BPTH :: Volume #5

#419: Closing up

419 chapters close up 419章闭关 The Ye Family person, has not walked, naturally has the human to walk, but was Ye Baihu has blocked the Ye Family fort directly, every Ye Family juniors did not permit the turnover, several want to flee secretly, directly was drawn punishment hall to execute by him in the presence of everyone. Ye Ruoshui died, Ye Qinghan brings Ye Qingyu they to be missing. Ye Family suffered historically the biggest loss. Facing the crazy god slaughter, they cannot in provoke he, does not dare to provoke. Because Ye Family cannot injure, Ye Baihu feared very much this provocation, will bring the genuine disaster to Ye Family, the disaster of extermination of the clan. 夜家的人,没有走,当然并不是没有人想走,而是夜白虎直接将夜家堡封锁了,凡是夜家子弟一个都不准进出,有几个想私自逃离的,都被他直接拉到了刑堂当众处死了。夜若水死了,夜轻寒带着夜轻语她们下落不明。夜家遭受了历史上最大的损失。面对疯狂的神主屠,他们不能在去挑衅他,也不敢挑衅。因为夜家伤不起,夜白虎很怕这一挑衅,会给夜家带来真正的灾难,灭族的灾难。 Ye Tianlong has closed up, Ye Qingniu closed up. Ye Baihu does not have the least bit to hide regarding aspect that Ye Family faces now, the honest announcement told Ye Family all people completely. Listens to the Ye Baihu words, most people have not spoken, but went back directly. Ye Qiang has closed up, the night sky line has closed up, the Ye Tianqing innumerable Ye Family people clench teeth, is gruff the bone, the calm face closed up. 夜天龙闭关了,夜青牛闭关了。夜白虎对于夜家现在面临的局面没有半点隐藏,全部坦诚公布告诉了夜家的所有人。听完夜白虎的话,大多数人没有说话,而是直接回去了。夜枪闭关了,夜天行闭关了,夜天青无数的夜家人咬着牙,倔着骨,沉着脸闭关了。 They do not know that Ye Family tomorrow how, Ye Family can exterminate the clan. They know, cultivation! Practices diligently! Makes every effort to practice. Although they do not know that cultivation is useful? How long can cultivation, what boundary can cultivation? 他们不知道夜家的明天会如何,夜家会不会被灭族。他们只是知道,修炼!努力修炼!尽一切力量去修炼。虽然他们也不知道,修炼到底有什么用?能修炼多久,能修炼到什么境界? The Ye Ruoshui death, the god slaughter in the palm of back side of the mountain, has enraged all Ye Family juniors, was crazy. His overbearing announcement, stimulated the Ye Family juniors regarding the hope of survival. All Ye Family juniors understood a brutal fact, to go on living, to take revenge, only has the cultivation, has no other alternative. 夜若水的死,神主屠在后山的一掌,将所有夜家子弟触怒了,疯狂了。他那句霸道的宣告,激发了夜家子弟对于生存的渴望。所有夜家子弟都明白了一个残酷的事实,要想活下去,要想复仇,唯有修炼,别无他途。 The sky of god city is also very gloomy, because the face of god did not have sunny. 神城的天空也很阴沉,因为神主的脸一直没有晴朗过。 Tu Shenwei is waiting for the good news of god hopefully, but after the god exits, came back is a few words had not said that let burn the god to protect directly to look for ten young girls once more. Then in the study room once more resounds a pitiful yell and weeping bitterly sound, four people do not dare to ask much that awaits calmly the news outside the study room. Unexpectedly god actually continuously silent, but separates for two days to let burn the god gland person to go, lifts the corpse. Half Yue Hou Tu Shenwei cannot bear again, inquired, actually traded to let him on the bed a half year of severely wounded palm. 屠神卫满怀希望的等待着神主的好消息,只是神主出去一趟之后,回来却是一句话没有说,直接让焚神卫再次找了十名少女来。而后书房内再次响起一阵惨叫和痛哭声,四人没敢多问,在书房外静候消息。不料神主却一直沉默,只是隔两天会让焚神卫带人进去,将尸体抬出来。半个月后屠神卫再也忍不住,询问了一声,却换来了让他在床上趟了半年的重伤一掌。 The god slaughter does not lose heart, in this period investigated in the mainland with Divine Knowledge continuously for one year, investigates the Ye Qinghan form in all directions, but has achieved nothing. One year later he was weary, after having issued an order, quiet. Zhan Shenwei was sent Grey City, but murders the god to protect is leading the innumerable soul slaves, the dark health/guard, starts to disperse in the mainland in all directions, starts to investigate the Ye Qinghan news in all directions. 神主屠不死心,期间连续用神识在大陆探查了一年,四处探查夜轻寒的身影,只是一无所获。一年之后他疲倦了,下了一次命令之后就沉寂了下去。斩神卫被派去了苍城,而弑神卫则带着无数的魂奴,暗卫,开始分散在大陆四处,开始四处探查夜轻寒的消息。 