BPTH :: Volume #4

#375: The war-god is invincible, will never submit!

375 chapters of War-God are invincible, will never submit! 375章战神无敌,永不屈服! Ye Qinghan does not know that outside Grey City sky already changed color, does not know that outside Hanxin Pavilion is blowing the bone-chilling cold wind. That night, he immersed on that poisonous Little Tao Hua, has forgotten the time, has forgotten the space, has forgotten all. 夜轻寒不知道外面苍城的天空已然变了色,也不知道寒心阁外正吹着凛冽的风。那一夜,他沉醉在那朵有毒的小桃花身上,忘记了时间,忘记了空间,忘记了一切。 When he has achieved apex excitedly, he discovered that present world changed, that Little Tao Hua disappears, Hanxin Pavilion disappears, entire world turned into a black. 只是当他兴奋达到了顶点,他发现眼前的世界改变了,那朵小桃花不见了,寒心阁不见了,整个世界变成了一片黑。 While his surprise extremely, being perplexed time, his mind is attracted by drop of waterdrop that the sky trickled. Drop of waterdrop falls from the sky slowly, is revolving falling, pounds in the black space, has initiated ripples, slowly the proliferation, vanishes finally. Then is drop of waterdrop, falls slowly, pounds in the ground, initiates together the ripples 正当他诧异万分,不明所以的时候,他的心灵被天空滴下的一滴水滴所吸引了。一滴水滴从天空缓缓落下,旋转着落下,砸在黑色的空间,引发了一道涟漪,慢慢扩散,最后消失。而后又是一滴水滴,缓缓落下,砸在地面,引发一道涟漪 All around darkness, drop of water-drop unceasing falling starts once again like this, strange scene. Attracted his complete attention completely, he starts silly is looking at this drop of waterdrop, the innermost feelings also become the incomparable peace, incomparable elusiveness. He was once more quiet, cannot. Just like a baby of birth, crazy is looking at this colored world, is looking at this beautiful world, all that novel, that interesting 四周一片漆黑,一滴水滴不断的落下这样周而复始,诡异的情景。完全吸引了他全部的注意力,他开始傻傻的望着这滴水滴,内心也变得无比的安宁,无比的空灵。他再次沉寂了进去,不能自己了。宛如一个出生的婴儿,痴痴的望着这个花花世界,望着这个美丽的世界,一切都是那么的新奇,那么的有趣 Yue Qingcheng and he is different. 月倾城和他不同。 Yue Qingcheng his boyfriend, is not because lascivious, wants to want her ahead of time, because loves her, wants to protect her. Therefore she has let loose all minds at that moment, demanding of his beloved man starts to accept. 月倾城得之自己的情郎,并不是因为好色,想提前要了她,而是因为爱她,想呵护她。所以她那一刻放开了所有的心灵,开始接受的他心爱男人的索求。 In blurry, she remembered Yue Xishui just before leaving to confess with her suddenly words, unconscious transported Yue Hou to stay behind double cultivated ****. It turned out that this transports the merit, actually the discovery cannot stop, the body more comes comfortably, immerses her to be finally earlier than to achieve the critical point Ye Qinghan more and more, 在迷迷糊糊中,她突然想起了月惜水临行和她交代过的话语,不知不觉的就运起了月后留下的双修****。结果发现这一运功,却发现停不下来了,身体越来舒适,越来越沉醉最后她比夜轻寒早一步达到临界点, She closes one's eyes, wallows during the wonderful feeling, but her ear suddenly resounds low and deep and has the delightful tweedle. When this tweedle far, is sometimes near, from time to time just like the good friend, just like the remote mountain song of the birds, falls the lake she to listen respectfully to this wonderful tweedle just like the raindrop from time to time from time to time, not in consciousness soul on thorough wallowed 她闭着眼睛,沉迷在着美妙的感觉之中,只是她的耳边突然响起一阵低沉而有悦耳的琴声。这琴声时远,时近,时而宛如高山流水,时而宛如深山鸟鸣,时而宛如雨滴落湖她聆听着这美妙的琴声,不知觉中灵魂就彻底的沉迷进去了 They do not know, when they fall into a mysterious ideal condition respectively, above Hanxin Pavilion , the wind and cloud color deterioration, the purple camphor tree of out of the window, has blown bone-chilling cold wind suddenly quietly. 