BPTH :: Volume #5

#404: The special character and style of hidden island

404 chapters of Hidden Island special characters and styles 404章隐岛的特殊风情 Ye Qinghan is having three people are blowing the sea breeze slowly walks toward the city, while is appreciating on the hidden city special building as well as the road the pedestrian special appearance , is very satisfied. 夜轻寒带着三人一边吹着海风慢慢的朝城内走去,一边欣赏着隐城特殊的建筑以及路上行人特殊的打扮,很是惬意。 The construction of hidden city is primarily log house, is a black lignum vitae, the moisture is cold resistant. Moreover is not basically high, most has one, the roof is sharp, the gate like Flame Dragon Continent is not outward or inward on rollers, but moves toward the two sides, inside is the wood floor. 隐城的建筑都是以木房子为主,是一种黑色的铁木,耐湿耐寒耐腐蚀。而且基本都不高,最多只有一层,屋顶都是尖尖的,门不像炎龙大陆一样是朝外或者朝内推拉,而是朝两边移动的,里面都是木地板。 Road the wear on pedestrian is also primarily is fancy, the Chinese-style gown is very spacious, the chignon faces upwards, the forehead light on, wears the sabot very much, walks clip clop makes noise, the waist has a long blade or the thin sword basically. On road pedestrian one very leisurely and carefree sluggish appearance, vacillation walks back and forth in the main road. The people of three clans have, obviously each other has been used to existence of opposite party, walks respectively various, any is not comfortable. 路上的行人的穿着也都是以花俏为主,袍子很宽大,发髻朝天,额头光得很上,穿着木鞋,走路“哒哒”作响,腰间基本都别有一把长刀或者细剑。路上行人都一副很悠闲懒散的模样,左右摇摆的在大道走来走去。三族的人都有,显然彼此都习惯了对方的存在,各走各的,并没有任何不自在。 They are comfortable, but walks Ye Qinghan a moment later they very not to be comfortable. Because of three people of obvious Flame Dragon Continent that side appearance, has brought to the pedestrian attention on road. This is unimportant, more importantly, the pedestrian on street looks at three female visions, has been full of the naked immoral meaning unexpectedly, the intraocular red light sparkle, is obvious, is not artificial, saw the lamb just like one group of greedy people. 他们自在,但是走了片刻之后的夜轻寒她们却很不自在了。因为三人明显的炎龙大陆那边的打扮,引起了路上的行人注意。这都不重要,重要的是,街上的行人看三女的眼光,竟然充满了赤裸裸的淫邪之意,眼内红光闪耀,非常明显,一点都不做作,宛如一群饿狼看到了小肥羊。 When afterward, Ye Qinghan discovered unexpectedly also some people to he also hands over the as even with such vision the time, finally could not bear. Lets somebody cool off or calm down one, has anger slightly, has not actually begun, but pretends to have no intention these by person direct dizziness. Then has three people to depart fast. He has to think the murder frightens, but thinks that the people of entire street are as even with such, can he kill completely? 当后来,夜轻寒发现竟然还有人对他也递过来如此目光的时候,终于忍不住了。冷冷一哼,有些微怒,却没有动手,只是将那些装作无意靠过来的人直接眩晕了。而后带着三人快速离去。他不是没想过杀人震慑一下,但是想到整条街的人都是如此,他能全部杀了? Elder brother, the looks of these people are quite repugnant!” “哥,这些人的眼神好讨厌!” Ye Qingyu has depended toward Ye Qinghan side, is not very comfortable, is pressed saying of light eyebrow loathing. 夜轻语夜轻寒身边靠了靠,很是不自在,蹙着轻眉厌恶的说道。 We went shopping, immediately walks, when you they were one crowd of animals are OK.” Ye Qinghan patted her dorsal comfort to say gently. “我们买了东西,马上就走,你当他们是一群禽兽就可以了。”夜轻寒轻轻拍了拍她的后背安慰道。 Young Master, here walks, front is the country fair trade area of hidden city, can buy there anything!” Hua Family that dark health/guard in the front guides, several people of speeds are also fast, after half double-hour, has gone through the innumerable avenues, finally turns around a street, has arrived in a super courtyard. “公子,这边走,前面就是隐城的集贸区,在那里什么都可以买到!”