BPTH :: Volume #5

#422: All extinguishes

422 chapters all extinguish 422章全灭 What Hua Family this leading is Emperor Realm 2-level expert, the precious flower is happy. Is belonged to Hua Family to fight the elder in hall, is only War-God Prefecture God Rank expert as well as Ye Family, cares about the Ye Qinghan life and death as well as the whereabouts very much. Yue Xishui then directly went to Hua Family, asking Hua Family to seek for Ye Qinghan fully, with the aim of settling God Rank expert and heart of Ye Family person, had the opportunity words to help him with every effort. Therefore head of the clan Hua Family has considered soon, readily agreed one group of elders under to lead to send separately. 花家这次带队的是一名帝王境二重强者,名花喜。本来是属于花家战堂的一名长老,只是战神府神级强者以及夜家,很在意夜轻寒的生死以及行踪。月惜水便直接去了趟花家,拜托花家全力寻找夜轻寒,以便安一下神级强者夜家人的心,有机会的话尽力帮帮他。于是花家族长考虑了不久之后,一口答应了将手下的一群长老分别带队派出去。 Actually spends the wedding couplet to be somewhat discontented in the order of Hua Family, he Ye Qinghan became through all news the god slaughter must kill the goal at this moment. How did War-God Prefecture find him to be able? Who can guarantee him? What can also help his? Since cannot guarantee him, how then sought to be able? Also, is not Ye Family has the potential juniors, Ye Family frequently faces the extermination of the clan the danger, what can his Ye Family juniors also toss about? 其实花喜对于花家的这次命令有些不满,通过各方消息他得之夜轻寒此刻已经成为了神主屠必杀目标。战神府就算找到了他又能如何?谁又能保他?又能帮他什么?既然不能保他,那么寻找到了又能如何?再说了,不就是一名夜家有潜力的子弟嘛,夜家都时刻面临灭族的危险,他一个夜家子弟还能折腾什么? However turns over to discontentedly discontentedly, but he does not have the least bit to violate regarding the Hua Family elder hall's order, was greeting under from Purple Island, became the taking in a net type, started to investigate toward the south. Regarding the Purple Island the distribution of terrain and formidable demon beast, they were already familiar, does not need to warn that will not approach. Lets them, once runs into other families or the scout in god city, sneaks directly, shunts. In the recent years various scouts of influence also often meet actually, but obviously is suppressing, little has the conflict, carries out the respective task respectively. 不过不满归不满,但是他对于花家长老堂的命令还是没有半点违背,招呼着手下从紫岛北面,成拉网式,朝南方开始探查。对于紫岛的地形和强大魔兽的分布,他们早就非常熟悉了,不需要告诫也不会去靠近。只是让他们一旦遇到外族或者神城的探子,直接潜行,躲开。最近几年来各势力的探子们倒是也经常遇到,但是都明显压制着,很少发生冲突,各自执行各自的任务。 Boils “熬” However, shortly after the Hua Family assassin just investigated, the south actually resounds a giant Long to recite. Frightens to be startled suddenly all Hua Family scouts. But they saw when southern Tianlong raises a giant double headed silver dragon, turns startled panic-stricken. 然而,花家的刺客刚刚探查不久,南方却响起一声巨大的龙吟。将所有的花家探子吓得陡然惊慌起来。但他们看到南方天龙升起一条巨大的双头银龙时,惊慌变成惊恐。 Roar!” “吼!” „” “啊” Then west also suddenly hears a huge tiger's roar sound, then resounds several pitiful yell sounds. Hua Family all assassins have first anchored footsteps, enters collectively sneaks, gathers toward the flowered happy aspect. At this time the flower on the prepare, had the situation to gather toward him happily completely, waits for his order. 接着西面也突然传来一道巨大的虎啸声,而后响起数声惨叫声。花家所有刺客第一时间停住了脚步,集体进入潜行,纷纷朝花喜的方面聚集。这时花喜原先就布置好的,一有情况全部朝他聚集,等候他的命令。 Elder!” “长老!” Innumerable Hua Family juniors, toward flowered happy accumulation, with flowered happy nod, then in abundance toward four side careful securities. The flower treats the final two juniors safety dodges happily from the left, feels relieved. Gestured, making all Hua Family assassins covert. But he is actually several capers, climbed up a heaven great tree peak, side faces south and west side looks. 无数的花家子弟,朝花喜聚集,和花喜一点头,而后纷纷朝四边小心的警戒起来。花喜待最后两名子弟安全的从左边闪来,才放心下来。打了个手势,让所有的花家刺客隐蔽。而他却是几个跳跃,爬上了一颗苍天巨树顶端,朝南边和西边望去。 „,” “啊呜,啊呜” When the flower hears happily once more west side and south side hear the unceasing discomfiture'confustion sound, expression that just relaxed, becomes is very dignified. In the three years, he has the human to come the Purple Island investigation to be excessively innumerable, accidentally rushes except for two juniors to occupying places of one flock of seven levels of demon beasts , after being massacred, has not seen here demon beast rebellion. 