BPTH :: Volume #11

#1046: One month!

Although the people making an effort brains, were been richer by own imagination, how whatever what a pity they suspected that nobody gives their definite answers. 虽然众人都使劲脑汁,让自己的想象力更加丰富一些,可惜任凭他们怎么猜想,都没有人给他们确定的答案。 Countless people start to turn the head to suspect, the people are staying Soul Emperor Pavilion. The tool of god flight are many, for example the crying luan, the combat tank, is the same with Dragon Boat, only needs to pour into the supernatural power to be able the mysterious thing of flying apsaras escaping place. 无数人都开始转头猜想着,众人呆着的魂帝阁。神界飞行的工具很多,比如啼鸾,战车,还有很多和龙舟一样,只需要灌入神力就能飞天遁地的神奇东西。 However they had not heard that has the flight tool to enter the space turbulent flow, moreover in space turbulent flow, speed Qi Kuai, although the people are not clear quickly, but it is estimated that most little can compared with the speed of Nineth-Rank monarchy! What is most important is the hardness of this Soul Emperor Pavilion, the innumerable space broken blade class howls, Soul Emperor Pavilion hides unexpectedly does not hide, direct resists hardly, even if Venerable doesn't dare to resist continuously hardly? The strength of source uses little! 但是他们从来没有听说,有飞行工具能进入空间乱流的,而且在空间乱流中,速度奇快,虽然众人不清楚到底有多快,但是估计最少能比九品君主的速度!最重要的是这魂帝阁的坚硬,无数的空间碎刀流呼啸过来,魂帝阁竟然躲都不躲,直接硬抗,就算尊者也不敢连续硬抗吧?本源之力可是用一点少一点啊! Soul Emperor Pavilion fast flies in the space turbulent flow, leaves the back white air current to be getting more and more far, has not actually seen the back complete picture . Moreover the illumination small object of distant place, although looks like more and more near, actually as if can never achieve general. 魂帝阁快速的在空间乱流内飞行,离开背后的白色气流越来越远,却还是没有看到背后的全貌,而且远处的发光小物体,虽然看起来越来越近,却似乎永远达不到一般。 How many nights after the people watched continuously, lost the interest, instead thought that is somewhat arid, does not know where this time ultimate objective is, how long can treat in this Soul Emperor Pavilion? Countless people start to close up, naturally has countless people to worry, indulges in flights of fancy. 众人连续观看了几夜之后失去了兴趣,反而觉得有些枯燥起来,也不知道这次的最终目标是哪里,要在这魂帝阁内待上多久?无数人开始闭关起来,当然还是有无数的人在担忧着,胡思乱想起来。 Emperor Yi and rectifies the Mt. Shan senior statesmen to worry that the Emperor Yu life and death, Yanhua was worrying Ye Qinghan and Lei Zhen, Senior Nine, Yue Qingcheng Lan Yu Ye Qingwu Ye Shihan and the others, are worrying about Ye Qinghan and Little Black. Naturally all people slightly are worrying about the unknown destiny 逸帝和矫杉杉元老在担忧宇帝的生死,烟花在担忧夜轻寒雷震,九大人,月倾城蓝雨夜轻舞夜思寒等人,都在担忧着夜轻寒小黑。当然所有人都微微在担忧着未知的命运 They do not know that is any reason, making Senior Shi order to be forced to leave native place, they do not know that what happened. However they knew to have an accident, left the important matter! They had the possibility unable to get back one's composure the potential surface very much for a lifetime, does not know that frightens that expert that Senior Shi left to chase down? 她们不知道是什么原因,让噬大人下令背井离乡,她们也不知道发生了什么事情。但是她们都知道出事了,出大事了!她们很有可能一辈子都不能回神界位面了,也不知道吓得噬大人离开的那位强者会不会追杀而来? Senior Shi and Yao Ji Ji De Ye Qinghan and Little Black, entire ten days have not made an appearance, do not have the pillar, countless people start to indulge in flights of fancy, Yue Qingcheng and the others sit on Yao Ji that bed, silent sitting, does not have to subpoena and rumor completely talks anything, but is anxious is waiting for Senior Shi Ye Qinghan their appearance. 噬大人妖姬基德夜轻寒小黑,已经整整十天没有露面了,没有主心骨在,无数人开始胡思乱想起来,月倾城等人都是坐在妖姬的那张大床上,全部沉默的坐着,都没有去传讯和传言交谈什么,只是焦急着等着噬大人夜轻寒她们的出现。 Sits in Li Shui'er of bed corner, two black eyebrow coloring eyebrows curl up slightly, a hand gently is stroking the abdomen, under the corners of the mouth the meaning reveals a gentle color. Side deep worry and fear that in this gentle color and her pupil hide, are incompatible. 