BPTH :: Volume #4

#384: Post-war

384 chapters of post-war 384章战后 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The rainstorm arrived finally, has constrained for a long time sky, because after rainstorm fell, started to clear gradually. 暴雨终于降临下来了,压抑了许久的天空,因为一场暴雨落下之后开始逐渐放晴了。 More than 1000 military in Grey City city wall, have not actually found the place to take shelter from the rain, with fighting air/Qi the rain water evaporation of body. But completely silently under the leadership of several respected family great elders, starts to reorganize the battlefield, starts to gather up dead bodies. 苍城城墙上的1000多武者,却没有找地方躲雨,也没有用战气将身体的雨水蒸发。而是全部默默的在几大家族太上长老的带领下,开始整理战场,开始收尸。 In the heavy rain, countless people are stepping on the mud flat, is stepping on red, the blue black blood, starts to pile up all corpses. Collects and examines the hashed meat stump residual limb of ground, the innumerable weapons, tattered Battle Armor will return to Grey City. 大雨中,无数人踩着泥滩,踩着红色的、青黑色的血液,开始将所有的尸体堆积起来。将地上的碎肉残肢收检起来,将无数的兵器,破烂的战甲送回苍城 Busy, when the day also completely gets dark, finally reorganizes the battlefield. 一阵忙碌,在天还完全黑下来的时候,才终于将战场整理完毕。 In the pouring the black strap, innumerable flares lost, the Grey City external combustion had two piles of raging flames, has illuminated entire Grey City, has illuminated also regarding dense and numerous several thousand people before the left fire of high-piled firewood. 浇上黑油,无数的火把丢了上去,苍城外燃起了两堆熊熊烈火,照亮了整个苍城,同时也照亮了围绕在左边火堆前密密麻麻的数千人。 The several hundred seed elites in Ye Family fort back side of the mountain, arrived here long time ago, the person who so long as entire Grey City can also stand, came. All person facial colors serious is looking in the fire of high-piled firewood, body bone stump residual limb that gradually grow darks. Simultaneously caresses the chest single-handed, lifts slightly upwards, closes one's eyes, prayed silently. 夜家堡后山的数百种子精英,早早就到达了这里,整个苍城只要还能站起来的人,都来了。所有的人面色严肃的望着在火堆中,逐渐变黑的躯体骨头残肢。同时单手抚胸,头微微朝天抬起,闭着眼睛,默默祈祷。 War-God is invincible, will never submit, walks!” 战神无敌,永不屈服,一路走好!” As Ye Ruoshui roars, outside Grey City resounded a giant roar, the roar punctured the vault of heaven, has resounded through the earth, has filled sorrowfully, has filled fondly remembering, has been full of the blessing 随着夜若水的一身怒吼,苍城外响起一阵巨大的吼声,吼声刺破了苍穹,响彻了大地,充满了悲痛,充满了怀念,充满了祝福 The rain in that moment, stopped finally, the strong gale is not swaying, the dark cloud of sky is slowly pale, round bright moonlight revealed its shy facial features, the earth has covered in peaceful auspicious atmosphere once more! 雨在那一刻,终于停了下来,烈风不在吹拂,天空的乌云慢慢淡去,一轮明月露出了它羞涩的面容,大地再次笼罩在一片安静祥和的气氛之中! Funeral outside Grey City, several people have not actually gone. 苍城外的送葬,却有几人没有去。 Yue Qingcheng , Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu, somewhat worry looks on the White jade bed calmly to lie down Ye Qinghan, side Old Lu actually closes one's eyes is nosing for him. 月倾城,夜轻舞夜轻语,有些担忧的望着白玉床上静静躺着的夜轻寒,旁边鹿老却闭着眼睛正在为他查探。 In a moment ago, three people also anxious waiting in Ramble Pavilion. Actually suddenly saw for a long time Ye Qinghan to appear again. Wears a strange Chinese-style gown, in the hand takes a Qilin mask, the waist is inserting a strange blade, was smiling to three people slightly, actually suddenly faints on the ground. 就在刚才,三人还在逍遥阁内焦急的等待。却突然见出去了许久的夜轻寒再次出现了。穿着一身古怪的袍子,手里拿着一个麒麟面具,腰间插着一把奇怪的刀,对着三人微微笑了笑,却突然晕倒在地上。 Three people simultaneously in great surprise, hastily lift Ye Qinghan to the room, is preparing to look for Old Lu, Old Lu investigated to say obviously, flickered the emigration directly present. 三人同时大惊,连忙将夜轻寒抬到房间内,正准备去找鹿老,鹿老显然已经探查道了,直接瞬移出现了。 