BPTH :: Volume #5

#423: Murders the god health/guard to get rid

423 chapters murder the god health/guard to get rid 423章弑神卫出手 What?” “什么?” In a hidden city remote garret, the Hua Family great elders flower fragrance is enjoying the hidden city unique hidden fog tea, suddenly the gate was opened, the flowered happy half step walked, good a ritual then directly passed on a sound to him. Flower fragrance one hear of direct tea spouted, lose one's voice to call. 隐城一间偏僻的阁楼内,花家太上长老花香正在享受着隐城特有的隐雾茶,突然门被打开了,花喜快步走了进来,行了一礼而后直接传了一句音给他。花香一听直接一口茶水喷出,失声叫了出来。 The eyebrow selects, he passes message immediately to outside Hua Family member makes them admonish, then directly has released the Saint territory, this stares at the flower to say happily: You in Purple Island saw that hears, all matters that comes across, no error said completely that this is very important!” 眉毛一挑,他立刻传音给外面的花家成员让他们警戒,而后直接释放了圣域,这才盯着花喜说道:“将你在紫岛看到的,听到的,遇到的所有事情,一字不差的全部说说,这很重要!” Flowered happy one hear, discovered one have not really made the mistake, he leaves after Purple Island, after definite security, then lets under fast hurry back. One actually, at the maximum speed the imperial spatial flight quietly hurried back to Hidden Island, has seen right in front of one flower fragrance. Now sees the response of flower fragrance, knows that this news is very important, hastily does not omit a single word said the matter completely. 花喜一听,发现自己果然没有做错,他从紫岛离开之后,确定安全之后,便让手下快速赶回。自己却独自一人,以最快的速度御空飞行悄悄赶回了隐岛,面见了花香。现在一见花香的反应,就知道这消息果然很重要,连忙一字不漏的将事情全部说了一遍。 God city does Demon Clan scout is all extinguished? Purple Island demon beast rebellion?” “神城妖族斥候全被灭?紫岛魔兽暴动?” After the flower fragrance listens, two eyebrows turned into a Sichuan character, is silent. A moment later, he gives a loud shout suddenly: 18 th!” As his sonic boom drinks, a Men in Black fast dodged from outside, the coming in straight ordering knee kneels down, did not say a word, but let somebody cool off or calm down was looking at the flower fragrance. 花香听完之后,两条眉毛变成了一个川字,沉默下来。片刻之后,他突然大喝一声:“18号!”随着他一声爆喝,一名黑衣人快速的从外面闪了进来,进来直接单膝下跪,却是一言不发,只是冷冷的望着花香。 You at the maximum speed, having 6 th 9 th 20 th to go to Purple Island, western and north steamship arrives at a Purple Island south side 200 li (0.5km) place Purple Island completely, then lashes out there dragon shark, making the dragon shark ruin the ship completely. What remembers is most important is the speed, with hiding! If you have exposed, commits suicide directly!” “你以最快的速度,带六号九号20号去紫岛,将紫岛西边和北边的大船全部开到紫岛南边200里之处,而后出手攻击那里的龙鲨,让龙鲨将船全部毁掉。记住最重要的是速度,和隐蔽!还有如果你们暴露了,直接自裁吧!” The flower fragrance words said that this Men in Black or a few words had not said that sneaks toward out of the door directly rushes. 花香的话说完,这名黑衣人还是一句话没有说,直接潜行朝门外奔去。 Family secret person ready dead?” The flower saw happily guessed correctly immediately, this was subordinates the head of the clan and great elders Hua Family person ready dead. Hears the flower fragrance last few words, the flowered actually secret heart is happily startled, was this matter unexpectedly serious to must possibly sacrifice the situations of Hua Family four Emperor Realm people ready dead? “家族秘密死士?”花喜一见立刻猜出了,这是直属族长和太上长老花家死士。只是听到花香最后一句话,花喜却是暗暗心惊起来,这事情竟然严重到要可能牺牲花家四名帝王境死士的地步了? „Are you staring doing? Immediately sneaks on the ship, told you team of people, you had not seen in Purple Island anything that has not met, investigated with first several Purple Island general. Then, comes back directly, awaits orders for one year in this recuperation! If somewhat divulged a secret, cut to kill directly.” The flower secretly is estimating happily still, the flower fragrance is actually the facial expression serious once more opens the mouth. He does not dare to ask that saluted directly, retreats. “你愣着干什么?马上潜回到船上,告诉你那队人,你们在紫岛什么都没有看到,没有遇到,就和前几次紫岛探查一般。而后,直接回来,在这休整待命一年!如果有些泄密,直接斩杀。”花喜还在暗地揣摩,花香却是神情非常的严肃再次开口。他不敢多问,直接一行礼,退走了。 