BPTH :: Volume #4

#371: Tonight the peach blossom is in full bloom quietly

371 chapters of tonight Tao Hua (Peach Blossom) are in full bloom quietly 371章今夜桃花悄然盛开 This Little Han, must deliver you to deliver, I am in full flower, does not want untimely death!” Feng Zi continued to cast aside the mouth, some have not turned the body comfortably. “这个寒少,要送你去送,我风华正茂,可不想英年早逝!”风紫继续撇起了嘴巴,有些不自在的扭了扭身子。 Right, Little Han, we spiritually support you!” Hua Cao is clapping the palm of the hand, creates a disturbance decisively. “对,寒少,我们精神上支持你!”花草拍着巴掌,果断起哄。 Looked that your this fears to lack savoir-faire, later exits to be possible let alone to be my Ye Qinghan brothers!” “看你们这怕死样,以后出去可别说是我夜轻寒的兄弟!” Ye Qinghan has shaken the nose, despises looked at their one eyes, looked the time of almost eating meal arrived, then sets out to call the people lively together has eaten. 夜轻寒抖了抖鼻子,鄙视的看了两人一眼,一看差不多吃饭的时间到了,便起身招呼起众人一起热闹的吃了一顿。 In the afternoon, Feng Zi and Hua Cao, actually make must go to outside Grey City to have a look in psychedelic big of secret construction, Ye Qingwu also to make must exit to transfer the extension. Ye Qinghan does not have this thoughts, this moment Grey City wind and cloud border meeting, the audiences converge, he comes, Lima will be seen through the strength by that group of old fogies, moreover under the as even with such grim situation, he does not have the mood to exit to stroll randomly, therefore has rejected people's proposition. 下午,风紫花草,却是闹着要去苍城外面看看正在秘密建造的迷幻大阵,夜轻舞也是闹着要出去转转。只是夜轻寒却没有这个心思,此刻苍城风云际会,众强云集,他一现身,利马就会被那群老家伙看穿实力,而且如此严峻的形势之下,他也没有心情出去乱逛,于是拒绝了众人的提议。 Ye Qinghan does not want to expose the strength ahead of time, Yue Qingcheng does not have the mood to play has also rejected, original Ye Qingyu also wants to treat in Hanxin Pavilion , but Ye Qingwu actually blinked to her, passes message to her, to Ye Qinghan and a Yue Qingcheng independent space, comforts Yue Qingcheng well. 夜轻寒不想提前暴露实力,月倾城却是没心情游玩也拒绝了,本来夜轻语也想待在寒心阁的,只是夜轻舞却对她眨了眨眼睛,传音给她,给夜轻寒月倾城一个独立的空间,好好安抚一下月倾城 Cuihua they intentionally was also sent by Ye Qingwu, big Hanxin Pavilion , finally only remaining Ye Qinghan and Yue Qingcheng they. 翠花她们也被夜轻舞故意打发出去了,一个偌大的寒心阁,最后只剩下夜轻寒月倾城两人。 Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), comes!” 倾城,过来!” Ye Qinghan to is sitting in the one side, somewhat understood the meaning, but shy Yue Qingcheng beckons slightly. A moment later sees Yue Qingcheng to hesitate there, smiles, direct in the past, embraced the waist of Yue Qingcheng , the direct horizontal waist hugged her, walked toward two buildings directly. 夜轻寒对着坐在一旁,有些懂了意思而微微羞涩的月倾城招了招手。片刻之后见月倾城还是在那里犹豫着,嘿嘿一笑,直接过去,揽住了月倾城的腰身,直接横腰抱起她,径直朝二楼走去。 „Do you, you do? Puts me to get down!” Yue Qingcheng in great surprise, although she had recognized that was the Ye Qinghan wife, but under broad daylight . Moreover, she has not prepared for a while at heart, greatly was hastily bashful, struggles. “你,你干什么?放我下来!”月倾城大惊,虽然她心里已经认定是夜轻寒的妻子了,但是光天化日之下而且,她一时还没有心里准备,连忙大羞,挣扎起来。 