BPTH :: Volume #4

#383: Bites the butterfly

383 chapters of Shi Die 383章噬蝶 Jin Qi must bet, this Divine sword to regarding his father, his uncles very important. Because this can go in one of the Soul Emperor Pavilion keys the Divine sword, but Soul Emperor Pavilion is the place of god first conceal treasure. Soul Emperor is the god status first person, hides in valuable God Emperor hassle-free first. 金麒要赌了,这把神剑到对于他父亲,他大伯都非常的重要。因为这把神剑是能进去魂帝阁的钥匙之一,而魂帝阁是神界第一藏宝之地。魂帝身为神界地位第一人,藏宝可谓神帝中毫无争议的第一。 This is not most important, finally the one who makes Jin Qi set firm resolve, making the Saint level preliminary black robe person second kill a piece of Saint level peak the treasure. This treasure as even with such is mysterious, in god is the most precious object. The Divine sword obtained is also his father and uncle, when the time comes obtained anything in Soul Emperor Pavilion, it is estimated that was also the uncle father first uses. The most precious object of black robe person is different, this is he obtains, that definitely is his. 这都不是最重要的,最终让金麒下定决心的是,让圣级初阶黑袍人秒杀一片圣级巅峰的宝物。这宝物如此神奇,在神界都是至宝。神剑得到了也是他父亲和大伯的,到时候在魂帝阁得到什么,估计也是大伯父亲先用。黑袍人身上的至宝却不同,这是他得到的,那肯定是他的。 Therefore he not hesitant, lets four deity peak most precious object opening transmission directly. He actually directly flickers to move, burns the cinders the black robe person with the flame. As for black robe person the Divine sword and most precious object in space ring, he does not have to be worried slightly that his flame absolutely does not have this ability these treasure melting. 所以他没有犹豫,直接让四名天神巅峰至宝开启传送阵。他却直接瞬移,用火焰将黑袍人焚烬。至于黑袍人身上的空间戒指内的神剑和至宝,他没有丝毫担心,他的火焰绝对没有这个能力将那些宝物融化的。 Jin Qi moves, Ye Ruoshui naturally must move. Senior Shi not. Their five people are impossible to look at the hope of War-God Prefecture helplessly, or entire can die a tragic death to the black robe person who Flame Dragon Potential Surface brings the hope in light of this. Therefore from the beginning Ye Ruoshui and Emperor Dao as well as Xue Family Ancestor have made the decision, if Jin Qi they must begin, three people will preserve the black robe person not at any cost. 金麒一动,夜若水当然要动了。噬大人不在。她们五人不可能眼睁睁看着战神府的希望,或者说整个能给炎龙位面带来希望的黑袍人就此惨死。所以一开始夜若水刀皇以及雪家老祖就已经做了决定,如果金麒他们要动手的话,三人将不惜一切代价保住黑袍人。 What they have not expected, Jin Qi does not hesitate own life unexpectedly, did not fear that Senior Shi begins the racket to break to pieces him, does not let under begin, began unexpectedly. Although with expectation somewhat came and went out, but five people of thought vacillations, directly have not actually flickered to move, they decided that with opportunity that own life receiving in exchange black robe person survives. 只是她们没有料到的是,金麒竟然不惜自己的命,不怕噬大人动手拍碎他,不让手下动手,竟然自己动手了。虽然和预料的有些出入了,但是五人却念头没有一丝动摇,直接瞬移,她们决定用自己的生命换取黑袍人存活下来的机会。 Boy, making Luo Shen Mountain that protector lead you to go to Purple Island! In the future will break through God Rank to revenge for us again!” “小子,让落神山那名守护者带你去紫岛!日后突破神级再为我们报仇!” Five people simultaneously body fuel gas flame, flickers to lead simultaneously passes message to the black robe person. When they appear again has flickered to move between the black robe person and Jin Qi, the white flame of body was stronger, must resist the attack of flame with the body shortly. 