BPTH :: Volume #4

#376: Battle God Prefecture tactic

376 chapters of War-God Prefecture tactics 376章战神府的战术 Came!” “来了!” In people heart one tight, the Long Pifu two small eyes narrow the eyes slightly, lifts off from the city wall directly, flies in front of Sword Emperor, presents the side black signal flag both hands in hand to Sword Emperor, the sinking sound shouts to clear the way: Sir War-God, the command jurisdiction delivers to you! The Long Pifu rate several thousand soldiers listen to your verbal command.” 众人心中一紧,龙匹夫两只小眼睛微微眯起,直接从城墙上升空,飞到剑皇前面,将手中的一面黑色令旗双手奉给剑皇,沉声喝道:“战神大人,指挥权交予你!龙匹夫率数千战士听您号令。” Homing!” “归位吧!” Sword Emperor nodded, said lightly that immediately the complexion enforces suddenly, the body goes toward the forward flight once more, to the people beyond dozens meters, turns around, holds high the black signal flag, drinks greatly: „Do the War-God Prefecture soldiers, see the black mighty current of distant place? They are alien races who came from the dystopia surface. Today they come arbitrarily, comes savage. Must seize our territory, conquers our clansmen, must snatch our things, kills our subjects, rapes our wife and daughters, you said that how should we?” 剑皇点了点头,淡淡说道,随即脸色突然严肃起来,身体再次往前飞去,离众人数十米外,才转身过来,高举黑色令旗,大喝起来:“战神府的战士们,看到远处的黑色洪流没?他们是来自异位面的异族。今日他们蛮横而来,凶残而来。要占领我们的领地,征服我们族人,要抢我们的东西,杀我们的子民,奸淫我们的妻女,你们说,我们该如何?” War! War! War!” “战!战!战!” Without the static, completely is uniform roaring, only war character, but has actually represented the aspirations of all people. A person clan several thousand years of history, has not submitted, has not flinched. Several thousand years ago, under the attack of Demon Clan and Barbarian, they fights a bloody battle, under the unsurpassed pressure of god city god, will never submit, finally forces the god to set up the hemorrhaging to vow, has cast several thousand years of War-God Prefecture peace serene life. Today alien race actually powerful arrives, must thoroughly destroy this tranquil life, they can only take up the weapon in hand to defend their peace and dignity. 没有杂音,全部是清一色的怒吼,唯一一个“战”字,但却代表了所有人的心声。人族数万年的历史,未曾屈服,未曾退缩。数千年前,在妖族蛮族的攻击下,他们浴血奋战,在神城神主的无上威压下,永不屈服,最终迫使神主立下血誓,铸就了数千年的战神府和平安详的生活。今日异族却强势降临,要将这种平静的生活彻底摧毁,他们只能拿起手中的武器去捍卫他们的和平和尊严。 War-God is invincible, will never submit, war! War! War!” 战神无敌,永不屈服,战!战!战!” Innumerable roaring sounds, such as the roar of mountain sea, had been roared as if to shiver but actually the entire Grey City sky, the airborne aura is lower and deeper, is more depressing. 无数的咆哮声,如山倒海的吼了起来,将整个苍城的天空都被吼得似乎颤抖起来,空中气息更加低沉,更加压抑起来。 Quack, prepares very fully? Child, their complete slaughter, then the whole person clan young girls as you like enjoyed!” Jin Qi hears the Grey City big roar, not only has not felt the difference, instead is more excited. “嘎嘎,准备得很充分啊?孩儿们,将他们全部屠了,而后整个人族少女随你们享用!”金麒听到苍城的大吼声,非但没有感到异样,反而更加兴奋起来。 Quack, kills off, snatches up!” “嘎嘎,杀光,抢光!” Several hundred Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan completely excited yelled that in the speed of under the leadership of Jin Qi once more picking up, flew toward Grey City. 数百圣级金角神族全部兴奋的哇哇大叫起来,在金麒的带领下再次加快的速度,朝苍城飞来。 