BPTH :: Volume #4

#389: Are you willing to accompany me to wander all over the world?

Are 389 chapters of you willing to accompany me to wander all over the world? 389章你们愿意陪我去浪迹天涯吗? Good, you tidy up, they said goodbye with Tianlong, prepared to tell me, I led you to flicker to remove directly!” Ye Ruoshui hopes actually Ye Qinghan goes to the dark castle, after all has the relations of Little Black, how to say again Senior Shi definitely will look after his. However Purple Island on the other hand is actually the safest place, since now Ye Qinghan has decided that he many did not say anything. “好吧,你收拾一下,和天龙他们告个别,准备好了告诉我,我带你们直接瞬移去吧!”夜若水其实是希望夜轻寒去暗黑城堡的,毕竟有小黑的关系,再怎么说噬大人肯定会照顾他的。但是紫岛相对来说却是最安全的地方,现在夜轻寒既然决定了,他也不好多说什么。 No!” “别!” Since has gotten down the decision, Ye Qinghan was not instead puzzled, on the face reveals a ruthless color, beckoned with the hand to say directly: You cannot lead me to go, not only you cannot lead me to go, moreover I arrived at Purple Island. You must make the family paste the bulletin, always expels Ye Family me, and informs the world person, after I and Ye Family, does not have the least bit to relate! My behavior Ye Family is generally irresponsible.” 既然下了决定,夜轻寒反而没有那么纠结了,脸上露出一丝狠色,直接摆了摆手说道:“你不能带我去,非但你不能带我去,而且等我到了紫岛。你还要让家族贴出告示,把我永世逐出夜家,并且告知天下人,我和夜家以后没有半点关系!我的行为夜家概不负责。” This good! Do you pass? Purple Island east Hidden Island!” “这个好吧!你怎么过去?紫岛可是在隐岛东边!” Requests Ye Family to remove him to also Ye Qinghan, Ye Ruoshui is also one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, but stares slightly, does not have hesitant many. Since Ye Qinghan has opened the mouth, did not matter. In the Ye Family will of the people approved Ye Qinghan to be good in any case, at the worst, was making him recognize the ancestor to return to the birth family. 对也夜轻寒自己要求夜家将他除名,夜若水也是一代枭雄,只是微微一愣,没有犹豫过多。既然夜轻寒开口了,也就无所谓了。反正夜家人心里认同夜轻寒就行了,大不了以后在让他认祖归宗了。 Hey, I have my means! My security you do not need to be worried that you forgot how I did disappear couple days ago?” Ye Qinghan smiles, actually not to expose, after all Old Lu does not like over many people knowing his existence, as for his security? He was not worried actually. So long as control the ramble abstention, opened that door to enter Ramble Pavilion, was equal to an independent small space, as soon as he went , the gate vanished, but also feared the god slaughter? This time goes to Purple Island is also because, feared that the Ye Qingyu three people stayed in Ramble Pavilion all day long were too stuffy, otherwise his Purple Island does not want to go, cultivated in Ramble Pavilion directly. “嘿嘿,我有我的办法!我的安全你也不用担心,你忘记我前几天是怎么消失的?”夜轻寒嘿嘿一笑,却没有点破,毕竟鹿老不喜欢过多人知道他的存在,至于他的安全?他倒是不怎么担心。只要自己控制逍遥戒,打开那道门进了逍遥阁,就等于进去了一个独立的小空间,他一进去,门就消失了,还怕神主屠?这次去紫岛也是因为,怕夜轻语三人成天呆在逍遥阁太闷了,否则他紫岛都不想去,直接在逍遥阁修炼了。 Ancestor, sends me to Hanxin Pavilion , later you must treasure!” Ye Qinghan direct Ye Ruoshui has knelt finally, did obeisance three to do obeisance, says goodbye. “老祖宗,送我去寒心阁吧,以后你要珍重!”夜轻寒最后直接夜若水跪了下来,拜了三拜,告别起来。 