Do not move heedlessly, Little Qingcheng, I will not be encroaching in broad daylight your, although I also very much think!” The Ye Qinghan eye Huairou sentiment, is staring at a she pair of pearl double pupil, gentle saying. “别乱动,小倾城,我不会在大白天侵犯你的,虽然我也很想!”夜轻寒眼怀柔情,盯着她一双珍珠般的双眸,温柔的说道。 The commitment of Ye Qinghan the effect, Yue Qingcheng had not been swaying from side to side, but will hide into his bosom, no longer said a word. 夜轻寒的承诺起了效应,月倾城没有在扭动,而是将头藏入了他的怀中,不再言语。 On two buildings, Ye Qinghan had not entered Tientai, but has arrived in own room directly. The general's family takes, has placed on Yue Qingcheng the bed, then has not spoken, but sits on the bed, from back gently is supporting her, is looking at the out of the window beautiful ornamental tree, is lost in thought. 上了二楼,夜轻寒没有进天台,而是直接走到了自己的房中。将门带上,把月倾城放在了床上,而后也没有说话,只是坐在床上,从背后轻轻的拥着她,望着窗外美丽的风景树,愣愣出神。 The Yue Qingcheng side comes excessively, very much has doubts looked at a Ye Qinghan blade to truncate the profile, has chosen silent. Relaxes the body, the whole person does not have the lazy cat of bone to be ordinary just like one, depends upon in his bosom, is listening quietly his heartbeat and own heartbeat. 月倾城侧过头来,很疑惑的望了一眼夜轻寒刀削般的侧脸,也选择了沉默。放松身子,整个人宛如一只没有骨头的懒猫一般,依靠在他的怀中,静听着他的心跳和自己的心跳。 By the window, happen to can see, rows of trim neat purple camphor trees. Purple camphor tree, purple camphor tree! As the name suggests, its leaf is purple, moreover is not big, the leaf shape is actually the strange linearity appearance, moreover grows unusual is crowded. The cool breeze has stroked, the innumerable leaves the wave were common just like the sea, continuously, too beautiful to behold. 透过窗口,正好能看到,一排排修剪整齐的紫樟树。紫樟,紫樟!顾名思义,它的叶子是紫色的,而且不大,叶子形状却是奇怪的条形模样,而且生长的非常密集。清风拂过,无数叶子宛如海中起了波浪一般,此起彼伏,美不胜收。 Two people of original various bosom concerns, prepare according to sitting close together a small meeting calmly. Along with passing of time, they felt that this supports gently, calmly is implicated, as if the feeling is very good, is very comfortable, is very warm, in the mind also has the type tranquilly like the water, the feeling of elusively falling asleep. 两人本来各怀心事,准备静静依偎坐一小会。只是随着时间的流逝,两人都感觉这样轻轻相拥,静静相坐,似乎感觉很好,很舒适,很温馨,心灵上也有种平静如水,空灵入梦的感觉。 They very tacit has not said a word, each other is feeling the aura of opposite party, is listening to the heartbeat of opposite party, is smelling the manly smell and feminine qualities of opposite party. Not ambiguous, does not have the silt, does not have the passion. Some are only indulging, being infatuated with. 两人十分默契的没有言语,彼此感受着对方的气息,听着对方的心跳声,闻着对方的男人味、女人味。没有暧昧,没有淤泥,没有情欲。有的只是一种沉溺,一种陶醉。 The weather gradually faded out, the bright sunlight, gradually substituted for by the gentle moonlight, Hanxin Pavilion is a peace. It seems like Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu are prepare the graceful dance pavilion to rest for one night, gives them entire Hanxin Pavilion completely, making them pass an intoxicant night. 