花家的那名暗卫一路在前方带路,几人速度又快,半个时辰后,已经穿过了无数条大街,最后拐过一条街,走到了一个超级大院子内。 Ye Qinghan walked, in the discovery is livelier, but obviously here construction plan good of. Inside has constructed the innumerable platoon buildings, among each platoons has a very wide avenue. But this inside construction is the same with outside, but around here construction between does not have the gate, only then several emptied the pillar is supporting in that the guest can pass through from the shop. 夜轻寒走了进去,发现里面更加热闹,但是显然这里的建筑规划的很不错。里面建造了无数排建筑,每排之间都有一条很宽的大街。而这里面的建筑和外面一样,只是这里的建筑前后之间都没有门,只有几根空了了的柱子在那支撑着,客人可以从店铺穿过去。 What is this? Bah, terribly ashamed!” “这这是什么?呸,羞死人了!” Several people one looked at the past toward the front, except for that dark health/guard, Ye Qinghan they simultaneously looked that the facial color simultaneously fluctuated. Ye Qingyu is shyest, direct both hands were blindfolded to sneak in the Ye Qinghan bosom, does not dare to look up one again. Although Yue Qingcheng in front of all things is one has been calm the dust the performance, at this moment is also the non- nature, the body is coy. Ye Qingwu is direct, has spat saliva toward the ground, drinks one tenderly, turns around. 几人朝前方一看过去,除了那名暗卫,夜轻寒她们同时一看,面色同时变幻起来。夜轻语最为羞涩,直接双手蒙住了眼睛钻进夜轻寒怀中,不敢再抬头看一眼。月倾城虽然一直万事面前都是一副淡定出尘的表现,此刻也是很不自然起来,身子扭捏起来。夜轻舞更是直接,朝地上吐了一口唾沫,娇喝一声,转身过去。 Idiot! It is not right! Scoundrels! Do you look at the young master to look like this person? Your family young master with you had not said that I most do hate this type of thing? Has not guided to buy the medicinal powder and flint, which does the guide go to invite? Walks quickly, walks quickly, this thing was too disgusting, I was unable to continue watching “蠢货!不对!混账!你看小爷像这种人?你家少爷没和你说我最恨这种东西吗?还不带路去买药粉和火石,还有向导去哪请?快走,快走,这东西太恶心了,我都看不下去了” A Hua Family dark health/guard saying, Ye Qinghan saw three vision simultaneously to lock him. Takes back the vision hastily, stern-faced, does not look askance, awe-inspiring angrily rebukes. 花家暗卫一说,夜轻寒见三道目光同时锁定了他。连忙收回目光,一脸的严肃,目不斜视,正气凛然的怒斥起来。 Actually is criticizes to continue at heart, the Hua Cao subordinate is really an idiot, if the night Shísān subordinate, definitely will bring itself secretly 心里却是暗骂不止,花草的手下果然是蠢货,要是是夜十三的手下,肯定会带自己偷偷的来 The dark health/guard sees, does not dare to talk too much hastily, walks toward the front. Ye Qinghan does not certainly dare to look again, passes through this region to dare to let loose the eye to wait and see in all directions. Unexpectedly actually discovered that the human favors the shop after street unexpectedly is a row is the shop of instrument, the leather whip, the leather sheath, the hemp rope, grotesque is similar the goods of some human organ, dazzling, has everything expected to find. Then does not dare to stay, greeted three females to ask them not to look that somewhat fled to the wilderness, rushed toward the distant place. 暗卫一见,连忙不敢多言,朝前方走去。夜轻寒当然也不敢再看了,走过这一片区域才敢放开眼睛四处观望起来。不料却发现人宠街后的店铺竟然是一排全是器械的店铺,皮鞭,皮套,麻绳,奇形怪状类似某种人类器官的物品,琳琅满目,应有尽有。这下更不敢停留了,招呼三女叫他们别看,有些落荒而逃般,朝远处奔去。 A moment later finally arrives at final several rows of shops, this relaxed. 片刻之后终于来到最后几排店铺,这才松了口气。 