BPTH :: Volume #4

#396: The flowers and plants get rid

396 chapters of Hua Cao get rid 396章花草出手 This form puts on black to travel by night the clothes black, wears with the Ye Qinghan same bamboo hat, in the hand is grasping green ****, dodges to enter from out of the window, then suddenly vanished, presents again time actually before the body of Ru Yan. 这道身影黑穿一身黑色夜行衣,头戴和夜轻寒一样的斗笠,手中握着一把青色****,从窗外一闪而进,而后突然消失了,再次出现的时候却在如烟的身前了。 That moment that in Accord only then Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu present in the shadow, the angle that just since they sit. Saw that attractive face, but Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu as well as Sima Zhuiming actually see a bamboo hat fair and clear chin. 雅阁内只有夜轻寒夜轻舞在黑影出现的那一刻,刚好从她们坐着的这个角度。看到了那张漂亮的脸,而月倾城夜轻语以及司马追命却只是看到一个斗笠一个白净的下巴。 Originally was Hua Family comes the human? Is he? Hee hee really had looks lively.” “原来是花家来人了,哦?是他?嘻嘻果然是有热闹看了啊。” Although Yue Qingcheng has not seen clearly the human, but can see from the ambush technique is the Hua Family person, green from that person of hand **** saw this person of status, some pondering smiles toward Ye Qinghan. 月倾城虽然没有看清楚人,但是从潜伏术可以看出是花家的人,又从那人手中的青色****看出了这人的身份,不禁有些玩味的朝夜轻寒一笑。 This transvestite imitates the actor of young master unexpectedly, was too shameless!” Ye Qinghan is actually some despising looks at this to come the human. He first had discovered in the human the status of this person, is Master Hua Family Hua Cao, it seems like Hua Cao in Grey City the purity of own actor inquiry, used including the voice change, now here clarifies is installs compel. “这个人妖竟然模仿小爷的行头,太无耻了!”夜轻寒却是有些鄙夷的看这来人。他在来人第一时间就发现了此人的身份,正是花家少爷花草,看来花草苍城将自己的行头打探的一清二楚,连变声都用上了,现在在这里来摆明是装一装逼了。 Hua Family person? Does not know that is which young master Hua Family? Whether to see?” Sima Zhuiming saw is Hua Family comes the human unexpectedly, somewhat has been startled, but thinks that Ru Yan resembled the status to be very low in Hua Family, or was not the Hua Family person. Moreover heard the voice of this person with fighting the air/Qi suppressed desirably, it seems like it was not the Hua Family anything famous young master, the courage also big several points. 花家的人?不知是花家哪位少爷?能否一见?”司马追命一见竟然是花家来人了,有些惊了,但是想到如烟花家好像地位很低,或者说都不算花家的人。而且听到此人的声音更是用战气刻意压制了,看来也不是花家什么大牌少爷,胆子也就大了几分。 What thing are you? You said that sees sees?” Hua Cao looks like the mood is not very good, unexpectedly the eldest son face of department Ma does not give, but looked at one toward Ye Qinghan, then unexpectedly is holding the hand of Ru Yan, lets somebody cool off or calm down said: Oneself go to Hua Family to apologize, young master forgives your life!” “你算什么东西?你说见就见?”花草看起来心情很不好,居然连司马家的大少爷面子都不给了,只是朝夜轻寒这边看了一眼,而后居然拉着如烟的手,冷冷说道:“自己去花家请罪,小爷饶你一命!” Puff “噗” Ye Qinghan was holding also Ye Qingwu, leisurely and carefree drinking tea, actually hears the Hua Cao not only actor to imitate itself, when the speech expression traces unexpectedly is the same, hears this young master finally cannot bear, tea, spurts crazily, almost made the water choking. 