50 li (0.5km), 40 li (0.5km), 30 li (0.5km), 20 li (0.5km)! 50里,40里,30里,20里! Look that Sword Emperor unemotionally, suddenly is strange smiles, the black signal flag brandishes up and down, sinks to drink one: Opens big!” 剑皇面无表情的神色,突然诡异一笑,黑色令旗上下挥舞,沉喝一声:“开启大阵!” Already waited for in big square four Emperor Realm expert, simultaneously four sides the scarlet signal flag will pat. Grey City the sky shines a red ray suddenly, a translucent red light cover emerges out of thin air, outside Grey City the thick bad fog fills the air instantaneously, Gold Horn Spirit Clan will have covered completely. 早就守候在大阵四方的四名帝王境强者,同时将四面血色令旗拍下。苍城的的天空陡然间亮起一道红色的光芒,一个半透明的红色光罩凭空出现,苍城外浓浓的大雾瞬间弥漫开来,将全部金角神族都笼罩了进去。 What's the matter? How haze? Young master, where are you at?” “怎么回事?怎么起雾了?少爷,你在哪?” Everybody was careful that stops going forward completely, this is the strategy, the strategy!” “大家小心,全部停止前进,这是阵法,阵法!” Do not fluster, do not fluster, this is only a fairyland, will not injure your, the attack of careful person clan!” “都别慌,别慌,这只是一个幻境而已,不会伤害你们的,小心人族的攻击!” The Jin Qi boundary is highest, this big has not affected regarding him completely, does not have anything to affect regarding God Rank expert. However Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan is completely is flurried, vacant looking around in all directions, the sense of direction completely vanished, first admonishes, prepares to prevent the sneak attack of War-God Prefecture military. 金麒境界最高,这个大阵对于他来说完全没有影响,对于神级强者也是没什么影响。但是圣级金角神族却是全部慌乱起来,茫然的四处张望,方向感完全消失了,第一时间警戒起来,准备防止战神府武者的偷袭。 Puts!” “放!” The Sword Emperor signal flag waves, in the Grey City city wall was lifted the innumerable stone machines suddenly, when rows of trains to be many military starts to bustle about, a moment later the innumerable shadows put, entire tribe on all directions chaotic extension Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 剑皇令旗舞动起来,苍城城墙上突然被抬出来无数的投石机器,一排排训练多时的武者开始忙碌起来,片刻之后无数的黑影被投放出去,全部落在四处乱转的金角神族头上。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Enemy sneak attacks!” “敌人偷袭!” Kills!” “杀啊!” In psychedelic big, lost the direction, Gold Horn Spirit Clan of chaotic extension, was feeling in all directions suddenly the sky innumerable shadows have pounded, responded hastily that attacked in all directions. 在迷幻大阵中,失去了方向,正四处乱转的金角神族,陡然感觉到天空无数的黑影砸了下来,连忙反应过来,纷纷四处攻击起来。 Idiot, do not move heedlessly, these are the ordinary demon beasts! You are like this chaotic, can injure to the person on one's own side!” “蠢货,都别乱动,这些是普通的魔兽!你们这样混乱,会伤到自己人的!” After is flustered, many Gold Horn Spirit Clan had actually been injured accidentally by the person on one's own side, although after their confusion, had actually discovered was thrown is some stones, flare of belching smoke, innumerable preliminary demon beasts. However in all directions is the rumors, changes, they were frightened for a while. Has a small number of alien races, under the hasty attack, has injured accidentally many people on one's own side. 只是一阵忙乱之后,不少金角神族却被自己人误伤了,虽然他们一阵混乱之后,却发现了被投来的都是些石头啊,冒烟的火把啊,无数的低级魔兽啊。但是四处都是风声,都是异动,他们一时受惊了。还是有少数的异族,仓促的攻击下,误伤了不少自己人。 