BPTH :: Volume #5

#402: The taste is somewhat heavy

402 chapters of tastes are somewhat heavy 402章口味有些重 On front more than 20 acute angle boats, neat completely is the uniform female, everybody fresh clothes anger Armor, uniform silver treasured sword, black machine crossbow. Most important is the pretty beautiful women, but actually a cut-throat appearance, seems like very funny appearance 前面的20多艘尖角小船上面,整整齐齐全部都是清一色的女子,人人鲜衣怒甲,清一色的银色宝剑,黑色机弩。最重要的都是娇滴滴的美女,但是却一副凶狠的样子,怎么看起来都是很滑稽的样子 That female who shouted propaganda at a moment ago, obviously is a leader, because other females are black Pi Jia, was in sole possession of her to wear red Pi Jia. Moreover the stature is most irritable, the appearance is on the other hand is also more abundant plans, the front two groups stand tall and erect as if must rise broken skin Armor, can scare to death a cow! 刚才喊话的那名女子,明显是个首领,因为其余女子都是黑色皮甲,独有她一人身穿红色皮甲。而且身材最为火爆,容貌也是相对来说更盛一筹,胸前两团高耸似乎要将皮甲涨破,能吓死一头牛! The people noticed that several people before ship hear their leader's frontline propaganda, not intense fear, instead Ye Qinghan and Hua Cao somewhat contemptuous laughs. The discoloration, that scarlet female lets somebody cool off or calm down one in abundance, section of fresh-faced white hands make an effort to wield to drink tenderly: Dissolute, shoots to the old lady!” 众人看到船前的几人听到她们首领的喊话,并没有紧张害怕,反而夜轻寒花草有些轻蔑的大笑起来。纷纷色变,那名红衣女子更是冷冷一哼,一截粉嫩的玉手用力一挥娇喝起来:“放肆,给老娘射!” Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” Looks that the scarlet female waves, all black clothed female facial colors one cold, in the hand the machine crossbow lifts in abundance, aims at them . Moreover the hand builds fast on the institution must launch. The Ye Qinghan corners of the mouth reveal cold meaning, their several people do not fear these small gadget actually, but on the ship also one crowd is responsible for the ordinary mortal who sets sail to take care, if not the small heartache arrived, he also meets the conscience to be restless. Therefore he winked toward Hua Cao, this eye slightly narrows the eyes, was saying to that red robe female lightly: Said that what you do want? Amethyst coin?” 看着红衣女子一挥手,所有的黑衣女子面色一寒,纷纷手中机弩一抬,对准他们,而且手快速搭在机关上就要发射。夜轻寒嘴角露出一丝冷意,他们几人倒是不怕这些小玩意,但是船上还有一群负责开船服侍的普通凡人,要是不小心伤到了,他也会良心不安的。于是他朝花草递了个眼色,这才眼睛微微眯起,对着那名红袍女子淡淡说道:“说吧,你们要什么?紫晶币?” Hua Cao despises the life regarding this crowd of female as even with such is not feeling well very much, but he listens to the Ye Qinghan tone as if not to prepare to stir up trouble. Thinks that this is others place, has not manifested suddenly, under has hit a meaningful glance toward dark health/guard, making them protect these average people. 花草对于这群女子如此藐视生命也很是不爽起来,只是他听夜轻寒的口气似乎不准备惹事。想到这是人家的地头,也就没有发作,朝手下的暗卫打了个眼色,让他们把那些普通人保护起来。 Snort! How to have been afraid? Your these Mainlanders are some spineless people. Amethyst coin? Do the old ladies look like lack the amethyst coin?” The scarlet female despises looked at Ye Qinghan one, shook the shoulder to sneer, actually caused the chest the mighty waves to be turbulent a while ago. The eye braves the none remaining to stare at Ye Qinghan several people of one to look randomly, this tenderly smiles: Was good, is disinclined rubbish with you, the old lady had a liking for four people on your ship, associates with people to exempt you dead! Naturally on you all treasures stay behind completely.” “哼!怎么了害怕了?你们这些大陆人就是些软骨头。紫晶币?老娘看起来缺紫晶币?”红衣女子鄙夷的望了夜轻寒一眼,抖了抖肩膀冷笑一声,却引起胸前一阵波涛汹涌。眼冒精光盯着夜轻寒几人一阵乱瞄,这才娇笑起来:“行了,懒得和你们废话,老娘看上了你们船上的四个人,交人免你们一死!当然你们身上所有的宝物全部留下。” Associates with people? Not only seizes property, but can also plunder color? 交人?