五人同时身体燃气一丝火焰,瞬移前同时传音给黑袍人。当他们再次出现的时候已经瞬移在黑袍人和金麒中间,身体的白色火焰更加浓烈了,眼看就要用身体抵御火焰的攻击。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” The black robe person cannot in be calm, has bellowed. Sound not past incisiveness and low and deep, but turned into a young sound. He bellows urgently: Sir, the alien race first violates rule, haven't you gotten rid?” 黑袍人不能在淡定了,大吼了起来。声音也不似以往的尖锐而又低沉,而是变成了一个年轻的声音。他非常急迫的大吼起来:“大人,异族首先违背规则,你还不出手?” Sir? Gets rid? 大人?出手? Jin Qi and Ye Ruoshui they simultaneously are startled, Jin Qi is in the surface reveals a fear, but has not continued to shoot the golden flame proceeding wind in hand hesitant. Five people of facial colors at that moment simultaneously one happy, but saw that Jin Qi does not have the attack to stay, but , to continue to brave to send out the white flame, throws toward the golden flame. 金麒夜若水他们同时一怔,金麒是面上露出一丝恐惧,但是没有犹豫继续将手中的金色火焰往前飙射而出。五人面色那一刻同时一喜,但是看到金麒没有攻击停留下来,无奈之下,继续冒发出白色的火焰,朝金色火焰扑去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Towering 突兀的 A white gentle ray shines suddenly, illuminates the entire Grey City sky bright as snow. This ray is very warm, is very warm, is very comfortable, entire Grey City all people do not want to move. 一道白色的柔和光芒陡然亮起,将整个苍城天空都照得雪亮。这光芒很温暖,很温馨,很舒服,以至于整个苍城所有人都不想动。 For those not does not want to move, but cannot move! 不对不是不想动,而是动不了了! The Ye Tianlong panic-stricken look opens the eyes in a big way, the mouth of Ye Jian also opens in a big way, Ye Qiang is shutting the eye discovery could not open. Gold Horn Spirit Clan of four deity peak, wanted the hand of crumb triangle Divine Stone to discover. Combustion that the Jin Qi golden flame also stays in the midair, Ye Ruoshui their white flame also keeping. Black robe person that killing pig blade, blood blue black blood also stays in the knife point, wants to trickle, but actually does not drip down. 夜天龙惊恐的眼神睁得大大的,夜剑的嘴巴还张得大大的,夜枪闭着的眼睛发现睁不开了。四名天神巅峰的金角神族,本要捏碎三角神石的手发现动不了了。金麒的金色火焰还停留在半空,夜若水他们身上的白色火焰还在不停的燃烧。黑袍人那把杀猪刀,一滴血青黑色的血液还停留在刀尖,欲要滴下,但是却滴不下来。 Entire world was peaceful, entire did world as if stop? As if at this moment the time stagnated. The sky cloud is not fluttering, wind no longer blows, raindrop that just about to drops, no longer falls 整个世界安静了,整个世界似乎停止了?似乎这一刻时间都凝滞了。天空云不在飘,风不再吹,刚要落下的雨点,也不再落下 Reappears in the heavens once more a giant face, seems like fuzzy, actually very clear face, a female face. 半天空再次浮现一张巨大的脸,一张看似模糊,却又很清晰的脸,一张女人脸。 The rule that I formulate, dares to violate in god few people, your uncle does not dare, your father does not dare, do you actually dare to violate? Um?” “我制定的规则,在神界都很少人敢违背,你大伯不敢,你父亲不敢,你却敢违背?嗯?” The Piao Miao sound suddenly resounds, sometimes sometimes near, from time to time the vicissitudes are young from time to time, making the human hear strangely exceptionally. The sound is not loud, but actually in just like on the scene near several thousand people of ears also resounds, everyone hears clear, clear. 飘渺的声音突然响起,时远时近,时而沧桑时而年轻,让人听得诡异异常。声音不大,但是却宛如在场中数千人耳边同时响起,每个人都听得一清二楚,明明白白。 