天色渐渐暗了下来,明亮的日光,逐渐被柔和的月色所取代,寒心阁还是一片安宁。看来夜轻舞夜轻语是准备去曼舞阁睡一夜,将整个寒心阁完全让给两人,让她们度过一个醉人的夜晚。 Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), were you hungry?” 倾城,你饿了吗?” When the dim light of night arrives completely, in the room piece of Bai Jie's a moonlight covers, Ye Qinghan finally opens the mouth. 当夜色完全降临,房间内被一片白洁的月光所笼罩的时候,夜轻寒终于开口了。 I am not hungry, were you hungry? I help you look for the point to eat?” Yue Qingcheng turns the head, the Omei slightly lock, a face of elegant face, under shining of moonlight, is beautiful the dust. Sees Ye Qinghan to nod, she has the surprise start to talk to ask, military will achieve this boundary, the fortnight does not eat meal will not have the sense of hunger completely, because body the war air/Qi of revolution, can bring in the world the chastest energy, supplemented that the body will need. The Ye Qinghan as even with such boundary is certainly more impossible to have the hungry feeling on own initiative. “我不饿,你饿了吗?我帮你去找点吃的吧?”月倾城转过头来,峨眉微锁,一张俏脸的脸,在月色的照耀下,绝美出尘。看到夜轻寒点了点头,她有着诧异的开口问道,武者达到她这个境界,十天半月不吃饭也不会完全产生饥饿感,因为身体内的运转的战气,能带来天地中最纯洁的能量,补充身体所需。夜轻寒如此境界当然更不可能会主动产生饥饿感觉。 I was indeed hungry, however Hanxin Pavilion these food, I actually do not want to eat, what to do did you say should?” The Ye Qinghan blinking skin, tilts the head, in eye has one to ponder, with badly bad happy expression. “我的确饿了,但是寒心阁的那些食物,我却不想吃,你说该怎么办哪?”夜轻寒眨了眨眼皮,歪着头,眼中带着一丝玩味,和坏坏的笑意。 This what to do? I will not prepare food, you want to eat anything, I make the servant not come, your this big bastard!” Yue Qingcheng is pressed the brow, very adorable is crooked the head, ponders, actually saw that Ye Qinghan has collected suddenly, worries gently on her earlobe, shrank the body hastily charmingly, is angry to say. “这怎么办啊?我又不会做菜,要不,你想吃什么,我让下人不来了,你这个大坏蛋!”月倾城蹙着眉头,很可爱的歪着脑袋,沉思起来,却看到夜轻寒突然把头凑了过来,在她的耳垂上轻轻撕咬起来,连忙娇羞的缩了缩身子,嗔道。 Little Qingcheng I want to eat you! You are on world delicacies of most delicacy, I think that you aren't cruel enough to visit me to suffer hunger and cold helplessly? You are pitiful I, making me eat you to collect Ye Qinghan, continued to lick in a Yue Qingcheng pair of flesh color earlobe slightly, then downward, kissed lightly on her powdery white jade neck. 小倾城我想吃了你!你是世界上最美味的一道佳肴,我想,你不忍心眼睁睁看着我饥寒交迫吧?你就可怜可怜我,让我吃了你把”夜轻寒凑了上去,继续在月倾城一双微微粉红的耳垂一舔,而后一路向下,在她粉白的玉颈上轻吻起来。 Does not leave, Qinghan, we have not bowed to Heaven and Earth, cannot of Yue Qingcheng near the ear was whispered by him, with light kiss that on the neck keeps. Shortly will feel the whole body to feel hot, an unusual feeling wells up the heart, is somewhat shy, is somewhat terrified, naturally also somewhat anticipated, somewhat faint excitement “唔别,轻寒,我们还没拜堂,不可以的”月倾城被他在耳边一阵低语,和脖子上不停的轻吻。