不仅劫财,还要劫色? Ye Qinghan and Hua Cao look at each other one, sees a row of heavy line from the opposite party forehead. Hidden Island really worthily is bandit nest, the women so are maneating, how many people unexpectedly must plunder their to go, when presses the stronghold man? Then the surface Hua Family dark health/guard first bow tie supply is actually an excitement, on the ship the man, although are many, but except for two young masters, as if grows the overwhelming power more charming on oneself. 夜轻寒花草对视一眼,纷纷从对方额头上看到一排黑线。隐岛果然不愧是个土匪窝啊,女人都那么凶悍,居然要劫他们几人去当压寨男人?而后面的花家暗卫首领花柔却是一阵激动,船上男人虽然多,但是除了两位少爷,似乎就自己长得威猛帅气一些。 Thinks that was towed by one group of female pirates with two young masters to a cave, was whipped by one group of females every night! He cannot bear the whole body shiver, almost blurted out that accepted their this very unreasonable requests for two young masters 一想到和两位少爷被一群女海盗拖到一个山洞内,被一群女子夜夜鞭挞!他忍不住浑身颤抖起来,差点就脱口而出,替两位少爷答应了她们这个非常不合理的要求 Trades a request, this you want not to think that I had pledged, this whole life except for Ru Yan, anybody do not want to my anything, not to be right! Is and my anything, I have turned a new leaf.! It is not right, I have remained pure and incorruptible, Little Han, said?” Ye Qinghan feels the nose not to be good to open the mouth, Hua Cao is actually incomparably coquettish strokes a round of silk, draws Ru Yan is very being the righteous indignation has rejected this impolite request. “换个要求吧,这个你们想都别想,我已经发誓过,这辈子除了如烟,任何人都别想对我那啥呸,不对!是和我那啥,我已经改邪归正了。呃!还是不对,我一直都洁身自好,寒少,是这么说的吧?”夜轻寒摸着鼻子不好开口,花草却是无比风骚的一捋发丝,拉着如烟很是的义愤拒绝了这个无礼要求。 Puff “噗” A words start to talk, Ru Yan was fooled actually one by the Hua Cao words. Nearby Ye Qingwu was actually throws one to laugh, happy expression full however flipped the supercilious look toward Ye Qinghan. As if was blaming Ye Qinghan also to have a bad effect on Hua Cao, started to be actually similar in the Black Tortoise City actor, now is booing, with Ye Qinghan some time, the hoodlum tone was exactly the same. 话一开口,如烟倒是被花草的话唬得一愣一愣的。旁边的夜轻舞却是扑哧一声大笑了起来,笑意盈然的朝夜轻寒翻了翻白眼。似乎在责怪夜轻寒花草也带坏了,开始在玄武城倒是行头差不多,现在倒好,跟着夜轻寒一段时间,流氓口吻都一模一样了。 I! One side your this dead transvestite leave to me, the old lady noticed that you want to spit! Right that Great Young Lady said that really the world men are the same, do not have a good thing. You have a look at your dead transvestite, a handsome boy, do one crowd of black coal heads, have that are the good things?” “我呸!你这个死人妖给我滚一边去,老娘看到你都想吐!大小姐说的对,果然天下男人都一样,没一个好东西。你看看你们一个死人妖,一个小白脸,还有一群黑炭头,有那个是好东西?” As soon as the scarlet female listens, acted crazy directly, shouted abuse, the complexion despised extremely, just like eating a fly. Then unexpectedly eye lewd looks at Ru Yan and Yue Qingcheng they, the tone is unexpectedly gentle: What old lady wants is these four beautiful women, four younger sisters not feared that will return to the island with me, Great Young Lady will cherish well your. Dead transvestite, handsome boy! My several three, have not associated with people, I shot!” 红衣女子一听,直接发飙了,破口大骂起来,脸色极其鄙夷,宛如吃了一只苍蝇般。而后竟然一双眼睛色迷迷的看着如烟月倾城她们,口气竟然温柔起来:“老娘要的是这四位美人,四位妹妹莫怕,跟我回岛,大小姐会好好爱护你们的。死人妖,小白脸!我数三声,还不交人,我射了啊!” Bah! It is not concerned about face!” “呸!不要脸!” The men who this disembarks feel the nose, eager looking at each other, looks at each other in blank diamay, simultaneously was silly. But Ye Qingwu is actually frowns indifferently, bah was scolding to a female worker female anger. But Yue Qingcheng and Ru Yan complexion will be shortly red, shy has turned away, but Ye Qingyu was actually the eye winks to look at Ye Qinghan, some did not understand this saying the meaning. 这下船上的男人们都摸着鼻子,眼巴巴的对视起来,面面相觑,同时傻了。但夜轻舞却是横眉冷眼,对着红女一女怒呸了一声骂了起来。而月倾城如烟脸色顷刻间红了起来,羞涩的转过脸去,而夜轻语却是眼睛眨了眨望着夜轻寒,有些不明白这话的意思。 Gives you to process, do not play in a big way!” “交给你处理,别玩大了!” Ye Qinghan looks that group of females hand lifted machine the crossbow to prepare to put the arrow, finally could not bear. Looked at Hua Cao one to let somebody cool off or calm down said that then brought to draw the Yue Qingcheng three people to walk toward inside. In this group of females highest boundary that scarlet female the emperor level, he is also disinclined to begin. However this group of women dare to snatch the woman with him unexpectedly, does not give a lesson, he cannot endure not the tone. 