368chapters of chrysanthemumsare remnant, everywhereinjures!
The godslaughteris going againstshiningbald, staticsittingbefore the window, outsidefacial expressionserene«», Gold Horn Spirit Clansmilesobscenely, the screams of godcityyoung girl, the pitiful yellsound of godcityresident, has not causedfluctuation on hisanymood. At this momenthejust like an eminent monk of obtaining enlightenment, hasoneto observe calmly the flowerblossomsto fallsmilesto look atcloudwoolpackShudustmeaning.
神主屠顶着一个发亮的光头,静静的坐在窗前,神情安详的《》外,金角神族的淫笑,神城少女的惊呼声,神城居民的惨叫声,并没有引起他任何情绪上的波动。此刻他宛如一个得道的高僧,自有一番静观花开花落笑看云卷云舒的出尘意味。Jin Qiis flinging the black hair, felt the [gold/metal]anglefacial expressionto walkwith ease, before looking at the window, bald that sat alone, the corners of the mouthbent a joyfulradian.金麒甩着黑发,摸着金角神情轻松的走了进来,望着窗前独坐的光头,嘴角弯起一个愉悦的弧度。„Dies the head, seesouryoung masters, whydoesn't kneel downto salute?” The godslaughterhas not moved, Jin Qihas not moved, butthatfourdeitypeakactuallycould not bear, the directappearanceis cloudy, curses angrily.
“死光头,见到我们少爷,为何不下跪行礼?”神主屠没有动,金麒没有动,但是那四名天神巅峰却忍不住了,直接面目阴沉,怒骂起来。„Ihave not surrendered, is notyourcaptives, whycankneel downtoyou? YourGold Horn Spirit Clanis the ancientgodclan, our isn't Double Eye Netherworld Clan? He he, youlooked that Iam not pleasing to the eyes, canget ridto striketo killme!” The godslaughterhas not turned head, butflipped throughonepage of booksgently, lightsaying.
“我没投降,也不是你们阶下囚,为何要给你们下跪?你们金角神族是古老神族,我们双瞳幽冥族就不是?呵呵,你们看我不顺眼,可以出手击杀我!”神主屠没有回头,只是轻轻翻了一页书,淡淡的说道。„Bold, it seems like do youwantto court deathreally?” The godprevailing windlightYunDanwordsdisclosed that despises, unscrupulous, makingthatdeitypeakair/Qimust the lungto explode, lifting the handmustpat.
“大胆,看来你是真的想找死了?”神主风轻云淡的话语透露出一丝藐视,一丝肆无忌惮,让那名天神巅峰气得肺都要炸了,抬手要拍下。„Looks foryourSir, youridiot!”
The godslaughterhas not opened the mouth, Jin Qiwasdirectlymaliciouslyhas actually knockedonthatdeitypeak, exploded the thickmouthdirectly! Knocks, is actually on the faceshows the lighthappy expression, pulled a nearbychairto sit downvery muchleisurely and carefree, tilts the head, caressedhead[gold/metal]angle. Saying of smiling: „Is calm, can't understandcalm? Youhave a look atyou, withthisdeath rayis the deitypeak, the makingsmissessimilarlyis so far? Is the worldprinciple that youcomprehendparallel import? Myalwaysandyousaidthatmastermusthave the makings of master, musthave the demeanor, understands?”
神主屠没有开口,金麒却是直接在那名天神巅峰头上狠狠敲了一下,直接爆粗口了!敲完,却是脸上露出淡淡的笑意,拉着旁边的一张椅子很是悠闲的坐下了,歪着头,一抚头上的金角。笑眯眯的说道:“要淡定,淡定懂不懂?你看看你们,和这个死光头同样是天神巅峰,气质怎么差那么远?你们领悟的天地法则是水货吗?我总是和你们说,高手要有高手的气质,要有风度,懂吗?”„Whatyoung masterteaches, young master'smakings, the subordinatescan not hold a candle, but must try hardto study for 180,000years, young master'sdemeanor”severaldeitypeakonehearsbend the waistto hang the backhastily, charminghas smiled, the flatterysoundflattersoundis continuous , to continue torrentially.
“少爷教训的是,少爷的气质,属下们望尘莫及,还得努力学习180000年,少爷的风度”几名天神巅峰一听连忙弯腰垂背,妩媚的笑了起来,奉承声马屁声绵绵不绝,滔滔不止。„Has resulted, thissayingyou***saidtens of thousandsyears, cantrade a newlinenot?”
