BPTH :: Volume #4

#362: You owe me a human sentiment

362 chapters of you owe me a favour 362章你欠我一个人情 This Ye Qinghan has shaken the nose, understood many matters. That of god city baldly looked like was not reasonable, only hope, so long as depended upon Flame Dragon Continent King Senior Shi! 夜轻寒抖了抖鼻子,明白了许多事情。神城的那个光头看来不怎么靠谱了,唯一的希望,就只要依靠炎龙大陆的王者噬大人了! Ye Ruoshui carries Ye Qinghan, seeks an interview Senior Shi!” 夜若水夜轻寒,求见噬大人!” Ye Ruoshui rubbish, straight ordering knee kneels in the dark castle front door, Ye Qinghan also hastily Shan Xi kneels down, after all this time is asks others for help the management, the manner has no alternative but to be good! 夜若水没废话,直接单膝跪在暗黑城堡大门,夜轻寒也连忙单膝下跪,毕竟这次是来求人办事的,态度不能不好啊! „!” “吱呀!” The castle front door opens slowly, shows a smile the fox face. Senior Nine owes the body slightly, a furry hand, one, said lightly: Little Master Han, the Sir makes you come up. If the water brother, how you and I do drink the cup tea?” 城堡大门缓缓打开,露出一张微笑的狐狸脸。九大人微微一欠身子,一只毛茸茸的手,一摊,淡淡说道:“小寒子,大人让你上去。若水兄,您和我去饮杯茶如何?” Was exceedingly honored!” Ye Ruoshui smiles bitterly and astringently, walks toward inside along with Senior Nine. “不胜荣幸!”夜若水苦涩一笑,随着九大人往里面走去。 Ye Qinghan harbors the disturbed heart, separates with them, turns around the corridor, steps onto that shop directly the steps of red carpet, is upward, opens that front door, goes out of Tientai. 夜轻寒怀着忐忑的心,和他们分开,拐过走廊,直接走上那铺着红地毯的阶梯,一路向上,打开那道大门,走出天台。 As before is the beautiful flowering shrubs, hangs all over the rack of grape as before, is a female of wear red robe is holding a book as before, is lying down in the there lazy side. 依旧是美丽的花丛,依旧是挂满葡萄的架子,依旧是一个穿着红袍的女子捧着一本书,在那里慵懒的侧躺着。 Ye Qinghan pays a visit Senior Shi!” 夜轻寒拜见噬大人!” Ye Qinghan stern bowing Shan Xi kneels down hastily, is very respectful saluting. 夜轻寒连忙正色躬身单膝下跪,很是恭敬的行礼。 Um, did you come?” The Senior Shi body has not moved, but has complied with one lightly, extended an attractive hand to flip through one page of books to continue to watch. “嗯,你来了?”噬大人身子没有动,只是淡淡的应了一声,伸出一只漂亮的手翻了一页书继续观看。 Ye Qinghan has wiped nose embarrasedly, is not very comfortable. Several times want to open the mouth, actually does not know how should open this mouth. Thinks that the Ye Ruoshui anxious facial expression, thinks before that dystopia surface expert arrives, evil announcement, clenched teeth to open the mouth finally: 夜轻寒讪讪的抹了抹鼻子,很是不自在。几次想开口,却不知道该如何开这个口。想到夜若水焦急的神情,想到那异位面强者降临前邪恶的宣告,咬了咬牙最后还是开口了: Ye Qinghan has my presumptuous request, asking the Sir to get rid a time!” 夜轻寒有个不情之请,求大人出手一次!” The Ye Qinghan awkward request, has not actually provoked a Senior Shi response. Crossed for a long time, Ye Qinghan saw her to move finally, has not actually thought that she extended a hand, picked a grape to eat from the table with great interest. 夜轻寒尴尬的请求,却并没有引起噬大人一丝反应。过了许久,夜轻寒终于看到她动了,却没想到她伸出一只手,从桌子上摘了一枚葡萄津津有味的吃了起来。 Coughs “咳” Ye Qinghan eager is looking at the Senior Shi back, cannot bear coughs lightly, wants to continue to open the mouth, actually sees Senior Shi light beckoning with the hand, puts down the book in hand, has stood, said lightly: „Did you make a mistake? What I do not owe you, three Top-Rank Divine Crystal, insufficiently also do you consider the Little Black favour?” 夜轻寒眼巴巴的望着噬大人的背影,忍不住轻咳一声,本想继续开口,却见噬大人淡淡的摆了摆手,放下手中的书,站了起来,淡淡说道:“你是不是搞错了?我不欠你什么,三枚顶级神晶,难道还不够还你照顾小黑的人情?” Coughing Sir, I am not this meaning!” Ye Qinghan one hear was anxious, but actually for a while does not know how should answer. “咳大人,我不是这意思!”夜轻寒一听急了,但是却一时不知该如何回话。 