BTTH :: Volume #3

#478: 7-stars Fighting Master

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Invisible flame, the ascension combustion in the heart, continuously Dou Qi continuously gushes out from Dou Crystal, then after passing through flame Tempered, drills in Dou Crystal in channel once again. 无形火焰,在心中升腾燃烧,一缕缕斗气源源不断地从斗晶之中涌出,然后在经过火焰淬炼之后,又是再度钻回气旋之内的斗晶中。 Under so perfect circulation, originally merely only then Dou Crystal of thumb size, so has near pigeon egg size . Moreover, rays of light that above contains, is more and more smooth...... 在这般完美的循环之下,原本仅仅只有拇指大小的斗晶,如此却是已经足足有着将近鸽蛋大小,而且,其上面所蕴含的毫光,也是越来越光润…… Dou Crystal change of so, naturally has not escaped the Xiao Yan attention, because he is at the practice condition, how long time therefore not too clear this outcome has practiced, vigorous Dou Qi that but contains from present Dou Crystal, he should arrive at the 6-Star Da Dou Shi peak now, how long perhaps could not want, can enter the 7-Star Da Dou Shi rank truly! The heart Fire Spring source ascends from heart unceasingly, gave Xiao Yan to take the drainless Tempered energy. Now all circulations of Xiao Yan within the body, after the long-term revolution, have almost stemmed from an automatic procedure, Dou Qi does not need the Xiao Yan mind control, oneself then gush out from Dou Crystal, then defers to the circulation route, shuttles back and forth from flame, finally returns to Dou Crystal once again. 斗晶的这般变化,自然也是没有逃脱萧炎的注意力,他因为处于修炼状态,所以并不太清楚自己这一次究竟修炼了多久时间,但是从现在斗晶中所蕴含的雄浑斗气来看,他如今应该已经到达了六星大斗师的巅峰,或许要不了多久,是能够真正地进入七星大斗师的级别!心火源源不断地从心脏附近升腾而起,给予了萧炎取之不竭的淬炼能量。如今萧炎体内的一切循环,在经过长时间的运转后,几乎都是出于了一种自动的程序之中,斗气不需要萧炎心神操控,自己便是从斗晶中涌出,然后按照循环路线,从火焰中穿梭而过,最后再度回归斗晶 Regarding this type awkward with the automatic practice condition, Xiao Yan is not naturally stupid to arrive at the interruption, the mind is maintaining gentle, just likes sits in contemplation, not because of any nonego, but has changed countenance, but is gazing at that luminous more and more powerful Dou Crystal peacefully. 对于这种较为难遇自动修炼状态,萧炎自然不蠢到去将之打断,心神保持着平和,犹如老僧入定般,不因任何外物而有所动容,只是安静地注视着那光亮越来越强盛的斗晶 ...... …… During the practice does not have the date and time, when the Xiao Yan somewhat chaos mind was awakened by a strange fluctuation again, is actually extremely pleasantly surprised discovered that at this time in channel that Diamond Dou Crystal, just likes the stars is unexpectedly ordinary, is releasing the unusual ray unceasingly. 修炼之间无时日,当萧炎有些混沌的心神再次被一阵奇异波动惊醒时,却是极为惊喜地发现,此时气旋中那枚菱形斗晶,居然犹如星辰一般,正在不断地释放着异样光芒。 The Dou Crystal so towering action, after making the Xiao Yan feeling surprise a meeting, was extremely joyfully understands, the turning point that was promoted, arrived unexpectedly 斗晶的这般突兀举动,令得萧炎感诧异了一会后,便是极为欣喜地明白,晋级的契机,竟然已经来到 Constrains wild with joy that in the heart ascends forcefully, Xiao Yan to Dou Crystal has not issued any order, with the mentality of observer, is gazing at its slight action merely. 强行压抑住心中升腾起来的狂喜,萧炎并未对斗晶发出任何命令,仅仅只是以旁观者的心态,注视着它的细微举动。 Diamond Dou Crystal suspended in channel, suddenly, has a suction from seeps, but along with the emergence of this suction, Xiao Yan realizes that these still also past vigorous Dou Qi in various body meridians, if received the hauling to be ordinary, starts to change into galloping the flood, is bringing silent bang low and deep, to is locating in channel situated in the lower abdomen, wells up rapidly. 