BPTH :: Volume #4

#369: Breaks through the king boundary tertiary!

369 chapters break through Emperor Realm 3-level! 369章突破帝王境三重 The pitiful condition in god city, not only has not made Flame Dragon Continent people feel the fear, is scared. Instead stimulated the Flame Dragon Continent courage and uprightness, all flame dragon subjects collective grief and indignation get up, several thousand years of unceasing war, has forged the flame dragon subjects unyielding fighting spirit, also strengthened them to fight a decisive battle determination. 神城的惨状,不仅没有让炎龙大陆的人感到恐惧,感到害怕。反而激发了炎龙大陆的血性,所有的炎龙子民都集体悲愤起来,数千年不断的战争,锻造了炎龙子民不屈的斗志,也坚定了他们决战到底的决心。 God City Subjects, although under the corona of god covers, hoping to entrust on the great god. When they discovered that their wife and children were massacred, when own daughter by ferocious adversary, their great gods have not actually stood, saves them. The small numbers of people have awakened finally, starts to maintain to belong to their dignity with own life. 神城子民,虽然在神主的光环笼罩之下,一直把希望寄放在了伟大的神主身上。但是当他们发现,自己的妻儿被残杀,自己的女儿被强暴时,他们伟大的神主却没有站出来,拯救他们。少数人终于觉醒了,开始用自己的生命去维护属于他们的尊严。 The god city died about 100,000 people, in these 100,000 people have 50% is the warrior of brave revolt. The strength is high, one-to-one, must draw one to set the base at risk of life, strength low several sneak attack one, is really not good, directly from exploding, perishes together. 神城死了近100000人,这100000人中有一半是勇敢反抗的斗士。实力高的,一对一,拼死也要拉一个垫底的,实力低的几个偷袭一个,实在不行,直接自爆,同归于尽吧。 The subjects in god city, cover under the ray of god are too long are too long, they have been used to keeping aloof, has been used to it with the prestige retreating in fear square guest of god, the soldier of revolt is too few are too few. Surely god City Subjects, finally only then 50,000 people have stood, naturally, has claimed finally also about dozens Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan lives, dozens Gold Horn Spirit Clan made that half remnant did not die, lost the battle efficiency. 只是神城的子民,笼罩在神主的光芒下太久太久,他们习惯了高高在上,习惯了用神主的威名吓退四方来客,反抗的战士还是太少太少。千万神城子民,最终只有50000人站了出来,当然,最后也带走了近数十名圣级金角神族的生命,也将数十名金角神族弄得半残不死,失去了战斗力。 Jin Qi had the human to fly to monster Shenfu directly, entire monster Shenfu rebellion, innumerable Demon Clan expert, crazy welled up toward Sky Demon City, they decided that defended the Demon Clan holy city with their lives. Many Demonic Warrior, big Demonic Warrior, takes up the weapon in hand, outside Sky Demon City, pledges to fight to the death to with the Sky Demon City altogether life or death. Finally monster «» they leave in abundance. 金麒带人直接飞往了妖神府,整个妖神府暴动了,无数妖族强者,疯狂的朝天妖城涌去,他们决定用他们的生命捍卫妖族的圣城。就连许多妖士,大妖士,也拿起手中的武器,在天妖城外,誓死要与天妖城共存亡。最后还是妖《》他们纷纷离开。 Entire Demon Clan covers, in fights in intent frantically, no, is entire Flame Dragon Continent covers, in fights in intent frantically. 整个妖族都笼罩在一股狂热的战意之中,不,是整个炎龙大陆都笼罩在一股狂热的战意之中。 Three clans have fought randomly for several thousand years, hates the accumulated grievances to be deep, coming that the short time is impossible to melt, goes to help rashly, but also likely causes the confusion and conflict. But Hidden Island is one group of bandit hoodlums, believes before respectively sweeps , the spirit of snow, where goes to control the life of others'. Naturally, Shenfu and War-God Prefecture actually quickened the step of preparation. 只是,三族乱战了数千年,仇恨积怨已深,短时间不可能化解的开来,冒然前去帮忙,还可能引起混乱和冲突。而隐岛都是一群土匪流氓,信奉的就是各扫门前雪的精神,哪里去管的别人的死活。当然,蛮神府和战神府却是加快了备战的步伐。 Grey City! 苍城 Psychedelic big hurriedly is also constructing, the Grey City indigenous people all were also sent back Dragon City. The War-God blood made one, entire War-God Prefecture Emperor Realm above expert, completely toward the Grey City collection. expert that many hidden worlds, took off the obtaining enlightenment person of high skill, to pay no attention to the camouflage of humans affair in abundance. From the bed bottom, from the latrine pit, from the cellar, put out to hide dozens years of weapon, said goodbye to the family member, alone stepped the unknown battle path 迷幻大阵还正在匆忙的建造着,苍城的原住民也全部被遣送到了龙城战神血令一出,整个战神府帝王境以上的强者,全部往苍城汇集。