How is it? Old Lu, is Little Master Han all right?” Ye Qingwu has been staring at Old Lu, sees him to open the eye suddenly, hastily urgent asking. Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu will also hope the vision of wing to lock Old Lu. “怎么样?鹿老,小寒子没事吧?”夜轻舞一直盯着鹿老,见他突然睁开眼睛,连忙急迫的问道。月倾城夜轻语也同时将希翼的目光锁定鹿老 Important matter does not have actually, this child has gone all out, the soul consumption are too much, falls into the depth stupor. I to him used some soul nutritious efficacious medicines, a rest fortnight to be all right!” Some Old Lu being fond is looking at Ye Qinghan that pale face, shook the head, sighs. Meanwhile wipes on the space ring, puts out green medicinal herbs, pries open the mouth of Ye Qinghan. In the hand emits a white gentle ray, making the medicinal herbs change into a little bit directly the green liquid, drips into his mouth. “大事倒是没有,这孩子太拼命了,灵魂消耗过多,陷入深度昏迷之中。我给他用些灵魂滋补的灵药,休息个十天半月就没事了!”鹿老有些疼惜的望着夜轻寒那张苍白的脸,摇了摇头,叹气道。同时在空间戒指上一抹,拿出一枚青色药草,将夜轻寒的嘴巴撬开。手上冒出一阵白色柔和光芒,让药草直接化为一滴滴的青色液体,滴入他嘴里。 Um, you take care of him in Ramble Pavilion well, outside matter nothing, has not needed to manage it!” Old Lu said that flickered to move to leave directly. “嗯,你们在逍遥阁好好照顾他吧,外面的事没有什么事了,不用管它!”鹿老说完,直接瞬移离开了。 Matter that Ye Ruoshui after finishing participates in funeral ceremony, then hints the people to go back to rest, all and other tomorrow was saying. He with other four people then the small cave that returns to him to close up. 夜若水在忙完送葬的事情之后,便示意众人回去休息,一切等明日在说。他和其余四人便回到了他闭关的小山洞。 Extinguished the world catastrophe to pass finally, War-God Prefecture has preserved finally, but had been a pity big brother Sword Emperor and about thousand soldiers, the soul turned over to Tianfu in light of this, the Emperor Dao Emperor Qiang two brothers not must be too sad “灭世浩劫终于过去了,战神府总算保住了,只是可惜了剑皇大哥和近千战士,就此魂归天府,刀皇枪皇两位大哥莫要太伤心了” A chapter of cave mansion, Ye Ruoshui sat on the seat of honor, heavy sighed, turns the head to say with the people. 一回洞府,夜若水坐在了主位上,沉沉一叹,转头和众人说道。 We are not sad, the big brother he is the smile walks, this moment catastrophe passed, it is estimated that he can also nine be with a smile quiet!” Outside Emperor Qiang came back not to be instead sorrowful, Sword Emperor died, actually death was valuable. Trades to do in any person of sitting, if can receive in exchange for extension of War-God Prefecture person clan with their lives, thinks that the winking a twinkling skin will not die. “我们不伤心,大哥他是微笑地走的,此刻浩劫过去了,估计他也可以含笑九幽了!”枪皇外面回来反而没有那么悲痛了,剑皇死了,却死的有价值。换做是在坐的任何一人,如果能用他们的命换取战神府人族的延续,想必都不会眨一眨眼皮就会去死。 I proposed that outside Grey City, builds a British mourning hall, holds a memorial service for big brother Sword Emperor of this devotion, as well as innumerable heroic soldiers. Tomorrow will start to count the soldier list of this dying in battle, gives their family members, subsidy maximum limit! Must spend all leaves by Yue Family, after all this Yue Family does not have anything vigorously.” “我提议,在苍城外,建立一座英灵堂,祭奠这次献身的剑皇大哥,以及无数的英勇战士。同时明日开始将这次战死的战士名单统计出来,给予他们的亲人,最大限度的补助!所需花费全部由月家出,毕竟这次月家没有出什么大力。” Yue Xishui has opened the mouth lightly, starts to consider that post-war showing solicitude for issue, Yue Family expert excels at Soul Type, moreover does not have a Saint Realm peak. Cannot have an effect regarding this war, therefore has not sent for Grey City. 月惜水淡淡开口了,开始考虑战后的体恤问题,月家强者都是擅长灵魂类的,而且没有一名圣人境巅峰的。对于这次战争来说起不了什么作用,所以没有派人来苍城 Right, not only need construct the British mourning hall, but must read in the War-God Prefecture history book this man of merits completely, must make big brother Sword Emperor their hundredth leave a good name to posterity, forever remains in the heart of War-God Prefecture juniors!” Xue Family Ancestor proposed again that this proposition obtains the unanimous approval of people obviously, who does not hope that hundredth does leave a good name to posterity? But Sword Emperor they must read in the annals, otherwise can do right by the contribution that they make? “对,不仅要建造英灵堂,还要将这次有功之人全部写入战神府史书中,要让剑皇大哥他们百世流芳,永远留在在战神府子弟的心中!”