BPTH :: Volume #11

#1044: Bites the soul changes!

Shameless woman? 无耻的女人? Green Mountain and Queen Bing Xue the brow raises slightly, understood instantaneously the stars monarchy was speaking with whom! Who the following monarchy is also then clear this shameless woman is! 青山冰雪女王眉头微微一扬,瞬间明白了星辰君主在和谁说话!接着后面的君主也清楚这个无耻的女人是谁! Shi Die dance! 噬蝶舞! Soul Emperor and Senior Shi they intruded Evil Abyss, in has robbed two most precious objects under the Soul Extinguisher rock magma stiffly! A many person knows that Senior Shi has used, lets her originally only then the strengths of seven peak, in have achieved on Nineth-Rank in hundred years! 魂帝噬大人两人闯入了罪恶深渊,在在灭魂岩浆之下硬生生的抢夺了两件至宝!一件很多人都知道,噬大人使用了,让她原本只有七品巅峰的实力,在百年时间内达到了九品上! Deposits on Soul Emperor Pavilion ninth! This secret all people know that because of all monarchies can the clear induction, in the Soul Emperor Pavilion ninth that world most precious object, the terrifying and pure incomparable energy of containing 还有一件存放在魂帝阁第九层!这个秘密所有人都知道,因为所有的君主都可以清晰的感应到,魂帝阁第九层那件天地至宝内,蕴藏的恐怖而又纯净无比的能量 Soul Emperor Soul Emperor Pavilion places Soul Emperor Island the time said that to obtain this thing, according to his custom. Otherwise Soul Emperor Pavilion from exploding, all things fully enters the space turbulent flow, no one can obtain! 只是魂帝魂帝阁放在魂帝岛的时候说了,要想得到这东西,按他规矩来。否则魂帝阁将会自爆,所有东西全部进入空间乱流,谁也得不到! The Soul Emperor banned level and refiner level, god nobody questioned! Although they are the monarchies, will enter in the space turbulent flow not dead, but once if lost the direction, might wander in the space turbulent flow very much for a lifetime 魂帝的禁制水平和炼器水平,神界无人质疑!他们虽然是君主,进入空间乱流内不会死,但是如果一旦迷失了方向,将很有可能一辈子在空间乱流内游荡 The stars monarchy said that Senior Shi is the shameless person, in the surface has not certainly spoken incorrectly. He said that the Soul Emperor Pavilion nine things are he have not spoken incorrectly, because of Evil Abyss, is War-God Pavilion has guarded, the thing in Evil Abyss, is War-God Pavilion, naturally is also the stars monarchy! 星辰君主说噬大人是无耻的人,表面上当然没有说错。他说魂帝阁九层的东西是他的也没说错,因为罪恶深渊,一直都是战神阁镇守的,罪恶深渊内的东西,也就是战神阁的,当然也就是星辰君主的! Did Shi Die dance? 只是噬蝶舞来了? The people through a strength of induction space completely had not actually discovered that the Senior Shi form, Queen Bing Xue had not discovered that completely secretly is astonished. Is the stars monarchy is speaking irresponsibly? What rare treasure does Senior Shi have? Can evade their investigations? 众人通过空间之力一感应却完全没有发现噬大人的身影,就连冰雪女王都没有发现,不禁全部暗暗惊愕起来。是星辰君主在乱说?还是噬大人拥有什么秘宝?能避过她们的探查? The body of Ye Qinghan has not moved, although he active, on his face not startled color, frightened color that also has not been in the hopeless situation. 夜轻寒的身子没有动,虽然他能动,他脸上并没有刚才的惊慌之色,也没有处于绝境的恐惧之色。 The people have one dead! 人有一死! At least today he strikes to kill Li Kong, had to confess regarding Flame Dragon City 1 million subjects of dying, had the confession to dead Wu Shan Emperor Feng! Naturally what is most important, this is the request of Little Black! Li Kong is the murderer who strikes to kill the Little Black mother. 