BTTH :: Volume #3

#477: Investigation and discussion

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Walked for roughly five minutes following the spin staircase about, front line of sight widened suddenly, when the body has transferred a corner once more, is in a spacious tower the space, appeared in the Xiao Yan field of vision. 顺着旋型的楼梯走了约莫五分钟时间左右,面前的视线忽然开阔了起来,当身子再次转过一处转角时,又是一层宽敞塔内空间,出现在了萧炎视野之中。 This Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower second level, differs not in a big way with the first area, but compares to first, is the influential person slightly is lonely, moreover does not have the feeling of first that crowding, although has 3322 students to pass through unceasingly, may compare to the first that to walk the difficult condition to compare continually, without doubt is better on many. 天焚炼气塔的第二层,与第一层面积相差不大,不过比起第一层来,却是显要略微冷清一点,而且其中也没有第一层的那种拥挤之感,虽然有着3322学员不断地从中走过,可比起第一层那连走路都困难的境况比起来,无疑是要好上许多。 The appearance of Xiao Yan, made periphery the student who came out to carry on the short rest somewhat to feel the surprise from the practice room, but has not had any commotion, the vision of people after on Xiao Yan has swept, then respectively shifted, talked in whispers, why seemed is having doubts Xiao Yan also to get down at this time. 萧炎的出现,令得周围一些从修炼室中出来进行短暂休息的学员有些感到诧异,不过也并未有什么骚动,众人的目光在萧炎身上扫了扫后,便是各自转移了开,互相间窃窃私语,似乎是在疑惑为什么萧炎在这种时候还能下来。 Xiao Yan takes back vision that sweeps in all directions, extremely has not cared about the surrounding line of sight, is crossing the step, is entering to this second level tower. 萧炎收回四处扫动的目光,也并未太过在意周围的视线,渡着步子,对着这第二层塔内走进。 Enters in the tower, Xiao Yan inhales the air that has flaminged slightly, he can feel, fiery that in this second level air contains, compared with on first distant high many, this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, as if no next, the temperature is on high many, does not know really that final level, will be what kind blazing? That place, perhaps also only then some do elder dare to enter? 进入塔内,萧炎吸了一口略微炽的空气,他能够感觉到,这第二层空气中所蕴含的火热,比第一层远远高上许多,这天焚炼气塔,似乎没下一层,温度便是高上许多,真不知道那最后一层,将会是何等的炽热?那种地方,恐怕也就只有一些长老敢进入吧? Moves the footsteps, Xiao Yan passes through along corridor slowly that this tenth circular revolves, in the left of corridor, is the low level practice room in most surrounding, but Xiao Yan will not here, therefore has not stopped the footsteps still to continue along the corridor to walk inward, now nearly about 78 minutes, will then arrive by some in middle level practice room regions. 移动脚步,萧炎沿着这成圆形围绕的走廊缓缓走过,在走廊的左侧,便是最外围的低级修炼室,但萧炎志不在此,所以也未曾停下脚步依然是沿着走廊继续向内走着,如今将近78分钟左右,便是到达了靠内一些的中级修炼室地带。 Stands is hanging is lacking face card in front of the middle level practice room, Xiao Yan slightly hesitates, immediately has not actually entered cultivates, after pondered a meeting, quietly the space central location line was actually going to this tower, since he is having the idea of Fallen Heart Flame, actually then needs to make clear that central bottomless black hole is any thing. 站在一挂着缺人牌的中级修炼室前面,萧炎略一迟疑,却并未立刻进入其中修炼,在沉吟了一会后,却是悄悄地对着这层塔内空间的中央位置行去,既然他在打着陨落心炎的主意,那么便需要搞清楚那中央的无底黑洞究竟是个什么东西。 Goes out of the middle level practice room region, then enters the high level practice room region, here practice room must appear compared with outside without doubt fine . Moreover the quantity also greatly reduces, Xiao Yan counts carefully, discovered that the high level practice room actually has Shibajian, but at this time, outside of these practice rooms, hang is representing the special sign that some people practice, obviously, these practice rooms early were occupied. 一路走出中级修炼室地带,然后走进高级修炼室区域,这里的修炼室无疑比外面都要显得精致一些,而且数量也是大为减少,萧炎细细数来,发现高级修炼室竟然只有十八间,而此时,这些修炼室的外面,都是挂着代表有人修炼的特殊牌子,显然,这些修炼室早已经被人占据。 