夜轻寒本来还抱着夜轻舞,悠闲的喝着茶,却听到花草不仅行头模仿自己,竟然说话语气都一摸一样,听到这句“小爷”时终于忍不住,一口茶水,狂喷而出,差点都让水给呛到了。 You “你” Sima Zhuiming one hear of complexions suddenly become pale, he is the Black Tortoise City first young master. Usually except for Hua Cao, other Master Hua Family to him is also very polite, has not thought that this person of as even with such doesn't show due respect for the feelings unexpectedly? Then hears the Accord person by the window, not only has not walked, dares to make noise unexpectedly the ridicule, was the complexion has missed a point, roared: What person? Get lost to father!” 司马追命一听脸色陡然变得铁青,他身为玄武城的第一少爷。平时除了花草,其余花家少爷对他也是非常客气,没想到这人竟然如此不给面子?而后听到靠窗的雅阁内的人非但没走,竟然还敢出声嘲笑,更是脸色差了一分,怒吼起来:“什么人?给老子滚出去!” Snort! Idiots!” Hua Cao shook the head, has patted the hand of Ru Yan gently, has comforted her, instead has smiled: Do not go to provoke inside honored guest, you cannot stir up!” “哼!蠢货!”花草摇了摇头,轻轻拍了拍如烟的手,安抚了一下她,反而笑了起来:“别去招惹里面的贵客,你惹不起的!” „, Right? The father must annoy to annoy today!” Sima Zhuiming looks at the Ru Yan small hands, the come person to grip tightly in the hand, moreover Ru Yan sees this person to appear, the facial expression suddenly becomes incomparably calm, the facial features are also the happy expression. Is burning with anger. The Hua Family person he does not dare to move, he decides in the human with Accord to vent anger, has a look to Hua Cao and a Ru Yan color. “哦,是吗?老子今天就要惹上一惹!”司马追命看着如烟的小手,被来人紧紧握在手中,而且如烟一见此人出现,神情陡然间变得无比镇定,眉眼也都是笑意。不禁更是怒火中烧。花家的人他不敢动,他决定拿雅阁内的人出出气,给花草如烟一个颜色看看。 After roars, saw the person in Accord not to have the sound, Sima Zhuiming goes crazy. Fights the air/Qi to rise dramatically suddenly, both legs tread in the ground, the whole person jumps onto the upper air, simultaneously Shan Tui fights the air/Qi to surround, braving the ray to lift high, layer on layer is dividing to Accord. 一声怒吼之后,见雅阁内的人还是毫无动静,司马追命更加发狂了。战气陡然间飙升,双腿在地面一踏,整个人跃上高空,同时单腿战气环绕,冒着光芒高高抬起,对着雅阁重重劈下。 Saw Sima Zhuiming chops must the smashing that Accord chops, but Hua Cao actually as before light station where. Ye Qinghan smiled helplessly, to release Space Lock directly, locked Sima Zhuiming in the midair, has not actually continued to get rid. 眼看着司马追命的一劈就要把雅阁劈的粉碎,而花草却依旧淡淡站在哪里。夜轻寒无奈一笑,直接释放了一个空间锁定,将司马追命锁定在半空,却没有继续出手。 Ye Qinghan is not a fool, this Hua Cao does not think obviously began to kill Sima Zhuiming, the present is borrows his blade murder. He troubles one in a big way to push now, where randomly will also get rid. Moreover he regarding is not a match of rank is also disinclined to begin, falls the share. Flicked the sleeve gently, releases one to fight in Sima Zhuiming of air/Qi to shoot midair, this lightly said: Master Sima, I drinks the cup tea to walk, whom you must make clear are your love rival!” 夜轻寒不是傻子,这花草明显不想自己动手杀了司马追命,现在是来借他的刀杀人。他现在自己麻烦一大推,哪里还会乱出手。而且他对于不是一等级的对手也懒得动手,掉份啊。