Um, does not need too to be worried that perhaps the matter will not be pessimistic also perhaps, moreover I can also have the human to go to Purple Island to look frequently your!” Ye Ruoshui fills with guilty looks at Ye Qinghan, both hands is helping up him, the corner of the eye somewhat is slightly moist. “嗯,不用太担心,或许事情不会那么悲观也说不定,而且我也可以经常带人去紫岛看你的!”夜若水满怀愧疚的望着夜轻寒,双手扶起他,眼角微微有些湿润。 This child is only 21 years old, actually experienced that many misery, now actually must face a bigger challenge, as well as his thin and weak shoulder, actually also wants the shoulder to pay that serious burden. Although said capable work more, if there are if possible, his rather these misery and heavy burdens are shouldered by him. 这孩子才21岁啊,却经历了那么多苦难,现在却还要面临更大的挑战,以及他那瘦弱的肩膀,却还要肩付着那么沉重的负担。虽然说能者多劳,如果有可能的话,他宁愿这些苦难和重担都由他来扛。 Among the men, something do not use many spoken languages. Ye Ruoshui and Ye Qinghan look at each other one, they nodded, simultaneously has smiled. Then Ye Ruoshui directly flickered the shipper pole Ye Qinghan to go to Hanxin Pavilion . 男人之间,有些事情不用过多的言语。夜若水夜轻寒对视一眼,两人点了点头,同时笑了起来。而后夜若水直接瞬移带着夜轻寒去了寒心阁 Said goodbye to Ye Ruoshui, Ye Qinghan enters the Hanxin Pavilion hall, incomparably accepted as a memento looked at all around one. Ye Qinghan moved to the shape to change positions directly the backyard, Ye Qingyu they have been drinking the tea in the backyard, was enjoying the afternoon sunlight. 告别夜若水,夜轻寒走进寒心阁大厅,无比留念的望了四周一眼。夜轻寒直接移形换位去了后院,夜轻语他们正在后院喝着茶水,享受着午后的阳光。 Elder brother!” “哥!” Ye Qingyu sees Ye Qinghan to appear, the first detection, stood hastily got up happy calling out. Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu also put down the cup to stand with a smile. 夜轻语一见夜轻寒出现,第一个察觉,连忙站了起来开心的叫道。月倾城夜轻舞也放下杯子含笑站了起来。 Three beautiful women are good! Can ask your question?” “三位美女好!能问你们一个问题吗?” Ye Qinghan smiles, extends a hand, suddenly treats a matter seriously was saying to three people: „Are three beautiful women, you willing to accompany me to wander all over the world?” 夜轻寒嘿嘿一笑,伸出一只手,突然郑重其事的对着三人说道:“三位美女,你们愿意陪我去浪迹天涯吗?” Wanders all over the world? 浪迹天涯? Three people look at the Ye Qinghan serious facial expression, three people clearly what happened, in abundance the doubts is looking at him, is waiting for his explanation. 三人看着夜轻寒严肃的神情,三人不明白发生了什么事情,纷纷疑惑的望着他,等待着他的解释。 Specific reason, later again explained that now I can only tell you explicitly. I now was loner one, this Ye Family I cannot treat, I prepared to wander all over the world, are you willing to go with me? You must consider clearly, perhaps this goes, possibly ten years eight years cannot come back, perhaps this whole life cannot come back!” “具体原因,以后再解释,现在我只能明确告诉你们。我现在是孤家寡人一个了,这夜家我不能待了,我准备去浪迹天涯,请问你们愿意跟我去吗?你们要考虑清楚,或许这一去,可能十年八年不能回来,更或许这辈子都不能回来!” Ye Qinghan somewhat guilty is looking at three people, oneself can marry three peerless beautiful women fortunately, goes unable for them to live stably, now must drift about destitute, oneself this man also does is really the failure. 夜轻寒有些愧疚的望着三人,自己能有幸娶了三位绝世美人,去不能为她们稳定的生活,现在还要去颠沛流离,自己这男人做得还真是失败啊。 Which elder brother goes, I go!” Ye Qingyu has opened the mouth without hesitation, regarding her, which Ye Qinghan, where is her family. “哥去哪,我去哪!”