顷刻间感觉浑身发烫,一股异样的感觉涌来心头,有些羞涩,有些惶恐,当然还有些期待,有些隐隐的兴奋 Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), you listened to me saying that after was not I did not think the big marriage, wanted you again, I always very much respected your wishes, this you were also clear, however the present situation, I can only want you ahead of time.” Ye Qinghan stopped blaspheming, somewhat stern explanation: I obtain a treasure in Luo Shen Mountain, this treasure can let have the female of my aura to go, but this treasure can be said as absolutely the complete place. Therefore, to avoid your shortly after wars was affected, I can only want you ahead of time, ahead of time takes off your this Tao Hua (Peach Blossom)! Sorry, Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), I 倾城,你听我说,并不是我不想大婚之后再要了你,我一向很尊重你们的意愿,这点你也清楚,但是现在的情况,我只能提前要了你。”夜轻寒停止了亵渎,有些正色的解释起来:“我在落神山获得一个宝物,这个宝物能让拥有我气息的女子进去,而这个宝物可以说是绝对完全的地方。所以,为了避免你们在不久后的大战受到波及,我只能提前要了你,提前将你这朵桃花摘下!对不起,倾城,我” Um, did not need to explain again, I an attractive hand has been attached to the mouth of Ye Qinghan suddenly, Yue Qingcheng slowly has turned away, left the dust on the face the double cheek becomes boiling hot boiling hot, an eye actually coquettish look like silk , the blanking bar shamed intent, this type clear beautiful and bewitched to unify charmingly unexpectedly is such being overwhelmed with emotion, bit Bei Chun lightly, Yue Qingcheng has closed the eye suddenly, lying down slowly on the bed, made a mosquito sound: I promise your my boyfriend to make me a genuine woman! Becoming your woman.” “嗯,不用再解释了,我”一只漂亮的手突然附在了夜轻寒的嘴上,月倾城缓缓的转过脸来,出尘的脸上双腮变得滚烫滚烫,一双眼睛却媚眼如丝,又暗带羞意,这种清纯绝美和妩媚勾魂结合起来竟然是那么的销魂,轻咬贝唇,月倾城突然闭上了眼睛,慢慢的躺在床上,发出一声蚊子般的声音:“我答应你我的情郎请让我成为一个真正的女人吧!成为你的女人。” Rumble, rumble!” “咕噜,咕噜!” Several saliva swallow the sound to get up, Ye Qinghan mixes to shiver, head thunders, both eyes become the burning hot, the mind was occupied by the attractive ketone body of present beautiful female completely, has forgotten all, has forgotten all, heartily enjoys on this world the peerless delicacies of most delicacy to get up. 几声口水吞咽声响起,夜轻寒混为颤抖起来,脑袋一阵轰鸣,双眼变得炙热,脑海完全被眼前的绝美女子的诱人酮体所占据,忘记了一切,忘记了所有,尽情的享受起这世界上最美味的绝世佳肴起来。 That poisonous Tao Hua (Peach Blossom) of static lake island, in this night, was actually not feared the violently poisonous man to take off by one successfully! Tonight, this Tao Hua (Peach Blossom), under the Grey City beautiful dim light of night, silent was in full bloom quietly 静湖岛的那朵有毒的桃花,在此夜,却被一个不畏剧毒的男子成功摘下!今夜,这朵桃花,在苍城美丽的夜色下,无声无息的悄然盛开了 They perish in wanting the sea are unable to extricate oneself, as everyone knows the Hanxin Pavilion above sky, the world vitality is once more rich. Outside Hanxin Pavilion the quiet wind sits greatly, the purple camphor tree leaf was blown makes noise. Including is constructing psychedelic big Yue Xishui and Emperor Qiang outside Grey City, as well as the old fogies in Ye Family back side of the mountain were alarmed completely, collective stunned looked toward the Hanxin Pavilion aspect 两人沉沦在欲海中无法自拔,殊不知寒心阁的上方的天空,天地元气再次浓郁起来。寒心阁外幽风大坐,紫樟树叶子被吹得哗哗作响。连正在苍城外建造迷幻大阵的月惜水枪皇,以及夜家后山的老家伙们全部被惊动了,集体愕然的朝寒心阁方面望了过来
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