坐在床角的沥水儿,两条黛眉微微卷起,一只手轻轻的抚摸着腹部,嘴角下意思的露出一丝慈祥之色。只是这丝慈祥之色和她眸子内隐藏的极深的担忧和恐惧,格格不入。 She does not know that Yue Qingcheng their innermost feelings, there is an unlucky omen, she may I ask. She rather believes that the feeling of innermost feelings is wrong, since Senior Shi said that Ye Qinghan and Little Black rescued, then should be all right. Why however will her soul palpitate unceasingly? 她不知道月倾城她们内心,有没有一种不祥的预兆,她也不敢问。她宁愿相信内心的感觉是错的,噬大人既然说夜轻寒小黑都救回来了,那么就应该没事了。但是她的灵魂为何会不断的悸动起来? The atmosphere in Illusion Palace, does not release the aura along with the people consciousness, becomes is especially dignified. 梦幻宫内的气氛,随着众人不知觉释放出气息,变得格外凝重起来。 In fact! 事实上! The Soul Emperor Pavilion ninth space atmosphere dignified! 魂帝阁第九层的空间气氛更加的凝重! Soul Emperor Pavilion ninth is very attractive, inside has a main hall, there are several small palaces, innumerable rooms, just like a magnificent palace! 魂帝阁第九层很漂亮,里面有一个大殿,有几个小殿,还有无数的房间,宛若一座瑰丽的宫殿! This moment decorates in the incomparably magnificent room, several people gather round on room the green jade bed in corner, on the jade bed is lying down a person, a young man, the facial features are very handsome, what a pity this handsome face paleness, does not have the scarlet, both eyes shuts tightly, breathes weakly almost could not feel, just like dying. 此刻一间装饰无比华丽的房间内,有几个人围着房间的角落里的青色玉床上,玉床上躺着一个人,一个年轻的男子,面容很是英俊,可惜这张英俊的脸庞一片苍白,毫无血色,双眼紧闭,呼吸薄弱几乎感觉不到,宛若死去。 By the bed sits a red robe female, a female attractive hand, has been attached to the forehead of young man. Side is standing two people, in a bone disclosed the white gauze female of monster demon, a middle-aged person of scholarly. A dignity of their face, deeps frown! 床旁边坐着一个红袍女子,女子一只漂亮的手,附在了年轻男子的额头上。旁边站着两个人,一个骨子内透露出妖魅的白纱女子,还有一个儒雅的中年人。两人一脸的凝重,眉头紧锁! A person, actually has not looked at the man on bed, has not encircled. He sits on corner the stone stool on corner, both hands are holding the head, ten fingers inserted have sent in the silk, making his black hair the cotton wool is chaotic, he lowers the head lowly, cannot see the expression on face. However from his curved back, can see his mood incomparable low and deep slightly, low-spirited! 还有一人,却没有看着床上的男子,也没有围过来。他坐在墙角的角落上的一张石凳上,双手抱着头,十指插入了发丝内,让他一头青丝变得絮乱起来,他低垂着头,看不到脸上的表情。不过从他那个微微弯起的背影上,可以看出他的心情无比的低沉,黯然! Yao Ji is looking at more and more pale Little Black, looks entire ten days to close one's eyes, sits in Senior Shi of bedside, finally sweeps the vision, Ye Qinghan that the room corner sits. She wants to say anything very much, but that two pieces can make the world man crazy tender lip of wriggle several, finally a few words have not said that myriad words, change finally heavy sighed. 妖姬望着越来越苍白的小黑,又望着整整十天一直闭着眼睛,坐在床边的噬大人,最后将目光扫向,房间角落坐着的夜轻寒。她很想说些什么,但是那两片能让天下男人疯狂的娇唇蠕动了几下,最终还是一句话没有说出来,万千的话语,最后化作沉沉的一叹。 Ji De was the split vision has also swept Ye Qinghan, purses the lips to spread open, a few words had not said that but went to the vision the bed complexion more and more pale Little Black, in the pupil flashed through one not to endure! 基德也是余光扫了扫夜轻寒,抿着嘴巴,一句话没有说,只是将目光投向了床上脸色愈来愈苍白的小黑,眸子内闪过一丝不忍! After quite a while, the eye of Senior Shi opened finally! 半天之后,噬大人的眼睛终于睁开了! At the same time, the face of Yao Ji and Ji De changed Senior Shi instantaneously, but Ye Qinghan that in the corner sits, gains ground suddenly, reveals a without the slightest show of feeling slightly somewhat pale face, as well as a pair of fiery pupil! 同一时间,妖姬基德的脸瞬间转向了噬大人,而角落上坐着的夜轻寒,也猛然抬起头,露出一张毫无表情微微有些苍白的脸,以及一双火热的眸子! On face of Senior Shi as well as not any expression, but in the pupil flashes through a pain and sigh, shook the head slightly, heavy said: He most can also live for one month, when meets me to make him sober forcefully, after half double-hour, makes Shui'er come up!” 