两人都不知道,当她们各自陷入一种神奇的意境的时候,寒心阁上方,陡然风云变色,窗外的紫樟树,已经悄然吹起了一阵凛冽的风。 news! Gold Horn Spirit Clan arrived at outside Grey City hundred li (0.5km), it is expected that after one hour, will achieve Grey City!” “报!金角神族已经到达苍城外百里,预计一小时后将会达到苍城!” Grey City City Lord Mansion, was broken tranquilly by incisive screams. Calmly sat in City Lord Mansion, sitting in repose with eyes closed numerous Saint Realm expert simultaneously opened the eye, in the eye did not have startled intent and fears intent, some dominates the war intent under Shatian completely! 苍城城主府,被一声尖锐的惊呼声打破了平静。原本静静坐在城主府内,闭目养神的众多圣人境强者同时睁开了眼睛,眼中没有惊意和恐意,有的全部是霸杀天下的战意! Um, knew, your Hua Family scout duty was accomplished. Transmitted orders, you all withdrew Grey City, before fighting, can not enter Grey City. Naturally, waits to fight from the beginning, psychedelic big will open, you want to enter cannot come in!” “嗯,知道了,你们花家的探子任务完成了。传令下去,你们全部撤出苍城,大战完毕之前,不得进入苍城。当然,等会大战一开始,迷幻大阵将会开启,你们想进也进不来了!” The Long Pifu skinny body, stands up suddenly, the diminutive body arm has actually sent out an incomparably tyrannical dreadful imposing manner. In he small eyes completely is the fine glow twinkle, took a fast look around the people in hall lightly, suddenly has smiled, the smiling face expands unceasingly, the smile turns laughs, laughs turns finally laughs wildly, a skinny hand faces forward to wield suddenly, loudly shouted to clear the way: 龙匹夫干瘦的身子,陡然站起,矮小的身膀却是散发了一股无比强横的滔天气势。他一双小小的眼睛内尽是精芒闪烁,淡淡扫视了大厅内的众人,突然笑了起来,笑容不断扩大,微笑变成大笑,大笑最后变成狂笑,一只枯瘦的手猛然朝前一挥,大喝道: „, Should be we are on the historical arena the time, today a war, we will record forever in the War-God Prefecture history book, is immortal! The life is alive, is about several hundred years, but! If leaving a good name history, we glory hundred million years. Now the War-God Prefecture Palace Master status, orders you, fight, with our blood, protects our subjects! War!” “诸位,该是我们登上历史舞台的时候,今日一战,我们将永远记录在战神府史书上,永垂不朽!人生在世,不过数百年,但是!如果留名青史的话,我们将会荣耀亿年。现在战神府府主的身份,命令你们,战斗吧,用我们的鲜血,去保护我们的子民!战!” War-God is invincible, will never submit! War! War! War!” 战神无敌,永不屈服!战!战!战!” In the hall all Saint Realm expert simultaneously bellow, shouted together the War-God Prefecture rallying cry, has looked at each other one immediately mutually, is laughing wildly collectively, flies in abundance toward outside. 大厅内所有的圣人境强者同时大吼一声,一起喊起了战神府的战斗口号,随即相互对视一眼,集体狂笑着,纷纷朝外面飞去。 Bang!” “砰!” A signal flare of longan size lifts off suddenly, bloomed above Grey City, has illuminated entire Grey City, lit the Grey City space, in an instant the entire Grey City air as if became scalding hot. 一个龙眼般大小的信号弹陡然升空,在苍城上方绽放,照亮了整个苍城,同时也将苍城的空间点燃,刹那间整个苍城的空气似乎变得灼热起来。 War-God is invincible, will never submit! War! War! War!” 战神无敌,永不屈服!战!战!战!” Innumerable roaring sounds get up in Grey City each corner, simultaneously in the city raises the innumerable forms, the giant roar laughs wildly the sound, resounds through entire Grey City, the straight thrust vault of heaven. 无数的怒吼声响起在苍城各个角落,同时城内升起无数的身影,巨大的吼声狂笑声,响彻整个苍城,直刺苍穹。 Big Grey City, had 1 million population, at this moment actually only then few several thousand people, but these several thousand people of roars, can actually compared with 1 million. Several thousands arrive at the form to fly the Grey City blue black city wall completely, stands proudly, did not say a word collectively, blade Armor in the body, the facial color was calm, was waiting for the forthcoming war silently. 