BPTH :: Volume #4

#394: If smoke

394 chapters of Ru Yan 394章如烟 Was good, you these cargos, deliver to the city the biggest inn entrance! Is waiting for me in that!” “行了,你们将这些货物,送到城内最大的旅店门口!在那等着我!” After one hour, Ye Qinghan looks at behind the entire more than ten horse-drawn vehicles, satisfaction nodded to say. Envies the shocking facial expression regarding the passer-by, he not too many caring. 一个多小时后,夜轻寒看着身后整整十多辆马车,满意的点了点头说道。对于路人嫉妒震惊的神情,他并没有太多的在意。 Amethyst coin? 紫晶币? Regarding this boundary and status, the amethyst coin was insignificant, is dispensable. Ye Family and Yue Family are not short of money, his Hanxin Pavilion has spent several hundred thousand crystal coins. 对于他这种境界和地位来说,紫晶币已经无足轻重,可有可无了。夜家月家都不缺钱,他那个寒心阁就花费了几十万晶币。 This time he goes to Purple Island, must live is very long, oneself actually indifferent, has also treated in the dangerous condition. However now he leads three pretty beautiful women to make a long stay, naturally hopes makes them live is more comfortable. Let alone this amethyst coin, even if made him kill the pig blade to sell him Saint that to do! 这次他去紫岛,都说不定要住很久,自己倒是无所谓,在险恶的条件也待过。但是现在他是带着三位娇滴滴的美人去长住,自然希望让她们住的舒服一些。别说这点紫晶币,就算让他把那把圣器杀猪刀卖了他都干! Do the men strive for success for what laboriously? In the end, hasn't been able to cross well for oneself woman family member? Amethyst coin *** is the bastard, used up has gained again and that's the end! 男人辛苦拼搏为了什么?到头来,还不是为了自己女人亲人能过得好一点?紫晶币***就是王八蛋,用完了再赚就是了! Looks this buying has bought, the amethyst coin that Ye Family gives also used to be similar. Ye Qinghan and last shop boss wanted a carriage, is having three people, in biggest the hotel toward the city drives directly, leaves behind whoa of avenue. 看着该买的都买了,夜家给的紫晶币用得也差不多了。夜轻寒和最后一家店铺老板要了一辆马车,带着三人,直接朝城内最大的旅馆驶去,留下一大街的惊叹声。 Black Tortoise City biggest hotel named green hills occupy, is Sima Jiazu industry, is very lordly and luxurious. Ye Qinghan goes down the carriage, looks several horse-drawn vehicles honest is waiting in the entrance, greeted them to deliver to the inn backyard, oneself had three people to walk into the inn directly. Asked that the boss in inn, that cart driver has not reserved the room to him, but subscribed an independent small courtyard in the backyard alone. A secret passage night Shísān subordinate is sensible, having three people to go to the yard to settle. 玄武城最大的旅馆名叫翠微居,是司马家族的产业,很是气派和豪华。夜轻寒走下马车,看着十几辆马车正老实的在大门口等着,招呼他们送到旅店后院,自己却带着三人直接走入旅店。一问旅店的老板,那名车夫没有给他订房间,而是单独在后院订下了一个单独的小院子。暗道一声夜十三的手下就是懂事,带着三人去小院安顿下来。 Arrives at the yard, saw that several horse-drawn vehicles stopped there, Ye Qinghan have made three people of advanced rooms rest, he shouted at to leave the servant. Then completely puts in things in several carriage Ramble Pavilion. His that Cangbaoge well-filled. 走到小院,看到十几辆马车已经停在了那儿,夜轻寒让三人先进房间休息,他却将下人喝退。而后将十几辆马车内的东西全部放入逍遥阁中去。将他那藏宝阁都塞得满满的。 In the small garden, has drunk afternoon tea with three females, is enjoying the afternoon sunlight spring breeze. After the night falls, Ye Qinghan was supposing Hua Cao should also arrive, has been preparing to make one to display a banquet, unexpectedly in the front Green Jade Pavilion main building actually hears a melodious instrumental music sound, attracted four people of attention. 在小园内,和三名女子喝了一下午的茶,享受着午后的阳光春风。在夜幕降临之后,夜轻寒估摸着花草也该到了,正准备叫人摆上一座宴席,不料前边的翠微阁主楼上却传来一阵悠扬的器乐声,吸引了四人的注意。 „The good Xiao Haoyin good skill, this person of playing a flute skill is good, this does Black Tortoise City have the as even with such tone channel master unexpectedly?” Yue Qingcheng first responded that a pair of pearl pupil flashed through an extraordinary splendor, said. “好萧好音好功力,这人的吹箫功力非常不错,这玄武城居然有如此音道高手?”月倾城第一个反应过来,一双珍珠般的眸子闪过一丝异彩,赞道。 