BPTH :: Volume #5

#424: demon beast regiment

424 chapters of demon beast regiments 424章魔兽军团 God city, in slaughter immortal pavilion! 神城,屠仙阁内! On Tu Shenwei is taking a confidential letter, the facial color painstakingly, looks that the opposite burning god health/guard said: You have a look at this news, I think real. If true, is great merit one, what a pity my recent body did not have entire good, walks difficultly, or do you see right in front of one god to report?” 屠神卫手上拿着一封密信,面色微苦,看着对面的焚神卫说道:“你看看这个消息,我觉得是真的。如果是真的话,可是大功一件啊,可惜我最近身体还没全好,走路都困难,要不你去面见神主禀告一下?” Burnt the god health/guard to receive, has swept several, a charming face became bitter and astringent. Recently the temperament of god slaughter was getting more and more bad, the disposition was also getting more and more abnormal, she saw somebody off each time is the cautious war war, lest the god slaughter had the interest to her suddenly, making her go to accompany is playing anything 焚神卫接过来,扫了几眼,一张妩媚的脸跟着变得苦涩起来。最近神主屠的脾气越来越差了,性格也越来越变态了,她每次送人过去都是兢兢战战的,唯恐神主屠突然对她起了兴趣,让她进去陪着玩一玩什么的 Moreover now the edge of god city close rebellion, she does not dare to make an arrest in the god city. Every day must send out the massive god city messenger, quietly goes to three government offices to have the human to come back, has too many hot irons in the fire. Now murdered the god gland to return to an ambiguous news, Tu Shenwei obviously is actually frightened by the god, this news was for fear that indefinite, when the time comes made the god run a fruitless errand, came back the god to let his lying down more than half a year anything. However did not tell the god, accident sentiment, also definitely ran one to punish. Therefore looked that this meaning wants to be left this head by oneself for her very much obviously. 而且现在神城接近暴动的边缘了,她都不敢在神城抓人了。每日要派出大量的神城使者,悄悄的去三府带人回来,忙得焦头烂额。现在弑神卫带回一个模棱两可的消息,屠神卫却明显被神主打怕了,生怕这消息不确定,到时候让神主白跑一趟,回来神主又要让他躺大半年什么的。但是不去告诉神主吧,出了什么事情,也肯定跑不过一顿责罚。所以看他这意思很明显是想让自己替她出这个头。 This burns the god to protect is not a fool, suddenly thought clearly the trick in matter, but Tu Shenwei was the heads of four god health/guard, she does not dare to offend, criticizes one, compensated to smile: This news passes on the god of journeys city from Hidden Island, has thought that on the several th murdered the god to protect quickly to Purple Island, you looked, or he investigated, saw right in front of one god again?” “这个”焚神卫不是傻子,眨眼就想清楚了事情中的猫腻,只是屠神卫是四神卫之首,她也不敢得罪,暗骂一句,赔笑起来:“这消息从隐岛传道神城,也过了几日,想必弑神卫都快到紫岛了,你看要不等他探查一下,再面见神主?” Tu Shenwei one hear, the facial color was more bitter, this burns the god health/guard to clarify not to oneself this face, moreover spoke is also watertight. Hesitation moment, thought that this saying is also reasonable, waved lightly, decided that murdered the god to protect brings back to the news to see right in front of one god once more again. 屠神卫一听,面色更苦了,这焚神卫摆明是不给自己这个面子啊,而且说话也是滴水不漏的。沉吟片刻,也觉得她这话也有道理,淡淡挥了挥手,也就决定等弑神卫再次带回消息再去面见神主。 Murdered the god to protect arrived at Purple Island actually, but immediately has not actually entered the island, but gathered round the islands to transfer. 弑神卫其实已经到达了紫岛,但是却没有马上进岛,而是围着岛屿转了一圈。 When he sees Purple Island south and western seashore these destroyed steamship remnant shell, sees on the steamship, an only terrifying huge vestige of the past, the facial color becomes dignified, this big vestige of the past length and breadth about 34 meters, moreover is a claw on easily has cranked up the smashing these firm steamships. 当他看到紫岛南边和西边海边那些被毁坏的大船残壳时,看到大船上,一只只恐怖的巨大爪印,面色变得凝重起来,这大爪印长宽约有34米,而且都是一爪就轻易的将这些坚固的大船拍成了粉碎。 You keep outside I to order completely, 3rd 4 th enters the island along with me!” Murders the god to protect the hesitation moment, had the resolution, making all emperor level military stay outside the island, in order to the insurance, oneself alone bring two Saint level military advanced islands to search. “你们全部留在外面等我命令,三号四号随我进岛!”弑神卫沉吟片刻,有了决议,让所有帝级武者留在岛外,保险起见,自己独自带着两名圣级武者先进岛一探。 