The sound said that the light breeze blows together from the great face, has stroked all people. Every by the light breeze has stroked human, they suddenly discovered them unexpectedly active. The light breeze has stroked Jin Qi time, the golden flame of his body actually silently vanished. Has stroked Ye Ruoshui they the time, their white flame also suddenly vanished. 声音说完,一道轻风从巨脸那边吹来,拂过了所有人。凡被轻风拂过的人,他们突然发现他们居然能动了。轻风拂过金麒的时候,他身体的金色火焰却无声无息的消失了。拂过夜若水他们的时候,他们身上的白色火焰也陡然消失了。 The clouds of sky continue to drift, wind starts to continue to blow, the raindrop continues light falling. 天空的云朵继续漂移,风开始继续吹,雨滴继续轻飘飘的落下。 Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock! 滴答,滴答,滴答! In the field restores a tranquility once more, the only sound actually only then person of Men in Black killing the pig blade, drops the sound of blood. Tick-tock tick-tock the sound sound near the people ear, makes a sound in the people, lets all people simultaneously a palpitation. 场中再次恢复一片平静,唯一的声音却只有黑衣人的人那把杀猪刀,滴血的声音。滴答滴答的声音响在众人耳边,响在众人心里,让所有人同时一阵心悸。 Sir, I have made a mistake, gives me an opportunity, I get back one's composure now, will again never come Flame Dragon Potential Surface. Asked you do not kill me, gave me an opportunity, gave my uncle face, I, my uncle remembered certainly your this favour “大人,我错了,给我个机会,我现在就回神界,永不再来炎龙位面。求求你不要杀我,给我个机会,给我大伯一个面子,我,我大伯一定记得你这个人情的” The Jin Qi facial color suddenly becomes grey, from the sky kneels down directly, unceasing kowtows to worship on bended knees to the great face. He knows that the great face appeared again, he did not have the opportunity again, similar today he may die very much in light of this, completely vanished in this world in light of this. 金麒面色陡然变得一片灰色,直接在空中下跪,不断的给巨脸磕头跪拜起来。他知道巨脸再次出现了,他再也没有机会了,同样的今日他很有可能就此陨落,就此完全消失在这个世界 Nobody can be disobedient my will. You cannot, your father unable, your uncle unable.” Senior Shi hesitated to start to speak, the sound did not have the mood to fluctuate, seemed elaborating that an insignificant matter was common: Emperor Can? [gold/metal] Can? I give him the face, he is a character. Does not give him the face, his anything is not! Therefore you can die!” “没有人能忤逆我的意志。你不能,你父亲不能,你大伯也不能。”噬大人沉吟一阵开始说话了,声音毫无情绪波动,似乎只是在阐述一件无足轻重的事情一般:“残帝?金残?我给他面子,他是个人物。不给他面子,他什么都不是!所以你可以死了!” The words end, the great face is one fluctuates, changes into a glittering and translucent carving attractive palm once more. Slowly, light flies toward Jin Qi. The speed is very slow, but suddenly has before actually achieved the body of Jin Qi, direct pinches Jin Qi in the control. Then slightly makes an effort. Jin Qi is ordinary just like a clay doll, was only pinched by that attractive palm, turned into grains of mist and dust, from airborne flutters. Without the hashed meat, does not have the blood, has not stayed behind including Divine Crystal, turns into the powder pink / white completely. 话完,巨脸又是一阵变幻,再次化为一只晶莹剔透的漂亮手掌。缓缓的,轻飘飘的朝金麒飞来。速度很慢,但是却眨眼间已经达到了金麒的身前,直接一把将金麒捏在手心。而后微微一用力。金麒宛如一个泥娃娃一般,被那只漂亮的手掌一捏,化成了一粒粒烟尘,从空中飘下。没有碎肉,没有血液,连神晶都没有留下,全部化成齑粉。 When said late, that is quick! 说时迟,那是快! Actually Jin Qi flickered to move a moment ago, arrives at following Ye Ruoshui to flicker to move, the black robe person roars, the great face appears, turns into the time that the powder pink / white actually is also several blinking to present Jin Qi. 