BPTH :: Volume #5

#403: Waits for my good news

403 chapters my good news 403章等我好消息 „Do you dare as even with such unexpectedly to me? The old ladies and you did not have, do you also dare to go to the hidden city? Prepares to wait for death!” “你们居然敢如此对我?老娘和你们没完了,你们还敢去隐城?都准备等死吧!” The scarlet female in flew, was actually spent to sneak the sneak attack that in the water struggled supply, pounded in the sea water once more, simultaneously maliciously had been traced several by him. After several times, simply treats actually in the water, cursed angrily, Pi Jia was soaked by the water, the front two groups snow white were scary. Makes the flower feast one's eyes on actually supply, played the delight. 红衣女子在水中挣扎的飞了起来,却又是被花柔潜行偷袭,再次砸到海水里面,同时又被他狠狠摸了好几把。几次之后倒是干脆待在水里,怒骂起来,一身皮甲被水一浸,胸前两团雪白更是吓人。倒是让花柔一饱眼福,更加玩得不亦乐乎了。 The flower knows supply faintly the Ye Qinghan status and strength, have the opportunity to bully the weak by relying on powerful connections rarely, the granddaughter who plays with the Hidden Island elder, how to let off the as even with such good opportunity? But another six people are also and that group of females do fiery. Has the female to climb up the ship unceasingly, but has not begun, on the buttocks presents an evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, pats them, simultaneously does not forget to profit at the expense of the state, the air/Qi they yelled. 花柔隐隐知道夜轻寒的身份和实力,难得有机会狐假虎威,玩弄隐岛长老的孙女,怎么会放过如此良机?而另外六人也更是和那群女子搞得火热。不断有女子爬上船来,只是还没动手,屁股上出现一个黑手,将她们拍下去,同时不忘揩油,气得她们哇哇大叫起来。 Plan changes, goes to the front big city to purchase, please a guide, Lima walk, this matter is very noisily troublesome! Let the flower soften them to come back!” “计划改变,去前面大城采购一下,请个向导,利马就走,这事闹大挺麻烦的!让花柔他们回来吧!” The steamship cleft the waves the vanguard slowly, Ye Qinghan has no interest to cause trouble, turns the head to say the sound with Hua Cao. This he does not come out to play, since has punched the granddaughter of others elder, flagrant stays for several days in Hidden Island, does not wait to look for trouble. Hua Cao hopes Hidden Island is amusing, has Ye Qinghan not to fear to have an accident. Since saw Ye Qinghan to open the mouth, many did not say anything, sent greetings toward the rear flower directly supply, making them come back. 大船缓缓破浪前行,夜轻寒无心闹事,转头和花草说了声。这趟他不是出来游玩的,既然把别人长老的孙女揍了,再明目张胆的在隐岛住几天,不是等着被人找麻烦吗。花草本来希望去隐岛好好玩玩的,有夜轻寒在也不怕出什么事。但是既然见夜轻寒开口了,也不好多说什么,直接朝后方的花柔传音,让他们回来了。 The steamship starts to accelerate, abandons the following boat by far, after half double-hour, a front big city has been in sight. But nearby ships are also getting more and more, wait to approach the wharf, Ye Qinghan their ships are submerged in the dense and numerous all kinds of steamship boats. 大船开始加速,将后面的小船远远抛开,半个时辰之后,前面的一个大城已经了了在望了。而附近的船只也越来越多,等靠近码头,夜轻寒他们的船已经被淹没在密密麻麻各式各样的大船小船中。 Quite lively!” “好热闹啊!” Several people in the deck, Ye Qinghan and Hua Cao have taken the bamboo hat, but Yue Qingcheng they have covered the veil. Starts to size up the big city of this overseas to get up. 几人在在甲板上,夜轻寒花草都带上了斗笠,而月倾城她们都蒙上了面纱。开始打量起这个海外的大城起来。 