BPTH :: Volume #4

#372: Years killing pig blade

372 chapters of years killing pig blade 372章岁月是把杀猪刀 The Hanxin Pavilion mutation, has alarmed Grey City all Emperor Realm above military. Grey City this moment expert converges, War-God Prefecture all God Rank expert gather at Grey City, but felt the first mutation responded, instead recently became Yue Xishui of god. 寒心阁的异变,惊动了苍城所有帝王境以上的武者。苍城此刻强者云集,战神府所有的神级强者都聚集在苍城,只是最先感觉到异变反应过来的,反而是最近才成神的月惜水 Yue Family is good at cultivating the soul, is keenest regarding the world phenomenon. Yue Xishui in Grey City ten inside and outside, arranged big, Hanxin Pavilion has the unusual form, her Lima realized, simultaneously first in the past nosed Divine Knowledge sending out. 月家擅长修炼灵魂,对于天地异象最为敏锐。月惜水本来在苍城十里外,布置大阵,寒心阁一发生异状,她利马就察觉到了,同时第一时间将神识散发过去查探起来。 His nosing, is actually the facial color one red, does not attend to Emperor Qiang, unexpectedly direct flickers the emigration presently to bring in the Hanxin Pavilion Tientai. Meanwhile the small hands wielded, has released the god territory, covered entire Hanxin Pavilion , first prevented the Divine Knowledge investigations of other God Rank expert. 只是他这一查探,却是面色一红,不顾身边的枪皇,竟然直接一个瞬移出现带寒心阁的天台上。同时小手一挥,释放了神域,将整个寒心阁笼罩进去,第一时间阻止其余神级强者神识探查。 „!” “咻!” What second catches up is Ye Ruoshui, Ye Ruoshui two Bai Mei wrinkle slightly, looks above Hanxin Pavilion , simultaneously looks at the purple camphor tree that in the courtyard „” has made noise, finally decided the vision in has stood in Tientai exits, slightly on some unnatural Yue Xishui, asking of some surprise: Pities the water, what happened? Why can you release the god territory?” 第二个赶来的是夜若水,夜若水两条白眉微微皱起,望了望寒心阁上方,同时又看了看院子内“哗哗”作响的紫樟树,最后把目光定在了站在天台出口,微微有些不自然的月惜水上,有些诧异的问道:“惜水,发生了什么事情?为何你要释放神域?” On the Yue Xishui face flashes through wipes blood flushes, immediately the look becomes the nature, said: Your wife and children brat, hit has transported greatly, now is being practiced, I released the god territory am protect him not to be disturbed.” 月惜水脸上闪过一抹潮红,随即神色变得自然起来,说道:“你家小兔崽子,撞大运了,现在正在修炼中,我释放神域是保护他不被打扰。” „? Has this grade of good deed?” Although Ye Ruoshui very much has doubts, but does not have excessively to question in detail, but with a smile is looking at the purple camphor tree below courtyard, simultaneously passes message to other God Rank expert, asking them not to use. “哦?有这等好事?”夜若水虽然还是很疑惑,但是却没有过多细问,只是含笑的望着下方院子内的紫樟树,同时传音给其余神级强者,叫他们不用过来了。 Ancestor, what happened?” “老祖宗,发生了什么事?” At this time the sky actually fast flew together the black form, landed in Tientai directly, when he noticed that Ye Ruoshui in relaxed, but saw Tientai exit Yue Xishui time, was actually the eye again cannot leave. 这时天空却快速飞来一道黑色的身影,直接降落在天台上,当他看到夜若水在的时候才松了一口气,但是看到天台出口的月惜水的时候,却是眼睛再也离不开了。 Tianlong, is defending in this, after Little Master Han closes up, goes to be busy at your matter again!” 天龙,在这守着,等小寒子闭关完毕后再去忙你的事!” Ye Ruoshui looks on the Ye Tianlong resolute old-fashioned face, an eye is sending out the burning hot ray, smiling of looking pensive, had confessed that flickered to move away directly. 夜若水看着夜天龙刚毅古板的脸上,一双眼睛散发着炙热的光芒,若有所思的笑了笑,交代了一句,直接瞬移走了。 Ye Tianlong just came out from the elder hall, is preparing to fly back to the back side of the mountain, unexpectedly has actually discovered here unusual form. Therefore has not had scruples that many, first flew directly. Came actually to see this he intertwined for several days several nights, must leave the face that outside Grey City saw. 夜天龙本来刚从长老堂出来,正准备飞回后山,不料却发现了这边的异状。所以没有顾忌那么多,第一时间直接就飞了过来。只是,一过来却看到了这张他纠结了几天几夜,到底要不要出苍城外见见的脸。 Yeah! Among a twinkling, 50 years passed by, you have not changed!” Long time, Ye Tianlong sighed slightly, some losing stroked to let fall the elderly person who to send the silk. “哎!