In high level practice room inside, is standing erect the fence of standing tall and erect, in fence below iron gate place, three chests are wearing middle-aged person face of teacher badge fainily stands erect this place, looks at that to stop in Xiao Yan of opposite intersection, three people of vision simultaneously shoot, in which the meaning of security is really thick. 高级修炼室更里边,则是矗立着高耸的围墙,在围墙下方的铁门处,三名胸口佩戴着导师徽章的中年人正脸庞淡漠的矗立此地,瞧得那停在对面路口处的萧炎,三人目光同时射去,其中的警戒之意甚浓。 Looks at that guard stern defense, in the Xiao Yan heart was shaking the head reluctantly, the thought that must give up wanting to inquire, the vision looked in the surroundings at will, then is when its matter turns around to go to is coming the middle level practice room region line. 望着那守卫森严的防御,萧炎心中无奈地摇了摇头,只得放弃想要打探的念头,目光随意地在周围看了看,然后便是若其事地转身对着来时的中级修炼室区域行去。 Although the footsteps leave in slowly, but Xiao Yan actually can still realize that the vision of that three teacher, has stopped firmly on own body, the so discrete alert, is really makes Xiao Yan somewhat speechless. 虽然脚步在缓缓离开,可萧炎却依然是能够察觉,那三名导师的目光,一直牢牢地停在自己的身上,这般谨慎的戒备,实在是令得萧炎有些无语。 It seems like the central location should be the secret that has anything unable to make public to the world, otherwise, so will not defend strictly. Oh, this damn Fallen Heart Flame, is really troublesome.” In the heart muttered one, Xiao Yan footsteps micro, looks up the left direction not far away small middle level practice room, this small practice room only holds three to five people to practice, is obviously incomparable with the first that space. “看来中央位置应该是有着什么不能公诸于众的秘密吧,不然的话,也不会这般严密防御。唉,这该死的陨落心炎,真是麻烦。”心中喃喃了一声,萧炎脚步微顿,抬头望着左面方向不远处的小型中级修炼室,这种小型修炼室只容纳三至五人修炼,与第一层那种空间明显不可比较。 About looked, Xiao Yan discovered as if only then this above is hanging a sign of being short of manpower, immediately is moves the footsteps to locate the middle level practice room to that to walk quickly. 左右看了看,萧炎发现似乎只有这上面挂着一个缺人的牌子,当下便是移动脚步对着那处中级修炼室快步行去。 Approaches this middle level practice room, Xiao Yan to shove open the door gently, then enters softly, and closes the door backhandedly. 走近这处中级修炼室,萧炎轻轻地推开房门,然后轻手轻脚地进入其中,并且反手将房门合上。 Practices in the room, gentle light illuminated all corners in room, cultivated the room center in this, has five sides to be separated about 2-3 feet black stone stage, but at this time, including four directions stone stage, some people have been sitting cross-legged the practice. Therefore, Xiao Yan then raises legs to go to that idle stone stage line. 修炼室之中,柔和的灯光照遍了房间中的所有角落,在这所修炼室中央,有着五方间隔两三尺左右的黑石台,而此时,其中有四方石台,已经有人在盘腿修炼。因此,萧炎便抬腿对着那空余的石台行去。 Perhaps is sound that because opens the door, after Xiao Yan enters the practice room, that four student of to close eyes practice has then opened the eye, an item of dew looks at Xiao Yan that is walking vigilantly, when not after his body discovered represents the influence the badge, this relaxed. 或许是因为开门的声音,在萧炎进入修炼室之后,那四名闭目修炼的学员便是睁开了眼来,目露警惕地望着走过来的萧炎,待得未曾在其身上发现代表势力的徽章后,这才松了一口气。 The Xiao Yan vision has also swept in four people, similarly discovers on their chests not to have the badge of any influence, wants to come them should is the free man, student who also has not joined any influence. 萧炎目光也是在四人身上扫过,同样发现他们胸口上并未有着任何势力的徽章,想来他们应该是属于自由者吧,也就是未曾加入任何势力的学员。 Although Xiao Yan has not worn the influence badge, but that four people on own initiative have not actually started talking, but takes the vision to gaze at his every action and every movement. 然而虽然萧炎并未佩戴有势力徽章,可那四人却并未主动开口说话,只是拿着目光注视着他的一举一动。 Four Da Dou Shi, do not look at their not really stable aura, thinks that should be enters shortly after the Da Dou Shi rank.” Sits cross-legged in jet black stone stage, Xiao Yan has swept other four people of back one at will, at once muttered one in the heart. “四名大斗师,不看他们那不甚稳定的气息,想必应该是进入大斗师级别不久吧。”