BPTH :: Volume #4

#395: Makes Xiao

395 chapters make Xiao 395章弄萧 In the hall, is spreading in the stage of red carpet, a purple clothes female curls, the female grasps a white jade Xiao, is nine huan immortal hair buns, the facial features is beautiful, a small mouth lip is shining the light gloss, is very attractive. The stature somewhat is slightly petite, the skin is fair, the intraocular light wave circulation, unknowingly releases a flattering intent of travel fatigue female, is very beautiful. This female, the look is perhaps worse than Yue Qingcheng on, but makings each has his good points. 大厅之中,铺着红地毯的高台上,一名紫衣女子袅袅走来,女子手持一根白色玉箫,头系九鬟仙髻,面容姣好,一张小嘴嘴唇亮着淡淡光泽,很是诱人。身材略微有些娇小,皮肤白皙,眼内光波流转,不经意间释放出一丝风尘女子的媚意,很是妖艳。这女子,相貌或许比月倾城差上一丝,但是气质各有千秋。 Such as the dream such as imaginary, beautiful Ru Yan, is really one generation of wonderful females!” Yue Qingcheng looked at one, the slight bow, sighed. Nearby Ye Qingwu also nodded, some appreciation, this perhaps among same rank beautiful women pities clearheadedly. “如梦如幻,妖艳如烟,果然是一代奇女子!”月倾城看了一眼,微微点头,叹道。旁边的夜轻舞也点了点头,有些欣赏,这或许就同等级美女之间的惺惺相惜吧。 This elder sister is quite pretty!” Ye Qingyu does not understand these, but pure thinks Ru Yan to be attractive, grabs the Ye Qinghan Chinese-style gown slightly, is jumps for joy to say. “这位姐姐好漂亮!”夜轻语不懂这些,只是单纯的觉得如烟好看,微微抓着夜轻寒的袍子,又是雀跃说道。 Ye Qinghan has actually been staring at the small mouth of Ru Yan, discovered that is really very suitable to play a flute. Associated to Yue Qingcheng said a moment ago such as wanted to return to native place, but can probably marry into the rich and powerful family, could not bear twittering gets up once more in a low voice: Attractive is attractive, but good cabbage to have been arched by the pig!” 夜轻寒却是一直盯着如烟的小嘴,发现果然很适合吹箫。联想到刚才月倾城说如要要归隐,可是能要嫁入豪门,忍不住再次低声呢喃起来:“漂亮是漂亮,只是一颗好白菜已经被猪拱了!” Previous generation , he although has not tasted the flavor of woman, but has the research to the female, moreover after this whole life also undergoes three practices. 前世,他虽然没有尝过女人的味道,但是却对女子颇有研究,而且这辈子也经过三次实践之后。 Naturally, although Ru Yan is Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman) their a beautiful woman of rank, Ye Qinghan in the thoughts at this moment not having searched for flowery phrases. Looks that a peerless beautiful woman had been arched, innermost feelings association unknowingly some grieved slightly. This and conduct personal integrity irrelevant, this is related with the selfish instinct of man humane deep place. 当然,虽然如烟算是个和倾城她们一个等级的美女,夜轻寒在此刻也没有猎艳的心思。只是看着一名绝世美女被人拱了,内心总会不经意间有些微微的酸楚。这和品行操守无关,这和男人人性的深处的自私本能有关。 Young Master, you said that what was arched?” “公子,你说什么被拱了?” Although the Ye Qinghan words are small, but the Ye Qingyu boundary is very high, heard faintly, saying of some doubts. But nearby Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu also a moment ago the time faintly heard Ye Qinghan twittering, doubts turns the head, the preparation listens respectfully. 夜轻寒的话虽然小,但是夜轻语境界很高,还是隐隐听到了一些,不禁有些疑惑的说道。而旁边的月倾城夜轻舞也刚才时候隐隐听到夜轻寒呢喃,也不禁疑惑的转头过来,准备聆听。 