BPTH :: Volume #4

#363: Great face

363 chapters of great faces 363章巨脸 …… The entire god city countless person facial colors suddenly become gloomy, when were the people in their god city insulted by as even with such? Their great god Sir as even with such and their polite speeches, this person of unexpectedly as even with such Ba Man? Is as even with such rampant? Suddenly innumerable god frantic adorer violent anger, innumerable expert lifted off, arrives at the front that the blue light covers to curse angrily directly. 整个神城无数人面色陡然变得阴沉起来,他们神城的人何时受到如此侮辱?他们伟大的神主大人如此和他们客气的说话,这人竟然如此霸蛮?如此嚣张?一时间无数的神主狂热崇拜者暴怒了,无数强者升空了,直接到达蓝色光罩的面前怒骂起来。 Your these two disfigureds, my grass your ancestor 19 generations “你们这两个丑八怪,我草你们祖宗19代” Bold, you know where this is? You want to court death, Sir delivers you to return to the western paradise!” “大胆,你们知道这是什么地方?你们想找死,大爷送你们归西!” Galley proof, goes against two buffalo and cow horns to think were one good god? I told you, a father palm of the hand can clap you, the great host opened the Big Dipper to kill certainly, the father exits to dig up your cowhide now “小样,顶着两根牛角就以为自己是牛神了?我告诉你们,老子一巴掌就可以拍死你们,要不是伟大的主开启了七星绝杀阵,老子现在就出去扒了你们的牛皮” The god city several thousand years of perfection history, have given them the incomparably haughty strength of spirit, although they clearly know that these two percentage hundred are God Rank expert. However, they did not fear that doesn't the sky collapsed, have the great god in? 神城数千年的不败历史,给了他们无比狂傲的骨气,虽然他们明知道这两人百分百是神级强者。但是,他们不怕,天塌了,不是还有伟大的神主在吗? They think that this brave fearless behavior will receive the god the appreciation sound, as well as vision of appreciation. However, greets their is actually a giant palm, a god palm this group of people, patted the ground directly, cranked up the muddy flesh. 只是他们本以为这种勇敢无畏的行为会受到神主的赞赏声,以及欣赏的目光。但是,迎接他们的却是一只巨大的手掌,神主一掌直接将这群人,拍到了地面,拍成肉泥。 Shuts up to me completely, who is moving heedlessly to speak at a venture, this is the fate!” God that shining bald, the behind strange model community, hovers unceasingly, pair of red black double pupil twinkle keeps, the facial color is extremely ugly. “全部给我闭嘴,谁在乱动乱说话,这就是下场!”神主那个发亮的光头,后面诡异的纹身,不断游动,一双一红一黑色双瞳闪烁个不停,面色极其难看。 His thunder blood and iron method has really blown all people, the complete people shut up decisively. The god slaughter then once more looks toward the sky, said cold: 他雷霆铁血般的手段果然镇住了所有人,全部人果断闭嘴了。神主屠这才再次朝天空望去,冷然说道: Two adults, do not go too far, my ancestor demons Sir Wang He your blood Wang is also intersects for many years. This time you without the agreement of my this Flame Dragon Potential Surface feudal lord, transmit arbitrarily. Has violated the god iron rule, if the god law enforcement team discovered that feared is your blood Sir Wang must subject to a penalty? I give two Sir faces, this matter I did not investigate, but please two do not harass my this mansion again, as for outside all my , no matter, how?” “两位大人,不要太过分了,我的老祖宗罗刹王和你们血王大人也是相交多年。这次你们未经我这个炎龙位面领主的同意,擅自传送过来。已经违背了神界铁律,万一神界执法队发现,怕是你们血王大人也要被受罚吧?我给两位大人面子,此事我不追究,但是还请两位不要再来骚扰我这府邸,至于外面我一切不管,如何?” God Tu words language, said the sincere feeling highest good, first wins over the relations, subsequently mentioned by name they to violate the god iron rule, oneself stood in principle character first, then very much gave them the face, did not investigate, was casual they to make. Was gives two gods the face. 神主屠一番话语,说得至情至理,先是拉拢关系,继而点名他们违背了神界铁律,自己先站在理字一番,而后又很给两人面子,又是不追究,又是随便他们闹。算是非常给两名神将面子了。 Quack, demons king?” “嘎嘎,罗刹王?” Jin Kun has not spoken, but Jin Qi is actually gloomy has smiled, said with a smile crazily: On demons king trash God King, can want to compare with my father? God law enforcement team? Quack, I have all killed the person of this potential surface, how does the god law enforcement team know? Asked your one again, war, fell?” 