BPTH :: Volume #4

#390: Farewell

390 chapters of farewells 390章告别 Ye Family back side of the mountain. 夜家后山。 The Ye Tianlong three people, are sitting in a circle in the garret, drinks tea to chat. Although three people everybody is wounded, but, the obvious spirit is very good. 夜天龙三人,正围坐在阁楼内,喝茶闲聊。三人虽然都人人带伤但是,明显精神却很不错。 Head of the clan, you must try hard to practice, wins over soon becomes the god will do Ye Family Yue Family that young woman. Hey! When the time comes, Yue Family three generations of saintesses completely poured in your three generations long-barrelled guns get down!” Ye Qingniu drinking tea water , the eye of slightly drum submissive completely is dreadful, is slanting the eye to take a look at Ye Tianlong hey to say with a smile. “族长啊,你得努力修炼啊,争取早日成神把月家那小娘们搞到夜家来。嘿嘿!到时候,月家三代圣女就全部倒在你们祖孙三代长枪下了!”夜青牛喝了口茶水,微鼓的眼睛低眉顺眼的尽是猥琐之相,斜着眼睛瞅着夜天龙嘿嘿笑道。 Qingniu, I said you seven old eight old people, how can't proper? The granddaughters got married, when the time comes must hug the great-grandson, is this.” A Ye Tianlong old-fashioned face anger stared Ye Qingniu one fully, but sees his submissive facial expression, cannot bear but has smiled. Then long sighed: Cheng Shen? Easier said than done, you are not do not know, before these 50 years old , practices most peak time, after 50 years old, various aspects started to decline, I was have a mind to be incapable!” 青牛,我说你都七老八老的人了,怎么就不能正经点?孙女都嫁人了,到时候都要抱重孙了,还是这样。”夜天龙一张古板的脸怒气十足的瞪了夜青牛一眼,但是又看到他那低眉顺眼的神情,又忍不住无奈笑了起来。接着却长长一叹道:“成神?谈何容易啊,你又不是不知道,这50岁之前可是修炼最巅峰的时候,到了50岁之后,各方面都开始衰退了,我是有心无力啊!” Yes!” “是啊!” Ye Baihu is also spooky sighs said: Three of us 20 years ago broke through Saint Realm, now actually practices 2-level, the road of this tenth god, was too difficult. Looks that Little Master Han Xiao Yu their strengths rise dramatically, immediately must overtake us, I felt that feels hot shamelessly!” 夜白虎也跟着幽幽一叹说道:“我们三人20年前就已经突破了圣人境,现在却还是修炼到二重,这成神之路,太难了。看着小寒子小语她们一个个实力飙升,马上就要追上我们了,我都感觉老脸发烫啊!” What means can have? This cultivation path younger boundary is higher, Cheng Shen the probability is higher. However young time before can achieve to look like the Little Master Han boundary mainland, has? Did the ancestor break through Saint Realm also to arrive at over 30 years old in the past probably? I said that do not want to be too many, this chance may with not be possible to ask. I have seen through in any case, this playing has played, this enjoyment enjoyed, did not have anything to regret. This last can take, looked at the divine intervention, at least we have tried hard, before being buried, will not regret, not?” Ye Qingniu is careless, speaks also very much stops at nothing, something can see through. “能有什么办法呢?这修炼道路越年轻境界越高,成神的几率就越高。但是年轻的时候能达到像小寒子的境界的大陆以前有吗?老祖宗当年突破圣人境好像也到了30多岁吧?我说你们两人别想太多,这种机缘可遇不可求。我反正是看开了,该玩的玩过了,该享受的享受了,也没什么遗憾了。这最后一步能不能迈出,就看天意了,至少我们努力过了,入土之前也不会后悔,不是吗?”夜青牛性格大大咧咧的,说起话来也很无所顾忌,有些东西十分看得开。 Said well, managed him! Hits some unable to run away, improper cannot demand, dozens years of life, strives for success finally!” On the Ye Tianlong old-fashioned resolute face reveals a forced smile, Ye Qingniu had not regretted that he has. He has expressed bad. Yue Xishui, is the wound that his Chest can never smooth. “说得好,管他了!命中该有的跑不掉,不该有的强求不得,还有几十年的寿元,最后拼搏一把啊!”夜天龙古板刚毅的脸上露出一丝苦笑,夜青牛没遗憾,他却有。只是他一直不善表达出来而已。月惜水,一直是他心口永远不能抚平的伤。 „!” “咻!” At this moment, the distant place hears from out of the blue sound. Three people simultaneously stopped discussion, then completely smiling has stood, walks toward out of the door. 就在这时,远处传来一阵破空声。三人都同时停止了谈论,而后全部笑意盈盈的站了起来,朝门外走去。 