偌大的苍城,原本有1000000人口,此刻却只有寥寥数千人,但是这数千人的吼声,却能比1000000。数千到身影全部飞上苍城青黑色城墙,傲然而立,集体一言不发,刀甲在身,面色从容,默默等待着即将到来的大战。 Perhaps lives, perhaps dies, perhaps is remnant, perhaps *** perhaps does not have that many perhaps. They know that takes up the weapon in hand, cuts to kill the alien race completely, to War-God Prefecture several billions people one ringing universe, colored world. 或许生,或许死,或许残,或许***的或许没有那么多或许。他们只是知道,拿起手中的武器,将异族全部斩杀,给战神府数亿人们一个朗朗乾坤,一个花花的世界 Little Master Ye, did the seeds gather?” Sword Emperor strokes the big sword in hand slowly, in the eye does not have the none remaining, has not fought intent, some are only tranquil, just like stagnant water tranquility. 小夜子,种子们都集合好了吗?”剑皇缓缓抚摸手中的大剑,眼中没有精光,没有战意,有的只是平静,宛如死水般的平静。 Em, gathered completely, only then Little Master Han and Yue Qingcheng were still practicing, Yue Xishui is not willing to interrupt their cultivation, could not speak of the final moment, she will not awaken them.” The Ye Ruoshui look is also very tranquil, expression very relaxed, chatted just like the old friend. “恩,全部集合好了,只有小寒子月倾城还在修炼,月惜水死活不肯打断两人的修炼,说不到最后关头,她不会叫醒两人。”夜若水眼神也很平静,语气非常的轻松,宛如老友般闲聊。 Then is good, the third child you and pities the water their strength to be lowest, you are responsible, finally the moment is leading all seed elites, flickers to move to leave, goes to Purple Island directly, remember! Gold angle alien race one day does not get back one's composure, your one day does not permit to tread Purple Island!” Sword Emperor shows a faint smile, looks at Emperor Qiang of whole face dry skin, simultaneously passes message to Yue Xishui, order said directly. “那么好吧,老三你和惜水两人实力最低,你们两人负责,最后关头带着所有种子精英,瞬移离开,直接去紫岛,记住!金角异族一日不回神界,你们一日不准踏出紫岛!”剑皇微微一笑,看着满脸枯皮的枪皇,同时传音给月惜水,直接下命令般说道。 Big brother, you escort, my strength is low, feared that cannot complete this arduous task!” The Emperor Qiang complexion is not tranquil, a dry skin of face vibrates, in the eye completely is the color of pain. “大哥,还是你去护送吧,我实力低,怕不能完成这艰巨的任务!”枪皇脸色却不平静,一脸的枯皮抖动起来,眼中尽是痛苦之色。 This is the order, the War-God Prefecture future, asked you!” “这是命令,战神府的未来,就拜托你们两人了!” Sword Emperor sets out to stand, a silver long sword sends out the dazzling ray suddenly, in the eye also emits the fiery none remaining, to Ye Ruoshui and Xue Family Ancestor, as well as Emperor Dao said: Walks, three of us guest who goes to meeting to come from far away!” 剑皇起身而立,一把银色的长剑陡然间发出耀眼的光芒,眼中同时也冒出火热的精光,对着夜若水雪家老祖,以及刀皇说道:“走吧,我们三人去会会远道而来的客人!” Ha Ha, big brother Sword Emperor, you said later leaving a good name history time, is my name writes before? Your before?” Ye Ruoshui long smiles one, two foot Bai Mei raise up suddenly, is tightening after that. “哈哈,剑皇大哥,你说以后留名青史的时候,是我的名字写在前?还是你的在前啊?”夜若水长笑一声,两脚白眉陡然竖起,紧着其后。 Four people simultaneously flicker to move, appears above the Grey City city gate directly, tranquil is looking at the distant place. But a distant place naked eye dense piece of form, is plundering toward here obviously crazily. The people have not arrived, the cold and gloomy wild aura, is actually started to cover entire Grey City 四人同时瞬移,直接出现在苍城的城门上方,平静的望着远方。而远处肉眼可见黑压压的一片身影,正朝这边狂掠而来。人还未到,森冷狂暴的气息,却是已经开始笼罩整个苍城
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