一眨眼间,50年过去了,你一点都没变!”良久之后,夜天龙微微一叹,有些失落的捋了捋垂落的斑白发丝。 This young lady naturally has not changed, you actually changed, in the past the charming youth, turned into a bad old man, the old arm old leg, always do not fly round, if were injured by falling down were not good!” Yue Xishui came the Grey City more than ten days, was actually continuously construction big stay up till dawn outside the city, at this moment actually because of the Hanxin Pavilion mutation, suddenly saw old acquaintance Ye Tianlong. After being slightly stunned, actually just like turning into another person, dozens -year-old person, actually mump said just like a young miss. “本小姐当然没变,你却变了,当年帅气的少年,变成了一个糟老头,老胳膊老腿的,别老是飞来飞去,万一摔坏了可不好!”月惜水苍城十多天了,却是一直在城外日夜不停的建造大阵,此刻却是因为寒心阁的异变,突然见到了老熟人夜天龙。微微错愕之后,却宛如变成了另外一个人般,几十岁的人了,竟然宛如一个小姑娘斗气般说道。 Yeah years killing pig blade, black auricularia auricula, purple grape, soft banana!” “哎岁月是把杀猪刀,黑了木耳,紫了葡萄,也软了香蕉!” Ye Tianlong saw was somewhat anxious, remembered occasionally heard Ye Qinghan to say strange words, did not say carefully. Says, discovery this saying as if said from his mouth, did not tally very much. Coughs hastily, awkward saying: That any was right! You have Yue Family in face fruit, will certainly not age, moreover you now are God Rank expert, I was certainly different, perhaps dozens years later, will then turn into pile of loesses!” 夜天龙一见有些急了,想起了偶尔听到夜轻寒说过的一句古怪的话,却不小心道了出来。一说出口,却发现这话似乎从他口中说出来,很不相符。连忙干咳一声,尴尬的说道:“那什么对了!你有月家的驻颜果,当然不会变老,而且你现在都已经是神级强者了,我当然不同了,说不定几十年之后,便会化成一堆黄土!” You could rest assured that after you died, I to you, will burn incense to deliver a paper money every year, the good and evil is to also be acquainted! Certainly under must worship.” Yue Xishui, cold snort, has turned head, looks like the scenery of distant place. “你放心,你死后,我每年会给你,烧香送点纸钱,好歹也是相识一场!肯定要祭拜下。”月惜水,冷哼一声,扭过头去,看起来远处的风景。 Underestimated the human, perhaps which day, did the father also break through? Speed that in the past I cultivated compared with you quickly!” Ye Tianlong seems like not convinced very much, the stiff back said proudly. “呃小看人了吧,说不定哪天,老子也突破了哪?当年我修炼的速度可是比你快多了!”夜天龙看起来很不服气了,挺直脊梁傲然说道。 The old thing, the head of the clan of two Top-Rank respected families, meet unexpectedly just like two teenage boys and girls, each other mumps, in the words is having a aura of piece of sour grapes. If sees to hear to the bystander, this affirms causes a stir in the mainland, Yue Family and is the Ye Family head of the clan unexpectedly an old friend? 老个老东西,两个顶级大家族的族长,一见面居然宛如两个少男少女般,彼此斗气起来,话语中带着一片酸葡萄的气息。要是给外人看到听到,这肯定得轰动大陆,月家夜家的族长竟然是老相好? Snort, is not I underestimates you, can your this break through God Rank? If you can break through, I, I am the servants to you, daily gives you to pour the water for foot-washing to be good!” Yue Xishui sneers, in the eye a ridicule. “哼,不是我小看你,就你这样子能突破神级?你要是能突破,我,我给你做奴婢,天天给你倒洗脚水都行!”月惜水冷笑一声,眼中略带一丝嘲弄。 Ye Tianlong one hear of this saying, are not convinced, points at Yue Xishui to rouse the eye, said maliciously: You said that you are God Rank expert, the speech may probably turn out as said that I did not want you to be the servants, when I broke through, my five flower big sedans went to your family to seek a marriage alliance, I wanted you to marry me!” 夜天龙一听这话,更加不服气了,指着月惜水鼓着眼睛,狠狠说道:“你说的,你是神级强者啊,说话可要算话,我也不要你做奴婢了,等我突破了,我五花大轿去你家求亲去,我要你嫁给我!” This saying exit, they also discovered that as if they a little were excited. Seven old eight old people, these rather somewhat lose face now. Therefore they have the tacit understanding very much at the same time side shut up, awkward has transferred the body, the aura of Hanxin Pavilion Tientai, was very suddenly special, now becomes is more special 只是这话一出口,两人同时发现,似乎两人都有点激动了。