BPTH :: Volume #4

#370: The fireworks is very beautiful

370 chapters of Yanhua are very beautiful 370章烟花很美丽 Sand beach that sand beach, sea as before is quiet from time to time is turbulent from time to time, the raindrop also from time to time falls, from time to time stops, the rain big hole point in sand beach, will be one will recover, one will pound a pit point. 沙滩还是那片沙滩,大海依旧时而平静时而汹涌,雨滴也是时而落下,时而停止,沙滩上的雨大坑点,也是一会复原,一会又砸出一片坑点。 Ye Qinghan actually felt that this sea seemed not the sea, this rain was not the rain, the sand beach was not a sand beach. The feeling rain fog looks like the wind likely likely, has to plant to ponder over erratically, the feeling of Piao Miao non- trace, looks at the mountain is not the mountain, looks at the water is not the water, entire mind ignorant piece. Finally feeling at present a dimness, only then a water drop slowly from airborne falls, from the sky revolves, but airborne because actually the raindrop falls, had a space slightly to fluctuate 只是夜轻寒却感觉,这海似乎不是海了,这雨也不是雨了,沙滩也不是沙滩了。感觉像雨像雾又像风,有种琢磨不定,飘渺无踪的感觉,看山不是山,看水不是水,整个脑海浑浑噩噩一片。最后感觉眼前一片朦胧,只有一滴水慢慢的从空中落下,在空中旋转,而空中却因为雨滴落下,产生了一丝微微的空间波动 In Ye Qinghan thinks, when careful sees clearly that drop of waterdrop, his mind sudden dizziness, at present the scenery changes, he sees at the same time the bright and clean wall. 就在夜轻寒想在仔细的看清楚那滴水滴的时候,他脑海突然一阵眩晕,紧接着眼前景色一变,他又看到一面光洁的墙壁。 Ye Qinghan closes the eye, slightly has sensed, sits cross-legged, a moment ago started to digest directly saw, thinks that senses. This closes up. Has closed up directly for three days three nights. 夜轻寒闭上眼睛,略有所感悟,盘坐起来,直接开始消化刚才所看到的,所想的,所感悟到的。这一闭关。直接闭关了三天三夜。 Almost! 差一点! When Ye Qinghan opens the eye, the corners of the mouth show the bitter and astringent smiling face. This raindrop drops the space that has to fluctuate, making him slightly have the sensibility. However actually misses is so little, if gives him to see clearly, the time of looking at for a long time so is little, Ye Qinghan thought that this sensibility definitely will have progressive, is willing to have the possibility space to fluctuate Little Cheng. 夜轻寒睁开眼睛的时候,嘴角露出苦涩的笑容。这雨滴落下产生的空间波动,让他略有感悟。但是却差那么一点点,如果给他在看清楚一点,看的时间再久那么一点点,夜轻寒觉得,这次感悟绝对会太有进步,肯有可能空间波动小成。 Sighed slightly, Ye Qinghan has not intertwined that many, this chance may with not be possible to ask, oneself were very lucky, something were not exactable, the melon that wrenched was not instead sweet. Shows a faint smile, elapses regrettable and greedy in heart. Ye Qinghan moved sideways to return to Hanxin Pavilion directly. 微微一叹,夜轻寒没有纠结那么多,这种机缘可遇不可求,自己已经很幸运了,有些东西是不可强求的,强扭的瓜反而不甜。微微一笑,逝去心中的遗憾和贪婪。夜轻寒直接闪身回到了寒心阁 Outside is daytime, Ye Qinghan in room, took a bath, has combed the hair and wash the face, has gone down a building full of energy, entered the hall. Actually far away, hears the Feng Zi big voice to speak there loudly. 外面是白天,夜轻寒在房间内,洗了个澡,梳洗了一番,精神抖擞的走下了一楼,走进了大厅。却老远,就听到风紫的大嗓门在那里大声说话。 You do not know that fight of this Sky Demon City intense! Demon Clan complete master collective collects Sky Demon City, the day before yesterday a war, hit is gloomy, the universe reversed “你们不知道啊,这次天妖城的战斗有多激烈,啧啧!