Softens there to know from the flower that this is the Hidden Island first big city, called the hidden city. But outside the city on hundred li (0.5km) mountain is the Hidden Island hidden pavilion is. Because Hidden Island Master built the hidden pavilion outside this city in the past, therefore the hidden city also slowly increases becomes lively, finally became the Hidden Island biggest city. 从花柔那里得知,这是隐岛的第一大城市,叫隐城。而城外百里高山上就是隐岛的隐阁所在。因为隐岛岛主当年在此城外建立隐阁,所以隐城也慢慢变大变得繁华起来,最后成为了隐岛的最大城市。 Oh, these person of good terrors, are they the monsters?” Ru Yan that has spoken little at this moment, actually suddenly puts out a hand to point in the wharf the continuous pedestrian, drew the Hua Cao clothes robe to call very much panic-stricken. Instead Ye Qingwu their face an appreciation of interest the character and style of this foreign land, does not have any illness. “哎呀,那些人好恐怖,他们是妖怪?”一直很少说话的如烟此刻,却突然伸手指着码头上川流不息的行人,很是惊恐拉着花草的衣袍叫了起来。反而夜轻舞他们一脸的兴趣的欣赏起这异域的风情,丝毫没有任何不适。 Do not fear that Hidden Island person clan and Barbarian Demon Clan mixes to occupy, because Hidden Island Master is the person clan, therefore the person clan is quite stronger, that has the tail, what that has the wool is Demon Clan, what that side giant is common is Barbarian. Is all right should not be afraid, they look like the appearance terrifying, they are not fierce! In the past I had killed many Demon Clan and Barbarian.” “别怕,隐岛人族和蛮族妖族混居的,因为隐岛岛主是人族,所以人族比较强势一些,那个有尾巴的,那个有毛的是妖族,那边巨人一般的是蛮族。没事别害怕,他们只是看起来样子恐怖一点,他们一点都不厉害!当年我可是杀了不少妖族蛮族。” Hua Cao had forgotten Ru Yan has not seen Demon Clan and Barbarian, was frightened by the appearance of their terrifying. The good sound to comfort hastily, sees Ru Yan some not to believe that draws Ye Qinghan saying: Does not need to fear really that Little Han has certainly killed minimum hundred Barbarian Demon Clan in Ghost Island , the children of Demon Clan Saint Venerable have chopped to him, does not believe that you asked Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman) they!” 花草忘记了如烟从没有见过妖族蛮族,被他们恐怖的样子吓到了。连忙好声安慰起来,见如烟还是有些不相信,拉着夜轻寒说道:“真的不用怕,寒少当然在幽冥岛可是杀了最少数百蛮族妖族,就连妖族圣尊之子都给他剁了,不相信你问倾城她们!” Ru Yan has not practiced martial art, usually listened to Barbarian to eat uncooked the flesh in folk, Demon Clan will attract the rumor of person blood. At this moment first time sees the appearance as even with such fierce terrifying Demon Clan Barbarian, indeed was frightened. Under their good comforting slowly to return to Hua Cao and Yue Qingcheng normal, but how to persuade not to dare to disembark. 如烟没有习过武,平日在民间听惯了蛮族生吃人肉,妖族会吸人血的传言。此刻第一次看到长相如此狰狞恐怖的妖族蛮族,的确被吓到了。在花草月倾城她们好一阵安抚之下才慢慢恢复了平静,但是却怎么劝说都不敢下船。 Was good, Hua Cao you and Ru Yan stay on the ship, our they stroll, purchases, while convenient please guide, when we come back to go to Purple Island directly! Has the words of matter to put signal flare directly!” “行了,花草你和如烟呆在船上,我们他们三人去逛一圈,采购一番,顺便请个向导,等我们一回来直接去紫岛!有事的话直接放信号弹!” Ye Qinghan sees Ru Yan as even with such, sees Ye Qingwu they is actually the interest of whole face. Only can confess one with Hua Cao, leaves behind the flower to soften them to protect them, but had a dark health/guard of familiar hidden city, goes down the ship with three females, walks toward the city. 