夜轻语毫不犹豫的开口了,对于她来说,夜轻寒在哪,哪里就是她的家。 Wanders all over the world very well, I am willing to go to the ends of the earth with you together, all sea is the family!” Yue Qingcheng smiled, not having Ye Qinghan to be too sad in day, she does not want to continue a person alone played a qin in the static lake lakeside. “浪迹天涯很不错,我愿意和你一同去天涯海角,四海为家!”月倾城嫣然一笑,没有夜轻寒在身边的日子太难过了,她再也不想继续一个人孤零零的在静湖湖畔抚琴了。 „Was I with you, only cannot really in?” The Ye Qingwu expression is very firm, but facial color painstakingly, if after all this whole life cannot come back, she cannot be filial to the utmost in her grandfather before your knees, if his grandfather hundred years later, cannot make funeral arrangements, she will hate herself for a lifetime. “我也跟着你,只是真的不能在回来了吗?”夜轻舞语气很坚决,但是面色微苦,毕竟如果这辈子真不能回来的话,她不能在她爷爷膝前尽孝,万一他爷爷百年之后,也不能送终的话,她会恨自己一辈子的。 Good, this is my Ye Qinghan woman, actually, I discovered that I have not had in this world anything, but has you and Little Black. However foot!” “好,这才是我夜轻寒的女人,其实,我发现我在这个世界什么都未曾拥有,只是拥有你们和小黑。但是足矣!” The Ye Qinghan corners of the mouth are pale the smile, this happy expression sunlight, is very very bright, is very satisfied. In the eye pupil blooms suddenly fine glow, suddenly the heroic spirit sends greatly, a character character said earnestly: You could rest assured that my completely I maximum effort, will make you return to Flame Dragon Continent as soon as possible once more, simultaneously making best effort lets your happy life!” 夜轻寒嘴角淡起微笑,这笑意很阳光,很灿烂,很满足。眼眸中陡然间绽放一丝精芒,突然豪气大发,一字一字的认真说道:“你们放心,我会尽我最大的努力,尽早让你们再次回归炎龙大陆,同时尽最大努力让你们幸福一生!” Then, Ye Qinghan wipes on the ramble ring, in the hand emerges out of thin air two jade boxes, gives Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu these two jade boxes separately, the smile said: This is Senior Shi gives your wedding present. This is two deity peak Divine Crystal. You build up it, after building up, your three people can reach the Heaven Immortal Realm peak finally!” 说完,夜轻寒手在逍遥戒指上一抹,手上凭空出现两个玉盒,将这两个玉盒分别递给月倾城夜轻舞,微笑说道:“这是噬大人送给你们的结婚礼物。这是两枚天神巅峰的神晶。你们炼化它吧,炼化之后,你们三人最终都能达到天神境巅峰!” Divine Crystal?” 神晶?” They one startled, the hand has not nearly asserted with confidence, jade box falling. This thing they know, because Ye Qingyu is building up Divine Crystal, this moment boundary also wanted compared with Ye Qinghan high, but heard that could not need several years to be able Cheng Shen! This thing is priceless 两人一惊,险些手没拿稳,把玉盒给摔下来。这东西她们知道,因为夜轻语就是在炼化神晶,此刻境界都已经比夜轻寒还要高了,而听说要不了几年就能成神了!这东西可是价值连城啊 Hey, my Ye Qingwu also one day can become God Rank expert! Deity peak God Rank expert!” Ye Qingwu is unable to put down takes jade box to hold appreciatively, actually her innermost feelings somewhat envy Ye Qingyu slightly, reason that she that diligently, does not want to fall behind Ye Qingyu strength that many, in order to avoid being been when the time comes desolate by Ye Qinghan, this is the one sour grapes mentality of concubine subconscious. “嘿嘿,我夜轻舞也有一日能成为神级强者了!还是天神巅峰的神级强者!”夜轻舞爱不释手的拿着玉盒把玩起来,其实她内心微微有些嫉妒夜轻语的,之所以她那么努力,就是不想落后夜轻语实力那么多,以免到时候被夜轻寒冷落,这是小女人潜意识的一种酸葡萄心态。 „After this Divine Crystal builds up, original principle that I can continue to sense?” Yue Qingcheng does not have many joy, instead asked a strange question. “这神晶炼化之后,我能不能继续感悟的原来的法则了?”月倾城却没有过多的欣喜,反而问了个奇怪的问题。 This “这个” Blinking of Ye Qinghan doubts, sees Yue Qingcheng is very earnest asking. Then passes message to inquire to Old Lu that a moment later shrugs the arm saying: Cannot, you build up to melt Divine Crystal, you can only sense the profound mystery in Divine Crystal, your original principle cannot cultivation!” 夜轻寒疑惑的眨了眨眼,见月倾城是很认真的问道。便传音给鹿老询问起来,片刻之后才耸了耸肩膀说道:“不能,你炼化了神晶,你就只能感悟神晶内的玄奥,你原来的法则就不能修炼了!” „! Like this, that this Divine Crystal I do not want, you take away to give to others!” Yue Qingcheng flashes through light losing, immediately actually smiles, somewhat has felt relaxed, very optional loses Divine Crystal to Ye Qinghan, just like is throwing a toy. “哦!这样啊,那这神晶我不要了,你拿去送给别人吧!”月倾城闪过一丝淡淡的失落,随即却莞尔一笑,有些释然了,很随意的将神晶丢给夜轻寒,宛如在丢一个玩具般。 Why? „ “为什么?“ Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingwu look at each other one, cannot believe that the blinking skin, simultaneously loses one's voice to ask. Ye Qinghan also specially touches the Yue Qingcheng forehead, has a look whether caught cold to fall ill. 夜轻寒夜轻舞对视一眼,不敢相信般眨了眨眼皮,同时失声问道。夜轻寒还特意去摸了摸月倾城的额头,看看是否伤风生病了。 What is this? This is can enter into God Rank Divine Crystal with ease, Yue Qingcheng unexpectedly hesitant a meeting, rejected directly. Ye Qinghan complied with Senior Shi unable to build up Divine Crystal Cheng Shen, thinks that he must build up to melt directly. 这是什么?这是能轻松迈入神级神晶啊,月倾城竟然只是犹豫了一会,直接拒绝了。夜轻寒要不是答应了噬大人不能炼化神晶成神,想必他自己都要直接炼化了。 Not why, the world principle that because I cultivation now I like very much, I do not want to replace, Qinghan I affirmed very I want anything, does not need to be worried for me!” Yue Qingcheng is very firm nod, Divine Sound Principle that she practices, is her hobby is, she, does not want to give up her hobby, is such simple. “没有为什么,因为我现在修炼的天地法则我很喜欢,我不想更换,轻寒我十分肯定我想要什么,不用为我担心!”月倾城很是坚定的点了点头,她修炼的神音法则,是她的爱好所在,她,不想放弃她的爱好,就是这么简单。 Good! Since you affirmed that I gave my grandfather this Divine Crystal, made Ye Family have one to be able many patron god.” Ye Qinghan had not been insisting that has taken back Divine Crystal, prepares to give Ye Tianlong, lets Ye Family many God Rank patron gods, was Ye Family has raised this many years of repayment. “好吧!既然你肯定,那我就把这枚神晶给我爷爷了,也让夜家有一名能多一名守护神。”夜轻寒没有在坚持,收回了神晶,准备送给夜天龙,让夜家多一名神级守护神,也算是夜家养育了他这枚多年的回报了。 After making the decision, his sudden whole body is relaxed, looked at one toward all around, finally lifts up high both hands to show the bright smiling face, was saying to three people: Xiao Yu you and Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman) pack the thing, I and Xiao Wu go to say goodbye with my several grandfathers, afterward wanders all over the world with everybody together!” 做出决定之后,他突然浑身轻松起来,朝四周望了一眼,最后高举双手露出灿烂的笑容,对着三人说道:“小语你和倾城去收拾一下东西,我和小舞去和我几位爷爷告别一下,随后与大家一起去浪迹天涯吧!”
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