The flower fragrance draws on several people once more, has issued several orders. Later a person in room silent sat was very long, slightly sighed, looked east side is very being sighing of doubts: „Did this boy run up to Purple Island unexpectedly? Does he go? Was related with six months's that space fluctuation? Ok, this boy secret were too many, since he dares to go to Purple Island, definitely has taken advantage. Yeah the boy, I can help your also these many, hopes that you looked like took to us in the past generally miracles!” 花香再次招来几人,下了几道命令。之后一人在房间内沉默的坐了很久,才微微叹了口气,望着东边很是疑惑的叹道:“这小子居然跑到了紫岛去了?他是怎么去的?难道和半年前的那道空间波动有关?算了,这小子秘密太多了,既然他敢去紫岛,肯定有所依仗吧。哎小子,我能帮你的也就这么多,希望你像以往一般带给我们一个又一个奇迹吧!” Ye Qinghan this time again has not certainly taken to everybody the miracle, even leaves the Mainlanders line of sight in three -and-a-half years of time, his boundary does not have the least bit to promote. Also stayed as before was just entering Saint Realm, the Saint Realm sign Zhisheng territory he completely has not grasped. 夜轻寒这次当然没有再带给大家奇迹,甚至离开大陆人视线的三年半时间里,他的境界都没有半点提升。依旧还停留在刚入圣人境,就连圣人境的标志圣域他都没有完全掌握。 Previous time has closed up for three years, he has thought through a matter, mentality thorough stability. This time has closed up more than half a year, perceived through meditation more than half a year rain to hit the sand beach chart, what he saw was a fuzziness, sobered, similarly in the discovery mind as before was a blank, anything did not have, three big Space Principle, same have not crossed the threshold, let alone sensed. 上次闭关了三年,他只是想通了一件事情,将心态彻底的稳定下来。这次闭关了大半年了,参悟了大半年雨打沙滩图,他看到的还是一片模糊,一清醒过来,同样发现脑海内依旧是一片空白,什么都没有,三大空间玄奥,一样都没有入门,更别说感悟了。 In the three years half time, has progress is only fights the air/Qi to cultivate is. The Ramble Pavilion air/Qi of god, in him unknowingly in along with his breath, entered his within the body, finally can the slow automatic extension change into the war air/Qi in body. Three -and-a-half years of time, fought the air/Qi to cultivate to almost reach the Saint Realm 1-level peak, that golden yellow pill nucleus in dantian getting smaller, was also getting more and more bright. 这三年半时间,唯一有进步就是战气修为。逍遥阁内的神之气,在他不知不觉之中随着他的呼吸,进入了他的体内,最后能缓慢的自动转换成身体内的战气。三年半的时间,战气修为差不多达到圣人境一重的巅峰了,丹田内的那颗金黄色的丹核也越来越小,越来越亮。 This anything bird chart “这什么鸟图” Again was forced to withdraw from the picture, Ye Qinghan takes a break, contemplates in the discovery mind once more is a blank, anything cannot recall to mind. Somewhat exhausted long puts out the one breath, swung some felt dizzy heads slightly, closes the eye. Unbends two legs, both hands is holding the back of the head, such straight lying down on the floor, rests. 再一次被强制退出画面,夜轻寒休息片刻,再次冥想起来发现脑海内还是一片空白,什么也记不起的时候。有些疲惫的长长吐出一口气,微微摇了摇有些发晕的头,闭上眼睛。伸直两条腿,双手抱着后脑勺,就这样直直的躺在地板上,休息起来。 Long-term perceiving through meditation, lets his spirit is very exhausted. To this boundary, the body tired has not related, but soul consumption many words, will be bigger to the body harm. Therefore he does not dare to show off power, the feeling is each time similar, will take a break , to continue to perceive through meditation again. 长时间的参悟,让他精神很是疲惫。到了他这个境界,身体累没关系,但是灵魂消耗过多的话,对身体损害会更加大。所以他不敢太逞强,每次感觉差不多,都会休息片刻,再继续参悟。 Although exhausted, but he has not actually been discouraged, the mentality is very as before gentle. He knows that this principle sensibility, is not the matter of getting it done in one action. Ye Tianlong has practiced for 50-60 years, Saint Realm 2-level. 48 years old enter into Saint Realm, have sensed for nearly 30 years, soil series principle fourth mysterious Little Cheng. 虽然疲惫,但是他却没有丝毫气馁,心态依旧很平和。他知道这法则感悟,不是一蹴而就的事情。夜天龙修炼了五六十年,也才圣人境二重。48岁迈入圣人境,感悟了近30年,也才第土系法则第四种玄奥小成而已。 Although he has the vice- rain to hit the sand beach chart now, had the condition and chance that stronger compared with mainland anybody, but he has not grasped can break through in the short time unceasingly. 