菱形斗晶悬浮气旋之内,忽然间,有着一股吸力自其中渗透而出,而随着这股吸力的出现,萧炎察觉到,那些依然还流转在身体各处经脉之中的雄浑斗气,如受到了牵引一般,开始化为奔腾的洪水,带着无声的轰隆低沉,对着位于小腹处气旋之内,急速涌去。 At this time, change that not only Xiao Yan within the body occurred, in its outside the body, presented not the small sound, sends out the suction in Dou Crystal that moment, fills the air in the energy of Xiao Yan whole body, rapidly fluctuated, a moment later, are having the energy of warming up, starts to be centered on Xiao Yan, fills to well up to enter crazily. 此时,不仅萧炎体内正发生的变化,就是在其体外,也是出现了不小的动静,在斗晶散发出吸力的那一刻,弥漫在萧炎周身的能量,不由地急速波动了起来,片刻之后,一股股带着温热的能量,开始以萧炎为中心,疯狂地灌涌而进。 Because in the practice room the energy goes far beyond outside, therefore, these energies, in filling to well up, other people even can see become faintly discernible energy vortex, is centered on Xiao Yan, starts to form rapidly. 由于修炼室之中能量远远超过外界,因此,那些能量在灌涌之间,旁人甚至能够看见一个若隐若现能量漩涡,正在以萧炎为中心,开始急速地形成着。 Indoor the practice, other four students were also startled by the sudden sound revived from the practice condition, after their vision looks at that energy vortex of Xiao Yan body surface, is all startled, at once the whole face envies, obviously, they also know that so the sound is representing anything. 修炼室内,其他四名学员也是被突如其来的动静惊得从修炼状态中苏醒了过来,而当他们目光瞧得萧炎体表的那能量漩涡后,皆是一怔,旋即满脸羡慕,显然,他们也知道,这般动静代表着什么。 This fellow, did not eat and drink has practiced nearly four days of time, was really a freak......” a student, looked at that to absorb Xiao Yan of surrounding energy crazily, whispered. “这个家伙,不吃不喝地修炼了将近四天时间,真是个怪胎……”一名学员,望着那正疯狂吸收着周围能量的萧炎,不由地嘀咕道。 Before Xiao Yan four day arrives at this to practice the room, then never has more than half point to move, but in these four during the day, other four study was to go out to rest several times, just now continued to return to the tower to practice, but Xiao Yan, in their astonished vision, has actually practiced today, if not in this period because of the Xiao Yan breath still steady reason, perhaps were reports to the tower teacher. 萧炎四日之前来到这所修炼室,便是从未有过半点动弹,而在这四日间,其他四名学都是外出休息了好几次,方才继续回到塔中修炼,而萧炎,却是在他们那惊愕的目光,一直修炼到今天,期间若非是因为萧炎呼吸依然平稳的缘故,恐怕们都是得向塔导师汇报了。 I have inquired today, this fellow or this year's this new student lead character, named Xiao Yan, the strength is very strong, it is said including White Gang Fu Ao, had been defeated by him.” An appearance slightly somewhat pretty female eyeball is staring at the Xiao Yan face, said cautiously. “我今天打听过了,这个家伙还是今年这届的新生领头人物,名叫萧炎,实力很强,据说连白帮付敖,都是被他打败了去。”一名容貌略有些娇俏的女子睛盯着萧炎面孔,小心翼翼地说道。 Originally is he Xiao Yan? Hey, regarding his rumor, my some had not believed that but sees now, it seems like should not be false.” Hearing this, on another three student faces wells up to wipe immediately amazed, obviously, although they have not joined any influence, may regarding the Xiao Yan reputation, still not feel strange. “原来他就是萧炎?嘿,对于他的传言,原本我还有些不信,可如今一见,看来应该不假。”闻言,另外三名学员脸上顿时涌上一抹惊诧,显然,虽然他们并未加入任何势力,可对于萧炎的名头,却依然是不感到陌生。 „, Low voice, if disturbs him to be promoted, before we may trouble......” that female finger to place the mouth, said in a soft voice. “嘘,都小声点吧,万一打扰到他晋级,那我们可就麻烦了……”那名女子手指放在嘴前轻声说道。 