许多隐世不出的强者,纷纷脱去了得道高人、不理世事的伪装。从床底、从茅坑中、从土窖内,拿出潜藏了数十年的武器,告别了家人,独自踏上了未知的征途 Feng Zi and Hua Cao, rushed to Grey City, was arranged in the Ye Family fort. They actually cannot endure the temper, has no way to practice relieved, instead all day long and Long Shuiliu runs toward Hanxin Pavilion . Naturally, they are not look at four beautiful women, but is other Ye Qinghan went out. 风紫花草,也赶到了苍城,被安排住在了夜家堡。只是两人却耐不住性子,没法安心修炼,反而成天和龙水流寒心阁跑。当然,他们不是去看四位美女,而是等夜轻寒出关。 Feng Zi and Hua Cao they magnanimous the efficacious medicine spirit fruit stack under Feng Family and Hua Family, have reached the Prince Realm peak. Has not sensed the world principle, has not stepped forward that step. Long Shuiliu almost, is Prince Realm 1-level. After all Long Sainan has been appointed as Long Family few head of the clan, the Long Shuiliu status was not high in Long Family, Long Family impossible to promote the strength with the massive belongings to him. 风紫花草两人在风家花家海量的灵药灵果堆积下,已经达到了诸侯境巅峰。只是还没感悟天地法则,迟迟没有跨出那一步。龙水流差点,才是诸侯境一重。毕竟龙赛男已经被任命为龙家少族长,龙水流的地位在龙家也就没有那么高了,龙家不可能拿大量的财物给他提升实力。 You know that Purple Island is a place?” “你们知道紫岛是地方吗?” The Hanxin Pavilion hall, Feng Zi is holding one cup of hot tea, the whole body makings somewhat are slightly mature, had a flavor of mature man very much. 寒心阁大厅,风紫捧着一杯热茶,浑身气质略微有些成熟起来,很有一丝成熟男人的味道了。 „It is not clear, my father also said that asking me to stay in this honestly, if the situation if serious, will make God Rank expert bring us to Purple Island directly!” Hua Cao winked the attractive big eye, shook the head not to express clearly. “不清楚,我父亲也说了,叫我老实在这呆着,如果情况严重的话,会让神级强者直接把我们带到紫岛!”花草眨了眨漂亮的大眼睛,摇了摇头表示不清楚。 Purple Island? This name is very of pleasant to hear, why can take away Purple Island?” Ye Qingwu anxious on the several th, sees the war not to start, then restored the appearance of mindless, strange elf, curls upwards the nose is very being adorable saying. 紫岛?这名字很好听,为什么要带去紫岛啊?”夜轻舞紧张了几日,见大战还没开始,便又恢复了没心没肺,古怪精灵的样子,翘着鼻子很是可爱的说道。 Purple Island, is the mainland is safest, is the most dangerous place!” 紫岛,是大陆最安全,也是最危险的地方!” Long Sainan did not have the past heroic spirit, on forehead a light gloomy mood, instead has filled in a gentleness of concubine, but human. She has drunk tea, looks at the people puzzled vision to explain: According to the Dragon City material, each mainland, is actually a material potential surface. But after this material potential surface by the person discovery of god, will grant an overcoming an obstacle channel, the channel end has one transmission, if you have achieved the God Rank strength, you can overcome an obstacle successfully, through transmission, transmits to god! But Purple Island is, channel of Flame Dragon Continent to god.” 龙赛男没有往日的英气,额头上一丝淡淡的愁绪,反而填了一丝小女人的温婉,可人。她喝了一口茶,望着众人不解的目光解释起来:“根据龙城的资料,每个大陆,其实都是一个物质位面。而这个物质位面被神界的人发现之后,就会赐予一个闯关通道,通道尽头有一个传送阵,如果你达到了神级的实力,你就能闯关成功,通过传送阵,传送到神界!而紫岛就是,炎龙大陆通往神界的通道。” Flame Dragon Continent, channel to god? 炎龙大陆,通往神界的通道? This somewhat astonishing news, attracted all people the interests on the scene successfully. Including mood low Yue Qingcheng , is red the eye, set upright the powdery white small ear to listen. 这个有些惊人的消息,成功吸引了在场的所有人的兴趣。连心情低迷的月倾城,也红着眼睛,竖着粉白的小耳朵听了起来。 Originally is this!” Ye Qingwu looking pensive has opened the mouth, said the doubts in heart: That? Why said that Purple Island is the mainland safest place? Also is the most dangerous place?” “原来是这样!”夜轻舞若有所思的开口了,同时也道出了心中的疑惑:“那?为什么说紫岛是大陆最安全的地方?也是最危险的地方?” Because Purple Island has 11 series islands, the first island is any military can pass and out at will, is the mainland safest place. Because on Purple Island has very formidable ban, any military the words that slaughters in inside, will be banned extinguishes directly kills.” “因为紫岛有11个连环小岛,第一个小岛是任何武者都可以随意进出的,也是大陆最安全的地方。