Sees that big country fair trade area, unexpectedly only then several rows of shops are the sell daily things. Ye Qinghan feels the great strength of this Hidden Island once more. The pedestrians who no wonder on the road runs into are the eyeful immoralities, originally the atmosphere in entire island is as even with such, it seems like has formed some special culture. 看到那么大一片的集贸区,竟然只有少数的几排店铺是出售日常用品的。夜轻寒再次感受到这个隐岛的强大。难怪路上遇到的行人都是满眼的淫邪,原来整个岛的风气都是如此,看来已经形成了某种特殊的文化了。 In Black Tortoise City, Ye Qinghan has purchased the innumerable apparatus, but has actually forgotten the medicinal powder of purchase flint and against poisonous insect, as well as some junks of island life. After all was leading several pretty beautiful women in the past, something must be as far as possible more careful. Simultaneously what is most important, they know Purple Island in the Hidden Island East, but nobody has actually gone. Impossible one to go to trouble Old Lu Divine Knowledge to take a fast look around, then does the determination position, again continue to navigate? 玄武城,夜轻寒购买了无数用具,但是却忘记了购买火石和防毒虫的药粉,以及海岛生活的一些杂物。毕竟带着几个娇滴滴的美人过去,有些东西还是要尽量细致一些。同时最重要的是,他们都知道紫岛隐岛的东方,但是却没有人去过。不可能一会又去麻烦鹿老神识扫视一下,而后确定方位,再继续航行吧? Turns a grocery shop, the shop boss sees the guest to visit, welcomed with joy, but sees Yue Qingcheng they, Lima just like was struck by lightning, silly dull cannot move to the eye. Ye Qinghan cold snort, direct integration fought the technique in the past his dizziness, then directly took up the goods that needed in the shop, simultaneously made that dark health/guard go to seek for a guide to come, their several people stood in the shop he, does not dare. 拐进一家杂货店铺,店铺老板一见有客人上门,本来喜滋滋的迎了过来,但是一看到月倾城她们,利马宛如被雷击中了,傻呆呆的移不开眼睛。夜轻寒冷哼一声,直接一个合体战技过去将他眩晕了,而后在店铺中直接拿起需要的物品,同时让那名暗卫出去寻找一名向导过来,她们几人则站在店铺内等他,不敢在出去了。 After less than half double-hour, that dark Wei Congcong has one person to come, obviously came to an arrangement. Hidden Island and Purple Island were not quite far, but the Hidden Island person has gone basically to sea, this guide is actually good to look. Moreover this dark Wei Xueguai, does not dare to lead the man, leads a 30-year-old middle-aged female. 小半个时辰之后,那名暗卫匆匆带着一人过来,显然是谈妥了。隐岛紫岛本就不太远,而隐岛的人基本都出过海,这向导倒是好找。而且这次这名暗卫学乖了,没敢带男人,带回来一名30多岁的中年女子。 Has not had scruples this middle-aged female toward the ambiguous look that oneself hand over, Ye Qinghan waves, hints the people to go back, this place he was does not want to stay. Naturally is because is bringing Yue Qingcheng they, was used such vision to see own wife, is definitely uncomfortable. If comes alone, he has that little interest actually 没有顾忌这中年女子朝自己递过来的暧昧的眼神,夜轻寒一挥手,示意众人回去,这地方他是一刻都不想呆了。当然是因为带着月倾城她们,被人用这样的目光看自己的妻子,肯定不舒服。如果单独过来的话,他倒是有那么一点点兴趣 Ka, this time buys such good goods unexpectedly! The hidden base, your merit is big!” “哇咔咔,这次居然买到这么一个好货色!隐基,你功劳大大的!” Several people fight the air/Qi to well up crazily, when that dark gland that guide, toward the road on fast runs. When that country fair trade area entrance, actually had been blocked a moment ago the road by one group of people. Moreover Ye Qinghan also heard a familiar sound, tastes, actually thought that this was Master Hidden Island voice. 几人战气狂涌,那名暗卫带着那名向导,朝来时的路上飞快的奔跑起来。只是在刚才那个集贸区入口的时候,却被一群人堵住了路。而且夜轻寒还听到了一个熟悉的声音,一回味,却想起来了,这是隐岛少爷的声音。
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