夜轻寒看到如烟如此,又见夜轻舞她们却是满脸的兴趣。只能和花草交代一声,留下花柔他们保护好两人,只是带了一名熟悉隐城的暗卫,和三女走下船,朝城内走去。 God city, slaughter immortal pavilion. 神城,屠仙阁。 Tu Shenwei somewhat worried looks at opposite to sit three god health/guard that recently the god city because of the special hobby of god, has the teenage boys and girls to be missing unceasingly, has caused enormous of god city to be scared. This is missing dozens people perhaps is a minor matter, but continuously has been missing several hundred about thousand people, naturally will cause the suspicions and panic of god city all residents. Other slaughter immortal pavilions as well as head librarians must accept the complaints of countless person every day, but had the innumerable residents to start with various reasons to do everything possible to flee from the god city. 屠神卫有些苦恼的望着对面坐着的三名神卫,近日来神城因为神主的特殊爱好,不断的有少男少女失踪,已经引起了神城的极大恐慌了。这失踪几十人或许是件小事,但是连续不断的失踪了数百近千人了,当然会引起神城所有居民的猜忌和恐慌。屠仙阁以及其余三阁每日都要接受无数人的控诉,而更有无数的居民开始用各种理由想尽办法逃离神城了。 Sir, this matter must try to find the solution, in this way, must unable to suppress, in the city will definitely produce the large-scale rebellion, when the time comes the people in city will be exposed!” A Zhan Shenwei garlic nose puffs, he is responsible for the god city enforcing the law, every day goes to his there to beat a drum to call most of injustice, did his several to be big, but must convene other two ancestral tablets to come Tu Shenwei this to discuss the countermeasure. “大人,这事得想想办法啊,在这样下去,都要压制不住了,城内肯定会产生大规模的暴动,到时候城内的人都会跑光了!”斩神卫一颗大蒜鼻子喘着粗气,他是负责神城执法的,每日去他那里击鼓鸣冤的最多,搞得他头都几个大了,无奈之下只得召集其余两神位来屠神卫这商量应对之策。 What means can have? Does not see somebody off, what to do did the god act crazy? Cannot suppress must suppress! Burns the god health/guard, tomorrow will start god to return the important person, direct has grasped completely, will throw the god prison, if some people also dare to make, one and grasped! The dark health/guard all sends out, some people circulated the rumor also to grasp, blocked the city gate, later only permitted not to permit!” “能有什么办法?不送人去,神主发飙了怎么办?压制不住也得压制!焚神卫,明日开始神主还要人,直接一家全部抓了,丢神狱去,如果有人还敢闹,一并抓了!暗卫全部出动,有人散布谣言也抓了,封锁城门,以后只准进不准出!” Tu Shenwei smiles bitterly, this thing absolutely does not have the means that the god saying that does not see somebody off, in their four people in any case god one day does not reply normally, he plans to continue to grasp, the god city but actually did not matter, so long as the god replies, reconstructs one by his strength and that's the end. 屠神卫苦笑一声,这东西根本就没有办法,神主可是放了话,不送人,就他们四人上反正神主一日不回复正常,他就打算继续抓下去,神城就算倒了也无所谓,只要神主一回复过来,凭借他的实力再建一个就是了。 This yeah!” Zhan Shenwei and burns god Wei Shishen to protect to look at each other one to see the worry of opposite party, this way the god city sooner or later must suffer a defeat and flee, when the time comes only the remaining gods and their four people, sooner or later must on them “这哎!”