BPTH :: Volume #5

#421: Is slightly black is moving

421 chapters of Little Black are moving 421章小黑在行动 Purple Island is also one of the various mainland influence investigations goals, first three years that Ye Qinghan closes up, the god slaughter personally came twice, has the innumerable scouts every several other months at the island on the meeting to investigate one time. Purple Island is the same with the wild mountain range as well as the dense fog forest, some formidable demon beasts, these scouts also at will stroll not to dare to penetrate, moreover Purple Island is troublesome and dangerous. 紫岛一直也是大陆各势力探查的目标之一,夜轻寒闭关的前三年,神主屠都亲自来了两次趟,更有无数的探子每隔数月就会上岛探查一次。只是紫岛和蛮荒山脉以及迷雾森林一样,都有许多强大的魔兽,这些探子也就随意逛逛不敢深入而已,而且紫岛最是麻烦和危险。 Outside the island has around three positions at this moment came three groups of people. Separately is the dark health/guard of god city, a Demon Clan shade leopard clan, as well as Hua Family assassin. These three groups of people each other know existence of opposite party actually, but very obvious Hua Family dark health/guard as well as Demon Clan to avoid the dark health/guard of god city, has circled the road, gathered round Purple Island to transfer a circle, island from another two. 岛外此刻有三位方位前后来了三伙人。分别是神城的暗卫,妖族的影豹一族,以及花家的刺客。这三伙人其实都彼此知道对方的存在,但是很明显花家的暗卫以及妖族都为了避开的神城的暗卫,绕了路,围着紫岛转了一个圈,从另外两处上岛了。 Complete seal meridians, dispersing investigation, has any situation to put the cipher!” “全部封闭经脉,散开探查,有任何情况放暗号!” The dark health/guard of god city covers in a golden Chinese-style gown completely, as if for fear that others do not know that they are the people in god city are common. The leader in front line waves, dozens people, in abundance dispersing, but the obvious speed is not fast. Sealed up the meridians not to fight air/Qi support, with the strength of body human body, their strengths greatly reduced only. 神城的暗卫全部笼罩一身金色的袍子内,似乎生怕别人不知道他们是神城的人一般。最前方的首领一挥手,身后的数十人,纷纷散开,但是明显速度都不快。封闭了经脉没有战气支持,单凭借身体肉体的力量,他们的实力都大大降低。 This is various scouts of influence is not willing the reason that comes Purple Island to investigate. But here in several first eight levels the step demon beast, their leaders on the strength of emperor level peak, has not fought the air/Qi support, is the Prince Realm peak strength, meets eight levels of demon beasts, runs away quickly is not dead characters. 这也就是各势力的探子不愿意来紫岛探查的原因。这里可是有几头八级上阶魔兽,他们的首领也就帝级巅峰的实力,没有战气支持,也就是诸侯境巅峰的实力,遇到八级魔兽,逃不快就是一个死字。 The scout to god city, the Demon Clan shade leopard and Hua Family assassin was relaxed. Hua Family was needless saying that moved under water existence of skill to make them the mainland best scouting scout, although cannot use to fight the air/Qi in Purple Island, can only short moved under water a meeting, but was used to maintain life actually has more than enough to spare. A shade leopard clan, is actually various mainland clan speed quickest clans, even if no monster strength support, similarly the speed compared with same level wants on high many. 相对于神城的探子,妖族的影豹和花家的刺客却轻松了许多。花家不用说,潜行技能的存在让他们成为大陆最牛的斥候探子,虽然在紫岛不能动用战气,只能短暂的潜行一会,但是用来保命却是绰绰有余。影豹一族,却是大陆各族速度最快的一族,就算没有妖力支持,同样速度比同级要高上许多。 Three clan scout on islands, dispersing, is very in abundance discrete, does not dare to cause the least bit sound, quietly goes through in the purple grove thick patch of grass. 三族探子一上岛,纷纷散开,都很谨慎,不敢弄出半点声响,悄然的在紫色树丛草丛中穿行。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black pushes to the front, the personal appearance like the electricity, goes through on Purple Island, a small face completely is the excited color. Has closed for three years in Ramble Pavilion, from the beginning comes Purple Island time, it is excited. Waited half Yue Hou to be also insipid on the island, in the island only then six first eight levels of demon beasts, were only black the mark leopard to be struck to kill by it to mountain valley recent that easily, now only remaining five. 