BPTH :: Volume #5

#420: The purple island comes the human

420 chapters of Purple Island come the human 420章紫岛来人 Space Principle five big mysterious, Ye Qinghan has sensed the space fluctuation as well as Space Lock two big basic mysterious. Must think Cheng Shen, two roads, first senses other three in a big way basic mysterious. Second, the space fluctuations and Space Lock two big basic mysterious fusions, turns into space Primary Principle. 空间法则五大玄奥,夜轻寒只是感悟了空间波动以及空间锁定两大基本玄奥。要想成神,有两条路,第一感悟其余三大基本玄奥。第二,将空间波动和空间锁定两大基本玄奥融合,变成空间初级玄奥 This cultivation path has determined actually, but Ye Qinghan actually feels likely the blind person, walks in the four corners of extending in all directions, knows that front has the road, but actually does not know that walks toward any aspect 这修炼道路倒是确定了,只是夜轻寒却感觉像瞎子,行走在四通八达的交叉路口般,知道前方有路,但是却不知道往什么方面走 Space other three big mysterious are anything, he does not know completely that as for will fuse mysteriously knows nothing. Moreover this principle sensibility was unable to ask others, because Old Lu had said with him. The principle must sense by oneself mysteriously completely, if other expert directs you, not only cannot make you sense speeds up, instead is very easy to mislead, forever will not have when the time comes the little advance! 空间的其余三大玄奥是什么,他完全不知道,至于将玄奥融合更是一窍不通。而且这法则感悟还不能问别人,因为鹿老曾经和他说过。法则玄奥要完全靠自己去感悟,如果别的强者指点你,非但不能让你感悟加快,反而很容易引入歧途,到时候将会永无寸进! Although fused the space fluctuation and Space Lock is mysterious, can directly Cheng Shen, but obviously difficult incomparable, otherwise the Sword Emperor several thousand years will not have reached the deity peak. This road does not need to think, senses other three in a big way mysterious!” “虽然融合了空间波动和空间锁定玄奥,就能直接成神,但是显然困难无比,否则剑皇也不会数千年还没达到天神巅峰。这条路不用去想,还是去感悟其他三大玄奥!” Ye Qinghan after the short consideration, gave up fusing the road of god two types decisively mysteriously. The deity must move the thousand years matters, a oneself Saint level affirmation head explodes will not succeed. Then remaining only has, senses three big Space Principle ways. 夜轻寒经过短暂的考虑,果断放弃了将两种玄奥融合成神的路。天神都要动则千年的事情,自己一个圣级肯定脑袋爆裂都不会成功。那么剩下唯有,感悟三大空间玄奥一途。 Transferred the body, he starts facing the left that bright and clean wall, the whole body to relax, removes the distracting thoughts, will fight the destiny to do in the double pupil, then fixes the eyes on to look toward that wall. 将身子转了过来,他开始面对着左边的那面光洁墙壁,全身放松,去除杂念,将战气运作在双眸内,而后朝那墙壁定睛望去。 He decided that the unceasing perceiving through meditation rain hits the sand beach chart, look can sense fast mysteriously. Previous time is because he sensed the rain to hit the sand beach chart an ideal condition, has sensed drop of waterdrop. When has sexual intercourse with Yue Qingcheng entered in -depth soul boundary condition, therefore by luck the space fluctuation mysterious sensibility accomplishment, broke through Saint Realm. 他决定不断的参悟雨打沙滩图,看看能不能快速感悟玄奥。上次就是因为他感悟了雨打沙滩图的一丝意境,感悟了一滴水滴。在和月倾城交合的时候进入了深层灵魂境界状态,所以才侥幸将空间波动玄奥感悟大成,才突破了圣人境 Really, to Saint Realm, has now looked at this chart to be also different!” “果然,到了圣人境,现在来看这图又不同了!” Ye Qinghan saw that wall unceasing shines, then he saw this familiar rain hits the sand beach chart. This time obvious and previous time somewhat has distinguished, previous time looks at the mountain is not the mountain, looks at the water is not the water, from time to time felt very fuzzy, from time to time feels is clear, everywhere raindrop falls from time to time, from time to time stops, all just like pondering over erratically. 夜轻寒看到那面墙壁不断的发亮起来,而后他又看到了这幅熟悉的雨打沙滩图。这次明显和上次又有些区别了,上次看山不是山,看水不是水,时而感觉非常的模糊,时而感觉非常清楚,漫天的雨滴时而落下,时而停止,一切都宛如琢磨不定般。 Now looked that actually completely blurred, he can see all pictures at this moment, can feel ocean waves in turbulent throws, can feel that the raindrop in unceasing falling, can feel in the sand beach braves the innumerable point pits. However actually anything looked that is very fuzzy, is very dim, has covered mist just like own eye on. 现在一看却是完全模糊了,他此刻能看到所有的景象,能感觉海浪在汹涌的扑来,能感觉雨滴在不断的落下,能感觉沙滩上冒起无数的点坑。