都七老八老的人了,现在来说这些未免有些丢人了。于是两人很有默契的同时闭上了嘴边,尴尬的转过身子去,一时间寒心阁天台的气息,本来就很特殊,现在却变得更加特殊起来 Sky Demon City! 天妖城 The day before yesterday after having fought one, the Jin Qi thunder was angry, is scared two directly had not restored to today, a Saint level god clan palm racket has broken to pieces, today by starlight, dispatches troops to prepare to take Sky Demon City once more at one fell swoop. 前日大战了一场之后,金麒雷霆大怒,直接将两名吓傻了到今日还没恢复的,圣级神族一掌拍碎了,今日趁着夜色,再次出兵准备一举拿下天妖城 Today, Sky Demon City is different from War-God Prefecture, that side wind light Yun Dan, here is the moon/month violent wind filled with dust is high, happen to murder. 今日,天妖城不同于战神府,那边风轻云淡,这里却是月黑风高,正好杀人。 Jin Qi has not played dumb, this time sends out 500 Saint level military directly, has not looked like previous one time, silly lines up to rush directly, but is several people of one group, separately from Sky Demon City starts to attack in all directions. 金麒没有犯傻了,这次直接派出500圣级武者,没有像上次一次,傻乎乎的直接列队冲了上去,而是几人一组,分别从天妖城的四面八方开始进攻。 Moreover these Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan, after the day before yesterday deeply grieved lesson, studied clever, has not had a low opinion of the enemy again, was ready in full battle array completely, slowly set out, one type entered the village very much secretly, making noise do not feel. 而且这些圣级金角神族,经过前天的惨痛教训,学乖了,没有再轻敌,全部严阵以待,慢慢进发,很有一种偷偷进村,出声的不要感觉。 Really, Sky Demon City has made dealing immediately, innumerable emperor level Demon Clan dozens separate one group, one group to the previous group, the preparation comes again one time, the Yanhua explosion. 果然,天妖城立刻做出了应对,无数帝级妖族几十个分开一组,一组对上一组,准备再来一次,烟花爆炸。 This time has not achieved the anticipated effect obviously, Gold Horn Spirit Clan has the protection, a black flame turnover, Yanhua bloomed ahead of time, finally actually exploding everywhere blossomed Sky Demon City. 只是这次明显没有达到预期的效果,金角神族有了防备,黑色火焰一阵吞吐,烟花提前绽放了,最后倒是把天妖城给炸了个处处开花。 Five monster gods see, immediately stopped this suicide attack, the big hand has wielded, Demonic Saint sent out. Monster Shenfu Demonic Saint actually several hundreds, are only peak Demonic Saint, is actually not many, one struggles hard, Sky Demon City rivers of blood, finally, was broken through. 五名妖神一见,立即停止了这种自杀性攻击,大手一挥,妖圣们出动了。妖神府妖圣倒是有数百,只是巅峰的妖圣,却是不多,一番苦战,天妖城血流成河,最终,还是被攻破了。 I do not want you to surrender, only need hand over your space rings, otherwise, your this small town, I make him be infertile! The chicken dog does not remain!” “我不要你们投降,只需交出你们的空间戒指,否则,你们这小城,我让他寸草不生!鸡犬不留!” Jin Qi rubbish, flickers emigration directly now in front of five monster gods in monster Shenfu, the naked threat, he takes the Sky Demon City 1 million military threats five Demon Clan protectors. 金麒没有废话,直接瞬移出现在妖神府的五名妖神面前,赤裸裸的恐吓起来,他拿天妖城1000000武者威胁起五名妖族守护者。 Five monster gods look at each other one, is decisive, has taken down the space ring on hand collectively, has flung, although the treasure is important, but the human life is actually Guan Tian, in the city may be the Demon Clan elites, said again, they have not attained the real Divine sword, loses not in a big way. 五名妖神对视一眼,非常果断,集体取下了手上的空间戒指,甩了过来,宝物虽然重要,但是人命却是关天,城内可都是妖族的精英,再说了,他们也没拿到真的神剑,损失不大。 Jin Qi received five rings, Divine Knowledge sweeps, actually discovered that five monster gods not only do not have the real Divine sword, instead inside treasure is few pity, several day the dreariness, making him very wild with rage: Mother! All child stop the command, massacres city the half day to me, cuts to kill 50% sorcerers, then goes to the next station person clan!” 金麒接过五枚戒指,神识一扫,却发现五名妖神不仅没有真的神剑,反而里面的宝物更是少的可怜,几日来的阴郁,让他无比狂怒起来:“妈的!所有孩儿停令,给我屠城半日,斩杀一半妖人,然后去下一站人族!”
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