至少今日他击杀了犁空,对于炎龙城的死去的1000000子民有交代了,对死去的巫山风帝有交代了!当然最重要的是,这是小黑的要求!犁空是击杀小黑娘亲的凶手。 The request of Little Black, he is not always able to reject. It is not Little Black, does not have today's Ye Qinghan. His Ye Family seventh child, can become the god monarchy today, his value! He did not regret! 小黑的要求,他一向无法拒绝。不是小黑,就没有今日的夜轻寒。他一个夜家老七,今日能成为神界的君主,他值了!他不后悔! Naturally, he will not sit waiting for death! 当然,他也不会坐以待毙! He in crazy summon! 他在疯狂的呼唤! He did not summon Senior Shi, summoned Yao Ji, the summon god emperor was supreme. But summoned not to know that to one can hear the person who he summoned! War-Emperor! 他不是呼唤噬大人,呼唤妖姬,呼唤神皇至尊。而是呼唤给一个不知道能不能听到他呼唤的人!战皇 At this moment! 此时此刻! He knows that by his ability, the opportunity of half silk not having escaped! Because this moment Senior Shi has not subpoenaed gives him, obviously Senior Shi did not have the least bit means! ` 他知道凭借他的能力,没有半丝逃掉的机会!因为此刻噬大人都没有传讯给他了,显然噬大人也没有半点办法了!‘ Iceberg queen and Sir Green Mountain have submitted, he knows that he puts together completely all, even if he from exploding, cannot injure to the stars monarchy. All he has not made the foolish matter, but hoping to entrust to that black stone War-Emperor in Divine Crystal! 还有冰山女王和青山大人都臣服了,他知道就算他拼尽一切,就算他自爆,都不能伤到星辰君主。所有他没有做蠢事,只是将希望寄放在神晶内的那个黑色石头内的战皇 War-Emperor he does not know that is any strength, but dark has a feeling, he is very strong, most little can compared with stars monarchy! He did not determine that War-Emperor can hear his summon, he can only as even with such! 战皇他不知道是什么实力,但是冥冥中有种感觉,他很强,最少能比星辰君主强!他也不确定战皇能不能听到他的呼唤,他只能如此 Shentu Xiong? „ “申屠雄?“ A towering familiar sound, made a sound in the Ye Qinghan mind, making the Ye Qinghan two souls tremble, but he has not made the facial expression on face have a change, but was waiting for War-Emperor below a few words wild with joy. 突兀的一道熟悉的声音,响在了夜轻寒的脑海内,让夜轻寒的两个灵魂为之一颤,但是他没有让脸上的神情有一丝变动,只是狂喜的等待着战皇的下一句话。 He built up to melt my thing, god potential surface one person has not been his match! You summoned me to be also useless, I and you said that my this was only a remnant soul, not any energy! Let alone Shentu Xiong, even if ordinary military I cannot kill! Has not thought that you such already in bitter experience he, oh this is your life, is my life!” “他炼化了我的东西,神界位面没有一人是他的对手了!你呼唤我也没用,我和你说了,我这只是一丝残魂,并没有任何的能量!别说申屠雄,就算是一个普通的武者我都杀不死!没有想到你这么早就遭遇上了他,唉这是你的命,也是我的命啊!” Sending greetings of War-Emperor, making Ye Qinghan thorough despairs, although he knows that War-Emperor is a remnant soul. However his innermost feelings expectations, at this moment actually completely broke! 只是战皇的传音,让夜轻寒彻底的绝望起来,虽然他知道战皇是一丝残魂。但是他内心还是有一丝奢望,此刻却完全破碎了! Boss, do not fear, Nine Netherworld Kingdom, our two brothers rush together and that's the end!” “老大,别怕,九幽冥界,我们两兄弟一起去闯就是了!” Lies down Little Black in Ye Qinghan Battle Beast Space, from the beginning incomparable urgent and hot tempered, knew after the soul relation of Ye Qinghan final answer, he was instead quiet. The Little Black thought is very pure, can with the Ye Qinghan same place, even if dies is not lonely! 