BPTH :: Volume #4

#382: Gives the name not to be good randomly

382 chapters give the name not to be good randomly 382章乱取名字不好 This Kills a pig blade to cut, doesn't thousand li(500 km) keep the mark? 杀猪一刀斩,千里不留痕? This move called to kill a pig blade to cut, didn't the thousand li(500 km) keep the mark? 这招叫杀猪一刀斩,千里不留痕? Jin Qi has not thought anything at this moment, but has been talking over the style name that the black robe person was saying a moment ago. This blade cuts yes right, but can not keep the mark? On the blade doesn't have the blood? Gives the name not to be good randomly, gives the name not to be right randomly, gives the name randomly is very immoral 金麒此刻没有想什么,而是一直在念叨着黑袍人刚才所说的招式名字。这一刀斩是没错,但是怎么会是不留痕?刀上不是有血吗?乱取名字不好,乱取名字不对,乱取名字是很不道德的 Ye Tianlong was ignorant, Ye Jian was ignorant, was ignorant a moment ago the human was at this moment ignorant. This situation is indecipherable! Saint Realm 1-level killing Saint level peak military, but also really with killing the pig is the same? This was world crazy? Was this way of the world is not their beforehand ways of the world? Countless people start to rub the eye, then opens actually sees place the corpse, back that black person person that stands proudly, as well as that the killing pig blade of drop blood! 夜天龙更懵了,夜剑更懵了,刚才懵了的人此刻都更懵了。这情况无法解释啊!圣人境一重的杀圣级巅峰的武者,还真和杀猪一样?这个世界疯狂了?这是世道不是他们以前的世道了?无数人开始揉眼睛,而后睁开却还是看到一地的尸体,还有黑人人那傲然站立的背影,以及那把滴血的杀猪刀! Ye Qiang had doubts, Ye Tianqing had doubts, naturally in Luo Shen Mountain saw the person who that youth gets rid has doubts. This beautiful purple light right, makings and method of this murder also right. However they actually cannot believe that youth is really day [lineage/vein]? This does world have another with that youth same skill person? Otherwise did this space fluctuation explain? This Chinese-style gown, does this kill pig blade to explain? 夜枪更疑惑了,夜天青更疑惑了,当然在落神山见到那个少年出手的人更加疑惑。这妖艳紫光没错,这杀人的气质和手段也没错。但是他们却还是不敢相信,难道那少年真是天脉者?或者这个世界还有另外一个和那少年一样技能的人?否则这空间波动怎么解释?这袍子,这杀猪刀怎么解释? Ye Ruoshui has smiled, Emperor Dao has smiled, Xue Family Ancestor smiled. At this moment they in have not sent out the form that Divine Knowledge seeks for that woman. But looks at each other one once more, the dignified look was firmer, the weapon in hand also grasped tightly. 夜若水笑了,刀皇笑了,雪家老祖笑了。此刻他们没有在去散发神识去寻找那个女人的身影。而是再次对视一眼,凝重的神色更加坚定了,手中的武器也握得更紧了。 Last drop of blood trickles, the black robe person has turned around slowly, has not spoken, gained ground slightly on bamboo hat, the Qilin mask on face as if looked like fiercer several points. More and more big wind, threw over Feng Chui his devil louder. 最后一滴鲜血滴下,黑袍人缓缓转过身子,没有说话,微微抬了抬头上的斗笠,脸上的麒麟面具似乎看起来更加狰狞了几分。越来越大的风,也将他的恶魔披风吹得更加响了。 „!” “咻!” In the hand kills the pig blade to raise, he flushes away toward the left once more, just likes together the black tornado, scrapes off toward left Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 手中杀猪刀一扬,他再次朝左边冲去,犹如一道黑色的旋风,朝左边的金角神族刮去。 Devil, he is the devil!” “恶魔,他是恶魔!” Devil came, runs!” “恶魔来了,跑啊!” „” “” Until several heads hike up once more, Gold Horn Spirit Clan awakens, on the face turned into the dark green completely, the model community on face stopped random walk. Infinite panic-stricken and has flooded their look timidly, they have feared, they started to run. Great Gold Horn Spirit Clan, does not dread any fight, did not dread the death, but faced the as even with such strange situation. They have been afraid, they ran dutifully. 