BPTH :: Volume #4

#361: Asked

361 chapters asked 361章拜托了 This “这” Ye Qinghan was somewhat silly, this is Divine Crystal the fruit? Senior Shi produces Divine Crystal specially? Why gets rid is Top-Rank deity Divine Crystal? Wasn't this equal to vain accomplishing two deity peak? Was this gift somewhat expensive? 夜轻寒有些傻了,这神晶是水果吗?噬大人家专门生产神晶的吗?为何一出手都是顶级天神神晶啊?这不等于又白白造就了两名天神巅峰吗?这礼物有些贵重了吧? Hey, does not need to be surprised, this indeed is two Top-Rank deity Divine Crystal. Senior Shi Niu Cha, in god is the great people, delivers several Top-Rank deity Divine Crystal regarding her, but also was not the important matter do not have thought, first returned to Grey City to say again. This time extinguishes the world catastrophe not to know that this such develops, does not do well, anything is floating clouds “嘿嘿,不必惊奇,这的确是两枚顶级天神神晶噬大人牛叉的很,就算在神界都是大人物,送几枚顶级天神神晶对于她来说,还真不是大事别多想了,先回苍城再说吧。这次灭世浩劫还不知道该这么发展下去呢,搞得不好,什么都是浮云” Old Lu Divine Knowledge nosing, has stopped indulging in flights of fancy of Ye Qinghan, passes message reminds him to say. 鹿老神识一查探,制止了夜轻寒的胡思乱想,传音提醒他道。 Um!” “嗯!” Ye Qinghan hesitates, has not thought that receives Ramble Pavilion the white jade box directly, turns the head to say to Ye Fu: „The Ye Fu elder, you are bringing Granpa Qingniu, the Yue Family elder, you are bringing Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), I come the guard, first returned to Grey City to say again!” 夜轻寒沉吟一番,没有多想,直接将白色玉盒收入逍遥阁,转头对着夜斧说道:“夜斧长老,你带着青牛爷爷,月家长老,你带着倾城,我来护卫,先回苍城再说吧!” Good, all went back to say first again!” Ye Qingniu heavy sighed, somewhat worried was looking at the north. “好,一切先回去再说!”夜青牛沉沉一叹,有些担忧的望着北方。 Ye Qinghan smiles toward Yue Qingcheng reluctantly, has given Yue Xiang'er her, oneself portable Slaughter Divine Blade, pushes to the front, in the front leads the way! The group fly rapidly toward Grey City. 夜轻寒月倾城勉强一笑,将她交给了月香儿,自己则手提屠神刀,一马当先,在前方开路!一行人急速朝苍城飞去。 All the way, Ye Qinghan is admonishing in all directions, while is secretly was actually pondering, matter. Under the situation of as even with such danger, why hadn't Ye Ruoshui appeared a moment ago? Is he doing at this moment? Senior Nine appearance of by chance, is Senior Shi inciting in secret, is Senior Nine indeed on its meeting? Will this time extinguishing world catastrophe, what appearance evolve finally? Will Flame Dragon Potential Surface destroy really in light of this? But if not destroy, who can save? 一路上,夜轻寒一边在四处警戒,一边却是在暗暗思考,刚才的事情。刚才如此危险的情况之下,夜若水为何没有出现?他此刻在干什么?九大人的恰巧出现,到底是噬大人的暗中授意,还是九大人的确是恰逢其会?这次的灭世浩劫,最后会演变成什么样子?难道炎龙位面真的会就此毁灭吗?但是如果不毁灭,谁又能拯救? Ye Ruoshui has not appeared, is not he does not want to leave, but is he cannot leave, moreover he also investigated Senior Nine to appear in Grey City a moment ago, therefore in a hurry has not caught up. 夜若水没有出现,不是他不想离开,而是他不能离开,而且他也探查九大人刚才出现在苍城,所以也就没有匆匆赶来了。 Ye Ruoshui and War-God Prefecture Gold Horn Spirit Clan that therefore God Rank expert, at this moment by far with that crowd of Gold Horn Spirit Clan, that crowd toward fluttering Syracuse flies. 夜若水战神府的所以神级强者,此刻正远远跟着那群金角神族,那群正朝飘雪城飞去的金角神族 That moment that dystopia surface expert arrives. War-God Prefecture all God Rank expert arrange the respective family, departed corpulently in a hurry, gathers at one. 异位面强者降临的那一刻。战神府的所有神级强者纷纷安排好各自家族,便便匆匆离去,聚集在了一起。 However a moment ago as even with such the expert accumulation of terrifying aura, moreover there are surpasses their strength expert on the scene, they do not dare to crop up. Until that two gods will fly toward the god city, one crowd of Gold Horn Spirit Clan are divided into several, flies respectively separatedly toward the mainland, they by far fall are going to behind that Gold Horn Spirit Clan of floating Syracuse, discussed that the countermeasure gets up. 