小黑一马当先,身形如电,在紫岛上穿行起来,一张小脸尽是兴奋之色。在逍遥阁关了三年,一开始来紫岛的时候,它非常兴奋。只是在岛上待了半个月后又索然无味起来,岛上只有六头八级魔兽,离山谷最近的那只黑纹豹被它轻易击杀,现在就只剩下五头了。 The remaining demon animal masks are soon mature to its one, the strength reaches the Saint level Divine Beast, does not need to start, but felt that its light invincible might of nonchalant release, then directly submitted. Therefore it starts to be bored, every day by the demon beast that the Yue Qingcheng tweedle attracts, it is disinclined to have a liking for one, does not have the interest to get up to kill by mistreatment them. This being just like makes a grown great Chinese bully the child, starts perhaps a little meaning, but a time long time will be tasteless! 剩下的魔兽面对它一只快要成熟,实力达到圣级的神兽,不用开打,只是感觉到它身上不经意释放的淡淡神威,便直接臣服了。所以它又开始无聊起来,每日被月倾城琴声吸引过来的魔兽,它都懒得看上一眼,也没有兴趣起虐杀它们。这就好比让一个成年巨汉去欺负小孩子,开始或许有点意思,但是时间一久就会乏味了! Now in one hear of some people island, it is also certainly excited, has discovered a novel toy just like the bored child. Old Lu has said that under the strength of step by its Saint level, even if were God Rank expert came, was all right, it in Purple Island was the absolute safety. Naturally, Old Lu this saying also spoke incorrectly, actually Little Black in entire Flame Dragon Potential Surface is the absolute safety, has existence of Senior Shi, even if to the God Rank expert 100 courage of Flame Dragon Continent, does not dare to injure Little Black, naturally the disposition the abnormal god slaughter has been an exception. 现在一听有人上岛了,它当然又兴奋起来了,宛如无聊的孩子发现了一件新奇的玩具。鹿老可是说过,以它圣级下阶的实力,就算是神级强者来了,都没事,它在紫岛是绝对安全的。当然,鹿老这话也说错了,其实小黑在整个炎龙位面都是绝对安全的,有噬大人的存在,就算给炎龙大陆神级强者100个胆子,都不敢伤害小黑,当然性格已经变态的神主屠除外。 Little Black, wait / etc.!” 小黑,等等!” Sending greetings of Old Lu, lets the form that Little Black runs rapidly, it somewhat puzzled has rotated its two shining small eyeball, is looking at behind Old Lu. 鹿老的传音,让小黑急速奔跑的身影为止一顿,它有些不解的转动了它那两颗发亮的小眼珠,望着身后的鹿老 He he, I discovered in some people a moment ago the island, but also thinks that one crowd of expert, have discovered our existence. Now the careful investigation, is one crowd scouted. Then we do not need to expose!” Old Lu put out a hand to caress the beard of chin lightly, the eye has glittered several, hesitated. “呵呵,刚才我发现有人上岛,还以为来了一群强者,已经发现了我们的存在。现在仔细一探查,原来是一群斥候。那么我们就没有必要暴露了!”鹿老伸手轻抚下巴的胡须,眼睛闪烁了几下,沉吟起来。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Although Little Black cannot speak, can only passes message through the soul and Ye Qinghan one person, but can actually understand the human with ease the words. Doesn't meaning of one hear of this saying, need to expose? Can't that get rid to play? Somewhat disappointedly rouses the small eye to stare Old Lu, is very angry called two, seemed expressing its protest. 小黑虽然不能说话,只能通过灵魂和夜轻寒一人传音,但是却能轻松听懂人类的话语。一听这话的意思,没有必要暴露?那就是不能出手玩了?有些失望鼓着小眼睛瞪着鹿老,很是气恼的叫了两声,似乎在表达它的抗议。 Ha Ha, should not be angry!” Old Lu naturally clear Little Black thinks anything, looked that its expression can know easily, chuckle, stooped to collect suddenly, was saying several to Little Black low voice. “哈哈,别生气啊!”鹿老当然清楚小黑想什么,看它的表情就能轻易知道,轻笑一声,突然弯身凑了过来,小声对着小黑说了几句。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black one hear of small eyes suddenly one bright, it understood the meaning of Old Lu, stands erect hastily the body, a small head is very user-friendly unceasing nods, two claw in airborne dance randomly, becomes is very excited. 小黑一听小眼睛陡然一亮,它懂了鹿老的意思,连忙直立起身子,一个小脑袋很是人性化的不断点头起来,两只爪子在空中乱舞起来,又变得无比兴奋起来。 He he! Now in the island has three groups of people, what north side is War-God Prefecture, do not injure them, expels Purple Island on the line. As for western and south, how to play as you like, do not expose on the line!” Old Lu smiles, has referred to the direction toward Little Black, then waved, hints it to play heartily. “呵呵!现在岛上有三伙人,北边的是战神府的,别伤害他们,赶出紫岛就行。至于西边的和南边的,随你怎么玩,你别暴露就行!”