妖族全部高手集体汇集天妖城,前日一番大战,打得是天昏地暗,乾坤倒转” Ha Ha, lunatic, you in that storytelling?” Ye Qinghan enters the hall directly, laughs, simultaneously sweeps in the hall, actually discovered that outside three females, Feng Zi Long Sainan Hua Cao and Long Shuiliu these old acquaintances arrived, somewhat is slightly surprised. “哈哈,疯子,你在那说书哪?”夜轻寒直接走进大厅,大笑起来,同时一扫大厅内,却发现出了三女外,风紫龙赛男花草龙水流这些老熟人都到了,微微有些惊讶起来。 Little Master Han!” 小寒子!” Elder brother “哥” Little Han!” 寒少!” Ye Qinghan walks, the hall people collective looked pleasantly surprised, simultaneously set out to welcome. Ye Qinghan nodded toward the people, shows a faint smile. Grasps Ye Qingyu directly, is drawing Yue Qingcheng , sits with Qingwu abreast in row. Also beckons, hints everybody to sit down at will, carries the tea on square table, has drunk one, this said with a smile: Any wind, blew in several honored guests my this my humble home!” 夜轻寒一走进来,大厅众人集体惊喜的望了过来,同时起身迎了过来。夜轻寒朝众人点了点头,微微一笑。直接抱住夜轻语,拉着月倾城,和轻舞并排坐着。同时招手,示意大家随意坐下,端起方桌上的茶水,喝了一口,这才笑道:“什么风,把几位贵客吹到了我这寒舍之中啊!” Yeah, is not Gold Horn Spirit Clan that evil influence, not only we, entire War-God Prefecture expert collected in Grey City, everybody prepared self-satisfied Little Han your light!” Feng Zi curled the lip to spread open, sits down, careless saying. “哎,还不是金角神族的那股邪风,不光我们,整个战神府强者都汇集在苍城了,大家都准备沾沾寒少你的光哪!”风紫撇了撇嘴巴,一把坐下,大大咧咧的说道。 He he, Little Han lucky in love Qi Tian, Xian Sha other people! Life for a lifetime, if achieves in Little Han this share, dies with no regrets!” Hua Cao saw Feng Zi to explain, not in idle talk, but turned round to flatter Ye Qinghan. “呵呵,寒少艳福齐天,羡煞旁人啊!人生一辈子,要是做到寒少这个份上,死而无憾矣!”花草风紫已经解释了,没有在废话,而是拐了个弯奉承起夜轻寒来。 Um?” “嗯?” Long Sainan has not actually paid attention to this, but has stared at an imposing manner that Ye Qinghan graces reveals, more looks at the heart startled, then her finally not being able to bear has stood, some indefinite asking: „Did Young Master Han, your boundary achieve Emperor Realm 3-level? How my Emperor Realm 2-level could not completely understand that your cultivation is?” 龙赛男却没有关注这个,而是一直盯着夜轻寒举手投足中所露出的一丝气势,越看越心惊,而后她终于忍不住站了起来,有些不确定的问道:“寒公子,你的境界达到帝王境三重了?我帝王境二重怎么看不透你的修为?” Um???” “嗯?啊?哦?” The mouth of Feng Zi stopped casting aside, the Hua Cao attractive big eye stopped winking, Long Shuiliu flung the hand of hair to stop in the midair, Yue Qingcheng was also doubtful was winking a pair of Qiu Shui pupil, looks at Ye Qinghan. 风紫的嘴巴停止了撇动,花草漂亮的大眼睛停止了眨动,龙水流甩头发的手停止在半空,月倾城也是半信半疑的眨着一双秋水眸子,看着夜轻寒 This then how long? 这这才多久? Luo Shen Mountain leaves Emperor Realm 1-level, suddenly also has the big breakthrough the strength? But won't Long Sainan Emperor Realm 2-level, Ye Qinghan achieve 3-level? This cultivation speed flickers to move quickly also compared with the God Rank master 落神山一别才帝王境一重,眨眼将实力又有大的突破?龙赛男可是帝王境二重啊,夜轻寒不会达到三重了吧?这修炼速度可是比神级高手瞬移还快啊 Hey, slightly makes the breakthrough, is nothing to speak of! Is nothing to speak of!” “嘿嘿,略有突破,不值一提!