但是刚才如此的恐怖气息的强者聚集,而且还有非常多远超他们实力的强者在场,他们没敢冒头。直到那两名神将朝神城飞去,一群金角神族分成几股,各自朝大陆分开飞去,他们才远远掉着前往飘雪城的那股金角神族后面,商议起对策起来。 „, What to do? Looks at their this stances, must flutter Syracuse! They go, flutter Syracuse definitely to raze!” Xue Family Ancestor is most impatient, after all now first bitter experience is actually Xue Family that he has protected. “诸位,怎么办?看他们这架势,是要去飘雪城啊!他们一去,飘雪城肯定夷为平地啊!”雪家老祖最为心急,毕竟现在首先遭遇的却是他一直守护的雪家 What to do can? Our these people were also to bring in the past death! In them has a person of aura to be very formidable, definitely is the deity peak, four deities, yeah are the day must perish Flame Dragon Continent!” The snow lotus of Yue Xishui facial color on just like iceberg is common, the greasy white face, is pale like the snow. “能怎么办?我们这几人过去也是送死啊!他们中有一人的气息无比强大,肯定是天神巅峰,还有四名天神,哎难道是天要亡炎龙大陆!”月惜水面色宛如冰山上的雪莲一般,本来腻白的脸,更是苍白如雪。 Do not be anxious, no rush, always has the means that always has the means!” Ye Ruoshui two Bai Mei, just like two sharp swords, raise up slantingly, wear a look of meaning of the withering. “别急,别急,总有办法的,总有办法的!”夜若水两根白眉,宛如两把利剑,斜斜竖起,面带一股肃杀之意。 Three War-God are also whole face anxieties, always has the means? What means can have? 三名战神也是满脸愁苦,总有办法?能有什么办法? Dystopia surface expert of this arrival is too too strong, if several ordinary deities, they went all out not to matter, after all their God Rank expert fate is to protect Flame Dragon Continent, here is their roots. 这次降临的异位面强者太强太强,如果是几名普通天神的话,他们就算拼了命也无所谓,毕竟他们神级强者的宿命就是守护炎龙大陆,这里是他们的根啊。 Has spelled, I cannot look helplessly they will flutter Syracuse to raze, I go to one first!” Xue Family Ancestor, clenches teeth, sees several people of aloof, has made a determined effort, the preparation fought at risk of life. “拼了,诸位,我不能眼睁睁看着他们将飘雪城夷为平地,我先去一步!”雪家老祖,一咬牙,见几人无动于衷,发狠了,准备拼死一战了。 Wait / Etc., wait / etc.!” “等等,等等!” Three War-God Boss Sword Emperor, lift the hand suddenly, has prevented the Xue Family Ancestor bringing death behavior. Subsequently turns the head to look to Ye Ruoshui, both hands holds the fist in the other hand saying: Now can only save the mainland several billions lives, only then visited you, Little Master Ye!” 三名战神的老大剑皇,突然一抬手,阻止了雪家老祖的送死行为。继而转头看向夜若水,双手抱拳道:“现在唯一能拯救大陆数十亿生灵的只有看你了,小夜子!” Visits me? Cracks a joke, my boundary did not have you to be high, big brother Sword Emperor!” Ye Ruoshui Bai Mei shakes, asking of doubts. “看我?开什么玩笑,我的境界还没你高,剑皇大哥!”夜若水白眉一抖,疑惑的问道。 Right! God city that bald present is unable to defend oneself, now can only visit you!” “对!神城那个光头现在自身难保,现在只能看你了!” Second War-God Emperor Dao also awakens, is both hands holding the fist in the other hand whole face hopes saying of wing: Only then depends on you, you are bringing your family Little Master Han, pleads Senior Shi to get rid! You first let alone the words, listening to me saying that Senior Shi somewhat was indeed unreasonable, we went uselessly, was the mainland dies possibly will not have gotten rid. However! Ye Qinghan pleaded, person who a hope, he has the relations with Senior Shi after all only! Asked!” 第二名战神刀皇也醒悟过来,也是双手抱拳满脸希翼的说道:“只有靠你,你带着你家小寒子,去恳求噬大人出手了!你先别说话,听我说,噬大人的确有些不近人情,我们去都没用,就是全大陆死光了可能都不会出手。但是!夜轻寒去恳求,还有一丝希望,毕竟他是唯一和噬大人有关系的人!拜托了!” Little Master Ye, you hurry to take Little Master Han, at the maximum speed, goes to the dark castle, can look on the mainland several billions lives your!” The Sword Emperor expression is very prudent, very serious saying. 