The sky of entire mainland, because the violent anger of god slaughter gets rid, but turned gloomy. 整大陆的天空,都因为神主屠的暴怒出手,而变成阴沉了。 God Rank expert of three palace islands, simultaneously has issued the order, can not provoke the person in any god city, otherwise strikes to kill directly. They fear a god anger, mainland will repeat several thousand years of one once more. God slaughter several thousand years have not gotten rid, got rid actually to daunt all expert of mainland. Let their hearts smear a dreariness, but mainland God Rank expert dreary also disseminated to Saint level expert, then disseminated to mainland all people. 三府一岛的神级强者,都同时下达了命令,不得招惹任何神城的人,否则直接击杀。他们恐怕神主一怒,大陆会再次重演数千年的一幕。神主屠数千年没出手,一出手却是将大陆的所有强者吓住了。让他们的心头都抹上了一丝阴郁,而大陆神级强者的阴郁也传播给了圣级强者,而后传播给了大陆所有人。 The sky of mainland also unknowingly, becomes very much constrains, is very gloomy. 大陆的天空也就不知不觉,变得很是压抑,很是阴沉。 Before several days dates, sky over hidden city that space fluctuates, made the low and deep deathly stillness the mainland bring an upheaval. Ye Qinghan vanishes in the hidden city, therefore the hidden city becomes the place that the major influences most pay attention . The person hope of War-God Prefecture obtains his news, expected that his appearance, can the clan bring light to the human once more. Barbarian Demon Clan god city, hoping him to appear, can make the god the anger be released, can make the mainland continue to reply tranquilly. 数日前,隐城上空的那丝空间波动,却让低沉死寂的大陆带来了一丝震动。夜轻寒消失在隐城,所以隐城成为各大势力最为关注的地方。战神府的人希望得到他的消息,期望他的出现,能给人族再次带来一丝光明。蛮族妖族神城,希望他出现,能让神主的愤怒得到释放,能让大陆继续回复平静。 Although that fluctuation vanished quickly, but obviously many people do not lose heart. Entire mainland various scouts of influence moved, asks around. But God Rank expert of mainland receives news, first continues to start with Divine Knowledge to investigate. Had not found Ye Qinghan. Finally they gave up once more, they think that perhaps Ye Qinghan returned to his Space Divine Tool, but makes the innumerable scouts start to replace their Divine Knowledge , to continue to investigate in all directions in the mainland. 虽然那丝波动很快就消失了,但是明显很多人都不死心。整个大陆各势力的探子都动了起来,四处打探。而大陆的神级强者接到消息,也第一时间继续开始用神识探查起来。只是还是没有找到夜轻寒。最后他们再次放弃了,他们以为夜轻寒或许又回到了他那个空间神器中去了,只是让无数的探子开始代替他们神识,在大陆四处继续探查起来。 Ye Qinghan indeed in his Space Divine Tool. 夜轻寒的确是在他的空间神器内。 Enters Ramble Pavilion, he has encouraged Ye Qingwu several, making her return to the room to build up Divine Crystal, then a person moved to shape changing positions to arrive at the An'yue room. This time must close up is very long, female who he wants to come to see this cruel fate. 进入逍遥阁,他鼓励了夜轻舞几句,让她回房去炼化神晶,而后一人移形换位来到了暗月的房间。这次要闭关很久,他想来看看这个苦命的女子。 An'yue as before just like sleeping beauty static lying down on jade bed. Three years passed by, the appearance does not have the half silk change, it seems like it was Old Lu has fed to her in the face efficacious medicine. The ordinary mortal wants to maintain the appearance, does not make the years the trace keep on their bodies, perhaps is very difficult. In mainland also only then Yue Family in Yan pill has this effect, moreover is scarce, the dowry that Yue Family gives has also delivered three in Yan pill to three people, many does not have. But thinks the lasting youthfulness, regarding God Rank expert is actually very simple, regarding Old Lu is simple, the efficacious medicine that god this type maintains the body vigor although is not many, but not specially precious. 暗月依旧宛如一个睡美人般静静的躺在玉床上。三年过去了,容貌却没有半丝改变,看来是鹿老给她喂食了驻颜灵药。普通凡人想保持容貌,不让岁月的痕迹留在他们身体上,或许很困难。大陆上也就只有月家的驻颜丹有这个效果,而且非常稀少,月家给的嫁妆也就送了三枚驻颜丹给三人,多一枚都没有。而想青春永驻,对于神级强者来说却是很简单,对于鹿老更是简单,神界这种保持身体活力的灵药虽然不是很多,但是也不是特别的珍贵。 An'yue, you could rest assured that finally one day I will make you revive! Moreover will not be long!” Has kissed on the An'yue full red lip gently, Ye Qinghan has smiled, then turns around to depart. 