanely. Your will and bears the painful the ability to make me appreciate very much, naturally your luck was also better, has the soul abstention, although, it damaged 女子说完笑了起来,但是这次却没有媚态,反而显得圣洁无比,让人不敢侵犯,不敢有丝毫亵渎之心:“咯咯小男人你很不错,其实千年前有一人也差点进入了这里,但是最后却忍不住疯掉了。你的毅力和承受痛苦的能力让我很是欣赏,当然你运气也好了一些,拥有魂戒,虽然,它已经破损了” Um, does not have the soul abstention, I am very indeed difficult very to come! „ “嗯,没有魂戒,我的确很难挺过来!“ Ye Qinghan remembers in this year pain experience, the moral nature surges a chill in the air, not having the soul abstention to think that he already gave up. A moment later he actually suddenly evil smiles, in the past according to Soul Emperor in the game rule of Luo Shen Mountain hypothesis, paid are more, thinks can obtain are more. 夜轻寒想起这一年来的痛楚经历,不禁心底涌起一丝寒意,没有魂戒想必他早就放弃了。片刻之后他却突然邪邪一笑,按照魂帝以往在落神山设定的游戏规则,付出的越多,想必会得到的越多吧。 Does not know that what this time will have to reward richly? Divine Tool? This mysterious female? 不知这次会有什么丰厚奖赏?神器?或者这个神秘的女子? That what, beautiful woman, after the idle talk, chatted again? You had said sees clearly you, can obtain you and a big chance, you look whether exchanges?” Ye Qinghan has rubbed rubbing hands, somewhat embarrassed is looking at the female, on the face, although is having the shy smiling face, but in eye fiery is actually is very obvious. “那什么,美人,废话以后再聊吧?你可是说过看清你,就能得到你和一个大机缘,你看是否兑换一下?”夜轻寒搓了搓手,有些不好意思的望着女子,脸上虽然带着腼腆的笑容,但是眼中的火热却是很是明显。 Cluck-cluck, little man! Do not be impatient!” “咯咯,小男人!别心急!” The females look at the Ye Qinghan expression, has smiled, the facial expression unknowingly had to restore that to attract the unparalleled obsequious attitude, let a Ye Qinghan heartbeat acceleration, the female covered the tender lip lightly, the gentle voice said: 女子一看夜轻寒的表情,笑了起来,神情不经意间有恢复了那魅惑无双的媚态,让夜轻寒心跳一阵加速,女子轻捂娇唇,柔声说道: First introduced oneself, I was of Yao Ji master under monster dance double Ji! You spoke incorrectly, I transmit to your information may obtain me! Naturally, as for can obtain me finally, must look at your effort. As for the big chance, this I can deliver you, but can grasp, visited you, the little man, diligently which Yao Ji was waiting for your favor “先自我介绍一下,我是主人手下妖舞双姬之一的妖姬!还有你说错了,我传递给你的信息是有可能得到我!当然,至于最后能不能得到我,得看你的努力了。至于大机缘,这点我可以送你,但是能不能把握,就看你自己了,小男人,努力吧,妖姬可是等着你的宠幸哪”
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