虽然他现在自有副雨打沙滩图,有了比大陆任何人都要强的条件和机缘,但他也没把握能在短短时间内不断突破。 Rested half double-hour, Ye Qinghan felt that the soul restored similarly. Long puts out the one breath, he opens eye, prepares to sit cross-legged to continue to sense that strange rain to hit the sand beach chart. 休息了半个时辰,夜轻寒感觉灵魂恢复得差不多了。长长吐出一口气,他睁开眼睛,准备盘坐起来继续感悟那副诡异的雨打沙滩图。 He had actually forgotten a matter, he forgot in the top of the head to have a stranger chart. 只是他却忘记了一件事情,他忘记了头顶上有一副更加诡异的图。 He opens the eye, saw in top of the head on the bright and clean ceiling some strange patterns, but these patterns have actually composed a very strange image. This image has not waited for him to see clearly, suddenly moved, he felt that sees a giant eye indistinctly, then the head sudden stabbing pain, a direct both legs step on fainted. 他睁开眼睛,看到了头顶上光洁的天花板上有些一些奇异的花纹,而这些花纹却组成了一个很诡异的图像。这图像没等他看清楚,就突然动了起来,他感觉隐约看到一双巨大的眼睛,而后脑袋突然一阵刺痛,直接双腿一蹬昏死过去了。 First Old Lu leads him to come to see the rain hits the sand beach chart the time, Old Lu has warned him, cannot look at the design on top of the head. At that time he did not believe in evil doctrines, looked at a result stupor several days. Then he does not dare to look again, because this time the sensibility rain hits the sand beach chart spirit to be tired, suddenly forgot. Therefore has been selected once more, but as if this time and his previous time looks indistinctly and was somewhat different! 第一次鹿老带他来看雨打沙滩图的时候,鹿老就警告过他,不能去看头顶上的图案。那时候他不信邪,看了一眼结果昏迷了数天。而后他一直不敢再去看,这次因为感悟雨打沙滩图精神过于疲乏,一时间忘记了。所以再次中标了,只是似乎这次和他上次看的隐约又有些不同了! The god city and Demon Clan investigates the squad to be missing mystically, had not been concealed too for a long time. Half a month later, the troops of two sides had found several destroyed fleets. After an investigation, although somewhat suspected, but both sides had not investigated. After all within the four seas demon beast ruins the ships, extinguishes the murder class the matter also to have, East China Sea and South China Sea are limitless, in the sea the formidable Saint beast is also as numerous as the hairs of an ox. 神城和妖族的一只探查小队神秘失踪,并没有被隐瞒太久。半个月之后,两方的人马就找到了数条被毁坏的船队。一番探查之后,虽然有些怀疑,但是双方也没有追究。毕竟海内魔兽毁掉船只,灭杀人类的事情也不是没有,东海和南海无边无际,海中强大的圣兽也是多如牛毛。 When two side influences routine send out a squad to go to the Purple Island investigation once more, was all extinguished by the Little Black obligation demon beast, and ruins after the ships completely, finally has caused the suspicions of two side influences. However suspected merely, therefore the god city has sent out one team of people once more, is led by Saint Realm, having 200 god city dark health/guard to directly soar Purple Island. 只是,当两方势力再次例行派出一支小队去紫岛探查,被小黑驱使魔兽全灭,并且将船只全部毁掉之后,终于引起了两方势力的怀疑。但是仅仅只是怀疑,所以神城再次派出了一队人,由一名圣人境带队,带着200神城暗卫直奔紫岛 Transmitted orders to Tu Shenwei, reports Purple Island and Hidden Island these times situations completely, issues the call-up, nearby lets all god city dark health/guard, collects in the hidden city, goes to the Purple Island investigation along with me together!” “传令给屠神卫,将紫岛隐岛这几次的情况全部汇报,发出召集令,让附近所有的神城暗卫,在隐城汇集,随我一同去紫岛探查!” One month later, that team of people do not have any news. Murdering god Wei Zhongyu who assumes the hidden city could not bear, decides to get rid to investigate personally. Simultaneously for conservative, delivers the god the city news at the same night, making Tu Shenwei see right in front of one god, asking him to make a decision. 一个月之后,那队人还是没有任何消息。坐镇隐城的弑神卫终于忍不住了,决定亲自出手去探查一番。同时为了保守起见,将消息连夜送完神城,让屠神卫去面见神主,请他决断。 Several days later in look that the flower fragrance worried about, the hidden city has started out two steamships, murdered the god health/guard to lead two Saint level expert, as well as about hundred emperor level expert, rushed toward Purple Island enormously and powerful. 数日之后在花香担忧的眼神之中,隐城开出了两艘大船,弑神卫率领两名圣级强者,以及近百名帝级强者,浩浩荡荡朝紫岛奔去。
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