BPTH :: Volume #4

#377: Is good!

377 chapters are good! 377章一路好走! More than ten Gold Horn Spirit Clan deities look at the cruel happy expression of Jin Qi corners of the mouth, looks at each other one in abundance, from saw a helplessness to the grid in respectively. Immediately but this actually turns crazily, turns desperately. Jin Qi is the blood Wang only son, has the supreme status in blood Wang Cheng, is next to under the blood king. But their family members completely in blood Wang Cheng. Has not thought that more than ten meters deity, simultaneously salutes toward Jin Qi, toward airborne flies resolutely, flies the place above that the red translucent light covers directly. 十多名金角神族天神看着金麒嘴角的残忍笑意,纷纷对视一眼,各自从对方眼中看到了一丝无奈。随即这丝无奈却变成疯狂,变成绝望。金麒是血王的独子,在血王城可谓有着至高无上的地位,仅次于血王之下。而他们的亲人全部都在血王城中。没有多想,十多米天神,同时朝金麒一行礼,毅然朝空中飞去,直接飞到红色半透明光罩的上方。 Um?” “嗯?” Gold Horn Spirit Clan the change, has first caused Sword Emperor their attention, Sword Emperor and Ye Ruoshui looks at each other one, has doubts in abundance. Do they prepare to begin? They rescue did not fear that Senior Shi does get rid to cut to kill them? 金角神族的的异动,第一时间引起了剑皇他们的注意,剑皇夜若水对视一眼,纷纷疑惑起来。难道他们准备动手?他们救不怕噬大人出手斩杀他们? The next quarter, they then understood this crowd of Gold Horn Spirit Clan must do. In the midair these several deity Gold Horn Spirit Clan, the silver flame on body suddenly becomes violent. However has not actually proliferated toward outside, but starts to burn fiercely on the body. Immediately the sky bloomed more than ten incomparably dazzling Yanhua, the huge energy, flushes away toward the sky directly, torn to pieces of the red translucent guard shield in midair exploding, red light powder, the guard shield vanishes directly directly. But in ground thick white fog, starts to disperse slowly thinly. 只是,下一刻,两人便明白了这群金角神族要干什么。半空中这十几名天神金角神族,身体上的银色火焰突然变得猛烈起来。但是却没有往外面扩散,而是开始在身体上剧烈燃烧起来。随即天空绽放了十多枚无比耀眼的烟花,巨大的能量,直接朝天空冲去,直接将半空中的红色半透明护罩炸的支离破碎,红光一散,护罩直接消失了。而地面上的的浓浓白雾,也开始慢慢稀散开去。 All soldiers take orders, starts the strongest defense completely same place! Waits to await Ye Ruoshui order Little Master Ye, then the entire War-God Prefecture army is directed by you, if you had not died in battle fortunately, asking you to protect War-God Prefecture! Ha Ha the old man goes to one first!” “所有战士听命,全部原地开启最强防御!等会听候夜若水的命令小夜子,接下来整个战神府大军由你指挥,如果你有幸没有战死,拜托你守护战神府!哈哈老夫先去一步!” On the eve of Yanhua blooms, the Sword Emperor corners of the mouth also show a cruel happy expression. The hand wields the black signal flag, injects in the hand of Ye Ruoshui directly, simultaneously passes message, then suddenly face upwards to laugh wildly one, vanishes above Grey City directly. 就在烟花绽放前夕,剑皇嘴角也露出一丝残忍的笑意。手一挥将黑色令旗,直接射入夜若水的手上,同时传音过去,而后突然仰天狂笑一声,直接消失在苍城上方。 Bang, Bang! Bang!” “砰,砰!砰!” The entire Grey City sky was burnt the date to illuminate by innumerable, this time large explosion is the unprecedented, huge sound directly shakes Grey City all military binaural deaf, cannot hear any sound completely. Resounds one only bang the tinnitus sound, the huge shock-wave, is makes entire Grey City shiver. Reaches as high as dozens meters, the width reaches ten meters city wall, rows of sway, finally starts to split slowly. The War-God Prefecture soldier in ground, as well as Gold Horn Spirit Clan, was blown by this shock-wave completely leans this way and that falls to the ground completely. 整个苍城的天空被无数枚灼日所照亮,这次的大爆炸可谓是前所未有,巨大的响声直接将苍城的所有武者震得双耳失聪,完全听不到任何声音。唯独响起一阵轰隆隆的耳鸣声,巨大的冲击波,更是让整个苍城颤抖起来。高达数十米,宽达十米的城墙,一排排摇晃起来,最后开始慢慢裂开。地面上的战神府战士,以及金角神族,全部被这冲击波吹得东倒西歪,全部倒地。 „Does old dog, you dare?” “老狗,尔敢?” Jin Qi both eyes are having a brutal happy expression, is looking at sky red big, was exploded the huge energy of initiating directly, blasts open torn to pieces. He, is very the satisfied his masterpiece. The happy expression of his corners of the mouth has not enlarged, the facial color is suddenly extraordinarily cold, the happy expression of both eyes will shortly dissipate. He turns head suddenly, roars toward ground, simultaneously the personal appearance dodges, flickers to move directly. 金麒双眼带着一丝残酷的笑意,望着天空红色的大阵,直接被爆炸引发的巨大能量,炸裂得支离破碎。他,很是满意自己的杰作。只是,他嘴角的笑意还没放大,陡然间面色奇寒起来,双眼的笑意顷刻消逝。他猛然一扭头,朝着地面怒吼起来,同时身形一闪,直接瞬移。 Ha Ha, Little Master Ye, in the history book I am doomed to arrange in front of you! The Sword Emperor Yao day, the old man goes!” “哈哈,小夜子,史书上我注定排你前面!剑皇耀天,老夫去也!” Bang!” “砰!” The initiated echo that exploded a moment ago completely has not vanished, is a rock the earth sound resounds. But this explosion is actually directly explodes in Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 刚才爆炸的引发的回音还没完全消失,紧接着又是一阵震天动地的响声响起。而这次的爆炸却是直接在金角神族中爆炸开来。 Sword Emperor laughs wildly the sound not to reverberate in the people ear, the face that his ordinary laughs wildly, shortly as well as one fiery red mushroom clouds will replace by the huge explosive sound. 剑皇狂笑声还没在众人耳边回响,他那张普通至极狂笑的脸,顷刻将被巨大的爆炸声以及一团火红的蘑菇云所代替。 Big brother Sword Emperor walks slowly!” 剑皇大哥慢走!” Ye Ruoshui Emperor Dao Xue Family Ancestor, three people simultaneously close the eye, the head lift, is attached to the front to salute single-handed silently, mouth low nan gets up in a soft voice. On three faces does not have any pain, without any regretted, does not have any anger. Some are only a tranquility, the tranquility before storm! 夜若水刀皇雪家老祖,三人同时闭上眼睛,头抬起,单手附在胸前默默行礼,嘴里轻声低喃起来。三人脸上没有任何痛苦,没有任何惋惜,也没有任何愤怒。有的只是一种宁静,暴风雨前的宁静! Sir War-God, is good!” 战神大人,一路好走!” That moment that Sword Emperor explodes, all War-God Prefecture military simultaneously first all crawl on the ground. The defense opens fully greatly, resists the shock-wave that the explosion initiates. 剑皇爆炸的那一刻,所有战神府的武者同时第一时间全部匍匐在地上。全力防御大开,抵御住爆炸引发的冲击波。 Then completely cannot attend to the soil on face, head crushed stone branch, the rags on clothes, cannot attend to the eye that could not have opened, but also was roaring the binaural collective that made noise to stand completely, closed one's eyes, lifted slightly, was attached to the front to salute single-handed, then collective rending roared. 而后全部顾不得脸上的泥土,头上的碎石树枝,衣服上的碎布,顾不得还睁不开的眼睛,还在哄哄作响的双耳集体全部站了起来,闭着眼睛,头微微抬起,单手附在胸前行礼,而后集体撕心裂肺的呐吼起来。 Sir War-God, is good!” 战神大人,一路好走!” The giant roar, resounding repeatedly, covers the roar that had exploded a moment ago, has been startled the day, has been startled , after having been startled the explosion, remaining more than 300 Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 巨大的吼声,一遍又一遍的响起,盖过了刚才爆炸的吼声,惊了天,惊了地,也惊了爆炸之后残余的300多金角神族 War-God is invincible, will never submit! All soldiers, attack to me, kill!” 战神无敌,永不屈服!所有战士,给我出击,杀!” Ye Ruoshui two Bai Mei, raise up suddenly, the cold sword comes out of the sheath, works off anger to burst out violently, the hand is holding the black signal flag, does not have many spoken languages, faces forward to wield directly, the sword refers to the front, has been startled remaining Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 夜若水两条白眉,陡然竖起,寒剑出鞘,杀气猛烈迸发而出,手举着黑色的令旗,没有过多的言语,直接朝前一挥,剑指前方,正惊了的残余金角神族 War-God is invincible, will never submit! Kills!” 战神无敌,永不屈服!杀!” All soldiers, simultaneously a sonar roar, fight air/Qi greatly Sheng, loses the topping wolf the wolves to be ordinary just like one crowd, is bringing in pairs blood red eyeglasses, roared is rushing toward the front 所有战士,同时一声呐吼,纷纷战气大盛,宛如一群失去头狼的狼群一般,带着一双双血红的眼镜,咆哮着朝前方奔去 Outside Grey City the flames of war day after day, in Grey City are peaceful a piece, but in entire Grey City only also had the person's shadow to have the Ye Family fort. 