鹿老一笑,朝小黑指了指方向,而后挥了挥手,示意它尽情去玩吧。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black definite answer, happy from the sky turned two circles, then changes to the sharp sword to rush toward the island in together. Old Lu shows a faint smile, the hesitation moment, personal appearance dodges comes up. The Little Black status is unusual, although he knows that will not have any matter in Purple Island, but thought that insures. 小黑得到确定的答案,高兴的在空中翻了了两个圈,而后化作一道利剑朝岛中奔去。鹿老微微一笑,沉吟片刻,身形一闪跟着上去。小黑的身份不同寻常,虽然他知道在紫岛不会有什么事,但是还是觉得跟着保险一点。 In Purple Island has also in five eight levels the demon beast of step, but under eight levels step demon beast actually ten, six levels seven levels of as well as the preliminary demon beast is innumerable. Little Black unceasing goes through in the Purple Island dense and numerous jungles, the innumerable demon beast in jungle sees this small form, in abundance one startled, then actually the complete whole body shivers is crawling on the ground, moves does not dare to move. Little Black actually looked that has not looked at one, the personal appearance has not stayed, directly in the cavern of step demon beast alone angle black python toward the recent that only eight levels rushes unexpectedly. 紫岛中有还五只八级上阶的魔兽,但是八级下阶魔兽却有的十多头,六级七级以及低级的魔兽更是无数。小黑不断的在紫岛密密麻麻的丛林中穿行,丛林内的无数魔兽见到这道小小的身影,纷纷一惊,而后却全部浑身颤抖着匍匐在地上,动都不敢动。小黑却看都没有看一眼,身形没有停留,竟然直接朝最近的那只八级上阶魔兽独角黑蟒的洞穴奔去。 „” “哧” That alone angle black python far away felt that has two formidable aura to catch up toward it, drilled from the cavern hastily, wants the big triangle head to lift compared with the person body high, a white alone angle is glittering the light black ray. The blood red eyes that slope outwards let somebody cool off or calm down is staring at the front, opens in the mouth to reveal dense Bai Ya, as well as the scarlet tongue, the woods cold imposing manner makes the human be afraid. 那条独角黑蟒老远就感觉有两股强大的气息正朝它这边赶来,连忙从洞穴内钻了出来,比人身体还要大的三角脑袋高高抬起,一根白色的独角闪烁着淡淡的黑色光芒。血红的三角眼冷冷的盯着前方,张大嘴巴内露出森森的白牙,以及猩红的舌头,森寒的气势让人不寒而栗。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” However, when it hears this familiar sound, as well as in the grove dashes the black small form that fast comes. The triangle eye shrinks suddenly, inside cold light suddenly gentle, the gigantic head that gains ground high, lowered immediately, head alone angle ray stopped the twinkle, crawls just like a beast generally on the ground, very docile is looking at more and more near Little Black. 然而,当它听到这熟悉的声音,以及树丛中快速飞奔而来的黑色小身影。三角眼睛陡然一缩,里面的冷光陡然柔和了起来,高高抬头的硕大头颅,立刻低了下来,头上的独角光芒停止了闪烁,宛如一条大虫一般匍匐在地上,很是温顺的望着越来越近的小黑 Chirp chirp!” “唧唧唧唧唧唧!” Little Black has not cared about the appearance of black python manner racing, in the alone angle black python, the front column form, stands erect directly. It is excited, brandishes these two small claw unceasingly, keeps crying out, seems using the beast language to exchange. Eight levels of demon beasts were almost clever, had very high wisdom. Like when *** Qinghan in the silver moon/month double headed wolf and that Black dragon that Ghost Island meets, had very high wisdom. 小黑没有在意黑蟒态度急转的模样,直接在独角黑蟒,面前立柱身影,直立起来。很是兴奋,不断挥舞这两只小爪子,不停叫唤起来,似乎在用兽语交流。八级魔兽几乎都已经通灵,有了很高的智慧。像当***轻寒幽冥岛遇到的银月双头狼和那条黑龙,就已经有了很高的智慧。 „!” “嗤嗤!” After Little Black chirp kyoodles, the opposite alone angle black python winked the blood red eyes that slope outwards, is lifting the gigantic head unceasing nod, sends out several „” after the sound, the thick long body sways from side to side fast, vanishes in the jungle deep place. 小黑一番“唧唧”乱叫之后,对面的独角黑蟒眨了眨血红的三角眼,而后抬着硕大的头颅不断的点头起来,发出几道“嗤嗤”的声音之后,粗长的身躯快速扭动起来,消失在丛林深处。 Chirp!” Little Black called two excitedly, toward following behind Old Lu very much proud was looking at one, turns around to continue to rush toward the left. “唧唧!”小黑兴奋的叫了两声,朝跟在身后鹿老很是骄傲的看了一眼,转身朝左边继续奔去。
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