Hey, you misunderstood, I said that her jade Xiao isn't the black? „ Ye Qinghan was staring by three pairs of beautiful pupils, was somewhat afraid, the tracing nose embarrasedly, spoke thoughtlessly to say. “嘿嘿,你听错了,我说她的玉箫怎么不是黑色的?“夜轻寒被三双美眸盯着,有些心虚了,讪讪的摸了摸鼻子,随口说道。 Jade Xiao is the white, how to have the black?” Yue Qingcheng smiles, but also thinks that Ye Qinghan does not understand the musical instrument, explained for him. “玉箫都是白色的,怎么会有黑色的?”月倾城莞尔一笑,还以为夜轻寒不懂乐器,为他解释起来。 „, Is this, um, visits her to make Xiao!” Ye Qinghan smiles, the appearance that being suddenly enlighted, turns head to look hastily toward outside that actually secretly laughs in one's heart at heart. Black Xiao Duo went, the young master has one, how it seems like another day must teach you to make Xiao. “哦,原来是这样啊,嗯,看她弄萧吧!”夜轻寒嘿嘿一笑,一副恍然大悟的样子,连忙扭头朝外面看去,心里却是偷偷暗笑。黑色萧多的去了,小爷就有一根,看来改天得教教你们怎么弄萧啊。 On outside stage Ru Yan smiles lightly, is in full bloom just like spatial valley Youlan, is sideways to salute slightly, the jade Xiao transferred several circles in the hand cleverly, opened the red lip to hold the jade Xiao to start to blow. Song Ye Qinghan has not listened, but listens to listen to the feeling mind to be peaceful gradually, a brains elusiveness, the present all as if vanish, only remaining Xiao sound reverberate in the ear. 外面台上如烟淡淡一笑,宛如空谷幽兰盛开,微微侧身行礼,玉箫在手中灵巧转了几个圈,张开红唇含着玉箫开始吹了起来。曲子夜轻寒没听过,但是听着听着感觉心灵逐渐安静下来,头脑一片空灵,眼前的一切似乎消失,唯独剩下萧声在耳边回响。 Falls, the full house is silent, when Ru Yan is sideways to salute, walked, the applause bravo resounds like the thunder. 一曲落下,满堂寂静,等到如烟侧身行礼,走了下去,掌声喝彩声才如雷般响起。 Miss Ru Yan really worthily for everybody, this makes Xiao technique to achieve the grandmaster boundary, no wonder can share the honor with Yue Meng!” In the Yue Qingcheng eye flashes through an appreciation, commended that she was temperament everybody, the layman watched the fun, as soon as she listened actually to understand skill. 如烟小姐果然不愧为大家,这弄萧技艺已经达到宗师境界,难怪能和月梦儿齐名!”月倾城眼中闪过一丝欣赏,称赞起来,她是音律大家,外行看热闹,她一听却明白其中的功力。 Is good, but compares to my family Little Tao Hua, but also misses is so little!” Ye Qinghan he he smiles, this skill can indeed the performance of comparing favorably with Xia Huojie Yue Qingcheng , but Yue Qingcheng comprehended Divine Sound Principle now, naturally misses a stair. Looked at one toward outside, he actually slightly wrinkles the brow, sighed: Hua Cao that dead transvestite, asking him to eat meal so is so slow? Falls Huacheng to be so near to this, is it possible that he wants to take a bath, dresses up to come?” “是不错,不过比起我家小桃花,还差那么一点点!”夜轻寒呵呵一笑,这功力的确能比得上夏火节月倾城的表演,不过现在月倾城领悟了神音法则,当然是差一个台阶了。朝往外望了一眼,他却微微皱起来眉头,叹道:“花草那个死人妖,请他吃饭这么都那么慢?落花城离这那么近,莫非他要在泡个澡,梳妆打扮一下才来?” Hee hee, waits again, is all right in any case in this hear of songs?” Ye Qingwu hears Ye Qinghan as even with such to tease, throws smiles to show the whites of the eyes, immediately hears outside Xiao sound to get up, stops the laughter hastily, inclines the head and listens attentively. “嘻嘻,再等等吧,反正没事等在这听曲子哪?”夜轻舞听到夜轻寒如此调侃,扑哧一笑翻了个白眼,随即听到外面萧声又起,连忙止住笑声,侧耳倾听起来。 