盘坐在漆黑石台中,萧炎随意地扫了其他四人背影一眼,旋即在心中喃喃了一声。 The palm turns, green Flame Crystal Card appeared in the Xiao Yan hand. 手掌一翻,青色火晶卡出现在了萧炎手中。 Green Fire Crystal Card?” In the crystal card presents in Xiao Yan hand instant that four screams, have made a sound in the practice room immediately, in these sounds, is containing some surprisedly, envies, as well as saliva...... 青火晶卡?”在晶卡出现在萧炎手中的霎那,四道惊呼声,立刻在修炼室中响了起来,这些声音中,都是蕴含着些许惊讶,羡慕,以及垂涎…… Realized that four saliva vision that shoots from side, the Xiao Yan brow cannot help but selects, light snort, vigorous aura from within the body violently surge out. 察觉到那从旁射来的四道垂涎目光,萧炎眉头不由得一挑,轻哼了一声,一股雄浑气息自体内暴涌而出 Is feeling that tyrannical aura that gushes out from Xiao Yan within the body, nearby four people of complexion slightly some changes, hurry to take back the saliva vision respectively, does not dare to display slight greedy again, shows aura that from Xiao Yan, without doubt are more powerful than them. 感受着那从萧炎体内涌出的强横气息,一旁四人脸色不由地略有些变化,赶忙各自收回垂涎目光,不敢再表现出丝毫的贪婪,从萧炎所展现出来的气息来看,无疑是要比他们要强悍许多。 Looks to deter these fellows, Xiao Yan then slowly takes back aura, Green Fire Crystal Card inserts in front scoop channel, immediately the indifferently ends of long fine hairs bloom, but in this ends of long fine hairs violently shoot, Xiao Yan actually suddenly discovered that the Fire Energy number on that Flame Crystal Card, has buckled two days of Fire Energy unexpectedly one time! 瞧得将这些家伙震慑住,萧炎这才缓缓收回气息,青火晶卡插进面前的凹槽之中,顿时淡淡的毫芒绽放而出,而在这毫芒暴射间,萧炎却是突然发现,那火晶卡上的火能数目,居然一次性地扣了两天的火能 A brow wrinkle, Xiao Yan muttered slightly in the heart: Jumps over downward, cultivates the expense that day of time needs is more? This Inner Academy, but also is really harsh enough.” 眉头微微一皱,萧炎在心中喃喃道:“难道越往下,修炼一天时间所需要的费用便是越多?这内院,还真是够苛刻的。” Shook the head reluctantly, Xiao Yan eye pupil closes gradually, both hands have to practice seals before the body, after long time, the breath is gradually steady, entered the practice condition once again. 无奈地摇了摇头,萧炎眼眸逐渐闭上,双手在身前结出修炼印结,半晌之后,呼吸渐渐平稳,再度进入了修炼状态。 ............ ………… In the light and bright giant room, several old men sit in scattered, under the gentle light shines, can see clearly the badge of their chest place, impressively is only then elder just now has the special badge that the qualifications wear. 宽敞明亮的巨大房间之中,十几名老者错错落落地坐于其中,在柔和的灯光照耀下,能够看清楚他们胸口处的徽章,赫然都是只有长老方才有资格佩戴的特殊徽章。 Although the room is big, but the atmosphere is somewhat is slightly sad, for a long time, sits old man who somewhat cannot see clearly the appearance in one of the first place, has coughed gently, breaks the tranquility in room, the old sound, slowly is reverberating in the room: For these days, that thing started some not to stabilize......” 房间虽大,可气氛是略有些沉闷,许久之后,坐于首位的一名有些看不清容貌的老者,轻轻咳嗽了一声,率先打破房间中的平静,苍老的声音,缓缓在房间之内回荡着:“这几天,那东西又开始有些不稳定起来……” Hears his saying, other old men all were the brow tightly wrinkled. 听得他的这话,其余的老者皆是眉头紧皱了起来。 After these days observation, I discovered ‚’ the fluctuation that it sends out appeared compared with before fierce . Moreover the mood of it sending out, was more and more hot tempered......” old sound, still said: Looks at this situation, perhaps in recent years, it will have to present one time to counter-attack greatly, if makes is not good, perhaps will be an enormous trouble.” “经过这段时间的观测,我发现‘它’所散发的波动比以前显得剧烈了许多,而且从其散发出来的情绪来看,也是越来越暴躁……”苍老的声音,依然自顾自地说道:“看这情形,恐怕近年内,它会有出现一次大反扑,如果弄的不好,恐怕将会是一极大的麻烦。” „Do we collaborate to reinforce a defense again? Must not be really good, notice next in Outer Academy Headmaster, this thing cannot expose, otherwise, Black-Corner Region these fellows, can perhaps get angry clashes to rob, although our Inner Academy is in the remote mountain, may actually just be away from north Black-Corner Region not to be far, once has an accident, that several have been paying attention to Inner Academy old fellow, will hear the news to catch up immediately, perhaps by their experiences, this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower seal, cannot run away their attention......” old man pondered to say. “我们联手再加固一次防御?