其实刚才金麒瞬移,到后面的夜若水瞬移,黑袍人怒吼,巨脸出现,到现在的金麒化成齑粉其实也就是几次眨眼的时间。 Young master!” “少爷!” Until Jin Qi turns into the powder pink / white finally, four deity peak then recover. The great face appears in the god city, they use Divine Knowledge to feel Jin Kun to be cranked up one bloody water by this great face, but directly has not actually faced this great face. Now first time saw that somewhat was suddenly ignorant. Until recovers at this moment, the complete facial color big change, the painful sound calls out in alarm! 直到金麒最后化成齑粉,四名天神巅峰这才回过神来。巨脸出现在神城,他们用神识感受过金昆被这张巨脸拍成一摊血水,但是却没有直接面对这张巨脸。现在第一次看到,一时间有些懵了。直到此刻才回过神来,全部面色大变,痛声惊呼起来! You can god, tell Emperor Can, the human is I kills, is not convinced momentarily can look for me, I called Shi Die!” The great face leaves behind a few words finally, slowly the dissipation, completely vanishes in Grey City airborne finally. “你们可以神界了,去告诉残帝,人是我杀的,不服气随时可以来找我,我叫噬蝶!”巨脸最后留下一句话,慢慢消散,最后完全消失在苍城的空中。 Shi Die? Shi Die! War-God Die Wu?” 噬蝶噬蝶蝶舞战神?” Four deity peak hear this name, starts also somewhat to confuse. Finally actually suddenly thinks of anything, the complete facial color again changes, opens the eye to look at the place that the great face is vanishing, the whole body shivers. A moment later four people of surface like the dying embers, in the multi- spoken languages, the direct crumb the triangle stone in hand, the sky have not shone together seven color brilliance suddenly, in brilliance splits a black Dadong slowly. But four God Rank Gold Horn Spirit Clan direct flicker to move, in also remaining dozens Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan the ground, brought to go in directly black Dadong, finally brilliance dodged, vanishes in the sky. 四名天神巅峰一听到这个名字,开始还有些迷惑。最后却是突然想到什么,全部面色再变,睁大眼睛望着巨脸消失的地方,浑身颤抖起来。片刻之后四人面如死灰,没有在多言语,直接捏碎了手中的三角形石头,天空陡然亮起一道七彩的光华,光华中慢慢裂开一个黑色的大洞。而四名神级金角神族直接一个瞬移,将地面上还残余的几十名圣级金角神族,带着直接进去了黑色大洞,最后光华一闪,消失在天空。 Hey! Has handled, Sir goes!” “嘿嘿!搞定了,大爷去也!” A dead calm Grey City outer space, once more breaks by together the incisive and low and deep sound. The black robe person extends a hand to lift the bamboo hat, nodded toward Ye Ruoshui, will then kill the pig blade in airborne to dance several tool marks, inserts the waist, finally vanished directly! 一片死静的苍城外空,再次被一道尖锐而又低沉的声音所打破。黑袍人伸出一只手抬一抬斗笠,朝夜若水点了点头,而后将杀猪刀在空中舞了几个刀花,插入腰间,最后直接消失了! „The War-God Prefecture subjects, the fight had ended, we won!” 战神府子民们,战斗结束了,我们胜利了!” Ye Ruoshui looks at corpse everywhere to cut off limb, the corners of the mouth reveal a forced smile, finally lifts up high both hands, bellows. 夜若水望着满地的尸体断肢,嘴角露出一丝苦笑,最后高举双手,大吼起来。 Won? Won! War-God is invincible, will never submit!” “胜利了?胜利了!战神无敌,永不屈服!” Along with a Ye Ruoshui great roar, in the entire Grey City city wall more than 1000 people, simultaneously lift up high both hands, has tears streaming down the face, excited bellows, the sound resounds through the world, reverberates to continue in Grey City for a very long time 随着夜若水一声巨吼,整个苍城城墙上1000多人,同时高举双手,泪流满面,激动万分的大吼起来,声音响彻天地,在苍城久久回荡不止
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