BPTH :: Volume #11

#1045: Space turbulent flow

Shi Hun changes! 噬魂变! This thing many people are very strange, but several monarchies are actually incomparably clear, because this is the Soul Emperor going against heaven's will skill. Soul Devouring Beast Soul Devouring World, very changed tai, but this Shi Hun changed goes against heaven's will the level absolutely. In the past Soul Emperor by this skill stiffly by the strengths of seven peak, anti- a stars monarchy palm, thus snatched that two world most precious objects in the tigers mouth! 这个东西很多人无比陌生,但是有几位君主却是无比清楚,因为这是魂帝的逆天技能。噬魂兽噬魂天下,本来就很变tai了,但是这个噬魂变绝对是逆天级的。当年魂帝就是凭借这个技能硬生生以七品巅峰的实力,抗了星辰君主一掌,从而在虎口抢下了那两件天地至宝! All people have remembered, Ye Qinghan that is only small Soul Devouring Beast, Soul Devouring Beast that only changes from. Has not thought that soul boundary achieves God Emperor Realm, the principle boundary is low pitiful Shi Hei, can display Shi Hun unexpectedly changes, moreover can resist the stars monarchy violent anger strikes! 所有人都想起了,夜轻寒的那只小噬魂兽,那只才化形的噬魂兽。没想到灵魂境界才达到神帝境,法则境界更是低的可怜的噬黑,竟然能施展噬魂变,而且还能抵挡星辰君主暴怒的一击! That that the stars monarchy congealed a moment ago sharp sword, terrifying energy that inside contained, the monarchy on the scene except for Green Mountain and Queen Bing Xue, nobody had the confidence hardly anti- not dead! Conceivable this Shi Hun changes is going against heaven's will how! 刚才星辰君主凝结的那把利剑,里面蕴含的恐怖能量,在场的君主除了青山冰雪女王,没有人有信心硬抗不死!可以想象这噬魂变是多么的逆天! Is looking at the violent anger stars monarchy, all people were silent! When they feel, after a southern space large fluctuation, all people once more are also astonished. 望着暴怒的星辰君主,所有人都沉默了!当他们感觉到,南方的一阵空间巨大波动之后,所有人又再次惊愕起来。 Did Soul Emperor Pavilion vanish? 魂帝阁消失了? Did the tearing space, enter space turbulent flow? 撕裂空间,进了空间乱流? Bing Xue Queen and the others, although on the face does not have any expression, incomparably admires that woman at heart very much, not only arranged many matters in advance. And in crucial time, not slight hesitation, said that runs runs. Also incomparably admires Ji De to get up, a mainland said that do not want, ran. If Ji De does not run, submits to the stars monarchy on own initiative, he should also be able to continue to sit his Sovereign Piao Miao. At this moment actually roams about with Senior Shi, this whole life does not know that could get back one's composure! 冰雪女王等人虽然脸上没有任何表情,心里很是无比佩服那个女人,不仅事前安排好了许多事情。并且在关键的时刻,没有丝毫的迟疑,说跑就跑。连带的也无比佩服基德起来,一个大陆说不要就不要,跟着跑了。如果基德不跟着跑,主动对星辰君主臣服的话,他应该还能继续坐他的飘渺君主。此刻却是跟着噬大人去流浪,这辈子也不知道有没有可能回神界了! Many things, are actually a matter of thought. However enjoyed these many years riches and honors, above ten thousand people, said that do not want, how many there are able to give up? Least Mo Shanghuang hidden world monarchy Young Lady Yanran does not give up. 许多东西,其实就是一个意念的事情。但是享受了这么多年的荣华富贵,万人之上,说不要就不要,有几个能舍得?最少莫尚煌隐世君主嫣然小姐就舍不得。 At this time, the airborne fluctuation, that super great face of stars monarchy vanished, a golden Battle Armor Shentu Xiong appeared in airborne, on face already not anger. But is a tranquility of face, in golden pupil profound like sea, could not guess correctly that he is thinking anything. 这时,空中一阵波动,星辰君主的那张超级巨脸消失了,一身金色战甲的申屠雄出现在空中,脸上已经没有刚才的愤怒。而是一脸的平静,金色的眸子内深邃如海,猜不到他在想什么。 After long time, he turns the head to look toward Supreme Island on, finally the eye has locked one with the Li Fei somewhat appearance middle-aged person on, saying that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Li Tao? You lead some people to go to Ethereal Mainland, today starting from, you are Sovereign Piao Miao, who dares to refuse to accept, kills without the amnesty! Sovereign Xueye, you help him shake the scene!” 半晌之后,他转头朝至尊岛上望去,最后眼睛锁定了一名和犁斐有几分长相的中年人身上,冷冷的说道:“犁涛是吧?