Ye Qinghan also no longer continues to speak, but listens to the tune to get up with single-hearted devotion, this and other wonderful Xiao Yin, it is estimated that was last time hears. Did not say that Ru Yan must return to native place, after oneself and Hua Cao gathers , will immediately walk, feared that was ten years 20 years or this whole life cannot return to the mainland. Is natural a lot listens respectfully, later can also the recollections of many beautiful thing. 夜轻寒也不再继续说话,而是专心听曲起来,这等美妙的萧音,估计是最后一次听到了。不说如烟就要归隐,自己和花草一聚之后也马上就会走,怕是十年20年或者这辈子都不能回大陆了。当然得多聆听一下,以后也能多一个美好事物的回忆。 Thump! Thump! Thump!” “咚!咚!咚!” At this moment, extremely serious footsteps sound, will be quiet to awaken in several people of wonderful music. Simultaneously in the hall the people in other Accord also reveal the discontented pshaw. This is the refined place, in sitting may be the son of the influential of famous family, listens is being War-God Prefecture cauldron cauldron famous Ru Yan makes Xiao. Everybody comes in the footsteps are very slight, discussion matter time also very low voice, when Ru Yan performance, everybody stop discussion as if by prior agreement. Now actually suddenly some people very much uncouthly broke their happy ideal conditions, at this time is just like meaning that Niu Jiao the peony spoils the fun. 就在这时,一阵极其沉重的脚步声响起,将沉寂在美妙音乐的几人惊醒过来。同时大厅内其他雅阁内的人也纷纷露出不满的哼声。这是雅致的场所,在坐的可都是名门的公子哥,听着是战神府鼎鼎有名的如烟弄萧。大家进来的时候都脚步很轻微,谈论事情的时候也都非常的小声,而在如烟表演的时候,大家都不约而同的停止谈论。现在却突然有人很是粗鲁的打破了他们美好的意境,此时好比牛嚼牡丹大煞风景的意味。 Thump, thump, thump!” “咚,咚,咚!” The sound of footsteps is getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more near toward here, moreover as if more than one person, the sound even has also covered Ru Yan Xiao sound. On the stage in the Ru Yan eye flashes through a helplessness, has not actually stopped playing, but is the brow is slightly pressed, Xiao Shengduo several points of dreary. The Ye Qinghan light tracing nose drank the tea, Ye Qingwu has roused the eye to act crazy, but has not spoken concerned about Ye Qinghan, must sitting angrily. 脚步声越来越大,朝这边越来越近,而且似乎还不止一人,声音甚至都盖过了如烟的萧声。台上如烟的眼中闪过一丝无奈,却没有停止演奏,而是眉头微微蹙起,萧声多了几分萧瑟。夜轻寒淡淡的摸了摸鼻子喝起了茶,夜轻舞鼓着眼睛就要发飙,只是碍于夜轻寒没有说话,只得气鼓鼓的坐着。 Who as even with such is rampant, doesn't know my Liu Fei in this?” “何人如此嚣张,不知道我刘飞在此?” Who did as even with such clamor? Boss who the green hills occupy where? Can the as even with such uncouthly person also come in?” Finally some people could not annoy, two Accord has made the sound. As if wants in front of Ru Yan to express one protect the colored determination, in the future the human will shout at to leave. “何人如此喧哗?翠微居的老板何在?如此粗鲁之人也能进来?”终于有人惹不住了,两个雅阁发出了声音。似乎想在如烟面前表示自己护花的决心,将来人喝退。 Snort!” “哼!” Responded their is numerous cold snort. A white clothing son of the influential stride walks, has not responded to a moment ago their provocation, but is the whole face anger is looking at Ru Yan of Taichung, the facial expression is very excited, both hands closely grip, seems constraining own mood. 回应两人的是一声重重的冷哼。一名白衣公子哥大步走来,并没有回应刚才两人的挑衅,而是满脸怒气的望着台中的如烟,神情很是激动,双手紧紧握住,似乎在压抑着自己的情绪。 