斩神卫和焚神卫弑神卫对视一眼纷纷看到对方的担心,这样下去神城迟早要败亡啊,到时候只剩下神主和他们四人,迟早还得她们上啊 Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” At this time slaughter immortal pavilion actually suddenly resounded a terrifying laughter, had a scare four people, simultaneously has been startled, gawked later four people of Lima Shan Xi to kneel down, shouted to clear the way: Pays a visit the god!” 这时屠仙阁却突然响起一阵恐怖的笑声,将四人吓了一跳,同时惊了,一愣之后四人利马单膝下跪,同时喝道:“拜见神主!” Jie Jie Jie, I remembered days before, you had said had the news of Divine sword?” The after sound of god as if underwent that stimulation, became incisive, making four people feel that an eardrum stabbing pain, some types the feeling that heard the iron hardware to rub, the whole body feel frightened. “桀桀桀,我记得前几日,你们说过有神剑的消息?”神主的声音似乎经过了那次刺激之后变得尖锐了许多,让四人感觉耳膜一阵刺痛,有种听到铁器摩擦的感觉,浑身发悸。 Yes, god!” “是的,神主!” As soon as four people listen to simultaneously in the eye one bright, the god looks that the situation as if did restore? Tu Shenwei does obeisance hastily, sinking sound shouted to clear the way: According to a news of soul slave, the subordinate had determined basically Divine sword on Ye Family few head of the clan Ye Qinghan, naturally also has slightly possibly on Ye Ruoshui. Moreover thousand armed forces had determined that is Ye Qinghan kills, asking the god to take responsibility for me!” 四人一听同时眼中一亮,神主看着情况似乎恢复过来了?屠神卫连忙一拜,沉声喝道:“据一名魂奴的消息,属下基本已经确定神剑就在夜家少族长夜轻寒身上,当然也有很小的可能在夜若水身上。而且千军已经确定就是夜轻寒所杀,请神主为我做主!” Jie Jie Jie Ye Qinghan?” The god has smiled one, was silent. As if recalling anything, a moment later passes message: Has Soul Devouring Beast Ye Qinghan? Jie Jie Jie, I heard probably this Ye Qinghan is a beautiful young man?” “桀桀桀夜轻寒?”神主笑了一声,沉默了。似乎在回忆什么,片刻之后才传音过来:“就是拥有噬魂兽夜轻寒?桀桀桀,我好像听说这夜轻寒还是个美少男?” This probably is!” “这个好像是!” As soon as four people listen to the facial color greatly to be simultaneously embarrassed, this god as if fully hasn't restored? Zhan Shenwei actually suddenly remembers anything, reminded: God, this Ye Qinghan and some dark forest that old thing relations, you looked whether this matter can need further consideration?” 四人一听同时面色大囧,这神主似乎还没完全恢复好啊?斩神卫却突然想起什么,提醒道:“神主,这夜轻寒和暗黑森林那个老东西有些关系,你看这事是否要从长计议?” Old thing? Jie Jie Jie! The old thing does not dare to kill me, I have related with the family that side, I die, the family knows. The old thing will be chased down by the god law enforcement team, how even if she is God Emperor? Once were locked by the god law enforcement team finally is also the dead characters. Good, this matter I will get rid to wait for my good news in the evening.” “老东西?桀桀桀!老东西不敢杀我,我已经和家族那边联系了,我一死,家族就会知道。老东西就会被神界执法队追杀的,就算是她是神帝又如何?一旦被神界执法队锁定最后也是死字。行了,这事我会出手晚上等我好消息吧。” The god slaughter lets somebody cool off or calm down passes message, one will laugh wildly, meets the hidden bitterness, is similar to a lunatic, in four people why when pondered over the god to say that in the evening waited for the news, the god slaughter sent greetings: Now immediately delivers ten people to come to me, Jie Jie Jie! Also played completely, did not have meaning 神主屠冷冷传音,一会狂笑,一会幽怨,如同一个疯子般,就在四人在琢磨神主为何要说晚上等消息的时候,神主屠又传音过来:“现在马上给我送十人过来,桀桀桀!又全部玩死了,一点没意思”
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