BPTH :: Volume #4

#391: The night sword got rid

391 chapters of Ye Jian got rid 391章夜剑出手了 War-God Prefecture had a very strange matter these days very much, felt strange that slightly feared to everybody some. 战神府这段时间很发生了一件很奇怪的事情,奇怪到大家都有些微微恐惧起来了。 Days before has attended that war in Grey City, all expert of being survivor of disaster, as if by prior agreement once more received an order from War-God Prefecture highest rank. The similar meaning, is refuses the discussion to disseminate that great face of that war, as well as that black robe person. Moreover this time seems to be more serious, War-God Prefecture has issued a War-God blood command directly, said that this matter relates to the War-God Prefecture life or death, discusses disseminates this matter, kills without the amnesty! 前几日在苍城参加过那场大战,劫后余生的所有强者,都不约而同再次接到了一个来自战神府最高级别的命令。同样的意思,就是严禁谈论传播那场大战的那张巨脸,以及那个黑袍人。而且这次似乎更严重,战神府直接下了一个战神血令,说此事关系到战神府的存亡,凡谈论传播此事者,杀无赦! Perhaps previous time in Grey City, all expert will feel surprised, but this time obviously was terrified. This matter obviously looks like very serious, as serious as the War-God Prefecture life or death, who also dares to discuss? Many people already secretly and others have mentioned, starts to wipe the buttocks to recover hastily, but many people planned this matter rottenly in the belly. 上次在苍城,或许所有的强者会感到惊疑,但是这次却明显都惶恐了。这事情显然看起来非常严重,都严重到战神府的存亡了,谁还敢在谈论?很多人已经偷偷和别人谈起过的,连忙开始擦屁股补救起来,而很多人则打算把这事烂在了肚子里。 Clearly, Ye Ruoshui twice banned to say very major function. Although mainland all God Rank expert when that day war, useful Divine Knowledge came occasionally to nose. Because feared that enrages Jin Qi actually not to dare Divine Knowledge sending out in the battlefield center, then after coming that great face to appear, noses by far does not dare. 很明显,夜若水的两次禁言起了很大作用。大陆所有的神级强者虽然在那一日大战的时候,都有用神识过来偶尔查探。但是因为怕触怒金麒却没敢将神识散发在战场中央,而后来那张巨脸出现之后,更是连远远查探都不敢了。 Until after the war finished, after that great face and alien race disappear completely, they dare to come the Divine Knowledge divergence slowly. Actually discovered that the alien race disappeared completely. However at that moment is very obvious, they think that is because Senior Shi has gotten rid, killing that the alien race kills, catching up that catches up with, this subsided this extinguished the world crisis. 直到战事完毕之后,那张巨脸和异族全部消失之后,他们才敢慢慢将神识辐散过来。却发现异族已经全部消失了。但是那一刻很明显,他们都以为是因为噬大人出手了,把异族杀的杀,赶的赶,这才平息了这场灭世危机。 Shenfu Hidden Island, is rejoicing to secretly rejoice simultaneously, starts to inquire the process of matter. But monster Shenfu god city while criticizing, starts to ask around to have the matter that day has. 蛮神府隐岛,在庆幸暗喜同时,开始纷纷打探起事情的经过。而妖神府神城在暗骂的同时,也开始四处打探起那日发生的事情。 Ye Ruoshui first passes message had an effect, although that night had innumerable Divine Knowledge to lock Grey City square Emperor Realm military. However behind nobody was discussing. They faintly hear, as if has black robe expert, has saved War-God Prefecture? 夜若水的第一道传音起了作用,当夜虽然有无数的神识锁定了苍城广场的帝王境武者。但是后面却无人在谈论。他们只是隐隐听到,似乎有个黑袍强者,拯救了战神府 This does not fully understand, makes them feel strange, the War-God Prefecture scout who therefore two palace city islands ambush the buy, starts to ask around to get up, must of that day make clear matter completely, otherwise felt that a matter was being hung, felt that always is uncomfortable. 这半懂不懂的,更加让他们奇怪,于是两府一城一岛潜伏收买的战神府探子,开始四处打探起来,要将那天的事情完全搞清楚,否则感觉一件事被吊着,感觉总是不舒服。 In War-God Prefecture second bans under the password, has not nosed any accurate information. Then was extraordinary, several influences too in a big way had not paid attention, now War-God Prefecture several times ban the password, became aware that tightly this matter, a rumor was airtight. This inside does not have the hideaway any huge secret, no one believes. An entire War-God Prefecture surface uneventfulness, secretly is the undercurrent is thereupon turbulent 只是在战神府第二道禁口令下,都没有查探出什么确切的情报。