BPTH :: Volume #5

#425: The purple island bans assumes an awe-inspiring pose

425 chapters 425章 Purple Island bans assumes an awe-inspiring pose 紫岛禁制发威 Runs away!” “逃!” Murders the god health/guard not slightly hesitant, shouted angrily, the form bounces, in the hand illumination in air-to-air changed to the sword shade a long sword of embarrasedly. Around Royal Court one sweeps, cuts to kill several wind wolves easily, then suddenly toward rear lasing. His side two Saint level expert, not hesitant, flushes away toward behind with his step. As for that group of emperor level military, actually does not dare to wallop like them, but completely unceasing collects in together, goes against the wind wolf that continually is welling up in all directions, while toward murdering the god Wei Tao aspect breaks through. 弑神卫没有丝毫犹豫,怒喝一声,身影弹跳而起,手中一把讪讪发光的长剑在空空化作道道剑影。朝四周一扫,轻易斩杀几条风狼,而后猛然朝后方激射而出。他身边的两位圣级强者,也没有犹豫,跟着他的步法朝后面冲去。至于那群帝级武者,却是不敢像他们这样猛冲,而是全部不断的汇集在一起,一边顶着四处不断涌来的风狼,一边朝弑神卫逃的方面突围。 Murdered the god to protect clearly what happened, why was not clear these demon beast indications suddenly not to brave slightly. However he very clear , if not run away, they will be annihilated. Has not fought under the support of air/Qi, let alone that first three eye bar back tiger and that only purple flame demon wolves, are that only just like a hill black bear, can tear into shreds them easily, if were patted by the giant bear's paws of that iron gate size, he believes that he will turn into pile of muddy fleshes absolutely. 弑神卫不清楚发生了什么事情,不清楚为何这些魔兽没有丝毫征兆就突然冒了出来。但是他十分清楚如果不逃,他们会全军覆没。没有战气的支持下,别说那头三眼铁背虎和那只紫焰魔狼,就是那只宛如一个小山般的黑熊,就能轻易撕碎他们,如果被那只铁门般大小的巨大熊掌拍到,他相信自己绝对会变成一堆肉泥的。 Runs away, runs away! This damned place was too strange!” “逃,逃!这鬼地方太诡异了!” Murders the god to protect the long sword in hand, the wind wolf that unceasing swing, will throw breaks out directly, the moment does not dare to stay, mentioned the speed high, escapes crazily toward the island. Does not have the time to consider that in the island had any mutation, at this moment he thinks is, escapes from here, then forever no longer comes to this damned place. 弑神卫手中的长剑,不断的挥舞,将扑上来的风狼直接劈开,片刻都不敢停留,将速度提到最高,疯狂朝岛外逃去。没时间考虑岛上发生了什么异变,此刻他想的就是,逃出这里,而后永远不再来这鬼地方。 Is feeling the following three formidable demon beasts, although in rapidly is chasing them, however the distance of great distance maintained the dozens meters, looked at the front purple light to cover unceasing nearness, he felt slightly rejoiced, rejoiced own reaction rate was fast, the speed of escaping was also fast enough. 感受着后面的三只强大魔兽虽然在急速的追赶着他们三人,但是相隔的距离还是保持刚才的几十米,望着前方的紫色光罩不断的靠近,他微微感到一丝庆幸,庆幸自己的反应速度快,逃跑的速度也够快,。 Boils!” „!” “熬!”“哧!” However, this rejoiced that just well uped, on Lima infinite replaces panic-stricken. Front resounds a giant Long to recite, as well as a familiar black python expiration sound. He noticed that a giant double headed silver dragon lifts off suddenly, the yawn directly is two giant white dragon rests, covers instantaneously them. 然而,他这丝庆幸,刚刚涌上心头,就利马被无限的惊恐所代替。前面响起一声巨大的龙吟,以及一声熟悉的黑蟒吐气声。紧接着他看到一条巨大的双头银龙突然升空,张口直接就是两口巨大的白色的龙息,瞬间将他们笼罩进去。 Ices Long Xi coldly!” “寒冰龙息!” Murders the god to protect and two Saint level facial colors suddenly becomes pale, this Long Xi covers them, they felt immediately whole body extraordinarily cold, the body becomes numb, the speed of advance became slow several points. 弑神卫和两名圣级面色陡然变得铁青,这龙息一笼罩他们,他们立刻感觉浑身一阵奇寒,身体变得麻木起来,前进的速度变得缓慢了几分。 „!” “嗤嗤!” At this time in the front grove rocked, a gigantic triangle head has braved, a blood red eye flood cold brightness. But its head white alone angle is actually sending out black light, is on them the island on that alone angle black python of bitter experience. 