躺在夜轻寒战兽空间内的小黑,一开始无比的急迫和暴躁,从夜轻寒的灵魂联系内知道了最后的答案之后,他反而平静了下来。小黑的思想很单纯,能和夜轻寒一起,就算死也不孤单! Shouted! That together rushes! Young master this whole life can live this also value!” “呼!那就一起去闯!小爷这辈子能活成这样也值了!” Ye Qinghan puts out the one breath, opens the eye to take a fast look around in all directions, seems accepting as a memento, looks at this world final several. 夜轻寒吐出一口气,睁开眼睛四处扫视着,似乎在留念着,看着这个世界的最后几眼。 One!” “一!” The stars monarchy icy voice of resounds, just like end's ding, was reminding Senior Shi of distant place, his enduring patiently had the limit! 星辰君主冷冰冰的声音响起,宛如末日的钟声,在提醒着远处的噬大人,他的忍耐是有限度的! Senior Shi stands in same place, red robe flap flap makes noise as before by Feng Chui, but the body surface has a light purple ray at this moment. This purple ray has isolated the investigations of monarchy, she hears the stars monarchy to shout one character, in a pair of beautiful pupil has flashed through one, but with the pain, has pulled out the pass on message jade symbol finally, closes one's eyes, two lines of clear tears silent falling 噬大人依旧站在原地,红袍被风吹得猎猎作响,但是身体表面此刻却有一层淡淡的紫色光芒。正是这紫色的光芒隔绝了众君主的探查,她听到星辰君主喊出的“一”字,一双美眸内闪过了一丝无奈和痛苦,最后掏出了传讯玉符,闭着眼睛,两行清泪无声的落下 Buzz!” “嗡!” The Ye Qinghan brow selects slightly, he felt that the tremor in pass on message jade symbol, Divine Knowledge sweeps actually the incomparable doubts. Subpoenaed to Senior Shi, making Little Black give his ring to ruin her forcefully? 夜轻寒眉头微微一挑,他感觉到传讯玉符内的颤动,神识一扫却无比的疑惑起来。传讯来至噬大人,让小黑将她给他的那个戒指强行毁掉? The stars monarchy in sky, had discovered very much easily some people subpoenaed give Ye Qinghan, but he has not cared, instead the ridicule on corners of the mouth expanded several points. 天空中的星辰君主,很容易就发现了有人传讯给夜轻寒,不过他并没有在意,反而嘴角上的嘲弄扩大了几分。 In the face of the absolute strength, all schemes and tricks are the floating clouds! 在绝对的力量面前,一切阴谋诡计都是浮云! Flame Dragon City constructs the city time, Senior Shi came to strike to kill Venerable Bai Mei, then has given the Ye Qinghan two rings in the City Lord Mansion Tientai, making him transmit to Little Black. A ring is very mysterious, a Little Black drop of blood vanishes in his body! Ye Qinghan knows that this is Senior Shi to the treasure that the Little Black self-preservation uses, with the Butterfly Dance Love similar effect! 炎龙城建城的时候,噬大人现身击杀了白眉尊者,而后在城主府天台给了夜轻寒两枚戒指,让他转交给小黑。一枚戒指很神奇,小黑一滴血就消失在他身体内!夜轻寒知道这是噬大人小黑自保用的宝物,和蝶舞之恋差不多的效果! However this moment does Senior Shi make Little Black ruin? 但是此刻噬大人却让小黑毁掉? This pass on message is very bewildered, at this moment, what ruins a ring to change? Although the pass on message is very bewildered, but Ye Qinghan complied! 这个传讯很是莫名其妙,此时此刻,毁掉一个戒指能改变什么?传讯虽然很莫名其妙,但是夜轻寒还是照做了! Although Little Black also very much has doubts, but is swaying his small head, finally took the ring in body, then uses the claw forcefully crumb! 小黑虽然也很疑惑,但只是摇晃着他那颗小小的脑袋,最后将身体内的戒指取了出来,而后用爪子强行捏碎! In instance of crumb ring, a nimble and resourceful eye of Little Black has shone suddenly, a moment later, his corners of the mouth have shown a smiling face, a somewhat miserable smiling face! 