Three people fly high to fly, then lands in Purple Island outside sand beach, simultaneously *** the meridians, pull out the weapon, moves sideways to enter the Purple Island banned aperture. Goes in the Lima entire gods to alert, observes. 三人凌空飞起,而后降落在紫岛外面的沙滩上,同时***经脉,掏出武器,闪身进入紫岛的禁制光圈。一进去利马全神戒备,观察起来。 Observed the moment, they had not actually discovered that Purple Island is as before peaceful, is as before beautiful, everywhere is sparkling purple visionally. Murders the god health/guard to signal with the eyes, three people move forward slowly. 观察了片刻,他们却没有丝毫发现,紫岛依旧安静,依旧美丽,处处闪耀着一片梦幻般的紫色。弑神卫使了个眼神,三人开始慢慢前行。 Cautiously slow going through, on road also meets the innumerable preliminary demon beasts, these demon beasts see three people, has not actually attacked, instead escaped panic-stricken. Even three people also meet under one eight levels the step demon beast dragon angle rhinocero, actually similarly saw that three people escape immediately. 一路小心翼翼缓慢的穿行,路上也遇到无数的低级魔兽,这些魔兽一见三人,却没有攻击,反而惊恐的逃跑了。甚至三人还遇到一只八级下阶魔兽龙角犀牛,却同样看到三人马上逃跑开去。 Anything is not special! Is it possible that isn't the demon beast attack of Purple Island?” “没什么特殊啊!莫非不是紫岛的魔兽攻击的?” Murders in god Wei Yan to flash through doubts, but does not have the general idea , to continue to investigate. Until three people meet in one eight levels the alone angle black python of step, has battled short a moment later, after the black python escapes panic-stricken. Murders the god to protect then completely to feel relieved that it seems like that the matter is not in Purple Island, here demon beast is as usual normal, fears the bystander very much. After all in the past overcoming an obstacle of Purple Island is God Rank expert, they were frightened, does not dare to battle with the outsider. 弑神卫眼中闪过一丝疑惑,但是也没大意,继续探查。直到三人遇到一条八级上阶的独角黑蟒,短暂交战了片刻之后,黑蟒惊恐逃跑之后。弑神卫这才完全放心下来,看来事情不是出在紫岛,这里的魔兽和以往一样正常,很是惧怕外人。毕竟以往来紫岛的闯关的都是神级强者,它们都被打怕了,根本不敢和外来人交战。 „3rd, lets the dark health/guard come in completely, investigates Purple Island carefully.” “三号,去让暗卫全部进来,将紫岛仔细探查一番。” Murders the god Wei Ting foot, since Purple Island does not have the issue, he is also disinclined to continue to investigate. These trivial matters he is familiar with give under processes. He starts to keep glittering eye, was pondering on outside steamship these terrors big vestiges of the past, what terrifying demon beast is stays behind? 弑神卫停足下来,既然紫岛没问题,他也懒得继续探查。这些琐事他习惯交给手下去处理。他开始不停着闪烁着眼睛,思考着外面大船上那些恐怖的大爪印,到底是什么恐怖的魔兽留下的? Purple Island does not have in such big eight levels probably the step demon beast, is the demon beast in sea? 紫岛好像没有这么大的八级上阶魔兽啊,难道是海中的魔兽? Was good, all people all entered the island!” “行了,所有人都全部进岛了!” In Purple Island that Small Valley , closed one's eyes to sit cross-legged Old Lu in yard to open the eye suddenly, to side anxious stared at own Little Black to smile, said: Brings your large unit! He he, this time came several hundred masters, can let your quite amusing one time.” 紫岛那个小山谷内,闭眼盘坐在小院内的鹿老突然睁开了眼睛,对着旁边正紧张的盯着自己的小黑一笑,道:“带你的大部队出发吧!呵呵,这次可是来了几百高手,可以让你好好玩一次了。” Little Black one hear, two small eyes suddenly one bright, „”, jumped out the courtyard directly. Outside in courtyard mountain valley is standing at this moment actually the innumerable demon beasts, but these demon beast unexpectedly neat platoons square formation. 小黑一听,两只小眼睛陡然一亮,“咻”的一声,直接跳出了院子。院子外面的山谷内此刻却站立着无数魔兽,而这些魔兽竟然整齐的排起了方阵。 The front line only then five demon beasts, whole body silver have the big dragon and one of the two heads to have the black python of white alone angle, one, only then white tiger of three eyes, a whole body purple height 56 meters great wolf, but in the left is actually standing, a small appearance just like ordinary wild animal common black bear. 最前方只有五只魔兽,一条全身银色有着两个头的巨龙、一条有着白色独角的黑蟒,一只有着三只眼睛的大白虎,一只全身紫色身长56米的巨狼,而左边上却站着,一只小小的样子宛如普通野兽一般的黑熊。 After five demon beasts, does not have other demon beasts, comprehensive is the uniform dark demon wind wolf, looks at the dense not being able to see boundary, least several thousand heads. 五只魔兽之后,没有其他魔兽,全面是清一色的暗魔风狼,一眼望去黑压压的看不到边际,最少都有数千头。 Boils!” Roar „” “熬!”