不值一提!” Ye Qinghan has wiped the nose, smiling of embarrasedly, shifted the topic decisively: Right the wind were few, you said a moment ago what is coming? Gold Horn Spirit Clan and Sky Demon City war? Briefs any situation to me!” 夜轻寒抹了抹鼻子,讪讪的笑了笑,果断的转移了话题:“对了风少,刚才你说什么来着?金角神族天妖城大战?给我讲讲到底什么什么情况!” This “这个” Is Feng Zi pondering for a while still over rapidness that why Ye Qinghan is practicing? Has eaten any vigorously Kongomaru, has wiped any Hidden Island god oil anything. Was shifted by a Ye Qinghan topic suddenly, for a while cannot respond, feels the big forehead, somewhat played dumb. 风紫一时还在琢磨着夜轻寒为何修炼的那么快?是不是吃了什么大力金刚丸,抹了什么隐岛神油什么的。陡然间被夜轻寒一个话题转移,一时都反应不过来,摸着大脑门,有些犯傻了。 Me!” “我来说吧!” Long Sainan flew Ye Qinghan, is somewhat angry his slickness, but unknowingly actually has revealed the charming character and style of her concubine, looks at one person in field, threateningly did Miss Long who the heroic spirit surpasses the man, when have feminine qualities side of such? 龙赛男飞了夜轻寒一眼,有些恼怒他的油滑,只是不经意间却露出了她小女人的妩媚风情,将场中的人看得一愣一愣的,英气逼人赛过男子的龙小姐,什么时候有这么女人味的一面了? Long Sainan one recounted that Ye Qinghan understood a while ago god city pitiful condition, as well as the day before yesterday occurred at the Sky Demon City war. 龙赛男一番述说,夜轻寒才明白了前段时间的神城惨状,以及前日发生的在天妖城的大战。 Jin Qi brought Gold Horn Spirit Clan to fly to the day of monster god directly, Demon Clan complete expert gathered at Sky Demon City. Has attacked and occupied Sky Demon City, that was equal to seizing monster Shenfu. Therefore Jin Qi has not massacred city to go, after all kills these preliminary military and mortals, regarding the god of this rank, cannot satisfy his innermost feelings the sense of achievement. Moreover the words that which the dark colored forest also formidable women, wantonly slaughter, cause her to get rid once more, that thoroughly played. 金麒带着金角神族直接飞往了天妖神,妖族的全部强者都聚集在天妖城。把天妖城攻占了,那就等于占领了妖神府。所以金麒没有一路屠城而去,毕竟杀这些低级武者和凡人,对于他这种级别的神来说,并不能满足他内心的成就感。而且暗黑色林还有一个强大的女人哪,大肆杀戮的话,引起她再次出手,那就彻底玩完了。 Sky Demon City is very small, naturally, this is regarding Jin Qi. However military of Sky Demon City accumulation are really actually many, dense and numerous, in the city under the city, is the number of people surges. 天妖城很小,当然,这是对于金麒来说。但是天妖城聚集的武者倒是真多,密密麻麻,城上城下,都是人头涌动。 Not polite, the Jin Qi big hand wields, 200 Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan press directly. The Jin Qi book thinks that Sky Demon City does not have god, God Rank expert not to dare to begin, 200 Saint level peak enough trample flat this small town. 没有客气,金麒大手一挥,200圣级金角神族直接压上。金麒本以为,天妖城没有神阵,神级强者不敢动手,200圣级巅峰足够踏平这个小城吧。 After one minute, he is thorough **** this idea, ordered to withdraw troops decisively. 只是一分钟之后,他彻底****了这个想法,果断下令收兵了。 