因为紫岛上有非常强大的禁制,任何武者在里面厮杀的话,将会被禁制直接灭杀。” Long Sainan is Long Family few head of the clan, obviously knew Xin Mi who many mainland many expert do not know: However in the 11 th island has transmission, can flying upwards god. However actually very formidable Divine Beast protection, first time extinguishes post-war of world, nobody can rush to 11 th island flying upwards god, around mainland has more than ten God Rank expert to overcome an obstacle, finally died completely, without exception!” 龙赛男身为龙家少族长,显然知道了许多大陆很多强者都不知道的辛秘:“而第11个小岛内有传送阵,可以飞升神界。但是却有一只非常强大的神兽守护,第一次灭世之战后,无人能闯过第11个小岛飞升神界,大陆前后有十多名神级强者去闯关,最后全部死了,无一例外!” The people listen, is silent completely, as if the thoughts have flown, in East China Sea nearby that crowd of mysterious islands, as if has flown remote god from that transmission, the place of that spacious vast, mysterious and mysterious legend. 众人听完,全部沉默不语,似乎心思都飞到了,东海边上那群神秘的小岛上,似乎从那个传送阵里飞到了遥远的神界,那个宽大浩瀚,神秘而又神奇的传说之地。 Shouted!” “呼!” Closed up for a half month, Ye Qinghan has opened the eye finally, in black eye pupil not exhausted, but was the excitement and joyfulness of full pupil. 闭关半个多月,夜轻寒终于睁开了眼睛,黑色的眼眸内没有疲惫,而是满眸子的兴奋和愉悦。 Half-month many, he built up to melt all energies in body finally. But that group huge energy that the god leather belt comes, has not disappointed him, he fights the air/Qi to cultivate is, finally has reached the Emperor Realm peak. 历时半个月多,他终于炼化了身体内的所有能量。而神皮带来的那团庞大的能量,也没有让他失望,他战气修为,终于达到了帝王境巅峰。 His true strength has finally achieved, Emperor Realm 3-level! 他的真正实力终于达到了,帝王境三重 21-year-old Emperor Realm 3-level military, can say that broke the Flame Dragon Continent historic record, becomes historically practices the speed quickest peerless talent. His father Ye Dao, the natural talent is remarkable, achieves cultivation of Emperor Realm 3-level for the time, has filled three Shísān years, has missed fully for 12 years. 21岁的帝王境三重武者,可以说打破了炎龙大陆的历史记录,成为历史上修炼速度最快的绝世天才。他父亲夜刀,天资卓越,达到帝王境三重的修为的时候,也是满了三十三岁,整整差了12年。 He actually has not become the historical first talent for himself, but is extremely excited. He always believes that a person must succeed, must have 99% diligence, is adding on 1% luck. 只是他却并没有为自己成为历史第一天才而太过兴奋。他始终认为,一个人要成功,必须要有99的勤奋,在加上1的幸运。 Naturally, his lucky value perhaps reaches as high as 50%, but the pain of his rupturing meridians, have practiced in Luo Shen Mountain lonely for five years, endured Old Lu several hundred thousand times thrashing. These pain and do the suffering, whom have to know? Also who can withstand and insist? 当然,他的幸运值或许高达50,但是他一次次爆裂经脉的痛苦,在落神山孤独的修炼了五年,忍受了鹿老几十万次的捶打。这些痛苦和煎熬,有又谁能够知道?又有谁能够承受和坚持? Long stretching oneself, he decides to go to search the situation, has a look at her three concubines, particularly comforts the Yue Qingcheng that injured heart. 长长的伸了个懒腰,他决定出去探探情况,看看她的三个小女人,尤其是安慰一下月倾城那颗受伤的心。 However, when he is preparing to move sideways, actually sees the left that bright and clean wall, his stop footsteps. 但是,当他正准备闪身出去,却看到左边的那面光洁的墙壁,他停顿下了脚步。 Was right! Why not I have a look now, can sense rains the dozen of sand beach charts?” “对了!我何不现在看看,能不能感悟一下雨打沙滩图?” Ye Qinghan lives in the footsteps, he discovered that he has achieved Emperor Realm 3-level, moreover after the Ye Qingyu nuptial chamber, his eye also occurred fluctuated, does not know that now looked what special harvest «Rain Did hit Sand beach Chart» can have? 夜轻寒顿住脚步,他发现他是已经达到了帝王境三重了,而且和夜轻语洞房之后,他眼睛也发生了一些变幻,不知道现在去看《雨打沙滩图》会不会有什么特殊的收获? Therefore he again, sits cross-legged, eliminates the distracting thoughts, fights the air/Qi revolution in the eye meridians, concentrating on stared at that wall to look. 于是他重新,盘坐起来,摒除杂念,战气运转在眼睛经脉内,全神贯注的盯着那面墙壁看了起来。 His looked that is lets him nearly, the mind is not steady, the violent jumps the rain in his eyes to hit the sand beach chart at this moment, actually with thinking is completely different, as if turned into another chart, a world principle perfect annotation chart. 只是他这一看,却是让他险些,心神不稳,暴跳起来此刻他眼中的雨打沙滩图,竟然和以为的完全不一样了,似乎变成了另外一幅图,一副天地法则完美诠释图。
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