这时前方的树丛中一阵晃动,一颗硕大的三角头颅冒了出来,一双血红的眼睛泛着寒光。而它头上的白色独角却是散发着一阵黑光,正是他们上岛就遭遇的那条独角黑蟒。 „!” “咻!” Suddenly, on the black python alone angle is getting more and more bright, together black light towering the lightning from its alone angle projects, has hit the forefront murdering god health/guard directly. Murders god Wei Benxiang to shunt, is only under the dragon rest, his speed decreases suddenly. But black light this comes is too sudden, the speed is too fast. One was hit, his body had not actually been struck to fly, the start that but keeps shivers, on the head a hair stands erect completely, the whole body skin completely becomes burned black, in the field hikes up a barbecue the burnt flavor 突然,黑蟒头上的独角越来越亮,一道黑光突兀的从它独角上闪电射出,直接击中了最前面的弑神卫。弑神卫本想躲开,只是龙息之下,他的速度顿减。而这黑光来的太突然,速度太快。一被击中,他身子却并没有被击飞,而是不停的开始颤抖起来,头上身上根根毛发全部竖立起来,全身皮肤全部变得焦黑起来,场中飘起一阵烤肉的焦糊味道 Two Saint level expert some cannot believe is looking at this black python, before they remember half double-hour, this black python, but must flee to the wilderness on the attack by them easily. A moment later, they look at each other one, understood, this is a snare! What they are impure, when did the demon beast learn with the tactic of luring the enemy in deep? 两名圣级强者有些不敢相信的望着这黑蟒,他们可是记得半个时辰前这黑蟒,可是被他们轻易就攻击得落荒而逃啊。片刻之后,两人对视一眼,都明白了,这是一个圈套!只是他们不清白的是,什么时候魔兽都学会用诱敌深入的战术了? Roar!” „!” “吼!”“啊呜!” Three people of this deceleration, the following three eight levels of demon beasts pursued very much easily. Collects a front Yi Long python, has surrounded them. 三人这一减速,后面的三只八级魔兽很轻易就追了上来。汇集前面的一龙一蟒,将他们包围了起来。 Ended!” “完了!” Murders the god health/guard, looks that silver dragon is swaying two giant heads, two dragon rests prepare to spout frequently, but that black python head Bai Jiao is black light unceasingly is also glittering. Following three demon beasts actually leisurely and carefree walks, in the eye is dodging the vision of teasing. He was very clear they to be complete. Has this double headed silver dragon and black python, their speeds become as even with such are slow, cannot run away, cannot run away, dies! 弑神卫,看着那头银龙摇晃着两个巨大脑袋,两口龙息时刻准备喷出,而那条黑蟒头上的白角也是黑光不断在闪烁。后面三头魔兽却是悠闲的走来,眼中都闪着戏谑的目光。他很清楚他们全完了。有这头双头银龙和黑蟒在,他们的速度变得如此慢,根本就逃不出去,逃不了,就是死! Chirp!” “唧唧!” When three people are not clear why this flock of demon beasts have not attacked, the left resounds a strange cry. Then they see an attractive white small lion. At this moment, they understood instantaneously today lets the issue that they have doubts. Because on that only attractive white small lion, a black alone angle small beast, powerful standing on small lion, lets somebody cool off or calm down is looking at them, just like is looking at three deceased people. 就在三人不明白为何这群魔兽还没攻击的时候,左边响起一声奇怪的叫声。而后他们看到一只漂亮的白色小狮子。这一刻,他们瞬间明白了今日许多让他们疑惑的问题。因为那只漂亮的白色小狮子头上,一只黑色的独角小兽,正威风凛凛的站在小狮子头上,冷冷的望着他们,宛如在看三个死人。 As this chirp sound falls, two dragon rests as well as were together sturdier than several times of black lightnings rapidly to cover a moment ago three people. Then that only giant black bear, the both legs suddenly stamps on the ground, treads out two deep big footprints the ground, the body actually high ball, the giant bear's paws of under two city gate sizes, are retaking to three people again. 随着这声“唧唧”声落下,两道龙息以及一道比刚才粗壮几倍的黑色闪电迅速将三人笼罩进去。而后那只巨大的黑熊,双腿突然在地上一跺,将地面踩出两个深深的大脚印,身子却高高的弹起,两只城门般大小的巨大熊掌,对着三人重重拍下。 Bang!” “轰!” Nearby ground till trembles, the ground laid out two only huge vestiges of the past, the pig pig pats several rice depth the ground. 