轻轻一拂袖,释放一股战气将半空中的司马追命弹了回去,这才淡淡说道:“司马少爷,我喝杯茶就走,你要搞清楚谁才是你的情敌!” Meanwhile he gained ground slightly, hands over a vision of despising to Hua Cao, the meaning and is very obvious. You pick up the beautiful woman, actually wants young master to get rid, no way! Light words, transferred the hatred of Sima Zhuiming, has made a primal chaos, has indicated the meaning to Hua Cao, their matter process. 同时他微微抬了抬头,给花草递过去一个鄙视的目光,意思和很明显。你自己泡美女,却要小爷出手,门都没有!一句轻飘飘的话,将司马追命的仇恨转了过去,打了个太极,也给花草表明了意思,自己的事情自己处理吧。 Sima Zhuiming has been startled, his Prince Realm 1-level strength, was released one to fight the air/Qi to be shot gently unexpectedly. Associated to airborne moved a moment ago suddenly was unable to move, scared. Blamed own crudeness secretly, rejoiced that this person has not lost one's temper. The complexion is complex for a while, stares silly is standing on the scene, does not know how to leave office. 司马追命惊了,他诸侯境一重的实力,被人轻轻释放了一股战气竟然被弹了回来。联想到刚才在空中陡然间动了不能动,更是吓坏了。暗自责怪自己的鲁莽,庆幸这人并没有动怒。脸色一时复杂起来,傻愣着站在场中,不知怎么下台了。 You said that this Master Hua Family, he is not good to begin, nearby other people he want to annoy, shows the prestige. Now instead has actually been hit the face. Like this is dingy, Ru Yan there cannot gain ground thoroughly. Moreover this matter passes on to fear that was his reputation also calculates smelly, somewhat was suddenly in a dilemma. 你说这花家少爷,他不好动手就罢了,旁边一个旁人他想惹一下,示下威。现在却反而被人打了脸。就这样灰溜溜走吧,如烟那里算是彻底抬不起头了。而且这事传出去怕是他名声也算臭了,一时间有些进退两难了。 Little Han, helping me kill this person, I owed you a favour, how?” 寒少,帮我杀了此人,我欠你一个人情,如何?” Sima Zhuiming hesitant time on the scene, Hua Cao actually starts to send greetings with Ye Qinghan. 司马追命在场中犹豫的时候,花草却是开始和夜轻寒传音起来。 „It is not dry! Do you owe my favour to be few? Why don't you begin?” Ye Qinghan regarding Sima Zhuiming this type, cannot soak the beautiful woman to use the strong person, although is not feeling well very much, but wanted him like this to get rid the human to kill, this matter he could not do, rejected decisively. “不干!你欠我的人情还少吗?为何你自己不动手?”夜轻寒对于司马追命这种,泡不上美人就用强的人虽然很不爽,但是要他就这样出手把人杀了,这事他也做不来,果断拒绝了。 Yeah, I have my difficulties, or did you make him disabled? Ru Yan is my wife, you looked at this bastard almost to wife to your brothers with, by your temperament, how this tone did endure below?” Hua Cao continues to send greetings, persuaded Ye Qinghan to get rid vigorously. “哎,我有我的苦衷啊,要不你把他弄残废了?如烟是我媳妇,你看这个畜生差点都要对你兄弟之妻用强了,以你的脾气,这口气怎么忍的下?”花草继续传音,极力劝说夜轻寒出手。 Gets the hell out! Was your woman is bullied, closed my bird matter? If my woman, the young master let alone has abandoned him, chopped directly has fed the dog!” Biography tone channel that Ye Qinghan despises, this matter, if places on him, he definitely met anything not to manage, gets rid to chop said again. “滚蛋!是你的女人被人欺负了,关我鸟事?要是我的女人,小爷别说废了他,直接剁了喂狗!”夜轻寒更加鄙夷的传音道,这事情要是放在他身上,他肯定会什么都不管,出手砍了再说。 Now is booing, the cabbage you arch, the fool I works as, he is not a fool, the matter that this type does not have the advantage, will not manage obviously, instead agitates. 