200 Gold Horn Spirit Clan imposing manner turbulent overrunning, Sky Demon City Saint level expert has not moved finally, actually flies about thousand emperor level Demon Clan. 200金角神族气势汹涌的冲了过去,结果天妖城的圣级强者一个没动,却飞出来近千名帝级妖族 Good, since you must bring death , helping you 好吧,既然你们要送死,就成全你们 200 wear a look of Gold Horn Spirit Clan vast regards looks at to fly slowly one crowd that all kinds of Niu Tou Ma Mian Demon Clan, is preparing to get rid, but actually discovered that this crowd of Demon Clan the leg emit the billowing thick smoke on unexpectedly suddenly completely, the speed suddenly the dramatic rise several fold, will also flush toward them 200金角神族面带渺视的望着徐徐飞来的一群,各式各样牛头马面的妖族,正准备出手,只是却发现这群妖族竟然陡然将腿上全部冒出滚滚浓烟,速度也陡然将飙升数倍,朝他们冲过来 What situation? 什么情况? Belches smoke to frighten the human? 冒烟吓唬人是吧? 200 god clans look at each other in blank diamay, is wondering this crowd of half -and-a-half people of monsters fellow, plays any trick time. Demon Clan and Gold Horn Spirit Clan distance has been dozens meters. Did not have the time to ponder, 200 Saint level peak teams leader have issued the order of attack. 200神族面面相觑,正纳闷这群半人半妖的家伙,玩什么把戏的时候。妖族金角神族的距离已经达到了数十米。没时间细想了,200圣级巅峰队长下达了攻击的命令。 However he just prepared to wave, actually saw the innumerable group dazzling rays shine, in the sky simultaneously bloomed several hundred groups of Yanhua, behind also has innumerable belching smoke to brave bigger Demon Clan, not awfully clashes, is innumerable Yanhua blooms 但是他刚准备挥手的时候,却看到了无数团刺眼的光芒亮起,天空中同时绽放了数百团烟花,后面还有无数的冒烟冒得更大的妖族,不要命的冲过来,然后又是无数烟花绽放 Ping!” “砰砰砰!” Yanhua, is very beautiful, but dozens, several hundred, about thousand Yanhua also bloom, that is a little scary. 一朵烟花,或许很美丽,但是几十朵,几百朵,近千朵烟花同时绽放,那就有点吓人的。 They indeed are innumerable Gold Horn Spirit Clan that brings death, was covered by Yanhua, before the consciousness is fuzzy, finally talked over was actually the similar words. “他们的确是来送死的”无数金角神族,被烟花笼罩进去,意识模糊之前,最后念叨的却都是同样的话语。 Demon Clan was insane, Jin Qi has shocked, 200 Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan run away finally, be only half are less, moreover is all wounded, has been scared completely, is swaying the head, manifested suddenly just like the sheep insanely insanely 妖族疯了,金麒震撼了,200圣级金角神族最后逃回来的只有一半不到,而且个个带伤,全部吓傻了,摇晃着脑袋,宛如羊癫疯发作了 The Jin Qi decisive withdrawal of troops, prepares to need further consideration, he does not think that she brings more than 1000 child, finally only then he and several God Rank expert dingy going back. 金麒果断撤军,准备从长计议,他可不想她带出来1000多孩儿,最后只有他和几名神级强者灰溜溜的回去。 Your Sir, Demon Clan real *** ruthless, such exciting scene young master how not at the scene?” “你大爷的,妖族真***狠,这么刺激的场面小爷怎么不在现场?” After Ye Qinghan hear narration of Long Sainan, the mouth opens the Boss, after long time, stares the god to come, suppresses a few words once more: That what? Some do Demon Clan also how many prepare to devote to the great soldier of monster god? Or we went to deliver the fresh flower paper money to them in the past, indicated that saluted? Encourages them to continue? Killed to consider as finished remaining Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan directly completely?” 夜轻寒听完龙赛男的讲述之后,嘴巴张得老大,半晌之后才愣过神来,再次憋出一句话:“那什么?妖族还有多少准备献身给妖神的伟大战士?要不我们去给他们送点鲜花纸钱过去,表示慰问一下?鼓励他们继续?直接把剩下的圣级金角神族全部炸死算了?”
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