金昆没有说话,但是金麒却是阴森森的笑了起来,狂笑道:“就罗刹王这种垃圾神王,也可和我父亲想比?神界执法队?嘎嘎,我将这位面的人全杀了,神界执法队如何知道?再问你一声,战,还是降?” War, falls 战,还是降 Finally several character Jin Qi have used the supernatural power obviously, four characters not only the human god city completely shake the eardrum to tremble, simultaneously starts to spread over the mainland four directions from here, suddenly the entire mainland is the echoes of these four gloomy characters, the human entire mainland has shocked completely, atmosphere of withering has covered entire Flame Dragon Continent. 最后几个字金麒显然动用了神力,四个字不仅将神城的人全部震得耳膜发颤,同时从这里开始传遍大陆四方,一时间整个大陆都是这四个阴森森的字的回音,将整个大陆的人全部震惊了,一股肃杀的气氛笼罩了整个炎龙大陆 Two adults, don't you come for the Divine sword? The real Divine sword in my this, I cannot to take an oath to tall Shen with my soul, if I lay I always to crash into nine quiet hells god to be anxious, the scholar ran into the soldier, has not talked clearly rational, since this Gold Horn Spirit Clan had heard incomparable tyrant barbarian, now is unexpectedly arbitrary to the as even with such situation? “两位大人,你们不就是为神剑而来吗?真的神剑不在我这,我可以用我的灵魂向至高神起誓,如果我撒谎我永世坠入九幽地狱”神主急了,秀才遇到兵,有理说不清了,这金角神族一直以来就听说无比的霸蛮,现在竟然蛮横到如此地步? I never do not believe the nonsense pledge of my clansman, since you do not fall!” “我从不相信非我族人的狗屁誓言,既然你不降!” Jin Qi has stroked his Qing's black sending silk, the hand flings suddenly, drinks greatly: Jin Kun, gave me to break this bird strategy, the human this bird city, has killed completely, did not remain!” 金麒捋了捋他那一头青黑的发丝,猛然手一甩,大喝起来:“金昆,给我破了这鸟阵法,将这鸟城的人,全部杀了,一个不留!” Jin Kun has not spoken, nodded, then whole body facial color ice-cold, the whole piece face is the innumerable small grotesque insects sways from side to side, body outside black flame anger rises, just likes an evil god. 金昆没有说话,点了点头,而后浑身面色冰冷下来,整张脸都是无数小的奇形怪状的昆虫扭动起来,身体外面的黑色火焰怒涨,犹如一尊邪神般。 Quack!” “嘎嘎!” He explodes drinks one, body suddenly became sturdy several times. Suddenly facing forward anteversion, two golden bend angles, slowly change straight, gradually lengthens, coarsens. Finally the body turns into 56 meters high, two [gold/metal] angles turn into dozens meters, several rice are thick. 他爆喝一声,身体陡然间变得粗壮了几倍。头突然朝前前倾,两只金色的弯角,慢慢变直,逐渐延长,变粗起来。最后身体变成56米高,两只金角变成数十米长,数米粗。 Gold angle extinguishes the god!” “金角灭神!” A Jin Kun anteversion, the entire back bent slightly, the crazy cow that just like getting angry, came up to use the big move, the whole body black flame turnover to keep directly, just like hell devil that a nine quiet purgatory drilled, the demon that also walked just like the great antiquity, both hands brandished, two [gold/metal] Jiao also unceasing swaying, above also faintly had the golden light to sparkle changes to together the black mighty current finally, sky over the blue light cover toward god city hit directly. 金昆头微微前倾,整个背都弯了起来,宛如一只发怒的狂牛,一上来直接用上了大招,浑身黑色火焰吞吐不停,宛如一个九幽炼狱钻出来的地狱恶魔,又宛如洪荒中走出来的邪魔般,双手挥舞起来,两根金角也不断的摇晃,上面还隐隐有金光闪耀最后化作一道黑色洪流,直接朝神城上空的蓝色光罩撞去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” A shocking bang, the entire Big Dipper kills certainly, glows suddenly makes a debut an eye-catching ray, entire Divine Mountain in this violent hits, sways, the god city innumerable constructions will shortly drop down, the innumerable god city residents were buried alive in crushed stone rotten Vanuatu. 一阵震天巨响,整个七星绝杀阵,陡然间焕发出道道夺目的光芒,整个神山在这猛烈的一撞下,都摇晃起来,神城无数的建筑顷刻倒下,无数神城居民被活埋在碎石烂瓦中。 The mountain is swaying, is shivering, the house is dropping down unceasingly, in the bang day bang, the innumerable pitiful yell sounds, cursed angrily the sound to get up. God city hundreds of thousands of residents, are looking in the sky panic-stricken that just like the alien race satanically, the whole body ice-cold, goes all around, whooshes. 