当花喜再次听到西边和南边传来不断的狼吼声时,刚刚放松下来的表情,又变得无比凝重起来。这三年来,他带人来紫岛探查过无数次,除了两个子弟偶然闯到一群七级魔兽的盘踞地附近,被残杀之后,从没有见过这里的魔兽暴动过。 The Purple Island high-level demon beast actually regarding the big influence respected family in entire mainland, is not the secret. A moment ago that double headed silver dragon of south side, with the east side that only three eye bar back tigers was the Purple Island strongest demon beast, was not Saint level expert meets to die. 紫岛的高级魔兽其实对于整个大陆的大势力大家族来说,都不是秘密。刚才南边的那条双头银龙,和东边的那只三眼铁背虎算是紫岛最强的魔兽,不是圣级强者遇到必死。 God city and Demon Clan person ended!” “神城和妖族的人完了!” Listens pitiful yell sound and discomfiture'confustion sound that is resounding unceasingly, the flowered very clear two teams of people ended happily completely, without exception. His as even with such careless has gotten down making decision. It is not because the Purple Island two most formidable demon beasts sent out, but discomfiture'confustion sound that because unceasingly resounds in the south and west side. 听着不断响起的惨叫声和狼吼声,花喜十分清楚两队人全部完了,无一例外。他之如此草率的下了定意。并不是因为紫岛的两只最强大的魔兽出动了,而是因为不断在南方和西边响起的狼吼声。 Dark demon wind wolf! Purple Island most terrorist killer, in seven levels step demon beast. Even if he has at this moment to not fresh. Because this wind wolf quantity were too many, almost several thousand heads . Moreover the speed can compared with a Demon Clan shade leopard clan, now the god city and Demon Clan on island person adds not to have 200 people, actually must face in two most formidable eight levels the step demon beast, as well as several thousand dark demon wind wolves besiege, finally can be imagined. 暗魔风狼!紫岛最恐怖的杀手,七级上阶魔兽。就算他此刻对上都有死无生。因为这风狼数量太多了,几乎有数千头,而且速度能比妖族的影豹一族,现在岛上的神城和妖族的人加起来都没有200人,却要面对两只最强大的八级上阶魔兽,以及数千头暗魔风狼围攻,结果可想而知。 „!” “嗤嗤!” At this moment, the flowered happy ear hears a special sound, when his vigilance looks toward the south. Sees front grove rocking slightly, moreover this rocks unceasingly toward oneself here fast spread comes the time. His facial expression suddenly becomes incomparably panic-stricken, the both legs stare on the sturdy bough suddenly, shoots to go toward the north illness, the body greatly drinks in the midair: Runs! Leaves Purple Island!” 就在这时,花喜耳边听到一声特殊的声音,当他警觉的朝南方望去的时候。看到前方的树丛微微的晃动,而且这晃动不断朝自己这边快速蔓延而来的时候。他神情陡然变得无比惊恐,双腿在粗壮的树干上猛然一瞪,朝北面疾射而去,身子在半空就大喝起来:“跑!离开紫岛!” As soon as the Hua Family juniors listen, not slightly hesitant, the collective North Korea sneaks, then the biggest strength of use body starts to run. 花家的子弟一听,没有丝毫犹豫,集体朝北方潜行,而后动用身体的最大力量开始奔跑起来。 When they run the Purple Island ban covers beside the sand beach, has not actually discovered any danger. However looks that the flower did not say a word happily, jumped up directly the Hua Family express steamer, they do not dare to hesitate, at the maximum speed jumped up the express steamer. 只是当他们跑出紫岛禁制笼罩之外的沙滩时,却没有发现有任何危险。但是看着花喜还是一言不发,直接跳上了花家的快船,他们也不敢迟疑,以最快的速度跳上了快船。 Sets sail, at the maximum speed leaves this!” The flower had not explained to the people happily that the eye closely is staring at Purple Island, has issued an order fast. “开船,以最快的速度离开这!”花喜还是没有给众人解释,眼睛紧紧盯着紫岛,快速的下达了一个命令。 Until the steamship navigated half double-hour, Purple Island of distant place turned into the fist size, the flower then relaxed happily. Although had not seen clearly a moment ago, but light looks at that sound, as well as the imposing manner of that demon beast. He judges with ease, that is another demon beast on island, in eight levels step alone angle black python. 直到大船航行了半个时辰,远处的紫岛已经变成拳头般大小,花喜这才松了一口气。虽然刚才没看清楚,但是光看那动静,以及那魔兽的气势。他轻松就判断出来,那是岛上的另外一只魔兽,八级上阶独角黑蟒。 Has thought the moment, does not want to be clear, why hasn't this black python attacked them? He very clear, if this black python wants to attack, their these dozens people most little have most keep on Purple Island. Does not hesitate excessively, he orders under to continue the full speed advance directly, goes to Hidden Island directly, here astonishing news, the report gives Hua Family great elders of hidden city. 想了片刻,还是没有想清楚,为何这黑蟒没有攻击他们?他十分清楚要是这黑蟒想攻击,他们这数十人最少有大半留在紫岛上。