Young master, Young master, have not made, the master knew you certainly to by the confinement!” What follows behind the young young master is, Green Jade Pavilion storekeeper Sima Liufeng that in the field many people are familiar with, his whole face anxious following in persuasion that in a low voice behind the young young master keeps. Meanwhile submissively was apologizing in all directions to the side Accord unceasing forced smile. “少爷,少爷,你别闹了,老爷知道了你肯定要被禁闭了!”跟在年轻公子后面的是,场中很多人都熟悉的翠微阁的掌柜司马柳风,他满脸焦急的跟在年轻公子后面不停的低声劝说。同时对着四处边的雅阁不断的拱手苦笑赔礼起来。 Uncle Liu, my matter you leave alone. This tours today finished in light of this! Zhui Ming another day gives everybody to suspend several to apologize.” The young young master toward behind lightly waved, the body has not actually moved, but the eye is staring at Ru Yan on stage stubbornly, is very overbearing loud exclaiming. 柳叔,我的事情你别管。诸位,今日这巡演就此结束了!追命改日给大家摆几座赔罪。”年轻公子朝身后淡淡挥了挥手,身子却没有动,只是眼睛死死盯着台上的如烟,很是霸道的大声吼道。 What is very strange, innumerable Accord countless people in field, after this young young master tyrant words, actually nobody again dare to make noise. Instead several start to depart quietly, just before leaving before , saluted to this Young Master Ming, the facial expression as if faintly somewhat dreads this Young Master Ming. 很奇怪的是,场中的无数雅阁无数人,在这名年轻公子一句霸蛮的话后,却无人再敢出声。反而有几座开始悄然离去,临行前给这名公子行了个礼,神情似乎隐隐有些畏惧这名公子 But Ru Yan in field just like has not actually heard this person of words, looked that has not looked at this person of one, instead the brow lowered , to continue to play, in Xiao sound are many for several points to be desolate and helpless. 而场上的如烟却宛如没有听到这人的话,看都没看此人一眼,反而眉头低了下来,继续演奏着,萧声中却是多了几分落寞和无奈。 Smelly woman, father asked you to stop, haven't you heard?” “臭女人,老子叫你停下来,你没听到?” Sees the Ru Yan facial expression, this Young Master Ming depressing mood, the thorough violent anger got up, wicked putting out a hand points at Ru Yan to get angry: Do not think that you are the Hua Family illegitimate daughter I do not dare to move you? Now Master Hua Cao [lineage/vein] are alone, what isn't your father in Hua Family, let alone you an illegitimate daughter? father followed to transfer your three years behind your buttocks, delivered your thing enough you you to others follow with first first in the end unexpectedly? I asked again your, whether you are willing to marry into my department Ma? I can guarantee your wife status! Otherwise, your man, once were looked up by me, I will certainly he tear to shreds!” 看到如烟的神情,这名公子本来压抑的情绪,彻底暴怒起来,恶狠狠的伸手指着如烟怒道:“别以为你是花家的私生女我就不敢动你?现在花草少爷一脉独大,你父亲在花家已经什么都不是了,更何况你还是私生女?老子屁颠屁颠跟在你屁股后面转了你三年,送你的东西足够你先用一世了到头来你竟然要跟着别人跑?我再问你一声,你可否愿意嫁入我司马家?我可以担保你的正妻身份!否则哼,你的男人一旦被我查出来,我必将他碎尸万段!” The giant roar reverberates in the hall, shakes the people ear roars makes noise. Ye Qinghan curled the lip to spread open, guessed correctly the status of this person, Black Tortoise City first young master Sima Zhuiming. Sighed, was somewhat accidental, this was Ru Yan unexpectedly the Hua Family illegitimate daughter? The Hua Family person really and a Hua Cao bird type, everywhere is forgiving. Has patted the hand of Ye Qingwu gently, hints her to be patient, but after all others the Black Tortoise City first young master, this is others' place. Unless it is absolutely essential, he does not want to make too many trouble. 巨大的吼声在大厅内回荡,将众人耳朵都震得哄哄作响。