“得了,这话你们***说了几万年了,能换点新的行不?”Jin Qigrins, stretches out a finger, in the earfiddles with, facial expressionnotmanygreatlyjoyful, insteadintereststronglooksis sitting alone the godslaughteras before window, suddenly the evil aurasmiles, says with a smile: „Inscription on stone tablet and bronze, yougoto look forseveralSaintlevelschildto come to me, wantstrongly, wantsfellowbigthat!”金麒咧着嘴,伸出一根手指,在耳朵内一阵捣鼓,神情并没有多大愉悦,反而兴趣浓烈的望着依旧独坐在窗前的神主屠,突然邪气一笑,笑道:“金石,你给我出去找几个圣级的孩儿进来,要强壮点,要家伙大的那种!”„Is fellowbig? My is very big!”
The inscription on stone tablet and bronzeblinkingskin, somewhatwondered, has shaken the lower part of the body, hintshisgood.
金石眨了眨眼皮,有些纳闷了,抖了抖下身,示意他的不错。„Go away, your younger sister, has not gone tomechoppingyourfellowhas fed the dog!” A Jin Qifootdeparts, raiseddirectlyin the inscription on stone tablet and bronzelower part of the body, scolded.
“滚,你妹的,还不去我把你的家伙给剁了喂狗!”金麒一脚飞出,直接提在了金石的下身,骂道。„” An inscription on stone tablet and bronzelower partpain, does not seeJin Qito get angry, covered the lower part of the bodyhastily, jumpingwas running. Before long, bringsfiveverystrongSaintlevelGold Horn Spirit Clanto come.
“唔”金石下体一痛,见金麒发怒,连忙捂着下身,蹦蹦跳跳的跑了出去。不一会儿,就带着五名非常强壮的圣级金角神族进来。„Pays a visit the young master!”
“拜见少爷!”FiveGold Horn Spirit Clan, the lookdisclosedfaintlythisexcitedly, the clothes were also verydisorderly, it seems like that the young girlwithgodcity, was demonstratingsomegreat strength of theirgreatGold Horn Spirit Clana moment ago.
五名金角神族,神色隐隐透露这兴奋,衣裳也是非常凌乱,看来刚才正在和神城的少女,展示他们伟大金角神族的某种强大。„Quack!”Jin Qiseesseveralpeopleto come , the whole bodyis excitedboth handsback and forthto strokeinheadtwo[gold/metal]angle, suddenly a firstrevolution, looks at the godslaughter, smilesdark, shouts: „Yourfivepeople, tied uptomehim!”
“嘎嘎!”金麒一见几人进来,浑身兴奋起来双手在头上的两根金角上来回抚摸,突然头一转,看着神主屠,阴阴一笑,大喊起来:“你们五人,把他给我绑了!”„Tied up?”
“绑了?”FiveSaintlevelGold Horn Spirit Clanwondered, your manyGod Rankexpert, why do Iwantto tie up? Thatisdeitypeak, incautiouslygot rid the secondto killthemsuchto manage?
五名圣级金角神族纳闷了,你们这么多神级强者,为何我要们去绑?那可是天神巅峰啊,一不小心出手秒杀了他们这么办?„Idiot, wecannotbeginfirst, youare the Saintlevels, youcan. Hedoes not dareto begin, words that hedaresto hit back, Ihave the reason of getting rid, understands?”Jin Qicursed angrilyone, directedseveralSaintlevelsto make an effortto hold down the godslaughter, hehas stooddirectly, walked, looks that the godslaughterpastedface the angrylookindesk, cloudysinister smile: „Greatlybald, do not revolt, otherwise the fatherhad the reasonto get rid, Iwill be direct the secondyou, Ha Ha!”
“蠢材,我们不能先动手,你们是圣级,你们可以。他也不敢动手,他敢还手的话,我就有出手的理由,懂?”金麒怒骂一声,指挥着几名圣级把神主屠用力按住,他直接站了起来,走了过去,看着神主屠贴在书桌上的脸上的愤怒眼神,阴阴笑了起来:“大光头,别反抗,否则老子就有理由出手了,我会直接秒了你,哈哈!”„Do youwantto do? Youkilledmeto be gooddirectly!” The godslaughterhasto plant not the goodpremonition, the backjust likebycoldFeng Chui of winter, cooldrop
“你想干什么?你直接杀了我好了!”神主屠有种不好的预感,后背宛如被冬日的冷风吹过,凉飕飕滴„Don't Ido, youdo not revolt, Ido not killyou, ifyoudareto begin, I the first secondkillyou, the fatherhas not violated the tworules of thatwoman, Ha Ha!” The Jin Qismiling facesuddenlybecomesfierce, the handwields, points at the godslaughterto drinkgreatly: „Has dug uphisspacering, the clotheshave dug upcompletely, yourfivepeoplego forth to battleone after another, ka ka, was too exciting”