附近的地面都为止一颤,地面被拍出两个只巨大的爪印,猪猪将地面拍下去数米深。 Little Black! Called them fast to draw back!” Before the giant bear's paws pat next, the Old Lu form behind reappears suddenly, then holds Little Black, retreats toward the rear area like lightning. 小黑!叫它们速退!”就在巨大熊掌拍下之前,鹿老的身影突然后面浮现出来,而后一把抱起小黑,闪电般朝后方退去。 Chirp!” Although Little Black does not understand that what happened, but the Old Lu words, first have issued very much the order of retreating. “唧唧!”小黑虽然不明白发生了什么事,但是很挺鹿老的话,第一时间下达了撤退的命令。 Several demon beasts before the Little Black order have not proselytized, felt that is not right, now Little Black orders not to hesitate immediately crazy retreating. But that giant black bear, actually has not only retreated, but is one roars greatly the later body changes is rapidly small, replies that only small ordinary black bear to trace the type. Then it actually suddenly has made a strange movement, unexpectedly before two , the claw is holding the head, rolls up a sphere the body, leave toward the rear area. 几只魔兽在小黑命令还没传道之前,已经感觉到不对了,现在小黑命令一下没有迟疑立即疯狂的撤退。而那只巨大的黑熊,却没有撤退,而是一声巨吼之后身子急速变小起来,又回复原先那只小小的普通黑熊摸样。而后它却突然做了一个奇怪的动作,竟然两只前爪抱着头,将身体蜷缩成一个圆球,朝后方滚去。 Bang!” “轰!” Towering 突兀的 The Purple Island above purple light covers dodges, two sturdy white lightnings, are in charge to that two giant bear directly pound down. But in the wings resounds a huge explosive sound, putty filings tree grass remnant flutters about, the entire nearby ground vibrated, the huge shock-wave, grove in all directions will eradicate directly completely, the entire nearby hundred meters lands for building were blown several to get down completely, but the middle two huge vestiges of the past turn into an ultra-large cone-shape gulf unexpectedly. 紫岛的上空的紫色光罩一闪,两道粗壮白色的闪电,直接对着那两个巨大的熊掌印砸下。而后场中响起一声巨大的爆炸声,泥屑树草残枝纷飞,整个附近的地面都震动了起来,巨大的冲击波,直接将四面八方的树丛全部拔根而起,整个附近百米的地皮全部被刮了几层下去,而中间两个巨大的爪印竟然变成一个超大的锥形深坑。 Under the huge explosion, that body hugest double headed silver dragon was struck to fly directly, three white tiger was also pounded from the sky to flutter by the shock-wave. The black python and purple great wolf relatively speaking are injured to be lighter, instead that depend on the recent black bear, under the shock-wave, the directly flushed trundle, get lost several hundred meters far, has actually patted the buttocks, slightly safe. 巨大的爆炸之下,那头身子最为庞大的双头银龙直接被击飞出去,三眼白虎也被冲击波砸得在空中翻飞起来。黑蟒和紫色巨狼相对而言受伤轻一些,反而那头靠得最近的黑熊,在冲击波下,直接被冲的滚动起来,滚出去数百米远,却拍了拍屁股,丝毫无事。 He he, wants to use to fight the air/Qi unexpectedly, brings about own destruction! Good, making the demon beasts go back to heal from a wound, that three people had resulted in the skin not to have by the Purple Island banned bang, other emperor level military completely were also struck to kill by the wind wolf! Your this crowd of demon beast armies are also powerful very!” “呵呵,竟然想动用战气,自寻死路!行了,让魔兽们回去养伤吧,那三人已经被紫岛的禁制轰得皮都没有了,其余的帝级武者也全部被风狼击杀了!你这群魔兽军队还正是强悍的很啊!” Old Lu is holding Little Black rapidly dashes in the forest, rushes toward Small Valley , is looking at whole face proud Little Black, hey said with a smile: But the next time, your demon beast army has possibly had no need, I estimated that death ray head, almost must come! When the time comes perhaps wanted both of us to get rid 鹿老抱着小黑急速的在林中飞奔,朝小山谷奔去,望着满脸骄傲的小黑,嘿嘿笑道:“但是下一次,你的魔兽军队可能用不着了,我估计那个死光头,差不多也要来了吧!到时候恐怕要我们两人出手了” Chirp!” Little Black one hear, not only has not been discouraged, instead called excitedly, two small fast rotations, as if are thinking deeply about the next war, how should play “唧唧!”小黑一听,非但没有气馁,反而更加兴奋的叫了起来,两个小速的转动起来,似乎在思索着下一战,该怎么玩
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