噬大人的脸上以及没有任何表情,只是眸子内闪过一丝痛苦和叹息,微微摇了摇头,沉沉说道:“他最多还能活一个月,等会我会强行让他清醒过来,半个时辰后让水儿上来吧!” One month!” “一个月!” Yao Ji and Ji De body trembles, although they have guessed correctly the result probably, however works as the answer announcement, they feel the incomparable cruelty. Their complexion changes, looked at Senior Shi, finally the vision looked completely to Ye Qinghan. 妖姬基德身体一颤,虽然她们都大概猜到了结局,但是当答案公布的时候,两人都感觉到无比的残忍。两人脸色一变,望了一眼噬大人,最后目光全部看向了夜轻寒 The relations of Senior Shi and Little Black were needless saying that however the Senior Shi disposition was very firm and resolute, in the past Soul Emperor died, she has not dropped down, was only revenge silently. Now Little Black was dying, she can say with the as even with such tranquil expression. Explained that her innermost feelings again painstakingly, is painful, but she can support. 噬大人小黑的关系不用说,但是噬大人的性格无比坚毅,当年魂帝死了,她都没有倒下,只是默默的复仇。现在小黑要死了,她能用如此平静的语气说出来。说明她内心再苦,再痛,但是她能撑住。 Ye Qinghan that they are worried about, the relations of Ye Qinghan and Little Black, they know. Even can say that Ye Shihan takes the Ye Qinghan biological son, does not have their sentiments to be so deep! Moreover the Ye Qinghan final sentiment, the temperament also and a cow does not have what difference, stubborn must die, if enters the insignificant problem 她们担心的夜轻寒,夜轻寒小黑的关系,她们都知道。甚至可以这么说,夜思寒作为夜轻寒的亲生儿子,都没有他们两人的感情那么深厚!而且夜轻寒最终感情,脾气也和一头牛没有什么区别,倔强的要死,如果走进牛角尖的话 Ye Qinghan has not spoken, has not burst into tears, even has not looked at Little Black one, he extends a hand to be attached to both eyes, lowered once more, body has not shivered, was only the back as if dreary. 夜轻寒没有说话,没有流泪,甚至都没有看小黑一眼,他只是伸出一只手附在双眼上,再次把头低了下去,身体没有一丝颤抖,只是背影似乎更加的萧瑟起来了。 Shi Hun changes! 噬魂变! The talent magical powers that Soul Devouring Beast most goes against heaven's will, in the past Senior Shi and Soul Emperor rushed in Evil Abyss, Senior Shi insisted that must take that two world most precious objects, was missed the click to kill by the stars monarchy, finally was Soul Emperor changes with Shi Hun resists fatally has struck. They flee successfully, but this type can let seven peak War-God Soul Emperor, resists talent magical powers that the stars monarchy on Nineth-Rank attacks. It is estimated that went against heaven's will, making heaven envy, therefore this skill Soul Devouring Beast can only use for a lifetime one time, after having used, must die without doubt! 噬魂兽最逆天的天赋神通,当年噬大人魂帝闯进罪恶深渊,噬大人坚持要去取那两件天地至宝,被星辰君主差点击杀,最后是魂帝噬魂变抵住了致命一击。两人成功逃离,只是这种能让七巅峰战神魂帝,抵挡住九品上的星辰君主攻击的天赋神通。估计是太逆天,让上天都嫉妒了,所以这种技能噬魂兽一辈子只能用一次,用了之后必死无疑! Past Soul Emperor seven peak strengths, therefore has supported for three years, finally perished. Now the Little Black as even with such strength, the stars monarchy turned into Nineth-Rank to be supreme by Nineth-Rank on, therefore Little Black can also live for one month, was because Senior Shi consumed the merit of strength of mind forcefully. 当年的魂帝七品巅峰的实力,所以撑过了三年时间,最终殒命。现在小黑如此实力,星辰君主由九品上变成了九品至尊,所以小黑还能活一个月,都是因为噬大人强行耗费心神之力的功劳。 Senior Shi silent moment, in the attractive hand emits a green and glossy ray, then this ray slowly is patting to the head of Little Black. In a while, Little Black that pale such as the face of snow, unexpectedly blushes slowly, is that very unhealthy blushing, a moment later, eye towering opening of that pair of shutting tightly. Although some complexion morbid states, but that pair of pupil actually nimble and resourceful as always! 噬大人沉默了片刻,漂亮的手中冒出一丝绿油油的光芒,而后这丝光芒缓缓的对着小黑的头拍下。没过多久,小黑那苍白如雪的脸,居然慢慢红晕起来,是那种很不健康的红晕,片刻之后,那双紧闭的眼睛突兀的睁开了。虽然脸色有些病态,但是那双眸子却一如既往的灵动!
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