山在摇晃,地在颤抖,房屋在不断倒下,轰天巨响中,无数的惨叫声,怒骂声响起。神城数十万居民,惊恐望着天空中那宛如恶魔般的异族,浑身冰冷,四处奔走,嘶吼起来。 Drinks!” “喝!” God slaughter that black red double pupil, performing is the spunk, his both hands wave fast. But in the subsequent party has shone suddenly, two dazzling golden rays, lasing from his hand to blue guard shield on. A golden ray collision blue color guard shield, then Lima spreads, but the blue guard shield gradually stabilizes, no longer sways. 神主屠那一黑一红的双瞳,尽是怒意,他双手快速舞动。而后手中陡然间亮了起来,两道刺眼的金色光芒,从他手中激射到蓝色护罩上。金色光芒一碰撞蓝色护罩,便利马扩散开去,而蓝色护罩就逐渐稳定下来,不再摇晃。 I thought how long you can support?” “我看你能撑多久?” Jin Kun lets somebody cool off or calm down one, direct flickers to move, appears beside several li (0.5km) road, in the [gold/metal] angle the golden light sparkle, the whole body imposing manner rises once more once more, the preparation comes one time super big move again, broke the Big Dipper of this god slaughter expenditure innumerable treasure construction to kill directly certainly. 金昆冷冷一哼,直接一个瞬移,出现在十几里路之外,金角上再次金光闪耀,浑身气势再次一涨,准备再来一次超级大招,直接破了这神主屠花费无数宝物建造的七星绝杀阵。 Yeah and other meetings, you escape respectively!” The god slaughter, in the double pupil flashes through one desperate and a regret. “哎等会,你们各自逃命吧!”神主屠,双瞳中闪过一丝绝望和一丝懊悔。 He, has underestimated the arbitrariness and savage of Gold Horn Spirit Clan, has underestimated these two gods the strength. Now he wants to surrender, thinks that was also useless 他,低估了金角神族的蛮横和凶残,也低估了这两名神将的实力。现在他就是想投降,想必也没用了 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” Jin Kun roars, in the eye completely is cruel and wild, the under foot supernatural power revolves, must dash about wildly to go. 金昆怒吼一声,眼中尽是残忍和狂暴,脚下神力运转,就要狂奔而去。 Yeah “哎” At this moment, the horizon hears a light sighing sound suddenly, the sound is very as if remote, but actually as if resounds in the ear. As if very young, has as if been full of the color of endless vicissitudes, is strange! 就在这时,天边突然传来一声淡淡的叹气声,声音似乎很遥远,但是却似乎又在耳边响起。似乎很年轻,又似乎充满了无尽的沧桑之色,非常诡异! The person in entire god city, hears this sound, just like fascinated generally, pitiful yell stopped the pitiful yell, painful stopped weeping bitterly, cursed angrily stopped cursing angrily, running stopped running. This sound as if has a charm to be common, making all people feel the innermost feelings incomparable tranquility, incomparable serenity 整个神城的人,听到这个声音,都宛如入魔了一般,惨叫的停止了惨叫,痛苦的停止了痛哭,怒骂的停止了怒骂,奔跑的停止了奔跑。这声音似乎有种魔力一般,让所有人都感觉到内心无比的宁静,无比的安详 God slaughter, after slightly one, the desperate face reappears once more a smiling face, the whole body relaxes. In is caressing Jin Qi that pledged lightly, some surprise looked toward the north side, in the eye completely was surprised, but Jin Kun in dashing about wildly, stopped the footsteps of running suddenly, stunned was looking at the north. 神主屠,微微一愣之后,绝望的脸再次浮现出一次笑容,浑身放松下来。正在轻抚发誓的金麒,有些诧异的朝北边望去,眼中尽是惊疑,而狂奔中的金昆,也陡然停止了奔跑的脚步,愕然的望着北方。 Who is? Stealthy, will roll to this god!” Jin Kun sweeps in all directions, anger full exclaiming. “是谁?鬼鬼祟祟,给本神将滚出来!”金昆四处一扫,怒气十足的吼道。 As Jin Kun roars, north the god city sky, emerges out of thin air a giant face, this face very big, half god cities so are big, has blocked from half the north sky. This face is very fuzzy, but vaguely can see is a face of woman, a face of pretty woman. This face silent is looking around Divine Mountain, a moment later sighed lightly: „A [gold/metal] angle clan, retreats now, I give [gold/metal] Can a face, does not kill you! Otherwise dies!” 随着金昆一声怒吼,神城北边的天空,凭空出现一张巨大的脸,这张脸非常的大,足足有半个神城那么大,将北边的天空都遮住了一半。这张脸很模糊,但是依稀可以看出是一张女人的脸,一个漂亮的女人的脸。这张脸沉默的望着神山附近,片刻之后淡淡叹道:“金角一族,现在退去,我给金残一个面子,不杀你们!否则死!”
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