但是却什么都看起很模糊,很朦胧,宛如自己的眼睛上蒙上了一层水雾。 This feeling is very unusual, cannot see clearly the thing, but can actually feel all things. Moreover time that this time he insists also became original two times. 这种感觉很奇特,不能看清楚东西,但是却能感觉到一切事物。而且这次他坚持的时间也变得原来的两倍了。 A moment later, present appeared vanished, the head was dizziness. Restored completely to sober for a long time, swung the head, he closed one's eyes the thing that started to digest saw a moment ago. However what is strange, he actually suddenly discovered one cannot remember all that saw a moment ago completely, a memory does not have! 片刻之后,眼前的惊现消失了,脑袋又是一阵眩晕。恢复了许久才完全清醒过来,摇了摇脑袋,他闭眼开始消化刚才看到的东西。但是非常奇怪的是,他却突然发现自己完全想不起刚才所看到的一切,一点记忆都没有! Interesting, this chart really contained endless Space Principle, really *** was too mysterious! Unexpectedly looks looked that anything did not have!” “有意思,这图果然蕴含了无尽的空间玄奥啊,真***太玄奥了!居然看的看,什么都没有了!” Ye Qinghan has smiled, did not fear that this chart is mysterious, fears is this chart has not changed, now has the change, that was easy to do. Takes a break, he will continue to fight the destiny to do on both eyes, will continue to perceive through meditation. 夜轻寒笑了起来,不怕这图玄奥,怕的就是这图没变化,现在有变化,那就好办了。休息片刻,他继续将战气运作在双眼上,继续参悟起来。 Clank “铮铮” Purple Island Small Valley , in often floats sound of the guitar and lute, this sound is such melodious limpid, mountain spring that such as in the blue mountain ranges plays \; Is such fresh and elegant not arrests \; If willow tip but floating the power and prestige, is such gentle beautiful, such as in hundred flowering shrubs color butterfly lightly \; Is such poor noble, such as snow dance in abundance that hungmuy tea 紫岛的一个小山谷,内不时飘来一段琴瑟之音,这音是那样的悠扬清澈,如青峦间嬉戏的山泉\;是那样的清逸无拘\;如杨柳梢头飘然而过的威风,是那样的轻柔绮丽,如百花丛中翩然的彩蝶\;是那样的清寒高贵,如雪舞纷纷中的那一点红梅 But under this mysterious piano music, entire Small Valley actually had a very unusual matter. The mountain valley has the puddle, originally is the place of nearby demon beast potable water, but most recent several months actually came a small beast, the small beast unusual terrifying, under does not have enemy of the gathering in him, even if neighbor the most formidable eight levels of demon beast black mark leopards died a tragic death under its claw. Moreover all demon beasts under its imposing manner covers the gearing not to dare to move, let alone revolted. 而在这神奇的琴音之下,整个小山谷却发生了一件很奇特的事情。山谷有水潭,本是附近的魔兽饮水之处,只是前几个月却来了一只小兽,小兽非常的恐怖,在他手下没有一合之敌,就算附近最强大的八级魔兽黑纹豹都惨死在它爪下。而且所有的魔兽在它气势笼罩之下连动都不敢动,更别说反抗了。 Therefore several months ago this mountain valley became the restricted area of nearby demon beast. In a while, the mountain valley actually often floats a wonderful sound. Nearby demon beast that everything hears this sound, feels is comfortable, very warm. Makes their unconscious unexpectedly automatic walked toward the mountain valley, then lies in the yard front starts to narrow the eye, enjoys listens respectfully. 所以几个月前这个山谷成为了附近魔兽的禁地。只是没过多久,山谷却不时飘来一段美妙的声音。凡是听到这声音的附近魔兽,都感觉非常舒服,非常的温暖。竟然让它们不知不觉的自动朝山谷走了过去,而后趴在小院前方开始眯着眼睛,非常享受的聆听起来。 Before the tweedle stops, the entire mountain valley densely and numerously has actually lain completely the innumerable demon beasts, on the tree of courtyard front has stood all kinds of birds demon beast. When the tweedle stops, therefore the demon beast suddenly awakens, looks above the courtyard that black small beast, all demon beasts panic-stricken runs around to expunge. 琴声停下之前,整个山谷却已经密密麻麻趴满了无数的魔兽,就连院子前方的树上都站满了各式各样的鸟类魔兽。当琴声一停,所以的魔兽都猛然惊醒,看着院子上方那只黑色小兽,所有的魔兽都惊恐的四处奔跑开去。 The 2nd date, they were attracted by this wonderful sound, the tweedle breaks, running off that they awaken. Has continued after some time, they start no longer to run. Because that black small beast, does not know why did not hunt and kill them now, but is every day lies in the courtyard goes against to doze off. 只是第二日,它们又被这美妙的声音吸引了过来,琴声一断,它们又惊醒的跑开。持续了一段时间之后,它们开始不再奔跑。因为那只黑色的小兽,不知为何现在已经不猎杀它们,而是每日趴在院子顶上打着瞌睡。 