苍城外战火连天,苍城内却安静一片,而整个苍城内唯独还有人影只有夜家堡了。 The back side of the mountain, the small lakeside, has stood rows of people, is the young people, has several hundred people. But Emperor Qiang actually stands in front, calmly is waiting for the order outside city. 后山,小湖畔,站满了一排排的人,都是年轻人,足足有数百人。而枪皇却独自一人站在前方,静等着城外的命令。 When the sky shines several Yanhua, they have been shocked, then when hears laughing wildly of Sword Emperor, they simultaneously felt that the innermost feelings tremble, Emperor Qiang was a face of dry skin turns a yellow cauliflower. Is Yanhua blooms, in the field several hundred people, are simultaneously same as outside military, caress the chest to salute, simultaneously with outside military uneven sonar roar. 当天空亮起十几枚烟花的时候,他们震惊了,而后听到剑皇的狂笑时,他们同时感觉内心一颤,枪皇更是一张枯皮的脸扭成了一朵黄菜花。紧接着又是一朵烟花绽放,场中数百人,同时和外面的武者一样,抚胸行礼,同时跟着外面的武者齐声呐吼。 Several hundred young elites, have not cried, without any expression, but static is looking at outside the city, effort has gotten hold of the fist. They have not made a tearful scene, the strategic place exits with the alien race like mad. They know that they more vital duty, goes on living, will be future base and low going on living of War-God Prefecture. 数百年轻精英,没有哭,没有任何表情,只是静静的望着城外,用力的握紧了拳头。他们没有哭着闹着,要冲出去和异族拼死拼活。他们知道他们又更重要的任务,就是活下去,为战神府的未来卑微的活下去。 „Hasn't senior, my brother and Elder Sister Qingcheng waked up? This, when has this, quickly awakened him?” “前辈,我哥和倾城姐怎么还不醒来?这,这都什么时候了,快叫醒他吧?” The Hanxin Pavilion Tientai, Yue Xishui exits in Tientai as before, calmly is implicated. But Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu, by her, anxious saying, they almost want directly to clash, awakened Ye Qinghan directly. 寒心阁天台,月惜水依旧在天台出口,静静旁坐。而夜轻舞夜轻语,则在她旁边,焦急的说道,两人几乎想直接冲进去,直接叫醒夜轻寒了。 Two in Ye Qingyu and Ye Qingwu as well as the Hanxin Pavilion , do not have the accident, is the people in seed elite list. Moreover, is in the list one of the most important several people. This moment outside fight arrived at the most fiery condition, has the possibility very much, the next second, Grey City was broken, perhaps when the time comes wants to walk cannot get away. 夜轻语夜轻舞以及寒心阁内的两人,没有意外,都是种子精英名单内的人。而且,是名单内最重要的几人之一。此刻外面战斗已经到了最火热的状况了,很有可能,下一秒,苍城就被破,到时候想走或许都走不了了。 Leaves the anxious girl, although all-round strength Gold Horn Spirit Clan stronger, but the short time wants to break through Grey City, is impossible, does not arrive at the final moment, I will not awaken their!” “别急丫头,虽然综合实力金角神族还是要强上一丝,但是短时间想攻破苍城,还是不可能的,不到最后关头,我是不会叫醒她们的!” Yue Xishui Divine Knowledge, has dissipated, time in paying attention to all outside Grey City. Big broke, she does not have the least bit to be startled, Sword Emperor died, her facial expression does not have the least bit to fluctuate. She thinks that this is the God Rank expert fate, some big abilities, must shoulder the big responsibility. Perhaps next dying is Ye Ruoshui, is Emperor Dao, is she. Since could die, then goes now sorrowfully, goes plaintively, there is what significance? 月惜水神识,一直逸散出去的,时刻在关注着苍城外的一切。大阵破了,她没有半点惊慌,剑皇死了,她神情还是没有半点变幻。她认为这是神级强者的宿命,有多大能力,就要承担多大的责任。或许下一个死去的就是夜若水,就是刀皇,就是她。既然都可能要死,那么现在去悲痛,去哀怨,又有何意义? Well?” “咦?” The look that a moment later, she had not fluctuated, suddenly had a fluctuation. Even, lost one's voice to shout lightly. A pair of Qiu Shui pupil, will shortly reappear a happy expression, she first turns the head to look at Ye Qingyu and Ye Qingwu, shows a faint smile saying: They, awoke!” 只是,片刻之后,她一直没变幻的神色,却突然有了一丝波动。甚至,都失声轻呼了起来。一双秋水眸子,顷刻浮现一丝喜色,她第一时间转头看着夜轻语夜轻舞,微微一笑道:“她们两人,醒了!”
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