“我不干什么,你不反抗,我绝不杀你,你要是敢动手,我第一时间秒杀你,老子可没有违背那个女人的两条规则,哈哈!”金麒笑容陡然间变得狰狞起来,手一挥,指着神主屠大喝起来:“把他空间戒指扒了,衣服全部扒了,你们五人轮番上阵,哇咔咔,太刺激了”Jin QireceivedstimulationinSenior Shiobviously, it is estimated thatdoes not have little indecentyoung maningod, Gold Horn Spirit Clanalsotoimmorallybe famous. At this moment, obviouslywantsto play an indecentgreatFlame Dragon Feudal Lordchildren not suitableactor's pay金麒显然在噬大人受了刺激,估计在神界也没少猥亵少男,金角神族一直也是以淫邪著称的。此刻,显然是想玩一出猥亵伟大的炎龙领主的少儿不宜戏份Jin Qicontinuesto siton the chair, in his spacering of godslaughterbrokengoes towith the soulaura of supernatural powerdirectly, nosesallgoods in ring, while is very the satisfiedappreciation the hand-to-hand fighting in study room, butwill look atoneto feel that was insipid.金麒继续坐在椅子上,一边直接用神力将神主屠的空间戒指内他的灵魂气息破去,查探起戒指内的所有物品,一边很是满足的欣赏起书房内的肉搏战,只是看了一会感觉索然无味起来。„Mother! Unlucky, dozensDivine swordnotreal. Yougivemeto entertainhimwell, the inscription on stone tablet and bronzeyoukeepthisto lookthat the death rayfirstonehas the changeto send greetingstome, otherpeople, walkalong withme, weandFlame Dragon Potential Surfaceyoung girlexchangewell”
“妈的!晦气,数十把神剑没有一把是真的。你们给我好好招待他,金石你留在这看着,死光头一有异动传音给我,其余人,随我走,咱们和炎龙位面的少女好好交流交流去”Jin Qipats a fakeDivine swordpalm in spaceringcompletelybroken, naturallyinsideDivine Stonetreasurestayed behind. Thishis fatherbloodkingconsumesgreatly, hedecides on the attentionisthoroughlyconquersFlame Dragon Potential Surface, gathersalltreasures and rarething, makes up for the loss. Naturally, the first dutyfoundDivine sword.金麒将空间戒指内的假神剑全部一掌拍碎,当然里面的神石宝物还是留下了。这次他父亲血王耗费巨大,他打定注意就是彻底将炎龙位面征服,收取所有的宝物和稀罕物,弥补损失。当然,首先任务还是找到神剑。Tendayslater!
十天之后!Gold Horn Spirit Clan the godcity, showed one's true natureto face upwards, has killedseveral thousandresisters, has carried offgodcityalltreasures and rarething, has left behindbody fluid and seed of city. In the wailandingiving scolding of soundandcursesoundseveral thousandyoung girls, inlook that in the slaughtergodfourhealth/guardmustkill people, a facewell satisfiedlaughed wildlyto fly away, theywent to the nextstation, monsterShenfu.金角神族将神城,翻了个底朝天,杀了数万反抗者,带走了神城所有的宝物和稀罕物,留下了一城的体液和种子。在数万少女的哭泣声、痛骂声、诅咒声中,在屠神四卫要杀人的眼神中,一脸心满意足的狂笑飞走了,他们去了下一站,妖神府。„Issomeanimals, bastard, the devil. Icursedyou dead like a dogcompletely, did not have the high tidefor a lifetime!”In the Tu Shenweieyeis in the tearsfaintly, the facial expression is very excited. Naturally, hehad not been encroached. Jin Qialsocalculates the unretractable statement, theirfourpeople of safetysafes. Theirclansmenactually
“都是些禽兽,畜生,恶魔。我诅咒你们全部不得好死,一辈子没高潮!”屠神卫眼中隐隐含着泪光,神情很是激动。当然,他没有遭到侵犯。金麒还算金口玉言,他们四人都安全无事。只是,他们的族人却„Awful! Godhow?”
“糟糕!神主怎么样了?”Zhan Shenweijustwantsthento roarseveral, actuallysuddenlyremembers the godslaughter in godpavilion, facial colorshoutingin great surprise. Otherthreeprotectonehear, was anxious, thisistheirlords, fourpeoplehurriedflytoward the godpavilion.斩神卫刚想接着怒吼几声,却突然想起神主阁内的神主屠,面色大惊的喊道。其余三卫一听,也急了,这可是他们的主子啊,四人匆忙往神主阁内飞去。Looked everywhere the godpavilion, has not actually discovered the godslaughter, finallytheyfinallyfoundin the corner of study room. The presentpicture, ismakestheironce morecorner of the eyemoist.
A study roompiecein confusion, the groundhasbloodstainardently, the godslaughteris rolling upin the corner, the bodyis throwing over a tatteredChinese-style gown, being absentminded of whole face, redblackdoublepupilalsolost the pastappearance, the mouthhas kepttalking overnervously: „Chrysanthemumis remnant, everywhereinjures, yoursmiling facealreadyyellowing”
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