Therefore the mountain valley started to present strange one, when the tweedle resounded, the mountain valley will have in all directions then the innumerable demon beasts neat walked, then neater lying in the yard front, calmly was listening respectfully to the wonderful tweedle, when the tweedle stopped, they leisurely and carefree getting out of the way slowly. These demon beasts have weakness, even many are the natural enemies, but does not have an demon beast to dare in the mountain valley to battle, does not dare to make a sound, but static listens, then departure quietly. 于是山谷开始出现了奇怪的一幕,当琴声响起,山谷四面八方便会有无数的魔兽整齐的走来,而后更加整齐的趴在小院前方,静静聆听着美妙的琴声,当琴声停下,它们才会悠闲的慢慢走开。这些魔兽有强有弱,甚至许多都是天敌,但是没有一只魔兽敢在山谷内交战,也不敢发出一点声音,只是静静的听完,而后悄然的离开。 This day was just the fourth month that Ye Qinghan Ramble Pavilion closed up, Yue Qingcheng just the ball ended the qin. Light smiles, then facial expression joyfully has stood getting up diastole the body, the perfect curve will be completely unmasked. Nearby one actually suddenly opened the room, Ye Qingyu is throwing over a silver sending silk, in the elf just like jungle walked. 这日刚好是夜轻寒逍遥阁闭关的第四个月,月倾城刚刚弹完琴。淡淡的一笑,而后神情愉悦的站了起来舒张了身子,将完美的曲线暴露无遗。旁边的一将房间却突然打开了,夜轻语披着一头银色的发丝,宛如丛林内的精灵般走了出来。 Xiao Yu, you went out finally!” Yue Qingcheng sees the smiling face to enlarge immediately, the footsteps move lightly, several steps have stepped the past, holds up the hand of Ye Qingyu, affectionate saying. 小语,你终于出关了!”月倾城一见笑容顿时放大起来,玉步轻移,几步跨了过去,拉起夜轻语的手,亲昵的说道。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Continuously in napping Little Black, was awakened, flew to the roof directly, jumps into the bosom of Ye Qingyu directly, called intimately. 一直在打盹的小黑,也被惊醒,直接冲屋顶飞了下来,直接扑入夜轻语的怀中,亲热的叫了起来。 Well? Oh congratulates the elder sister, you broke through Saint Realm unexpectedly, your this Divine Sound Principle was too marvelous, the rapidness of cultivation speed unexpectedly as even with such? I felt that closes up a meeting, did you break through unexpectedly?” The Ye Qingyu four months were also just grasped the knowledge in head, learned Divine Knowledge to be assigned away from the capital, cultivation of God Rank to consolidate. How long time this closes up her actually not to feel, comes out actually to discover that Yue Qingcheng breaks through Saint Realm, hastily pleasantly surprised saying. “咦?哎呀恭喜姐姐,你竟然突破了圣人境,你这神音法则太奇妙了,修炼速度竟然如此之快?我感觉才闭关一会,你竟然突破了?”夜轻语四个月时间也是刚刚将脑袋内的知识掌握了,学会了神识外放,也将自己神级的修为稳固了。这一闭关她却没感觉多久时间,一出来却发现月倾城突破圣人境,连忙惊喜的说道。 He he, I enter in -depth soul silencing condition actually time, has sensed two god sounds to be mysterious, now two mysterious sensibility accomplishments, four months ago I must almost be greatly complete, he he, is nothing unusual!” Yue Qingcheng smiles, explained that naturally she regarding her cultivation speed and this unusual principle also was very proud. Otherwise initially will not reject, Ye Qinghan gave her Divine Crystal. “呵呵,其实我进入深层灵魂静寂状态的时候,已经感悟了两种神音玄奥,现在才将两种玄奥感悟大成而已,四个月前我已经差一点就要大圆满了,呵呵,不足为奇!”月倾城莞尔一笑,解释起来,当然她对于自己的修炼速度和这奇特的法则也很是自傲。否则当初也不会拒绝,夜轻寒给她的那枚神晶了。 He he, do not chat! You enter Ramble Pavilion to go, some people entered Purple Island!” “呵呵,别聊了!你们进逍遥阁去,有人进了紫岛!” Ye Qingyu just wants to sigh several, unexpectedly the Ramble Pavilion transmission gate of courtyard corner, actually suddenly resounds together the sound, startled writes them. Surprised turning the head looked that actually saw Old Lu raised a black iron rod to walk. They stare, has not been hesitating, dodges directly toward the front door, vanishes in the transfer passage in front door. 夜轻语刚想感叹几声,不料院子角落的逍遥阁传送门,却突然响起一道声音,把两人惊写。惊讶的转头一看,却看到鹿老提着一根黑色铁棍走了出来。两人一愣,没有在迟疑,直接朝大门闪去,消失在大门内的传送通道内。 Little Black hears the Old Lu words, has not gone in them, but leapt directly jumped up the shoulder of Old Lu. Old Lu has not been offended, instead the facial expression is very relaxed saying with a smile: Walks Little Black, guest who who goes to meeting to come from far away we!” 小黑听到鹿老的话语,没有跟着两人进去,而是直接一跃跳上了鹿老的肩膀。鹿老没有见怪,反而神情很是轻松的笑道:“走小黑,我们去会会远道而来的的客人吧!”
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