在捏碎这枚戒指的瞬间,小黑的一双灵动的眼睛突然亮了起来,片刻之后,他嘴角露出了一丝笑容,一丝有些凄凉的笑容! Boss, you could be saved! Waits for me!” After Little Black passes message to Ye Qinghan, immediately closes one's eyes to lie the small head, has closed up in Battle Beast Space! “老大,你有救了!等我!”小黑传音给夜轻寒之后,立刻闭着眼睛趴着小脑袋,在战兽空间内闭关了起来! Could be saved?” “有救了?” Ye Qinghan not pleasantly surprised, instead the eye color of doubts was stronger! Moreover his some not good feelings, but actually does not know that what happened. 夜轻寒并没有惊喜,反而眼中的疑惑之色更浓了!而且他有种非常不好的感觉,但是却不知道会发生什么事情。 However at this moment can also have a more awful matter? 不过此刻还能有更糟糕的事情吗? Two!” “二!” Once more stars monarchy lets somebody cool off or calm down has opened the mouth, but his words just said. The space of distant place actually fiercely shivers, then an attractive palm towering has braved, cuts the expansive sky, has not been patting to the stars monarchy, but is patting to Ye Qinghan on that palace! 星辰君主再次冷冷的开口了,只是他的话刚说完。远处的空间却剧烈颤动起来,而后一只漂亮的手掌突兀的冒了出来,划破长空,没有对着星辰君主拍下,而是对着夜轻寒头上的那座宫殿拍去! Snort, but also wants to save others!” “哼,还想救人!” In the stars monarchy pupil does not have a panic-stricken meaning, lets somebody cool off or calm down one, then in the eye flashes through one to kill intent, is looking at Ye Qinghan, sneers saying: „The god first rare talent, what a pity! Falls from the sky!” 星辰君主眸子中没有一丝惊恐之意,冷冷一哼,而后眼睛中闪过一丝杀意,望着夜轻寒,冷笑道:“神界第一奇才,可惜了!陨落吧!” The super great face of sky has not fluctuated, is only under the great face, has emerged out of thin air a sharp sword. Is the sharp sword, but is not advantage arrow, Billy arrow is sharper the overbearing sharp sword. This being several hundred meters sharp sword, is condensed by the strength of space, the strength of formidable space inside reduces, let Queen Bing Xue and Sir Green Mountain pressed drew out the brow, other monarchies felt that suffocated. 天空的超级巨脸没有变幻,只是巨脸之下,凭空出现了一把利剑。是利剑而不是利箭,比利箭更加锋利霸道的利剑。这把长达数百米的利剑,由空间之力凝聚而成,里面压缩的强大空间之力,让冰雪女王和青山大人都蹙起了眉头,其余的君主都感觉到一阵窒息。 The sharp sword goes from out of the blue, has not been going to that attractive hand attack, but is shooting to below Ye Qinghan. 利剑破空而去,没有对着那个漂亮的手攻击而去,而是对着下方的夜轻寒射去。 The speed of attractive hand and sharp sword is quick, according to this speed, almost will attack the respective target at the same time! Perhaps this palace will be flown by the attractive hand racket, smashing that but Ye Qinghan will be struck by the sharp sword absolutely! Not an accident! 漂亮的手和利剑的速度都很快,按照这速度,几乎会在同一时间攻击到各自的目标!或许这宫殿会被漂亮的手拍飞,但是夜轻寒绝对会被利剑击的粉碎!没有一丝意外! Was a pity!” “可惜了!” Queen Bing Xue heavy sighed, has closed the eye! In the Sovereign Yanran eye also flashes through a sorrow, does not know for Ye Qinghan or for her, Mo Shanghuang hidden world monarchy also painful has closed the eye. Sovereign Nanling smiles incomparable bright, eye opens the eyes is very big, was waiting for the body of Ye Qinghan changes to everywhere the blood fog, from the sky floats 冰雪女王沉沉一叹,闭上了眼睛!嫣然君主眼中也是闪过一丝悲哀,不知是为夜轻寒还是为她自己,莫尚煌隐世君主也痛苦的闭上了眼睛。