这下更是了不得了,几番势力本来还没太大注意,现在战神府几次禁口令,将这事悟得那么紧,一点风声不透。这里面没有隐藏什么天大的秘密,谁也不相信了。于是乎整个战神府表面一片风平浪静,暗地里却是暗潮汹涌起来 Although banned the password to get down two, but some people dare to brave entire War-God Prefecture not to be obviously, discussed on the quiet. For example Ye Jian has courage. 虽然禁口令下了两道,但是明显还是有人敢冒整个战神府之不为,悄悄谈论的。比如夜剑就有这个胆子。 Ye Jian is the potential thoughts of gain very heavy person, the young time his talent is ordinary, had been pressed for dozens years by Ye Dao, but he has been bearing patiently. That Ye Dao tenacious went to Luo Shen Mountain, he thinks that is an opportunity, therefore he has gotten rid decisively, finally he has won, Ye Dao died. 夜剑一直是个势利心很重的人,年轻的时候他天赋一般,被夜刀压了几十年,但是他一直隐忍着。那次夜刀固执的去了落神山,他认为是个机会,于是他果断出手了,结果他赢了,夜刀死了。 Under the senior branch in his peaceful mind manages, in Ye Family, hoodwinks the public south War-God Prefecture. Six years ago the Ye Dao son, suddenly became the incomparable powerful, was infatuated with a garden war, Ye Tianlong is directed, finally Ye Qingkuang was abandoned, he was imprisoned, two once more forcing senior branches. 大房在他的静心经营之下,在夜家,在战神府南方一手遮天。只是六年前夜刀的儿子,突然之间变得无比强势起来了,醉心园一战,夜天龙被引了出来,结果夜轻狂被废,他被囚禁,二房再次力压大房。 He has not given up , to continue to bear patiently, in the back side of the mountain, because does not have the vulgar event to be encumbered, he had the abundant time, in addition his biased temper, the result broke through Saint Realm by luck, the powerful returned. 他没有放弃,继续隐忍,在后山,因为没有俗事缠身,他有了充裕的时间,加上他偏执的性子,结果侥幸突破了圣人境,强势归来了。 He thinks that he can rally the senior branch, was in power again once more, regains his past glory and dignity. However he actually discovered that as if the Grey City day changed. Ye Qinghan became few head of the clan, status constant voltage his head, moreover family not only has not conferred the position of his space elder unexpectedly, the position of real power elder does not have, but also son actually also nobody planted the soul to plant 只是他本以为他可以重振大房,重新再次掌权,恢复他往日的荣耀和尊严。但是他却发现,似乎苍城的天已经变了。夜轻寒成为了少族长,地位稳压他一头,而且家族竟然不仅没有册封他天上长老之位,就连实权长老之位都没有,而且儿子却还没人种下了魂种 Good , to continue to endure! 好吧,继续忍! When that black robe person powerful entered the stage on that day, the second kills a piece of sage peak, and he has determined the status of this black robe person after Ye Qiang there. He knows that he cannot endure again, he decided to get rid. 当那天那个黑袍人强势出场,秒杀一片圣人巅峰,并且他从夜枪那里确定了这黑袍人的身份之后。他知道,他不能再忍了,他决定出手了。 You determined that Tu Qianjun does die in the wild mountain range?” “你确定屠千军死在蛮荒山脉?” In the study room, Ye Jian has released the Saint territory cautiously, meanwhile very careful sending greetings and Ye Qingkuang exchange. Through material that several day he collects, he felt that he as if must touch this secret core. 书房内,夜剑小心翼翼的释放了圣域,同时还非常小心的传音和夜轻狂交流起来。通过几日来他收集的资料,他感觉他似乎就要触摸到这个秘密的核心了。 Father, before this is the god city alien races arrive , the biggest matter, moreover Tu Shenwei has also pledged the condition, if who found the murderer, immediately relieves the soul of his within the body to plant, how such big matter will I remember incorrectly?” Ye Qingkuang returns to shortly after the Ye Family fort, actually came by the Ye Jian summon, but also thinks that had any important matter. Unexpectedly before Ye Jian was actually held responsible one, he accidentally gave Ye Jian has reported the matter. “父亲,这是神城异族降临前最大的事情,而且屠神卫还开出了条件,谁要是找到凶手,立即解除他体内的魂种,这么大的事我怎么会记错?”夜轻狂才回到夜家堡不久,却被夜剑召唤而来,还以为发生了什么大事。不料夜剑却是问起了一件以前他偶然给夜剑汇报过的事情。 After Ye Jian hears the Ye Qingkuang definite news, silent long time, the complexion fluctuates to keep, the solemn innermost feelings are struggling. Synthesizes all news, he was clear the approximate matter understanding. He starts hesitant, is pacing back and forth. More than ten years ago, he decided that betrays the Ye Dao news to Demon Clan same this is gambling, the risk and benefit are actually the half-and-half unrestrained gamblings. 