暗月,你放心,终于一日我会让你苏醒过来!而且不会太久!”轻轻在暗月饱满的红唇上吻了下,夜轻寒微微笑了起来,而后转身离去。 Greeted with Old Lu, walks into martial arts room, has sat cross-legged, but he immediately has not actually practiced, but starts to think to have some issues carefully. 鹿老打了个招呼,走入练功房,盘坐了起来,但是他却没有立刻修炼,而是开始细细思索起一些问题。 He was pondering how can take revenge, how to extinguish the deicide main slaughter. 他在思考,怎么才能复仇,怎么才灭杀神主屠。 The previous Ye Ruoshui five people have said with him, cannot strike the deicide main slaughter. Otherwise will likely cause chasing down of god law enforcement team, there is possibility god to destroy Flame Dragon Continent, disregarded regarding this him directly. An'yue must revive, needs to kill slaughter, must revenge to need to kill the slaughter to Ye Ruoshui, the Flame Dragon Continent person must get rid of their reared in a pen fate, finally must strike to kill the slaughter. 上次夜若水五人和他说过,不能击杀神主屠。否则可能会引起神界执法队的追杀,也有可能神界会毁灭炎龙大陆,对于这点他直接无视了。暗月要救活,需要杀屠,要给夜若水报仇需要杀屠,炎龙大陆的人要摆脱他们被圈养的宿命,最终还是要击杀屠。 He does not believe that the slaughter died, god meets the violent anger, matter of Flame Dragon Potential Surface destruction. Old Lu has said that like Flame Dragon Potential Surface potential surface, but several hundred hundred million, god can control each potential surface matter? The previous alien race arrives, Gold Horn Spirit Clan directly god city destroying, god no matter? Drew back 10,000 steps saying that didn't the day really broke, have formidable incomparable Senior Shi to go against? 他根本不相信,屠死了,神界会暴怒,会将炎龙位面毁灭的事。鹿老说过,像炎龙位面这样的位面可是有数百亿个,神界能管得了每个位面的事?上次异族降临,金角神族直接将神城给砸破了,神界怎么不管?退10000步说天实在破了,不是还有个强大无比的噬大人顶着吗? Since has decided to kill, he not hesitant, but how starts to calculate to kill, kills by anything! 既然已经决定杀,他没有犹豫,而是开始盘算怎么杀,靠什么杀! Senior Shi does not need to think that this cold such as the woman of iceberg, Ye Ruoshui died had not seen her to get rid, then committed suicide before her, she estimated that looked will not look at one. Old Lu is not the match of slaughter, other God Rank expert of mainland say nothing, but the Ye Qingyu three people do not need to consider, even if they built up Divine Crystal to finish, with Old Lu same deity peak, only if broke through the god the boundary. The Old Lu several thousand years have not broken through, this possibility? 噬大人不用想,这个冷如冰山的女人,夜若水死了都没见她出手,那么就算自己在她面前自裁,她估计看都不会看一眼。鹿老不是屠的对手,大陆的其余神级强者更不用说,而夜轻语三人也不用考虑,就算她们炼化神晶完毕,也就是和鹿老一样天神巅峰,除非突破神将境。只是鹿老数千年都没突破,这可能吗? He started to calculate him to be able to increase the strength carefully the treasure. The soul abstention is own strongest treasure, after is the Soul Emperor matching abstention. Was a pity that is the breakage, he investigated was very long, discovered a treatment the skill. But he has also asked Old Lu, issue that repairs. Old Lu cannot say possibility that god has not repaired completely. 他开始细细盘算了一下他的所有能增加实力的宝物。魂戒算是自己的最强的宝物,毕竟是魂帝的配戒。只是可惜是破损的,他探查了很久,也就发现一个治疗的技能。而他也问过鹿老,怎么修复的问题。只是鹿老说不去神界完全没有修复的可能。 As for other, the Saint level treasure does not need to consider, remaining, only then a Divine sword, does not know Pin Jie Slaughter Divine Blade. The Divine sword with is not familiar with, Slaughter Divine Blade he has not tried to find out other flamboyant function. 至于其他,圣级宝物不用去考虑,剩下的只有一把神剑,一把不知品阶的屠神刀。神剑用不习惯,屠神刀他也没有摸索出别的牛逼功能。 Finally calculates, he discovered thing that can take advantage of only, only then Space Principle and integration fight the technique! The expenditure quite a while, he has thought through all matters, somewhat carries the most explicit goal, that senses Space Principle, breaks through Heaven Immortal Realm! 最后盘算下来,他发现唯一能依仗的东西,只有空间法则合体战技!花费半天,他想通了一切事情,也有些端起最明确的目标,那就是感悟空间法则,突破天神境
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