南岭君主笑的无比灿烂,眼睛睁的很大,等待着夜轻寒的身体化作漫天的血雾,在空中飘洒 Buzz!” “嗡!” In this moment, the Ye Qinghan body towering gushes out an incomparably formidable strength, this aura, making Queen Bing Xue open the eye once more, made in the stars Monarch master eye reveal astonished, then this astonished immediately transforms the anger! 就在这一刻,夜轻寒身体突兀涌出一股无比强大的力量,这气息,让冰雪女王再次睁开了眼睛,也让星辰君主眼中露出了一丝惊愕,而后这丝惊愕立刻转变成愤怒! No! Little Black, does not want! Reaches an agreement dies together! Not “不!小黑,不要!说好一起死的!不” Ye Qinghan in this moment, understood suddenly many matters, panic-stricken yelled, hysteria roared! 夜轻寒在这一刻,突然明白了许多事情,惊恐的大叫起来,歇斯底里的咆哮起来! Bang!” “轰!” That only attractive greatness handled gently the floating racket above the golden palace, the palace had not been struck to fly, but rocked. Then has actually hit Ye Qinghan the sharp sword, the width reaches dozens meters big sharp sword and Ye Qinghan that tiny body collides, instantaneous Ye Qinghan was embezzled! 那只漂亮的巨手轻飘飘的拍在了金色宫殿之上,宫殿被没有击飞,但是晃动了起来。而那把利剑却击中了夜轻寒,宽达数十米大的利剑和夜轻寒那渺小的身躯碰撞起来,瞬间夜轻寒被吞没了进去! What making countless people very shocking is, Ye Qinghan this moment whole body presented one set of unusual black Battle Armor, Battle Armor has wrapped Ye Qinghan completely, head black alone angle, looks like stranger, on Battle Armor braved the dazzling ray, Wan as even with such quarter Ye Qinghan incarnation one round black monster date, cannot look straight ahead! 只是,让无数人无比震惊的是,夜轻寒此刻全身出现了一套奇特的黑色战甲,战甲夜轻寒全部包裹了进去,头上一个黑色的独角,看起来更加怪异,战甲上冒着刺眼的光芒,宛如此夜轻寒化身一轮黑色的妖日,不可直视! Bang!” “轰!” The strength of space condenses the sharp sword that becomes, pounds on the body of Ye Qinghan, under the countless person shocking looks , the Ye Qinghan form flies upside down, under the as even with such formidable strength, his body actually doesn't have the least bit matter? 空间之力凝聚而成的利剑,砸在夜轻寒的身子上,在无数人震惊的眼神下,夜轻寒的身影只是倒飞出去,在如此强大的力量之下,他的身体竟然没有半点事情? Yao Ji! Transmission!” 妖姬!传送!” Drinks the sound to get up together tenderly, a red form reveals on Star Sea that then instantaneously vanished! Together vanishes also has by Ye Qinghan that sharp sword pounds from the sky flies upside down. 一道娇喝声响起,一道红色身影在星辰海上显露出来,而后瞬间消失了!一起消失的还有被利剑砸得在空中倒飞的夜轻寒 Stars monarchy that face thoroughly becomes fierce incomparable, the four of strength of wild space on Star Sea plunders, the blood red sea water was raised kilometer rough sea waves, the stars monarchy huge roaring sound, resounds through entire god: 星辰君主那张脸彻底变得狰狞无比,狂暴的空间之力在星辰海上肆掠起来,血红色的海水被掀起了千米巨浪,星辰君主巨大的咆哮声,响彻整个神界: Shi Hun changes, is damn Shi Hun changes! I must kill you! Has killed you!” 噬魂变,又是该死的噬魂变!我要杀了你们!杀了你们!” At the same time! 同一时间! Soul Emperor Island vibrates suddenly, had a scare that several Venerable, then made their panic-stricken matters have them to protect innumerable year of Soul Emperor Pavilion, moved unexpectedly, changed to a shadow, tore the space directly, vanished in the space turbulent flow 魂帝岛突然震动起来,将那几名尊者吓了一跳,而后更让他们惊恐的事情发生了他们守护了无数年的魂帝阁,竟然动了,化作一道黑影,直接撕裂空间,消失在空间乱流内
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