要实在不行,就通知一下内外院院长吧,这东西不能暴露,否则的话,黑角域的那些家伙,恐怕会红了眼的冲过来抢夺,我们内院虽然身在深山之中,可却刚好距离北面的黑角域不远,一旦出事,那几个一直关注着内院老家伙,会立马闻讯赶来,以他们的见识,这天焚炼气塔的封印,或许逃不了他们的注意……”一名老者沉吟道。 Defense must certainly reinforce...... But Sir Headmaster is carrying on the deep layer to close up, Outer Academy Headmaster is also likes going out out traveling, now no one knows that he is where.” Old person slowly of first place shook the head, silent moment, he gains ground to cast the vision to a corner old man suddenly, said: Elder Liu, that has the Heavenly Flame kid, now how?” “防御肯定是要加固的……但院长大人正在进行深层闭关,外院院长也是喜欢外出游历,现在谁也不知道他身在何处。”首位的老人缓缓摇了摇头,沉默了片刻,他忽然抬头对着角落处的一名老者投去目光,道:“柳长老,那个拥有异火的小家伙,如今如何了?” In the second level practice, perhaps is because he also has the Heavenly Flame reason, did not fear unexpectedly Fire Poison erosion, I according to Great Elder to command, have also given his enough looking.” That and Xiao Yan has casual acquaintance Elder Liu to set out respectful sound to return to say hastily. “正在第二层修炼,或许是因为他也拥有异火的缘故,竟然是不怕火毒侵蚀,我也照大长老吩咐,给了他足够的关照。”那名与萧炎有过一面之缘的柳长老连忙起身恭声回道。 Um.” Black robe old person slightly nod of first place, the old sound slightly somewhat is obviously low and deep: Oh, really has not thought that Fallen Heart Flame makes my Inner Academy rise, but now age 20 kids, alone have this wondrous item unexpectedly, is makes the person envy seriously.” “嗯。”首位的黑袍老人微微点了点头,苍老的声音显略有些低沉:“唉,真是没想到啊,一个陨落心炎让得我内院崛起,而现在一个年纪不过20的小家伙,居然也是单独地坐拥此奇物,当真是让人羡嫉啊。” elder, if meets this kid, can give convenient as far as possible, perhaps perhaps, in the future the Fallen Heart Flame rebellion, we must depend upon his strength...... Oh, cannot the underestimate Heavenly Flame energy, so wondrous item, gather the spirit and fresh Heaven and Earth, has the ruinous strength, perhaps once carelessly, Inner Academy has the calamity of demise.” Whole body wraps Great Elder in black robe, sighed, said. “诸位长老,若是遇见这个小家伙,可以尽量给之方便,或许,说不定在日后陨落心炎暴动时,我们还得依靠他的力量……唉,不能小看异火的能量啊,如此奇物,聚天地之灵而生,拥有毁灭性的力量,一旦不慎,恐怕内院都是有着灭亡之祸啊。”全身上下包裹在黑袍之中的大长老,叹了一口气,说道。 Yes!” “是!” Below several were awed by the Inner Academy student has elder of in addition, at this moment stands up, respectful sound should say. 下方十几名被内院学员敬畏有加的长老,此刻都是站起身来,恭声应道。 Um, was good, respectively diverges, was right, remembers that always pays attention to north Black-Corner Region the sounds of these big influences, especially that several fellows, Blood Sect recently was also some changes, heard that is that old fellow son died for some reason, really does not make the person be free from worry......” Great Elder to wave, has coughed several, said. “嗯,好了,都各自散去吧,对了,记得随时注意北面黑角域中那些大势力的动静,特别是那几个家伙,血宗最近也是有些异动,听说是那老家伙儿子死了的因故,真是不让人省心……”大长老挥了挥手,咳嗽了几声,道。 Numerous position elder slightly nod, stature rocks at once, stature changes into the fuzzy shadow to blow with light breeze, then vanished in this in the solid room. 众位长老微微点头,旋即身形晃动,身形化为模糊黑影伴随着一阵轻风刮过,便是消失在了这所严实的房间之中。 After room people disappeared, that whole body wraps Great Elder in black robe, just now slowly stands up, but stands along with it, the body unexpectedly is more unreal, when he stands completely after the chair, the body, was strangely vanished in the room...... 待得房间中人都已消失完毕后,那位全身包裹在黑袍中的大长老,方才缓缓站起身来,而随着其越加站直,身体居然便是越加虚幻,待他完全从椅子上站立起来后,身体,便是已经诡异地消失在了房间内…… ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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