“吼”“哧” These demon beasts see the Little Black small form to jump from the courtyard, simultaneously was completely low the head, called in a low voice, but personal appearance actually completely not chaotic, is arranging as before neatly. 这些魔兽一见小黑小小的身影从院子内跳出来,全部同时低下了头颅,低声的叫了起来,但是身形却全部没有乱,依旧整齐的排列着。 Chirp chirp!” “唧唧唧唧唧唧!” Little Black jumps in front, Lima stands erect the body, is raising its small head, is supporting the abdomen, two small claw, about brandish. It is not also toward here, that side, simultaneously the mouth exudes chirp cry that keeps. Two shine the small eyeball, is rotating, entire small face very excited. 小黑跳在前面,利马直立起身子,昂着它那颗小脑袋,挺着小肚子,两只小爪子,左右挥舞起来。不是还朝这边点点,那边点点,同时嘴里发出不停的“唧唧的”叫声。两颗发亮小眼珠子,不停的转动着,整个小脸十分的兴奋。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Finally called one, Little Black as if issued the order, no longer made the sound, glance front demon beast army but who let somebody cool off or calm down got up. As if looked like a general to issue the order, in the inquiry subordinate, you understood? 最后叫了一声,小黑似乎下达完了命令,不再发出声音,而是冷冷的扫视面前的魔兽大军起来。似乎像一个将军下达了命令,在询问手下,你们懂了没? At this time all demon beasts had not spoken, but has made a strange movement completely. Nod! Several thousand demon beasts also nod unexpectedly, moreover does not make a sound, this scene looks like very stirring, including Old Lu that walks slowly, slightly is stunned. 这时所有的魔兽都没有说话,而是全部做了一个奇怪的动作。点头!数千头魔兽竟然同时点头,而且都不发出一点声音,这场景看起来非常的震撼人心,连缓缓走出来的鹿老,都微微错愕起来。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black called one again, two small claw brandish, all demon beasts all turn around, toward ordered flushing away, just like turned into a well-trained demon beast army quietly in all directions. 小黑再次叫了一声,两只小爪子一挥舞,所有的魔兽都全部转身,悄然朝四面八方有序的冲去,俨然变成了一只训练有素的魔兽大军。 Little Black, this demon beast army practices good!” 小黑,这魔兽部队修炼的不错啊!” Old Lu sees this, smiling has raised up the thumb toward Little Black. Since the first three investigation squads arrive at Purple Island, Little Black then single frequently exits to stroll randomly. Purple Island security Old Lu felt relieved very much actually that thinks it is goes out to play bored, now looks like, is training its demon beast army unexpectedly . Moreover the short time enters the training to result in as even with such to be good! 鹿老见到这一幕,满脸笑容的朝小黑竖起了大拇指。自从第一次三支探查小队来到紫岛之后,小黑便独身经常出去乱逛。紫岛很安全鹿老倒是非常放心,原本以为它是无聊出去玩,现在看来,竟然是在训练它的魔兽大军,而且短短时间进入训练得如此好! Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black hears the praise of Old Lu, called two excitedly, then directly changes to a lightning to rush toward the front. Old Lu followed hastily, this time came three Saint level expert, is careful. 小黑听到鹿老的赞誉,兴奋的叫了两声,而后直接化作一道闪电朝前方奔去。鹿老连忙跟了上去,这次可是来了三名圣级强者,还是小心一些。 Roar “吼” „” “啊呜” Four sides murders the god health/guard to look at fast Ben to come, shortly the innumerable wind wolves that all people will sphere. Looks that three imposing manner dreadful both eyes brave the cold light, just like giving up on the human looks in their eight levels the step formidable demon beast. The facial color becomes incomparably shocks suddenly. 弑神卫看着四面快速奔来,顷刻间就将所有人围住的无数风狼。看着三只气势滔天双眼冒着冷光,宛如看死人般看着他们的八级上阶强大魔兽。面色陡然间变得无比震惊起来。 This, what situation is this? These demon beasts unexpectedly before they have not felt completely, already quietly has surrounded them, moreover at the same time appears, just like calculates completely the time was ordinary. 这,这是什么情况?这些魔兽竟然在他们完全没有感觉之前,就已经悄然的将他们包围了,而且还是同一时间出现,宛如全部算好了时间一般。 When he sees the front that only with the ordinary wild animal Little Black bear, in roars greatly, suddenly stands erect, the small body has grown up suddenly the several fold, the height will shortly grow to more than ten meters. Looks that its two brandish carelessly, just like the giant palms of two leaves of city gate sizes, at that moment, he understood instantaneously the big vestiges of the past on outside these steamships are any demon beast stay behind 而当他看到前面那只和普通野兽般的小黑熊,在巨吼一声,突然直立起来,小小的身子陡然间长大了数倍,身高顷刻将长高到十多米。看着它那两只胡乱挥舞的,宛如两扇城门般大小的巨大手掌,那一刻,他瞬间明白了外面的那些大船上的大爪印到底是什么魔兽留下的
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