夜轻寒撇了撇嘴巴,猜出了此人的身份,玄武城的第一少爷司马追命。叹了口气,有些意外,这如烟居然是花家的私生女?花家的人果然和花草一个鸟样啊,处处留情。轻轻的拍了拍夜轻舞的手,示意她稍安勿躁,毕竟别人可是玄武城的第一少爷,这还是别人的地头。不到万不得已,他不想惹太多的麻烦。 Young Master Sima, Ru Yan is very grateful your many years the attendance, however sentimental matter, leaves reluctant good, you obtain my body, cannot obtain my heart, there is what using? Ru Yan pleaded you to let off Ru Yan, Ru Yan will feel grateful your first!” Ru Yan stopped the performance finally, sighed slightly, was somewhat bitter and astringent. Said spookily, the gentle and charming sound reveals one, but with desolate. 司马公子,如烟很感激你这么多年的照顾,但是感情的事情,还是别勉强的好,你就算得到我的躯壳,得不到我的心,又有何用?如烟恳求你放过如烟,如烟会感激你一世!”如烟终于停下了演奏,微微一叹,有些苦涩。幽幽说了起来,娇柔的声音露出一丝无奈和落寞。 Ha Ha, please first leave today, my Sima Zhuiming owes you a favour!” Sima Zhuiming one hear, does not get angry instead smiles, one cups one hand in the other across the chest toward all around, then the corners of the mouth reveal one to grin fiendishly, walks toward Ru Yan, the same current craze ridicules saying: Smelly woman, is you compels my, the father does not want you to feel grateful, today does not want your heart, I want your person. A your illegitimate daughter, but also works as is really Miss Hua Family is inadequate? The father in you, another day again went to Hua Family to apologize today and that's the end!” “哈哈诸位,今日请先离开,我司马追命欠你们一个人情!”司马追命一听,不怒反笑,朝四周一拱手,接着嘴角露出一丝狞笑,朝如烟走去,同时狂笑骂道:“臭女人,是你逼我的,老子不要你感激,今日也不要你的心,我要你的人。你一个私生女,还真当自己是花家小姐不成?老子今日上了你,改日再去花家请罪就是了!” In all around Accord, although there are countless person very grief and indignation, but involves department Ma and Hua Family matter at this time. They do not dare to get rid, after all department Ma faintly suppressed other two in Black Tortoise City now. Moreover today tragedy if really occurred, if Hua Family in the future pursues, they are not good to deal with, but, the facial expression leaves the field in abundance complex in a hurry. 四周的雅阁内,虽然有无数的人很悲愤,但是此时牵扯到司马家和花家的事情。他们也不敢出手,毕竟司马家现在在玄武城已经隐隐压住了其余两家。而且今日惨剧真要是发生了,花家日后若要追求,他们也不好应付,无奈之下,纷纷神情复杂匆匆离场。 „!” “啪!” Looks at Sima Zhuiming to depend to go toward Ru Yan step by step, Ye Qingwu could not bear finally, pounds on the table, gives the heck with, prepared to get rid to save others said again. Nearby Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu are also are very indignant, in the eye braves the anger, looks like supports the night light behavior very much. 望着司马追命一步步朝如烟靠去,夜轻舞终于忍不住了,一拍桌子,不管三七二十一,就准备出手救人再说。旁边的月倾城夜轻语也是很是气愤,眼中冒着怒火,看起来很支持夜轻的行为。 Small rose, calm, calm, was advocating, did not need us to uphold justice to assist, prepared to watch the fun “小玫瑰,淡定,淡定,正主来了,不需要咱们仗义相助了,准备看热闹吧” When Ye Qingwu must rush out through the door, the body actually held on by Ye Qinghan, the sound that Ye Qinghan teased resounded in her ear, let her metastable. 夜轻舞就要夺门而出时,身子却被夜轻寒一把拉住,紧接着夜轻寒戏谑的声音在她耳边响起,也让她暂时安定了下来。 Does not need another day, you apologizes today!” “不需要改日,今日你就赔罪吧!” Hall out of the window flies suddenly a form, one compared with the woman also attractive face on, performing is the chill in the air. 大厅窗外突然飞进来一个身影,一张比女人还漂亮的脸上,尽是寒意。
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