直到几颗头颅再次飘起,金角神族才惊醒过来,脸上全部变成暗青色,脸上的纹身都停止了游走。无限的惊恐和胆怯充斥了他们的眼神,他们怕了,他们开始跑了。伟大的金角神族,并不畏惧任何的战斗,也不畏惧死亡,但是面对如此诡异的情况。他们害怕了,他们义无反顾的跑了。 Thing that the fear is easiest to spread, the fear with is crazily same, once were infected will then spread infinitely. If this black robe person the strength is higher than them, they will not fear that instead the death of companion, will stimulate their blood-groups, thus becomes crazy. However now this situation, was too strange, this only then the nine quiet devils in legend have the as even with such method! 恐惧是最容易蔓延的东西,恐惧和疯狂一样,一经传染便会无限蔓延开去。这黑袍人如果实力比他们高,他们不会怕,反而同伴的死,会激发他们的血型,从而变得疯狂。但是现在这情况,太诡异了,这只有传说中的九幽恶魔才有如此手段啊! Was not right, is right!” “不对,对了!” Gold Horn Spirit Clan of below crazy escape awakens Jin Qi finally, at that moment he wants to understand many matters. For example this style is definitely wrong, for example this black robe person definitely obtained the Soul Emperor treasure. 下方的疯狂逃逸的金角神族终于将金麒惊醒,那一刻他想明白了很多事。比如这招式名肯定是错误的,比如这黑袍人肯定得到了魂帝宝物。 By the weak Tu's strong situation, he has to see. He is the blood Wang only son, this kind of thing sees have been very many. However these can by weak Tu's strong military. Is because they have the most precious object. But this material potential surface can have the most precious object place, that is Soul Emperor in the young god pavilion that in this potential surface space turbulent flow leaves behind can exist. 以弱屠强的情况,他不是没有见过。他身为血王的独子,这类东西见过很很多。但是那些能以弱屠强的武者。都是因为他们身怀至宝。而这个物质位面能有至宝的地方,那就是魂帝在这个位面空间乱流留下的小神阁中才能存在。 But the emergence of this War-God robe was also very good to explain, this black robe person obtained the most precious object that Soul Emperor has left behind. Similarly, his trip of goals , the 12 th Divine sword absolutely on this Men in Black. 而这战神袍的出现也就很好解释了,这黑袍人获得了魂帝留下的至宝。同样的,他此行的目的,第12把神剑绝对在这黑衣人身上。 Can make the Saint Realm 1-level strength cut to kill one crowd of Saint level peak easily the most precious object, should be how is it treasure! Jin Qi thinks that here has laughed wildly suddenly loudly. Also has been startled the Ye Ruoshui three people, almost must unable to dominate to flicker to move. 能让圣人境一重的实力轻易斩杀一群圣级巅峰的至宝,该是怎么样的宝物啊!金麒想到这里突然放声的狂笑了起来。也将夜若水三人惊了,几乎要把持不住瞬移了。 Has not cared about the Ye Ruoshui three people, is staring at the black robe person who Jin Qi lets somebody cool off or calm down, is bellowing in all directions to escape Gold Horn Spirit Clan: Your these stupid pigs, he is not the devil, will nine quiet devils appear in the material potential surface? He obtained one type to be able the treasure of short time strength. Is listening to me, I order you by the blood Wang Cheng Young City Lord status, has killed him to me! Who dares to retrocede, I kill his family. Naturally, if who has killed him to me, I bestow his city, bestows his generation honour!” 没有顾及夜若水三人,金麒冷冷的盯着黑袍人,对着四处逃逸的金角神族大吼起来:“你们这些蠢猪,他不是恶魔,九幽恶魔怎么会出现在物质位面?他只是得到了一种能短时间增强实力的宝物。都给我听着,我以血王城少城主的身份命令你们,给我杀了他!谁敢后退,我杀他全家。当然,谁要是给我杀了他,我赐他一城,赐他世代尊荣!” Kills his family? Bestows his city? 