夜剑听到夜轻狂确定的消息之后,沉默了良久,脸色变幻不停,俨然内心在挣扎。综合所有的消息,他已经把大致的事情了解清楚了。他开始犹豫,在徘徊。和十多年前,他决定将夜刀的消息出卖给妖族一样这是一个赌博,风险和利益却是参半的豪赌。 Is you are threatening, do not blame me, this matter sooner or later must expose in any case!” Silent half double-hour, the Ye Jian complexion has revealed a ruthless color finally, thought aloud in a soft voice that then he has turned the head to is being vacant Ye Qingkuang passes message very much: Several day I will have arranged you to leave Grey City, then your secret goes to god city!” “是你们逼人太甚,别怪我,反正这事迟早要暴露的!”沉默了半个时辰,夜剑脸色终于露出一丝狠色,轻声自言自语起来,而后他转过头对着很是茫然的夜轻狂传音起来:“过几日我会安排你出苍城,而后你秘密去神城一趟!” What do I go to god Chenggan?” Ye Qingkuang one startled, that place he shunts to hide, how dares alone to go? Perhaps after all on soul slave god city, was struck to kill secretly is uncertain. “我去神城干什么?”夜轻狂一惊,那地方他躲开躲不及,怎么敢独自前去?毕竟魂奴私自上神城,或许被击杀也不一定。 Idiot, you sees Tu Shenwei, told the homicide Tu Qianjun murderer, making him relieve the soul to plant to you. Then is helping me have several words! You said that” Ye Jian sets out lightly, starts to send greetings in detail carefully with Ye Qingkuang. “蠢货,你去见屠神卫,告诉他杀屠千军的凶手,让他给你解除魂种。而后在帮我带几句话!你说”夜剑淡淡起身,开始详细和夜轻狂细细传音起来。 „After this Ye Qingkuang hear, immediately the whole face is excited, his father plan is a Shi San bird. A moment later he remembers anything suddenly, somewhat surprised asking: Father Sir, this strategy good is good, I feared, when the time comes, will implicate Ye Family, if Ye Family extinguished, we cannot escape dead characters!” “这”夜轻狂听完之后,顿时满脸兴奋起来,他父亲这计划可是一石三鸟啊。只是片刻之后他突然想起什么,有些惊疑的问道:“父亲大人,这计策好是好,我就怕,到时候,会连累夜家,要是夜家灭了,我们也逃不过一个死字啊!” Idiot, this matter you thinks how long can hide the truth from? Knows finally in any case, might as well makes you relieve the soul to plant.” Ye Jian is just like unsatisfied regarding this son's intelligence quotient, curses angrily one very gloomy, the complexion continues saying: You have almost gone to the god city on the several th time, I will see right in front of one ancestor, relates with keen sorrow the fierce relations with him, pursues Ye Family to go Ye Qinghan, otherwise Ye Family sooner or later must destroy in his hands “蠢货,这事你以为能瞒多久?反正最后都会知道的,还不如让你解除魂种。”夜剑对于这个儿子的智商俨然非常不满意,怒骂一声,脸色很阴沉的继续说道:“过几日等你差不多到神城的时候,我会去面见老祖宗的,和他痛陈厉害关系,将夜轻寒驱逐出夜家去,否则夜家迟早要毁在他手里” Right, right! The father Sir is high, hey I secretly will go several days later to the god city! Ye Qinghan. Your this time died! Ha Ha Ye Qingkuang suddenly wants to laugh wildly loudly, but just opened the mouth actually to feel that as if at this moment smiles somewhat inopportunely, looks vision that Ye Jian lets somebody cool off or calm down, the tracing nose embarrasedly, prepares to depart hastily. “对,对!还是父亲大人高啊,嘿嘿过几天我就偷偷去神城!夜轻寒。你这次死定了!哈哈”夜轻狂突然想放声狂笑,只是刚张开嘴巴却感觉到,似乎此刻笑得有些不合时宜,看着夜剑冷冷的目光,连忙讪讪的摸了摸鼻子,准备离去。 Remember, must keep secret, delivers the letter to meet you not to come back temporarily. Crosses the section day I to pack off your two younger brothers separately, if Ye Family perishes because of Ye Qinghan , is also good to leave behind some kindling materials.” Ye Jian light waving, making Ye Qingkuang depart. He actually looks at out of the window to be in a daze. “记住,要保密,送完信会你也暂时别回来了。过段日子我会将你两位弟弟分别送走,如果夜家真的因为夜轻寒而灭亡的话,也好留下些火种。”夜剑淡淡的挥了挥手,让夜轻狂离去。他自己却怔怔的望着窗外发呆起来。 More than ten years ago, he has bet one time, finally he won. This time, he actually does not know that the final output will be actually what kind, perhaps perhaps lives dies, perhaps perhaps the riches and honors, the soul turns over to Western Paradise. He does not care, because he thinks that such day he could not be enduring 十多年前,他就赌过一次,最后他赢了。这次,他却不知道最后结果究竟会怎么样,或许生或许死,或许荣华富贵,或许魂归西天。他都不在乎了,因为他认为这样的日子他在也忍不下去了
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