你带一些人去飘渺大陆,今日开始,你就是飘渺君主,谁敢不服,杀无赦!血夜君主,你帮他去震一震场面!” Li Tao is the Li Kong blood brother, Li Family one three, had been killed two by Ye Qinghan, at this moment remaining he, in his pair of pupil completely is sad and angry, this moment one hear is actually a whole face is wild with joy, is bowing politely hastily to Shentu Xiong, on the face has emitted unexpectedly sincerely incomparable tears. 犁涛犁空的亲弟弟,犁家一门三尊者,被夜轻寒杀了两个,此刻就剩下他一人,本来他一双眸子内尽是悲伤和愤怒,此刻一听却是满脸的狂喜起来,连忙对着申屠雄叩拜下去,脸上竟然冒出了“真诚无比”的热泪。 The blood monarchy, will certainly not say anything, he is very clear, Senior Shi ran away in such short time unexpectedly calmly. She and Ye Qinghan family member definitely already arranged to run away. Ji De also walked, Ethereal Mainland also who revolts? 血液君主,当然不会说什么,他很清楚,噬大人竟然在这么短的时间从容逃走了。她和夜轻寒的亲人肯定早就安排逃走了。基德也走了,飘渺大陆还有谁反抗? Sir, since the devil monarchy had been struck to kill, Supreme Island should reconstruct immediately, Ying Kui is incompetent, wish to help to reconstruct!” “大人,恶魔君主既然已经被击杀了,至尊岛应该立刻重建啊,樱奎无能,愿帮助重建!” Sovereign Nanling after Sovereign Xueye is bringing Li Tao and more than ten Venerable leave, immediately currying favor with face has done obeisance, is bending the body slightly, like a loyal incomparable watchdog. 南岭君主血夜君主带着犁涛和十多位尊者离开之后,立刻一脸的献媚拜了下去,微微弓着身子,像极了一只忠心无比的家犬。 I and others am willing to help to rebuild the Saint island!” “我等愿意帮助重建圣岛!” Sir Green Mountain and Queen Bing Xue look at each other one, leading behind monarchy to bow completely, salutes to shout to clear the way. Since has submitted, then should have the stance that to have. 青山大人和冰雪女王对视一眼,带着身后的君主全部躬身,行礼喝道。既然已经臣服了,那么该有的姿态还是要有的。 Um! The Star Sea subordinate, coordinates Green Mountain and Bing Xue they reconstructs Supreme Island, after completing, is notifying me!” Stars monarchy very satisfied people's performance, has not said anything much, selected, directly entered that golden palace, then palace also quietly from the sky started hidden to go. “嗯!星辰海所属,配合青山冰雪儿他们重建至尊岛,建成之后在通报我!”星辰君主很满意众人的表现,没有多说什么,点了点,直接进入了那座金色的宫殿,而后宫殿也悄然的在空中开始隐去。 Is looking at disappearance eternal palace, all monarchies look at the Star Sea sky, the innermost feelings heavy are sighing. God sky after today, must change, the pattern of god potential surface outstanding heroes compete, was born along with the stars monarchy, under strength that he rises suddenly, was unified without any suspense. The god potential surface estimated how long could not want, thorough will be surnamed Shentu! 望着消失的永恒之殿,所有君主都望着星辰海的上空,内心沉沉一叹。神界天空今日之后就要变了,神界位面原本群雄逐鹿的格局,随着星辰君主出世,在他暴涨的实力之下,没有任何悬念统一了。神界位面估计要不了多久,就会彻底姓申屠了! The space turbulent flow, is each parallel space isolation strip, in the space turbulent flow is flooding, can Venerable following military, strangle to death the hashed meat easily the space broken blade class, can make the monarchies cave in the nether world vortex that is hard, as well as can swallow all black holes! 空间乱流,是每个平行空间的隔离带,空间乱流内充斥着,能轻易将尊者以下的武者,绞杀成碎肉的空间碎刀流,还有能让君主都沉陷其中难以出来的幽冥漩涡,以及能吞噬一切的黑洞! Can say in the space turbulent flow to be very dangerous, incomparable danger! Even if the stars monarchies does not dare to penetrate, once because was swallowed by the black hole, then you will lose the direction thoroughly, may look very much for a lifetime does not get back one's composure the potential surface, or could not find a potential surface! 可以说空间乱流内很危险,无比的危险!就算是星辰君主都不敢深入,因为一旦被黑洞吞噬进去,那么你将彻底迷失方向,很有可能一辈子找不回神界位面,或者说找不到一个位面! In the Kong Luo turbulent flow not from the space crack of god sees, black spooky, once after entering the space turbulent flow, you will discover that actually is glittering everywhere the shining object, moreover many places, the incomparable attractiveness, is ordinary just like the endless stars. 