Ye Qinghan pays a visit three grandfathers!” 夜轻寒拜见三位爷爷!” Comes person Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu, Ye Qinghan leads her directly to fly, lands before the garret, showed a faint smile good a ritual. 来人正是夜轻寒夜轻舞,夜轻寒带着她一路直接飞来,降落在阁楼前,微微一笑行了一个礼。 Pays a visit three grandfathers, oh! Grandfather, you such injured? Serious?” Ye Qingwu just prepared to salute, actually saw plain white cloth that the Ye Qingniu whole body wraps, a elegant face frightens beautiful face changing colors immediately, cannot attend to saluting hastily, threw toward Ye Qingniu had gone, worried about nosed. “拜见三位爷爷,哎呀!爷爷,你这么受伤了?严重吗?”夜轻舞刚刚准备行礼,却看到夜青牛浑身包裹的白布,一张俏脸顿时吓得花容失色,连忙顾不得行礼,朝夜青牛扑过了去过,担忧的上下查探起来。 Girl, makes much ado about nothing anything. Got married, so to be how steady? Is military, injury is routine matter, strangely what has? Who is your grandfather? Solemn Saint Realm master, this small wound, training several days was good!” Ye Qingniu is rousing a pair of buphthalmo, feigns to reprove, but in the facial features is actually a gentle meaning. He does not think obviously that lost the honor in front of Ye Tianlong and Ye Baihu as well as Ye Qinghan. “丫头,大惊小怪什么。都嫁了人了,怎么还这么不稳重?身为武者,受伤是常事,有什么奇怪的?你爷爷是谁?堂堂一圣人境高手,这点小伤,修养几天就好了!”夜青牛鼓着一双牛眼,佯装训斥,但是眉眼中却是一片的慈祥之意。他显然不想,在夜天龙夜白虎以及夜轻寒面前丢了脸面。 Granpa Qingniu, this is the curing medicine your this injury of ten bottles of incomparable items, wipes, one day can be good!” Ye Qinghan early is prepared, wanted ten bottles of god therapy good medicine to hand over from Old Lu that. He knows Ye Qingwu, if saw serious that the Ye Qingniu injury can perhaps be worried about, when the time comes feared must make is staying several day. 青牛爷爷,这是十瓶绝品的疗伤药你这的伤势,抹上去,一日便可好!”夜轻寒早有准备,从鹿老那要了十瓶神界的疗伤良药递了过去。他知道夜轻舞如果看到夜青牛的伤势恐怕会担心的不得了,到时候怕是又要闹着停留几日了。 Grandfather, goes in quickly, I smear to you!” Ye Qingwu received the jar, thinks that immediately must depart, the corner of the eye is the tears, holds Ye Qingniu to walk toward inside. “爷爷,快进去,我给你抹上!”夜轻舞接过瓶子,想到马上就要离去,眼角都是泪水,扶着夜青牛往里边走去。 One is busy at work, this cures medicine to be really mysterious, smears, the wound then rapid improved at the naked eye obvious speed. Ye Tianlong and Ye Baihu under insistence of Ye Qinghan but also good also to have wiped. 一番忙活,这疗伤药果然神奇,一抹上,伤口便迅速以肉眼可见的速度变好了。夜天龙夜白虎夜轻寒的坚持下也无奈之好也抹了一遍。 Finally three old return halls, Ye Qinghan makes Ye Qingwu accompany three people, does not have many explanations. But moved to the shape to change positions directly Hanxin Pavilion also brings Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu. 最后三老回归大厅,夜轻寒夜轻舞陪着三人,也没有过多的解释。而是直接移形换位去了寒心阁月倾城夜轻语也带来了。 Bang!” “砰!” On hint of Ye Qinghan, four people of Qi Qigui in three old front, good a mainland most grand kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times big ritual, three always does bewilderedly, but Ye Qingwu is cries so ugly, was almost anxious the violent to walk Ye Qingniu. 夜轻寒的示意上,四人齐齐跪在三老面前,行了一个大陆最隆重的三拜九叩大礼,把三老搞得莫名其妙,而夜轻舞更是哭得一塌糊涂,把夜青牛急得差点暴走了。 Three grandfathers, wait to meet Qinghan to lead them to be far away from Grey City, this goes not to know when can come back to give you three people filial to the utmost. You leave first urgently were asking, when I spoke that the words this is the matter that I and ancestor jointly decide, as for the reason, the ancestor will tell you. Today leaves, does not know when can meet again, hopes that three grandfathers treasure well! Naturally, if three grandfathers, have the time you to come Purple Island to see, my completely my maximum effort, will also strive soon to return to Grey City.” “三位爷爷,等会轻寒就会带着她们远离苍城,这一去也不知什么时候才能回来给你们三人尽孝了。