Is also good, although compared with my family Little Tao Hua also almost, but was also commendable!” Ye Qinghan often listens to Yue Qingcheng to play a stringed musical instrument, has not eaten the pork, actually saw the pig to run, regarding this musical instrument actually somewhat aural acuity. Has gawked the moment, looks that Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu also in the appearance that inclined the head and listened attentively, Ye Qinghan show a faint smile, have clapped the palm of the hand, calling the name to come in the maidservant of institute entrance standby. “是还不错,虽然比起我家小桃花还差一点,但是也难能可贵了!”夜轻寒经常听月倾城弹琴,没吃过猪肉,却见多了猪跑,对于这乐器倒是有几分耳力。愣了片刻,看着夜轻舞夜轻语也是在那侧耳倾听的样子,夜轻寒微微一笑,拍了拍巴掌,叫了名在院门口待命的侍女进来。 Who is outside is playing?” Ye Qinghan presses the bamboo hat, asked lightly. “外面是谁在演奏?”夜轻寒压了压斗笠,淡淡问道。 Returns to the young master words, before this is Miss Ru Yan returns to native place the east to tour, comes Black Tortoise City naturally at our Green Jade Pavilion performance!” That maidservant spoke to lower the head, does not dare to look at anything randomly, but spoke of Green Jade Pavilion somewhat proud actually obviously gained ground slightly. “回公子话,这是如烟小姐归隐前的东部巡演,来玄武城当然得在我们翠微阁表演!”那名侍女说话低着头,不敢乱看什么,但是说到翠微阁却明显有些骄傲的微微抬了抬头。 Who is Ru Yan?” Is Ye Qinghan not quite familiar with the local conditions and social customs of mainland, listening to the maidservant to mention this person is very as if famous? However he had not actually heard, therefore asking of some surprise. 如烟是谁?”夜轻寒对于大陆的风土人情却是不太熟悉,听着侍女说起似乎这人很有名?但是他却没听说,所以有些诧异的问道。 Unexpectedly is Miss Ru Yan, no wonder!” “居然是如烟小姐,难怪了!” Yue Qingcheng nodded lightly, Ye Qinghan is not clear, she is very clear, explained slowly: Ru Yan was these years is all the rage War-God Prefecture one of the two big Geishas, heard that a little related with Hua Family, but Hua Family had not acknowledged. Another called Yue Meng, was the Moon Building red card actor playing role of pretty young woman. For these years you were not, naturally was not clear, this Yue Meng playing a qin technique has achieved the grandmaster boundary, but this Ru Yan made the Xiao technique, was the unparalleled in the world. Moreover they are long the beautiful woman. By crazy praise of mainland young young master. Now Ru Yan must retire, it seems like had the one's beloved, prepared to marry into the rich and powerful family!” 月倾城淡淡点了点头,夜轻寒不明白,她却十分清楚,缓缓解释起来:“如烟是这几年来风靡战神府的二大艺妓之一,听说和花家有点关系,但是花家却没有承认。另外一个叫月梦儿,是月楼的红牌花旦。这几年你不在,当然不清楚,这月梦儿抚琴技艺达到了宗师境界,而这如烟弄箫技艺,更是天下无双。而且两人都长得沉鱼落雁。备受大陆年轻公子的疯狂追捧。现在如烟要退隐了,看来是有了心上人,准备嫁入豪门了!” Makes Xiao? Does not know that is an unparalleled law, what lane is Bai Xiao or black Xiao? Ices the fire 9-level day to be able? 弄萧?不知道是怎么个无双法,弄的是白萧还是黑萧?冰火九重天会不会? Ye Qinghan starts to hear is a Geisha, Moon Building, what naturally does not dare to read crookedly, but heard that now makes Xiao technique outside Ru Yan unexpectedly unparalleled? Had an interest, evil has smiled, in the mind is to actually reappear an evil picture. 夜轻寒开始听到是艺妓,一个还是月楼的,当然不敢起什么歪念,不过听说现在在外面的如烟竟然弄萧技艺无双?不禁有了一丝兴趣,邪邪的笑了起来,脑海内却是浮现出一副邪恶的画面。 Young Master, this is touring that Ru Yan returns to native place, good not to have met easily one time, or has a look?” Very obvious Yue Qingcheng also wanted in a big way several points compared with the Ye Qinghan interest. It seems like has run into similar temperament everybody, thinks at the meeting a meeting. But nearby Ye Qingwu also revealed the small birds to want the trial look, she most liked joined in the fun, was Ye Qingyu does not have what response on the contrary, but peaceful looks at several people. “公子,这是如烟归隐的巡演,好了不容易遇到一次,要不去看看?”很明显月倾城夜轻寒的兴趣还要大了几分。看来是遇到了同样的音律大家,想会上一会。而旁边的夜轻舞也露出了雀雀欲试的眼神,她最喜欢的就是凑热闹,反倒是夜轻语没有什么反应,而是安静的看着几人。 