没有过多犹豫,他直接命令手下继续全速前进,直接去隐岛,将这里的惊人消息,汇报给隐城的花家太上长老 But the Purple Island west side and south side actually turned into the purgatory at the same time. In god city and Demon Clan person, small cautiously shunts the footholds of these high-level demon beasts, goes through the time quietly in the jungle. They felt suddenly whole body one cold, then they heard that to resound through entire Purple Island Long to recite with the tiger's roar. 紫岛的西边和南边在同一时间却已经变成了炼狱。就在神城和妖族的人,小小翼翼的躲开那些高级魔兽的据点,悄然穿行在丛林内时候。他们突然感觉浑身一寒,而后他们就听到了那声响彻整个紫岛的龙吟和虎啸。 The god city and Demon Clan leader, first issued retreated the order. When all person panic-stricken fast round trips of run, their desperate discoveries behind actually hear the innumerable discomfiture'confustion sounds. The innumerable grey shades from throw in all directions just like gust, shortly, will surround them. The strength that because contrasts differs too in a big way, the fight is not very intense, completely had only finished after the short several minutes. 神城和妖族的首领,第一时间下达了撤退命令。只是当所有人惊恐的快速往回跑的时候,他们绝望的发现身后却传来无数的狼吼声。无数的灰影宛如一阵风般从四面八方扑来,顷刻间,将他们所有人都包围了。由于对比的实力相差太大,战斗并没有很激烈,只在短短数分钟之后就已经完全结束了。 The leaders in god city were grown three eye green white tiger to lock by one, less than a half minute of lower part was grasped the pulp, the Emperor Realm peak strength, if the use fights the air/Qi, perhaps but can also with three eye bar back tigers to a previous small meeting, the luck good be able to run away. However at this moment he was sealed up meridians, can only use the body strength, the natural several moves cannot block. 神城的首领被一只长着三只眼睛青色白虎锁定了,不到半分钟下半身就被抓得稀巴烂,帝王境巅峰的实力如果动用战气的话,还能和三眼铁背虎对上一小会,或许运气好能跑掉。但是此刻他被封闭了经脉,只能动用身体力量,当然几招都挡不住。 When he closes one's eyes waits for death, he actually discovered that this three tigers have not actually continued to begin. Or talked. Then he hears a strange cry, these three white tiger put down to step on unexpectedly in the claw of his Chest, looked that has not looked at his one eyes, turns around. 就在他闭眼等死的时候,他却发现这只三眼老虎却没有继续动手。或者说动口。而后他听到一声奇怪的叫声,这三眼白虎居然放下踩在他心口的爪子,看都没看他一眼,转身过去。 Then unexpectedly a stock squats down, is clamping the tail, crawled on the ground, whole body savage imposing manner also Lima received, just like by a cruel formidable demon beast, turned into a docile family cat instantaneously. 而后居然一笔股蹲下,夹着尾巴,匍匐在地上,浑身的凶残气势也利马收了起来,宛如由一只残暴的强大魔兽,瞬间变成了一只温顺的家猫般。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” When he has doubts, following sound difficult sways from side to side to look at the time that. Actually saw astonishing one. 当他非常疑惑,循着声音艰难的扭动头望去的时候。却看到了惊人的一幕。 He saw one, only then two black alone angle small beasts of palm of the hand sizes are standing erect the body, holds up the head, steps the small step, the rise air/Qi is raising to bring one flock of wind wolves to walk, that look, that expression is leading his soldier just like a general the doing an inspection battlefield. 他看到一只有两个巴掌般大小的黑色独角小兽竖立着身子,昂着头,迈着小步子,扯高气扬带着一群风狼走过来,那眼神,那表情宛如一个将军带着他的士兵来巡查战场般。 A moment later, he awakens suddenly, understood the doubts very long matter, understood why these never the demon beast of active threat this time meets the rebellion. Because murders the god to protect to his material , the status of this small beast is very clear, the god city must seek for three -and-a-half years of goal, Ye Qinghan battle beast, Soul Devouring Beast. 片刻之后,他猛然惊醒,也明白了疑惑很久的事情,明白了为何这些从来不主动攻击的魔兽这次会暴动。因为弑神卫给他的资料上,这只小兽的身份无比明确,正是神城要寻找了三年半的目标,夜轻寒战兽,噬魂兽 Chirp!” “唧唧!” A claw extinguishes the god city leader of ground directly kills, some Little Black having not given full expression is looking at slowly with Old Lu, two small eyeballs full are disappointed. As if was complaining the person who were too few, it has not played to suffice, completely has died. 一爪直接将地上的神城首领灭杀,小黑有些意犹未尽的望着慢慢跟来的鹿老,两只小眼珠子满是失望。似乎在抱怨来的人太少了,它还没玩够,就已经全部死光了。 Walks! Went back!” “走吧!回去了!” Old Lu aerobic funny beckons toward Little Black, said with a smile: You could rest assured that after this Purple Island, will be getting more and more lively, definitely will make you play one well greatly!” 鹿老好气又好笑的朝小黑招了招手,微笑道:“你放心,这紫岛以后会越来越热闹,肯定会让你好好大玩一场的!”
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