夜轻寒看着那群女子又手抬机弩准备放箭了,终于忍不住了。望了花草一眼冷冷说道,而后带着拉着月倾城三人往里面走去。这群女子中最高境界那红衣女子也才帝级,他都懒得动手。但是这群女人居然敢和他抢女人,不给点教训,他自己也忍不下不口气。 Is unappreciative, shoots to the old lady!” “不识抬举,给老娘射!” The scarlet female sees Ye Qinghan to have the human to turn around to depart unexpectedly, the facial color becomes the woods is cold, waved under abundance to begin. 红衣女子一见夜轻寒居然带人转身离去,面色变得森寒起来,一挥手手下纷纷动手了。 Loses to me to completely goes!” Hua Cao sees Ye Qinghan to order, has stopped at nothing, was ordering to the dark health/guard, simultaneously holds Ru Yan, starts to move sideways toward Ye Qinghan to pursue. “全部给我丢到海里去!”花草夜轻寒下了命令,也就无所顾忌了,对着暗卫下了命令,同时抱起如烟,开始闪身朝夜轻寒追去。 „!” “咻!” The dark health/guard first bow tie supply is also the facial color one cold dark smiles, this group of women said unexpectedly he is the black coal head? Unexpectedly can't have a liking for him? He decides to give a that scarlet female profound memory personally. Waves 12 dark health/guard to branch out two groups, one group of guard steamships, another six people simultaneously start to sneak with him, vanishes in the deck suddenly. 暗卫首领花柔也是面色一寒阴阴一笑,这群娘们居然说他是黑炭头?居然看不上他?他决定亲手给那名红衣女子一个深刻的记忆。一挥手12名暗卫分出两组,一组护卫大船,另外六人和他同时开始潜行,陡然消失在甲板上。 Rustle!” “簌簌!” The innumerable advantage arrow lasing comes, but keeps off in the deck front is six Emperor Realm Hua Family expert. Airtight that six all kinds of weapons brandish, was very easy to keep off all advantage arrows. Simultaneously after other six dark health/guard lead the way, comes, the skill of a twinkling moved under water their rear area unexpectedly. Because Ye Qinghan Hua Cao has the confession therefore not to use the weapon, but not polite, everyone stretches out a foot layer on layer to kick to the black clothed female buttocks, pounds down the nautical mile to go directly. 无数的利箭激射而来,只是挡在甲板前方的是六名帝王境花家强者。六把各式各样的武器挥舞的密不透风,很容易挡下了所有的利箭。同时其余的六名暗卫前行后同时现身,一眨眼的功夫竟然潜行到了她们的后方。因为夜轻寒花草有交代所以没有动用武器,但是也没客气,每人伸出一只脚对着黑衣女子屁股就是重重一踢,直接砸下海里去。 Hua Family person? Do you dare to begin? My grandfather is hidden pavilion six elders.” 花家的人?你们敢动手?我爷爷是隐阁六长老。” The scarlet female saw the previous seven people of steamship to disappear suddenly, knew the misdemeanor. Drinks hastily tenderly, simultaneously body fights air/Qi greatly Sheng, turns around suddenly, strikes toward the rear area. Waits for her to turn around actually to see two big, has grasped like lightning toward her front, simultaneously below leg layer on layer is kicking to her lower abdomen. 红衣女子一见大船的上七个人陡然消失了,知道坏事了。连忙娇喝起来,同时身上战气大盛,猛然转身,朝后方击去。只是等她一转身却看到两只大手,已经朝她胸前闪电般的抓来,同时下方一条腿对着她的小腹重重踢下。 Oh!” “哎呀!” The scarlet female feels front two soft to be held suddenly, meanwhile maliciously was rubbed to pinch several, has forgotten for a while the counter-attack, when the lower abdomen layer on layer was trampled to fly upside down, this painful has drunk greatly. 红衣女子感受胸前两处柔软陡然间被人抓住,同时还被狠狠揉捏了几下,一时都忘记了反击,当小腹被人重重一踹倒飞出去,这才痛苦的大喝了起来。 Flower is supple, they are again rampant, makes them pour into for day in the water to me! Sets sail!” “花柔,她们再敢嚣张,给我让她们在水里泡上一天!开船!” Light softens them to hand over words in the delight flower that on the boat played. Ye Qinghan sits at a round table on ship middle deck, leisurely and carefree received Ru Yan to hand over the tea that. Has remembered Yin Dang and hidden kills, as if probably is also grandson anything of any elder. Sighed slightly, was playboys, Hidden Island young master young ladies, as if the taste was somewhat heavy. 淡淡的给在小船上玩的不亦乐乎的花柔他们递了句话。夜轻寒坐在船中甲板上的一张圆桌旁,悠闲的接过如烟递过来的茶水。想起了隐荡和隐杀,似乎好像也是什么长老的孙子什么。微微叹了口气,都是纨绔子弟,隐岛的少爷小姐们,似乎口味有些重了啊。
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