This good, you go to prepare a Accord to me, prepares a banquet again!” Ye Qinghan has hesitated, must wait for the arrival of Hua Cao in any case, outside this and went to and other meaning. Moreover he wants to have a look at this female who very much makes Xiao to make the unparalleled in the world. “这个嘛好吧,你去给我准备一个雅阁,再准备一座宴席!”夜轻寒沉吟了一下,反正是要等花草的到来,在这等和去外面等一个意思。而且他很想看看这个弄萧弄得天下无双的女子。 A moment later, that maidservant notified to prepare once more, four talented person leisurely going out yards however. Arrives at the front main building, under that maidservant's leadership, went to three buildings directly, by the window sits down in a small Accord. 片刻之后,那名侍女再次来通报已经准备好了,四人才施施然的走出小院。走到前面的主楼,在那侍女的带领下,径直上了三楼,在一个靠窗的小雅阁内坐下。 The hall is very broad, dozens small Accord, these Accord front doors toward a field center stage, the entrance are actually hanging the bead curtain. This is mainland common place decoration. Not only does not affect everybody to appreciate in the field the performance in stage, and avoids scene exposure in Accord. 大厅很宽阔,足足有数十个小雅阁,这些雅阁都大门都朝着场中央一个高台,门口却挂着珠帘。这是大陆常见的场所装饰。既不影响大家欣赏场中高台上的表演,又避免雅阁内的场面曝光。 Young Master, needs the black clothing?” That maidservant looks to focus on nearby Yue Qingcheng they, is somewhat coy, but defers to the custom to ask. “公子,需要青衣吗?”那名侍女看着眼旁边的月倾城她们,有些扭捏,但是还是按照规矩问道。 What is a black clothing? Is this black clothing amusing?” “什么是青衣?这个青衣好玩吗?” Ye Qinghan has not gone to these places, goes to Moon Building not to play these only, hears this name feeling to be good, some asking of being interested. 夜轻寒没有去过这些场所,唯一去过一次月楼也没有玩过这些,听到这名字感觉不错,有些感兴趣的问道。 Does not use, you get down!” “不用,你下去吧!” Yue Qingcheng suddenly light waving, making this maidservant get down. Immediately puts one's mouth close to another's ear, in the eye flashes through a mischievous meaning, explained low voice: Black clothing is the brothel female, in the brothel does not put on the female of clothes to attend to the famous black clothing. Plays is very amusing, if you need, how I do help you call two?” 月倾城却突然淡淡的挥了挥手,让这名侍女下去。随即附耳过来,眼中闪过一丝促狭之意,小声解释起来:“青衣就是青楼女子,青楼内不穿衣服的女子顾名青衣。玩到是很好玩,如果你需要的话,我帮你叫两个如何?” „? Unexpectedly is this, Little Tao Hua do not crack a joke, my entire life most hated this, hey!” Ye Qinghan one hear knew the misdemeanor, this has overturned the vinegar jar, hastily shift topic: How well that doesn't Ru Yan see the human?” “啊?居然是这个,小桃花别开玩笑哈,我生平最恨这个了,嘿嘿!”夜轻寒一听知道坏事了,这是打翻了醋坛子啊,连忙转移话题道:“咦那个如烟怎么不见人?” Regarding the brothel female, Ye Qinghan will certainly not hate, instead some faint anticipations. Naturally, three beautiful woman wives in side, have given him several courage not to dare to reveal one have least bit meaning, the man, this! 对于青楼女子,夜轻寒当然不会恨,反而有些隐隐期待。当然了,三个美女妻子在旁边,给他几个胆子也不敢表露自己有半点这个意思,男人嘛,都这样! Estimate is to play one, replaced.” Yue Qingcheng looked at Ye Qinghan one once more mischievously, smiles. “估计是演奏完一曲,下去换装了。”月倾城再次促狭的望了夜轻寒一眼,嫣然一笑。 Has not continued to pester this issue, instead goes to outside the vision, she is an intelligent female, something points arrive then, the entanglement are too many are not instead wonderful. A moment later, outside slight footsteps sound, Yue Qingcheng shows a faint smile saying: Came!” 没有继续纠缠这个问题,反而将目光投向外面,她是个聪明女子,有些东西点到即可,纠缠太多反而不妙。片刻之后,外面一阵轻微的脚步声响起,月倾城微微一笑道:“来了!” Ye Qinghan one hear of spirits shake hastily, but does not have Lima to open eyes to look, but if no its matter but actually: tea, this leisure outward looks, under looks is actually in the extraordinary splendor flow of tears, the mouth not consciousness twittering gets up the cup This small mouth, really suits makes Xiao!” 夜轻寒一听连忙精神一震,但是却没有利马睁眼望去,而是如无其事的倒了杯茶,这才慢悠悠的朝外望去,一看之下却是眼中异彩涟涟,嘴里不知觉的呢喃起来:“这小嘴,果然适合弄萧啊!”
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