雪家老祖再次提议,明显这个提议得到众人的一致同意,谁不希望百世流芳?而剑皇他们则是必须要写入史册,否则怎么对得住他们所作的贡献? „, Was not right, does your family that boy want to write? He wears a mask, is it possible that has what hard thing to bring up?” This is Emperor Dao actually once more opens the mouth saying that their five people in that moment that the black robe person presents, first used Divine Knowledge to investigate. Regarding the Ye Qinghan this place list first master, they had investigated before actually, therefore knew. “唔,对了,你家那个小子要不要写进去?他可是蒙着面出来的,莫非有什么难言之隐?”这是刀皇却再次开口说道,他们五人在黑袍人出现的那一刻,第一时间就用神识探查出来了。对于夜轻寒这个地榜第一高手,他们以前倒是探查过,所以认识。 This Ye Qinghan merit may be big, can say is next to under Sword Emperor. If included in the history book, or his status spreads, must choose a name the mainland. Did not say his age, said that he by the Saint Realm 1-level strength, can the second kill one crowd of Saint level peak, this sufficiently caused a stir in the mainland. 这次夜轻寒的功劳可大了,可以说仅次于剑皇之下。如果写入史书,或者说他身份传扬出去的话,必定名动大陆。不说他年纪,就说他以圣人境一重的实力,能秒杀一群圣级巅峰,这就足以轰动大陆了。 Ye Qinghan wears a mask to enter the stage, moreover changed the sound intentionally, but also hid his the symbolic long blade, using to kill the pig blade. This is Ye Qinghan does not want to expose the status very much obviously, at least, does not want too many people to know that this black robe person is he. 只是夜轻寒蒙着面出场,而且还故意改变了声音,还隐藏了他那把标志性的长刀,用了一把杀猪刀。这很明显是夜轻寒不想暴露身份,至少,不想太多人知道这黑袍人是他。 My not clear reason, where even he I do not know now that this boy secret were too many! Since he has hidden the identity, definitely has his intention, this matter we help him hide temporarily, in the future, he will present me to ask well!” In the Ye Ruoshui eye flashes through a proud pride, but actually dodges to pass, opens the mouth to say. “我也不清楚原因,甚至他现在在哪里我都不知道,这小子秘密太多了!他既然隐瞒了身份,肯定有他的用意,此事暂时我们帮他隐藏起来,待日后,他出现了我在好好问问吧!”夜若水眼中闪过一丝自豪一丝骄傲,只是却是一闪而逝,开口说道。 Several people also nodded, has not pursued Ye Qinghan secret. Person who Ye Qinghan has the relations with that formidable woman of dark forest, a little secret not for strange. 几人同时点了点头,没有去追求夜轻寒身上的秘密。夜轻寒可是和暗黑森林的那个强大女人有关系的人,有点秘密不为奇怪。 Um, this boy has boundless prospects, I looked that can tell him the Flame Dragon Continent secret, whether the mainland could be rescued, I look at the hope, only then in his, this boy has brought too many miracles to us. We hope that finally he can go out of this dead well, then also Flame Dragon Continent ringing universe!” The Emperor Dao time recalls that black tornado outside Grey City, in the heart one startled, suddenly the opening said. “嗯,这小子前途无量啊,我看可以将炎龙大陆的秘密告诉他了,大陆能否被解救,我看希望只有在他一人身上,这小子给我们带来了太多奇迹。希望最后他能走出这口死井,然后还炎龙大陆一个朗朗乾坤!”刀皇时候回想起苍城外的那股黑色的旋风,心中一惊,突然开头道。 Right, this boy is so abnormal, but goes to that with castle also to have such relations, if he cannot save the mainland, I want to depend on our these old things not to be better!” Xue Family Ancestor nodded, the intraocular none remaining twinkle, as if saw dawn. “对啊,这小子那么变态,而去和城堡内的那位又有这么一层关系,如果他不能拯救大陆的话,我想靠我们这些老东西更加不行了!”雪家老祖点了点头,眼内精光闪烁,似乎看到了一丝曙光。 Good! When he comes back, we related in detail with him that finally which step as for him can arrive, must look at the arrangement that ascends the sky!” Ye Ruoshui sees four people of none remaining twinkles, the whole face hopes the wing visits him, the direct decision decided. “好!等他回来,我们一起和他细说,至于最后他能走到哪一步,就要看上天的安排了!”夜若水见四人都精光闪烁,满脸希翼的看着他,直接拍板定来了。
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