杀他全家?赐他一城? Two entirely different treatments, making all Gold Horn Spirit Clan anchor the footsteps of escaping completely. But they hear must kill family the time, does not dare to run, but they hear grants a city the time, they were crazy, started to run. The city that Jin Qi said naturally is not blood Wang Cheng, but is under blood Wang Cheng one of the 88 small towns. However the small town of god compared with the Flame Dragon Continent small town, there small town does not have dozens Flame Dragon Potential Surface to be so big. They are Saint level military, usually the book in the clan is most preliminary military, currently has the opportunity becomes host of the city? They were certainly crazy, starts to put together the life to flush away toward the Men in Black. 两种截然不同的待遇,让所有金角神族全部停住了逃跑的脚步。但他们听到要杀全家的时候,不敢跑了,但他们听到赐予一城的时候,他们疯狂了,开始回跑了。金麒所说的城当然不是血王城,而是血王城下的88小城之一。但是神界的小城可不比炎龙大陆的小城,那里的小城可是有数十个炎龙位面那么大。他们都是圣级武者,平时在族中本是最低级的武者,现在却有机会成为一城之主?他们当然疯狂了,开始拼着性命往黑衣人冲去。 Escapes oneself dead family dead, advance Venerable glory Wan Shi hopefully, who trades to do is, will choose the latter! 逃跑自己死全家死,前进有希望尊荣耀万世,换做是谁,都会选择后者! „Were one group of fools, flickered two not to fear death really? Sir delivers you to return completely kills a pig blade to cut, the thousand li(500 km) does not keep the mark!” “一群傻逼,被人忽悠两句还真不怕死了?大爷全部送你们归去吧杀猪一刀斩,千里不留痕!” The black robe person sees this situation, chased down the Gold Horn Spirit Clan step to stop a moment ago unceasingly, light twittering sentence. The hand in full is on the knife point of blue black blood gentle wipes, then suddenly wields, a green blade wave has spat suddenly, toward was resolutely red Gold Horn Spirit Clan of both eyes to recoil the past. 黑袍人一见这情形,刚才不断追杀金角神族的步伐停了下来,淡淡呢喃了句。手在满是青黑色血液的刀锋上温柔一抹,而后猛然一挥,一股青色的刀浪猛然吐了出来,毅然朝红着双眼的金角神族反冲了过去。 Under Grey City, starts to blow black tornado once more, lets originally more and more big wind, becomes is more violent! 苍城下,再次开始刮起一股黑色的旋风,让原本越来越大的风,变得更加猛烈起来! „!” “咻!” Grey City following blood head flutters, on Grey City a sudden space vibration, has actually emerged out of thin air they. Elegantly beautiful unparalleled Yue Xishui and white blanch must veteran dry mischievous Emperor Qiang simultaneously the prospect above the Grey City city gate. 苍城下面血液头颅翻飞,苍城上面却突然空间一阵抖动,凭空出现了两人。冷艳无双的月惜水和白发白须一张老树枯皮脸的枪皇同时出息在苍城城门上方。 Little Master Ye, congratulations!” 小夜子,恭喜!” If water brother, congratulations!” “若水兄,恭喜!” They present above Grey City instantaneously, toward below black robe person, if some profound meanings look at one, simultaneously the rumor gives Ye Ruoshui. 两人瞬间出现苍城上方,朝下方黑袍人若有深意看一眼,同时传言给夜若水 Senior Shi, in dark castle, I could not find her!” 噬大人,不在暗黑城堡,我找不到她!” Ye Ruoshui has not actually turned head, does not have the happy expression, instead is stern-faced, light passed on a message toward them. 夜若水却没有回头,也没有喜色,反而一脸凝重,淡淡的朝两人传言起来。 Yue Xishui and Emperor Qiang facial color simultaneously changes, has not been speaking, instead starts to close the eye, Divine Knowledge infinite sending out, investigates in the mainland. After they investigated several, particularly has swept from dark castle empty Tientai time, their complexion becomes is simultaneously ugly. 