小夜子,你赶紧去带上小寒子,以最快速度,前往暗黑城堡,能不能就大陆数十亿生命就看你们这一趟了!”剑皇表情无比慎重,非常严肃的说道。 Well?” “咦?” Xue Family old strange and with Yue Xishui, first heard that Ye Qinghan unexpectedly and Senior Shi has the relations, immediately is wild with joy, the Xue Family old strange whole face anxiously was almost must kneel down to Ye Ruoshui, was trembling the lip, said anxiously: Brother Ye Ruoshui, go quickly, goes quickly, this time must be able to rescue Xue Family, our Xue Family always feels grateful!” 雪家老怪和和月惜水,第一听说夜轻寒居然和噬大人有关系,顿时狂喜起来,雪家老怪满脸焦急更是差点就要给夜若水下跪了,哆嗦着嘴唇,急切说道:“夜若水兄弟,快去,快去,这次要是能救雪家,我们雪家永世感激!” Night brother, you goes quickly! The success or failure looked your!” Yue Xishui is also whole face anxious saying. “夜老哥,你快去吧!成败就看你们这一趟了!”月惜水也是满脸焦急的说道。 This yeah! I run, but do not hug too in a big way hope that Senior Shi has said that will not manage the mainland dispute! I!” The Ye Ruoshui eye glitters several, stamps the feet, but sighed, flickered to move to leave directly. “这哎!我去跑一趟,但是你们别抱太大希望,噬大人可是说过,绝不会管大陆纷争!我去了!”夜若水眼睛闪烁几下,一跺脚,无奈一叹,直接瞬移离开。 Ye Ruoshui several flicker to move, Ye Qinghan they have not hurried back to Grey City. Ye Ruoshui direct Divine Knowledge covers, investigation said that Ye Qinghan they also in Grey City dozens inside and outside, direct flickered to move. 夜若水几个瞬移,夜轻寒他们还没赶回苍城夜若水直接神识一覆盖,探查道夜轻寒她们还在苍城数十里外,直接一个瞬移过去了。 Ancestor!” “老祖宗!” Ancestor!” “老祖宗!” A Ye Ruoshui appearance, had a scare several people, Ye Qingniu and Ye Qinghan salute hastily, but Ye Fu and Yue Qingcheng as well as Yue Xiang'er have not actually seen Ye Ruoshui, for a while is shocked, has not saluted. 夜若水一出现,把几人吓了一跳,夜青牛夜轻寒连忙行礼,而夜斧月倾城以及月香儿却是没有见过夜若水,一时愣住,没有行礼。 Was good, does not use overly courteous! Qingniu Yue Qingcheng , I lead you to return to Grey City first, Little Master Han you in this I!” Ye Ruoshui rubbish, stopped Yue Qingcheng they to awaken the movement that directly the preparation saluted, the direct hand held a Ye Qingniu hand to draw Yue Qingcheng , flickered to move directly. “行了,不用多礼!青牛月倾城是吧,我先带你们回到苍城,小寒子你在这等我!”夜若水没有废话,直接制止了月倾城她们醒悟过来准备行礼的动作,直接一只手牵着夜青牛一只手拉着月倾城,直接瞬移了。 „!” “咻!” A moment later, Ye Ruoshui appears again, brought puzzled Ye Qinghan to flicker to move away directly, left behind a few words, let Ye Fu and Yue Xiang'er alone hurries back to Grey City. 片刻之后,夜若水再次出现,直接带着一脸疑惑的夜轻寒瞬移走了,留下一句话,让夜斧月香儿独自赶回苍城 Ancestor, where this goes to?” “老祖宗,这是去哪里?” Ye Qinghan was brought to flicker to move by Ye Ruoshui, suddenly arrived at beyond several hundred li (0.5km), sending greetings of surprise asked hastily. 夜轻寒夜若水带着瞬移,眨眼已经到了几百里外,连忙诧异的传音问道。 Now does not have the time to explain that waits to be able with you to relate in detail!” “现在没时间解释,等会和你细说!” Ye Ruoshui Bai Mei tightens, without the idle talk, flickers to move, a moment later arrived at outside the dark forest, this time has not asked for instructions, but direct unceasing flickers to move to go toward inside. 夜若水白眉紧锁,没有废话,一路瞬移,片刻之后就到达了暗黑森林外面,这次却没有请示,而是一路直接不断的朝里面瞬移而去。 Until achieves outside the dark castle, this prudent incomparably turning the head passes on the tone channel to Ye Qinghan: Little Master Han, the Flame Dragon Continent several billions lives are live die, visited you, if you want completely all means to plead Senior Shi to get rid, otherwise the mainland life Tu Tan, people have no means to make a living, asked 直到达到暗黑城堡之外,这才无比慎重的转头对夜轻寒传音道:“小寒子,炎龙大陆数亿的生灵是生是死,就看你了,你要想尽一切办法恳求噬大人出手,否则大陆将生灵涂炭,民不聊生,拜托了”
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