现在倒好,白菜你拱,冤大头我来当,他不是傻子,这种没好处的事情,显然不会管,反而鼓动起来。 ***, Does not manage, I went to abandon Hua Cao this bastard to be impulsed obviously by a Ye Qinghan agitation, the body transferred, the whole body emitted cold air, in the hand the black dragon **** upward selected slightly, moved under water directly, gets rid. “***,不管了,我去把这畜生废了”花草夜轻寒一鼓动明显冲动起来,身子转了过去,浑身冒出一股寒气,手中青龙****微微往上一挑,直接潜行,出手了。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” Ye Qinghan binaural shakes, as if heard anything, suddenly gives Hua Cao to send greetings. He had underestimated the Hua Cao speed, as even with such near distance, Hua Family grows perceptibly at the speed with concentration. When he sent greetings lately already one step, Hua Cao came before has pasted the body of Sima Zhuiming, black dragon **** pricked his dantian, a blood and thick war air/Qi already hurricane. 夜轻寒双耳一抖,似乎听到了什么,突然给花草传音起来。只是他低估了花草的速度,如此近的距离,花家潜心又是以速度见长。等他传音已经迟了一步,花草现身的时候已经贴到了司马追命的身前,青龙****刺入了他的丹田,一股鲜血和浓密的战气已经狂飙而出。 Cultivation of Hua Cao Prince Realm peak is, in addition the Hua Family ambush stunt, copes with Prince Realm 1-level military, is easy, moreover a moment ago in Sima Zhuiming mind still in pacing back and forth hesitant, under loses concentration, was sneak attacked by Hua Cao, naturally can strike to go well. 花草诸侯境巅峰的修为,加上花家的潜伏特技,对付一个诸侯境一重的武者,还是轻而易举,而且刚才司马追命脑海内还在徘徊犹豫,分神之下,被花草偷袭,当然会一击得手。 „!” “啊!” Sima Zhuiming saw that the Hua Cao personal appearance reappears slowly, hastily startled backlash, but retreats discovery body to stagger, a lower abdomen severe pain, throws down directly on the ground, rolling up of whole body pain yells. 司马追命看到花草的身形慢慢浮现,连忙惊慌的后退,只是一退却发现身体一个踉跄,小腹一阵剧痛,直接摔倒在地上,浑身痛的蜷缩大叫起来。 Famous Emperor Realm peak expert, is catching up toward this!” Hua Cao is not clear, Ye Qinghan was actually the earliest possible time feels, associated to the difficulties that Hua Cao said a moment ago a moment ago, with concealing dressing up of status, sent greetings hastily reminds him. “有名帝王境巅峰强者,正往这赶来!”花草不清楚,夜轻寒却是第一时间感觉到了,联想到刚才花草刚才说的苦衷,和隐瞒身份的装扮,连忙传音提醒他。 Emperor Realm peak? Oh , no, is Sima Jiajia advocates Sima Yi, what to do Little Han? If this matter were held Hua Family to go by him, not only the Ru Yan life does not guarantee, my few head of the clan positions estimated that must malinger!” 帝王境巅峰?糟糕,是司马家家主司马翼,寒少怎么办?这事要是被他捅到花家去,不但如烟性命不保,我少族长位置估计也要泡汤了!” Hua Cao one hear gets up in great surprise, head bamboo hat slightly trembles, has flustered obviously, flew upwards to rush, must draw Ru Yan to run, but thinks that that side was the Emperor Realm peak, perhaps could not be inescapable, for a while anxious on ant just like hot pot. 花草一听大惊起来,头上的斗笠都微微一颤,明显慌了,飞升奔了过来,就要拉着如烟跑,但是想到那边是帝王境巅峰,恐怕也跑不了,一时急的宛如热锅上的蚂蚁般。 Your this waste firewood, bringing Ru Yan to come in!” Ye Qinghan smiles helplessly, does not send greetings, the direct light start to talk said. “你这个废柴,带如烟进来!”夜轻寒无奈一笑,也不传音了,直接淡淡开口说道。
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