月惜水枪皇面色同时一变,没有在说话,反而开始闭上眼睛,将神识无限的散发出去,在大陆上探查起来。只是当她们探查了几遍之后,尤其是从暗黑城堡空荡荡的天台上扫过的时候,两人脸色同时变得非常难看起来。 Um?” “嗯?” Their Divine Knowledge nosing have actually brought to the attention of Jin Qi, particularly Yue Xishui, just entered into shortly after God Rank. The Divine Knowledge investigation is also not very skilled, the world fluctuation that initiates was bigger, their gloomy complexions have not escaped the Jin Qi vision obviously. Slightly his hesitation moment, starts to maintain composure releases Divine Knowledge. 两人的神识查探却引起了金麒的注意,尤其是月惜水,刚刚迈入神级不久。神识探查还不是很熟练,引发的天地波动大了许多,两人阴沉的脸色明显没有逃过金麒的目光。他略微沉吟片刻,开始不动声色的将神识释放出去。 This “这” After several investigations, his actually suddenly complexion fluctuates, becomes is very complex. That terrifying woman not in that castle? Moreover not in Flame Dragon Potential Surface? 几番探查之后,他却是突然之间脸色变幻起来,变得很是复杂。那个恐怖的女人不在那个城堡内?而且也不在炎龙位面 What situation is this? Did this woman leave Flame Dragon Potential Surface? Hid? 这是什么情况?这女人是离开了炎龙位面?还是隐藏起来了? Jin Qi is very self-confident regarding his Divine Knowledge investigation, he believes that woman is God Emperor, is impossible to hide him unable to discover an unusuality. Looks the head that the following own clansman hikes up are getting more and more, then killing the pig blade brandishes is getting more and more cheerful, he clenched teeth, has gotten down a decision. 金麒对于他的神识探查无比自信,他坚信就算那个女人是神帝,也不可能隐藏得他都不能发现一丝异常。看着下面自己的族人飘起的头颅越来越多,而那把杀猪刀挥舞的越来越欢快,他一咬牙,下了一个决定。 Bet! Spelled! 赌了!拼了! Inscription on stone tablet and bronze you prepare to open completely transmit big, waits to meet me to go well, immediately transmits gets back one's composure!” After setting firm resolve, he in the hesitant, direct rumor has not given that four deity peak Gold Horn Spirit Clan. “金石你们全部准备开启传送大阵,等会我一得手,立刻传送回神界!”下定决心之后,他没有在犹豫,直接传言给那四名天神巅峰的金角神族 Although the inscription on stone tablet and bronze four people do not understand that their young masters must make anything, since Jin Qi had ordered. Not hesitant, the non- scar starts to pull out a triangle from the space ring the black stone. This is blood Wang Weile to protect the poor life preparation of Jin Qi, this is one urgent transmission. So long as four people simultaneously crumb triangle stone, the sky will then present one transmission, can go directly to blood Wang Cheng. 金石四人虽然不明白他们的少爷要做什么,但是既然金麒已经下了命令。没有犹豫,不留痕迹开始从空间戒指内掏出一枚三角形的黑色石头。这是血王为了保护金麒的小命准备的,这是一个紧急传送阵。只要四人同时捏碎三角石头,天空便会出现一个传送阵,可以直达血王城。 Dies to father!” “给老子死吧!” In the Ye Ruoshui five people of panic-stricken looks, the Jin Qi personal appearance flickered to move suddenly, but the next second appeared in the side of below black robe person directly, grinning fiendishly of whole face. Opened the god territory to cover the black robe person directly, simultaneously golden flame shot directly toward the black robe person, the desire burnt down him directly, is reduced to ashes. 夜若水五人惊恐的眼神中,金麒的身形突然瞬移了,而下一秒却是直接出现在下方的黑袍人的身边,满脸的狞笑。直接开启了神域将黑袍人笼罩了进去,同时一股金色的火焰直接朝黑袍人射去,欲将他直接焚烧,化为灰烬。 No!” “不!” Ye Ruoshui roars, Grey City above five Heaven Immortal Realm simultaneously the body emits white flame, vanishes above Grey City directly. 夜若水怒吼一声,苍城上方五名天神境同时身体冒出一丝白色火焰,直接消失在苍城上方。
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