Puts!” “放!” Sword Emperor saw the anticipated effect to receive, continued the signal flag to brandish, directs the attack of next round. 剑皇见预期的效果收到了一些,继续令旗挥舞,指挥起下一轮的攻击。 This letting out is not these does not have the junks of lethality, but is the War-God Prefecture minority armor piercing arrows, naturally these armor piercing arrows are not the broken ordinary armors, but is Battle Armor that the broken vitality congeals. Naturally armor piercing arrow that many, in the average 100 arrows have not doped one. 这次放出去的却不是这些没有杀伤力的杂物,而是战神府少数的破甲箭,当然这些破甲箭不是破普通的护甲,而是破元气凝结的战甲。当然破甲箭没有那么多,平均100只箭内掺杂一根而已。 At the same time, Sword Emperor continues to wave signal flag, Grey City all military, leap secretly has gotten down Grey City completely, each Saint Realm expert is leading several Emperor Realm military, fast sneaks toward Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 同一时间,剑皇继续挥舞着令旗,苍城所有的武者,全部偷偷的跃下了苍城,每一个圣人境强者带着数名帝王境武者,快速的朝金角神族那么潜行。 Puts, puts, puts “放,放,放” Innumerable stone car(riage)s, innumerable crossbow arrows, uninterrupted shoots toward Gold Horn Spirit Clan. Innumerable junks, demon beast, at sixes and sevens thing, altogether falls in torrents toward the front. But these many things, only then several high-level demon beasts, can take to some Gold Horn Spirit Clan injuries with few several hundred armor piercing arrows, but is not fatal. 无数的投石车,无数的弩箭,不间断的朝金角神族射去。无数的杂物,魔兽,乱七八糟的东西,一股脑的往前方倾泻。而这么多东西,只有几只高级的魔兽,和寥寥数百根破甲箭才能带给金角神族一些伤害,但是都不是致命的。 Clearly, the Grey City innumerable wises held several days of conference, the tactic of studying, not for wound enemy, but to create confusion. More than 2000 military who at this moment approached fast are the fatal Assassin's maces. 很明显,苍城无数智者开了几天会议,研究出来的这一战术,并不是为了伤敌人,而是为了制造混乱。此刻已经快速靠近的2000多武者才是致命的杀手锏。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” War-God Prefecture all military, start to fight the air/Qi to be assigned away from the capital completely, the weapon that all kinds of war air/Qi congeal, starts to pound toward the front Gold Horn Spirit Clan group. Naturally, the attacks about 2000 Emperor Realm military, cannot take to the Gold Horn Spirit Clan half silk injury of Saint level peak, even after linking their surface black flame agglutination the armor, cannot break through. Similarly, their attacks are also the shield, makes the chaotic function. Has the effectiveness truly, is the sneak attack of that 400 Saint Realm! 战神府的所有武者,全部开始战气外放,各式各样的战气凝结的武器,开始朝前方的金角神族群砸去。当然,近2000帝王境武者的攻击,不能带给圣级巅峰的金角神族半丝伤害,甚至连他们表面黑色火焰凝集的护甲后不能攻破。同样的,他们的攻击也是起掩护,制造混乱的作用。真正起效用的,还是那400圣人境的偷袭! „! My eye looks to disappear!” “啊!我眼睛看不见了!” „Does Nyima, how shoot eye specially? Everybody protects the eye!” “尼玛,怎么专射眼睛啊?大家都护住眼睛!” The innumerable pitiful yells mix with are cursing angrily sound to get up, 400 Saint Realm sneak attack goals are very consistent. 无数的惨叫夹杂着怒骂声响起,400圣人境的偷袭目标都很一致。 Person clan, grass your aunts, have the type frankly and uprightly comes, what hero is such sneak attack? Your these idiots, all fall face down to me, protect the eye, the buttocks, the eye all was leave alone blind, didn't have the battle efficiency? Do I remain your what use?” “人族,草你们大妈,有种光明正大的来,这样偷袭算什么英雄?