你们先别急着问,等我把话说完这是我和老祖宗共同决定的事情,至于原因,老祖宗会告诉你们。今日一别,也不知何时再能见面,希望三位爷爷好好珍重!当然,如果三位爷爷,有时间你们可以来紫岛一见,我也会尽我最大努力,争取早日重返苍城的。” The Ye Qinghan corner of the eye also contains tears, although first 15 years of this whole life very rare three old, but after being infatuated with the garden, three are has been very always good to him, particularly before falls into Luo Shen Mountain, Ye Qingniu and Ye Tianlong that roars, making him feel them to the sincere love. Naturally this perhaps and strength rises suddenly to have the relations, but at least starting from that moment, he started to accept these three people. 夜轻寒眼角也是微含热泪,虽然他这辈子的前15年很少见过三老,但是醉心园之后,三老算是一直对他很不错,尤其是自己陷入落神山之前,夜青牛夜天龙的那声怒吼,让他感受到他们对自己真诚的爱。当然这或许和自己实力暴涨有关系,但是至少那一刻开始,他开始接受了这三人。 This is deity peak Divine Crystal, your three people can choose one person to build up. Before this is just before leaving, I give your gift!” “这是一枚天神巅峰的神晶,你们三人可以选择一人炼化。这算是临行前,我送给你们的礼物!” Then, Ye Qinghan pulls out a green jade box to give Ye Tianlong, is bringing under three people of once more numerous knocking on. Finally brings to cry muddleheaded Ye Qingwu, suppresses the innermost feelings the sadness, turns around to depart resolutely. Ye Qinghan knows that at this time can only cut the gordian knot, perhaps otherwise several days could not get away. 说完,夜轻寒掏出一个青色玉盒递给夜天龙,带着三人再次重重的叩下。最后带着哭得稀里糊涂的夜轻舞,强忍住内心的悲伤,毅然转身离去。夜轻寒知道这时候只能快刀斩乱麻,否则恐怕好几天都走不了了。 This head of the clan, what's all this about?” Ye Qingniu wants to pursue, but actually gave Ye Tianlong to block, a pair of buphthalmo drum big, layer on layer has stamped a foot on the ground, hot tempered of whole face, roared randomly. “这族长,这是怎么回事?”夜青牛本想追去,但是却给夜天龙拦住了,一双牛眼鼓的大大的,重重在地上跺了一脚,满脸的暴躁,乱吼起来。 What Qingniu is anxious, you have not heard Little Master Han saying that we can go to Purple Island to see them in the future? I subpoenaed to the ancestor, when he came to ascertain. Yeah what happened? To can the situation that unexpectedly seriously goes to Purple Island to seek asylum?” “急什么青牛,你没听到小寒子说我们日后可以去紫岛见她们吗?我已经传讯给老祖宗了,等他来了在问清楚吧。哎发生了什么事情?竟然严重到要去紫岛避难的地步了?” Ye Tianlong stared Ye Qingniu one maliciously, seemed blaming his weight not to divide. Ye Baihu actually also shocks at this moment in Ye Qinghan gives Ye Family deity peak Divine Crystal. They were awakened by a Ye Tianlong saying, Ye Qinghan just the strength greatly entered, was War-God Prefecture has explained a big crisis, now actually must depart in a hurry. Moreover three people have thought also Ye Qinghan cuts kills the alien race the time, that strange appearance as well as the sound of change, is it possible that he met what to trouble desirably greatly, can't guarantee him Ye Family? 夜天龙狠狠瞪了夜青牛一眼,似乎在责怪他轻重不分。夜白虎此刻却还震撼在夜轻寒送给夜家的天神巅峰神晶。两人被夜天龙一说都惊醒过来,夜轻寒刚刚实力大进,为战神府破解了一个大危机,现在却要匆匆离去。而且三人同时也想到了夜轻寒斩杀异族的时候,那奇怪的打扮以及刻意改变的声音,莫非他遇到了什么大麻烦,连夜家都不能保他? Because of homicide Tu Qianjun, therefore he must walk! Otherwise Ye Family will be finished!” “因为他杀了屠千军,所以他必须走!否则夜家都会完蛋!” At this time Ye Ruoshui flickered to move suddenly, heavy sighed, somewhat helpless saying: Transmitted orders, the Grey City of matter outside of that day in blocking, in the clan juniors everything discussed this matter, expelled Ye Family completely, serious executes!” 这时夜若水突然瞬移过来了,沉沉一叹,有些无奈的说道:“传令下去,将那天苍城外的事在封锁一遍,族中子弟凡是谈论此事,全部逐出夜家,严重者就地格杀!” A moment later, not any a luxurious big carriage of symbol, quietly is above mundane thoughts to go toward the distant place from the Grey City east gate. 片刻之后,一辆没有任何标志的豪华大马车,悄然的从苍城东门朝远方绝尘而去。
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