Indeed, what Senior Shi does not owe him, others have delivered three Top-Rank Divine Crystal to oneself, haven't oneself had a face to beg personally she to work? She is not this potential surface person, is not right! It is not the human, but is Divine Beast, you counted on that a person does manage war of one flock of ants? 的确,噬大人不欠他什么,别人送了三枚顶级神晶给自己,自己还有什么脸面求她做事?她本来就不是这位面的人,不对!不是人,而是神兽,你指望一个人去管一群蚂蚁的大战? Dystopia surface expert of this arrival is Gold Horn Spirit Clan, the God King [gold/metal] Xue subordinate. Naturally God King is not what, but he has a blood brother is actually God Emperor [gold/metal] Can in Ethereal Mainland is a tyrant, the blood king I do not pay attention, but Emperor Can I was actually not willing to be all right to provoke his you saying that traded to do is you, did not have the benefit, met the safe to provoke a strong match?” Senior Shi, arrives under the grape trellis, extends a hand, picks a fleeing grape, the place table on gently, looks at Ye Qinghan to say indifferently leisurely. “这次降临的异位面强者金角神族,神王金血的手下。当然神王不算什么但是他有个亲哥哥却是名神帝金残在飘渺大陆都是一霸,血王我不放在眼里,但是残帝我却不愿没事去招惹他你说换做是你,没有利益,会无事去招惹一个强劲的对手?”噬大人,走到葡萄架下,伸出一只手,摘下一窜葡萄,轻轻的放在桌子上,冷眼望着夜轻寒款款道来。 This, this, Sir, if you do not get rid, Flame Dragon Continent definitely will again be extinguished the world, I, all of us will die!” Ye Qinghan one hear of hearts cool like ice, these do Gold Horn Spirit Clan really have the as even with such big background? Isn't willing to provoke Senior Shi? Hastily impatient pleaded carelessly. “这个,这个,大人,您要是不出手,炎龙大陆肯定会再次被灭世,我,我们所有人都会死!”夜轻寒一听心凉如冰,这些金角神族竟然有如此大的背景?连噬大人都不愿招惹?连忙心急的胡乱恳求起来。 „Was Flame Dragon Continent extinguished, what closes my? Did you die? What closes my? I am not this potential surface person, even if the mainland destroyed me to bring Little Black to trade a potential surface to occupy the plea of Ye Qinghan at the worst, not only has not drawn the least bit sympathy of Senior Shi, instead the facial color was colder several points. 炎龙大陆被灭,关我何事?你死了?关我何事?我本不是这位面的人,就算大陆毁灭了大不了我带着小黑重新换一个位面居住罢了”夜轻寒的恳求非但没有引起噬大人的半点同情,反而面色更加冷了几分。 „Should that we such manage?” “呃那我们该这么办?” Ye Qinghan has handled completely not, anxious almost jumped. The hesitation moment, his helpless both legs layer on layer kneel down, kowtows unceasingly to Senior Shi: Asked the Sir to direct a bright road! Ye Qinghan gratitude extremely!” 夜轻寒完全无措了,急的差点跳起来了。沉吟片刻,他无奈的双腿重重跪下,给噬大人不断磕头起来:“求大人指引一条明路!夜轻寒感激万分!” Um?” “嗯?” Looks Ye Qinghan that is kowtowing unceasingly, in the Senior Shi eye flashes through a happy expression, but actually dodges to pass. She waved lightly, said: Two roads, first you give them the Divine sword, they might retreat very much, second you will owe me a favour, I will help your one time, naturally will not help you kill them completely! You elect!” 望着不断磕头的夜轻寒,噬大人眼中闪过一丝笑意,不过却一闪而逝。她淡淡挥了挥手,说道:“两条路,第一你把神剑给他们,他们很有可能会退去,第二嘛你欠我一个人情,我帮你一次,当然不会全部帮你把他们杀了!你选吧!” Hands over the Divine sword? Owes a favour? 交出神剑?欠一个人情? Ye Qinghan stopped kowtowing, blinked, in the mind ponders rapidly. 夜轻寒停止了磕头,眨了眨眼睛,脑海内迅速思考起来。 Hands over the Divine sword, he was not a pity actually, if handed over the Divine sword they not to draw back, what to do continued to slaughter? Owes a favour? Isn't own favour now useful? 交出神剑,他倒是不可惜,只是要是交出了神剑他们还不退,继续杀戮怎么办?欠一个人情?自己人情现在有个屁用啊? Ye Qinghan does not have the thinking to be very long, Lima has made the decision, does obeisance once more, respectful saying: Asked Senior Shi to get rid, I was willing to owe you a favour, what did you need me to make?” 