你们这些蠢货,全部给我趴下,护住眼睛,别管屁股,眼睛全瞎了,没战斗力了?我留你们何用?” Jin Qi Divine Knowledge is formidable, although he cannot begin, but is actually familiar with the scene. Their god clans fought in the past, is goes straight there and comes straight back, depends upon the brute force and conquers the enemy savage. Suddenly meets such sinister deceitful tactic, what to do suddenly doesn't know? Only can suddenly Tiao roars. 金麒神识强大,虽然他不能动手,但是却对现场了如指掌。只是他们神族以往战斗,都是直来直去的,依靠蛮力和凶残战胜敌人。突然遇到这么阴险狡诈的战术,一时间也不知道怎么办?只能暴跳的怒吼起来。 Jin Qi one roars shocking, all Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan study were clever, is holding a head completely, drilled the ground high, the buttocks actually dug, just like one only frightened ostrich. 金麒一震天怒吼,所有的圣级金角神族学乖了,全部捧着个头,钻到了地面,屁股却高高的撅起,宛如一只只受惊了的鸵鸟般。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan almost completely must collapse, how these person of clans do like this 圣级金角神族差不多全部要崩溃了,这些人族怎么这样搞啊 Young master, what to do, this way, the entire clan and tribe people were not killed by them, is played by them falls insanely! These person of clans ran away deceitfully. This big, our clansmen cannot distinguish clearly the direction, they completely are not affected. This broken, the clansmen all will be extinguished!” “少爷,怎么办,这样下去,全部族人们不是被他们杀死,就是会被他们玩疯掉的!这些人族逃狡诈了。这大阵,我们的族人分不清方向,他们却完全不受影响。这阵不破,族人们会被全灭的!” Jin Qi nearby God Rank military in one side look that is mad to jump greatly, on ant just like hot pot. However War-God Prefecture God Rank expert has not begun, they begin, definitely will be cranked up the muddy flesh by that terrifying woman, suddenly does not know that did not know what to do. 金麒旁边的神级武者们在一旁看着气得大跳起来,宛如热锅上的蚂蚁般。但是战神府神级强者没有动手,他们一动手,肯定会被那个恐怖的女人拍成肉泥的,一时间不知如何是好了。 What to do? Simple! Broke this bird to be OK!” On the Jin Qi face the Qilin model community hovers, face fierce sneering. “怎么办?简单!破了这个鸟阵就可以了!”金麒脸上麒麟纹身游动起来,一脸狰狞的冷笑。 Breaks through the enemy lines? The clansman of Saint level may unable to break this strategy. Only if Heaven Immortal Realm, or we get rid, but we get rid, definitely will be killed by that woman!” Heaven Immortal Realm peak inscription on stone tablet and bronze, asking of one hear of hastily doubts. Remembers that great face and that only attractive palm of that woman, he very fears now. “破阵?圣级的族人可破不了这阵法。除非天神境,或者我们出手,但是我们一出手,肯定会被那个女人杀了!”天神境巅峰的金石,一听连忙疑惑的问道。想起那个女人的那张巨脸和那只漂亮的手掌,他现在还十分恐惧。 Quack!” “嘎嘎!” The Jin Qi mouth shows a cruel happy expression, looks at behind more than ten Heaven Immortal Realm Gold Horn Spirit Clan, lets somebody cool off or calm down said: You gave me to break that bird completely, the method entered the big collective from exploding very much simply, such terrifying energy will make this big position explode absolutely. You could rest assured that your family members I will place well, you can feel at ease dead, waited to break big, I will make the whole person clan be buried along with the dead for you 金麒嘴里露出一丝残忍的笑意,看着身后的十多名天神境金角神族,冷冷说道:“你们全部给我去破了那个鸟阵,方法很简单进入大阵集体自爆,这么恐怖的能量绝对会让这大阵阵脚爆裂。你们放心,你们的家人我会好好安置,你们可以安心去死了,等破了大阵,我会让整个人族为你们陪葬的”
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