空落乱流内并不是从神界的空间裂缝看到的一样,黑幽幽的,一旦进入空间乱流之后,你会发现其实里面到处都闪烁着发亮的物体,而且很多地方,无比的漂亮,宛如无尽的星辰一般。 Countless people in this moment Illusion Palace were shocked by all around scenery! 此刻梦幻宫内的无数人就被四周的景色震撼了! The ban of Illusion Palace can easily simulates all around scenery, this moment Yanhua and the others world in eye, has subverted their cognition, even made them forget worried! 梦幻宫的禁制能轻易的将四周的景色模拟出来,此刻烟花等人眼中的世界,颠覆了她们的认知,甚至让她们忘记了担忧! Senior Shi passes message, Ye Qinghan and Little Black rescued, on Soul Emperor Pavilion nine, Ji De and Yao Ji also transmitted passes. Although Senior Shi said that makes them should not be worried, but they have not seen Ye Qinghan I, incomparably was worried. 噬大人传音过来,夜轻寒小黑救回来了,在魂帝阁九层,基德妖姬也传送过去了。虽然噬大人说让她们不要担心,但是她们没有见到夜轻寒本人,还是无比担心。 The Soul Devouring City senior statesman, does not have Yanhua Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman) their worry, so long as there is Senior Shi, they are fearless, how even if forever roams about in this space turbulent flow? 噬魂城的元老,却没有烟花倾城他们的担忧,只要有噬大人在,他们无所畏惧,就算永远在这空间乱流内流浪又如何? At this moment they look at the scenery that outside is shocking completely, the eye mouth open the eyes in a big way, face the color of sobbing. 此刻他们全部望着外面震撼的景色,眼睛嘴巴都睁得最大,一脸的唏嘘之色。 The front has innumerably just like the knife quiet wind, in airborne four is plundering, also wants the big ten times of white eddy currents compared with Supreme Island, vortex nearby air current mobile speed very quick, let alone a person depended on the past, it is estimated that will be one is attracted to pull compared with shocking poor Qi Shouda over ten thousand times of big games? 前方有着无数宛如刀子般的幽风,在空中肆掠着,也有一个比至尊岛还要大十倍的白色漩涡,漩涡旁边的气流流动的速度十分的快,别说一个人靠过去,估计就是一头比震天穷奇兽大上万倍的巨兽都会被吸扯进去吧? These they have looked in the Soul Devouring City books, all does not have what surprised. What make their surprised is, all around innumerable just like stars shining object, then surface also bigger shining objects. At least they at this moment do not have the means that sees the back this ultra bright object the complete picture, but sees the innumerable white air currents. 这些他们都在噬魂城的书籍上看过,所有并没有什么惊讶。让他们惊讶的是,四周无数宛若星辰般的发亮物体,而后面还有一个更大的发亮物体。至少他们此刻都没有办法,看到背后这个超亮物体的全貌,只是看到无数的白色气流。 Although Soul Emperor Pavilion in the space turbulent flow at the rapid speed, shuttled back and forth the half of the day, leaves this white air current to be getting more and more far, but they actually felt that back world is getting bigger and bigger! 虽然魂帝阁在空间乱流内以飞速的速度,穿梭了半天了,离开这白色气流越来越远,但是他们却感觉背后的世界越来越大! Behind is our god potential surface? What is that superficial shining white air current?” “难道背后的就是我们的神界位面?那表面发亮白色的气流是什么?” Certainly was, was not obvious a moment ago, now we are far from that giant object, that should be our god potential surface, we drilled a moment ago from that white air current!” “一定是了,刚才还不明显,现在我们正离那个巨大物体越来越远,那应该是我们的神界位面了,我们刚才就是从那白色的气流内钻出来的!” If this is the god potential surface, then distant place these innumerable shining objects, are the material potential surfaces?” “如果这是神界位面的话,那么远处那些数不清的发亮物体,难道就是物质位面?” Was too mysterious, was right! How I felt the air current that this potential surface indicates does look like looks like the strength of source very much?” “太神奇了,对了!我怎么感觉这位面表明的气流看起来很像本源之力啊?” Can't? This absolutely possibly is not the strength of source, the strength of where some these many sources?” “不会吧?这绝对不可能是本源之力,哪里有这么多本源之力?” Often has the sound that exclaims in surprise to resound, the people felt that like jumping out the frog of bottom of the well is ordinary, first time sees outside world, that mysterious, that inconceivable! 不时有惊叹的声音响起,众人感觉就像跳出井底的青蛙一般,第一次看到外面的世界,是那么的神奇,那么的不可思议!
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