夜轻寒没有思索很久,利马做出了决定,再次一拜,恭敬的说道:“求噬大人出手,我愿欠你一个人情,只是你需要我做什么?” He he, after this, you knew!” “呵呵,这个以后你就知道了!” Senior Shi first time shows a smile to be very charming in front of Ye Qinghan. She has stroked the sleeves lightly, sat once more, takes up the book looks like, pointed to the door: You can walk!” 噬大人第一次在夜轻寒面前露出一丝微笑无比迷人。她淡淡拂了拂衣袖,再次坐了下去,拿起书看起来,下了逐客令:“你们可以走了!” The Ye Qinghan tracing nose embarrasedly, has not spoken again, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, walked directly. Meets with Ye Ruoshui, flies directly toward Grey City. 夜轻寒讪讪的摸了摸鼻子,没有再多说话,拱了拱手,直接走了下去。和夜若水会合,直接朝苍城飞去。 Gold Horn Spirit Clan arrives, then separated to move, fluttered that team of troops distances of Syracuse to be recent, but they actually cared about the following several hundred Saint level subordinates, has not flickered to move, but flew. Arrives at the place first instead will be two gods, Jin Qi and Jin Kun. 金角神族降临下来,便分开行动了,本来去飘雪城的那队人马路程最近,但是他们却顾及后面的数百圣级手下,没有瞬移,而是一路飞行。最先到达地头的反而是两名神将,金麒金昆 Young master, this is this potential surface feudal lord in it place!” “少爷,这就是这个位面的领主所在之地!” They in airborne of god city front, fly high to stand, Jin Kun is pointing at the following god city in front, polite and Jin Qi said. 两人在神城前方的空中,凌空而立,金昆在前边指着下面的神城,客气的和身边的金麒说道。 Quack, has spent such big price unexpectedly, has constructed Big Dipper certainly deicide? This feudal lord actually a little change. Has resulted, Jin Kun, the frontline propaganda, making him surrender!” Jin Qi has rubbed the hair, on face is Qilin model community, this moment one spoke this Qilin just like living generally, was very strange. “嘎嘎,竟然花费了这么大的代价,建造了七星绝杀神阵?这领主倒是有点小钱啊。得了,金昆,喊话,让他投降吧!”金麒捋了捋头发,脸上是一只麒麟纹身,此刻一说话这麒麟宛如活过来了一般,很是诡异。 Yes, Young master!” “是,少爷!” Jin Kun respectful good a ritual, then transports the supernatural power, shouted propaganda. The sound just like having the penetrating power is common, has passed through god city place above that blue ultra-large guard shield directly, resounds through in each corner of god city. 金昆恭敬的行了一礼,而后运起神力,喊话起来。声音宛如具有穿透力一般,直接穿过了神城上方那蓝色的超大护罩,响彻在神城的每个角落。 „The following person is listening, immediately closes the guard shield, otherwise I get rid to crush the guard shield, inside person, does not keep one, strikes to kill completely!” “下面的人听着,马上关闭护罩,否则我出手击碎护罩,里面的人,将一个不留,全部击杀!” The cloudy and cold sound resounds through the entire god city, shook all people in god city. All people look in the sky that two imposing manners to be boundless, just like the character satanically, is similar to is sprinkled in the winter by one barrel of cold water overheads, shortly from head to foot, ice-cold. The collective looked at the vision, god city central that high god pavilion. 阴冷的声音响彻整个神城,将神城内的所有人震住了。所有人望着天空中那两个气势无边,宛如恶魔般的人物,如同冬天被一桶冷水当头泼下,顷刻间从头到脚,冰冷起来。集体将目光望向了,神城中央的那座高高的神主阁。 Slaughter, pays a visit two adults “屠,拜见两位大人” The god has not really disappointed everybody, came decisively, flickers to move above the god pavilion, cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute. Words that he spoke, was disappoints the bright City Subjects. 神主果然没有让大家失望,果断现身了,瞬移在神主阁上方,拱手行礼。只是他说的话,却是让所有神城子民很是失望了。 I am the Flame Dragon Potential Surface feudal lord, two adults have what instruction, if the slaughter can achieve, surely not at any cost helps two adults achieve!” “鄙人就是炎龙位面的领主,请问两位大人有何吩咐,如果屠能做到,必当不惜一切代价帮两位大人做到!” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Jin Kun has not actually cared about compromising for the general interest of slaughter, instead facial expression ice-cold shouted angrily: Either opens the guard shield surrender, either dies!” 金昆却没有在意屠的委曲求全,反而神情冰冷的怒喝一声:“要么打开护罩投降,要么死!”
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