Um.” Other three people of slightly nod, they similarly are also clear, if from being promoted the condition breaks the person, that will make the person be in what violent anger. “嗯。”其余三人微微点头,他们也同样清楚若是将人从晋级状态中打破,那将会让得人处于何种暴怒。 In channel, Dou Crystal unceasingly is still releasing the suction, Dou Qi in that meridians retracted all in, but these spill into Dou Qi of body from outside the body continuously, has not been similar to within the body Dou Qi is ordinary, by Dou Crystal immediately absorb, but will control the shuttle from within the body that wisp of invisible flame in the past, after Tempered, and circulates in within the body meridians once again, just now under the Xiao Yan mind gratified gaze, integrates in Dou Crystal. 气旋之中,斗晶依然不断地释放着吸力,那经脉之中的斗气已经尽数缩回了其中,而那些从体外源源不断涌进身体的斗气,却并未如同体内斗气一般,被斗晶立马吸纳,而是将之控制得从体内那缕无形火焰之中穿梭过去,经过淬炼,并且再度沿着体内经脉循环一圈后,方才在萧炎心神欣慰的注视下,纳入斗晶之中。 Although nobody controls Dou Crystal all actions, being not the least bit off that but the latter actually this absorb, the revolution, Tempered wait / etc. suddenly carried on, moreover to the assurance ability of crucial moment, even is Xiao Yan begins personally, perhaps is hard to achieve the so perfect step. 虽然无人控制斗晶的一切举动,可后者却是将这吸纳,运转,淬炼等等骤进行的丝毫不差,而且其中对火候的把握能力,甚至是萧炎亲自动手,恐怕都难以做到这般完美的的步。 Xiao Yan this lets go not to hear the action that does not give a thought, seemingly also happen to obtained the biggest result. 萧炎这撒手不闻不顾的举动,貌似还正好获得了最大的成效。 With the lapse of time, the suction that in Dou Crystal sends out is also more and more tyrannical, then enters the body internal energy from the outside irrigation, is more and more rapidly, the words that if not for because of the reason of here terrain, invisible flame can present continuously perhaps, link the Tempered energy flame, because of drying up, but the strike is not dry. 随着时间的推移,斗晶之中所散发的吸力也是越来越强横,而那从外界灌注进入身体内部的能量,也是越来越急速,若不是因为此处地形的缘故,无形火焰可以源源不断出现的话,或许连淬炼能量的火焰,都会因为枯竭,而罢工不干。 Once invisible flame dissipated, then Tempered this step, will then vanish automatically, perhaps at that time, personally had operated the rudder on Xiao Yan, otherwise, whatever these motley energies enter in Dou Crystal, perhaps not only has no hope to advance, will also have the injury that is hard to make up to oneself. 而一旦无形火焰消散了,那么淬炼这一步骤,则是会自动消失,那时候,或许就萧炎亲自掌舵了,不然的话,任由那些斑驳的能量进入斗晶之中,恐怕不仅晋级无望,还会对自己产生难以弥补的伤害。 The body interior as well as the outside, under the direction of Dou Ling, methodically are carrying on, this time being promoted, without doubt is Xiao Yan most relaxed one time, is drawing support from the effect of invisible flame, he has been a waving the arms about storekeeper successfully. 身体内部以及外界,都是在斗灵的指挥下,有条不紊地进行着,这一次的晋级,无疑是萧炎最轻松的一次,借助着无形火焰之功效,他成功地做了一次甩手掌柜。 After the suction in Dou Crystal has released for more than 20 about minutes, finally is starts gradually to weaken, but along with weakening of suction, energy vortex that then forms in the Xiao Yan whole body, is slowly changes pale, until final complete dissipation. 斗晶之中的吸力释放了将近20多分钟左右后,终于是开始逐渐减弱,而随着吸力的减弱,那在萧炎周身所形成的能量漩涡,也是缓缓变淡,直至最后的完全消散。 Last wisp of somewhat heterogeneous energy shuttles back and forth from invisible flame, finally will bring to reduce about ten times to have volumes, along a meridians circulation, sneaked in channel Dou Crystal finally...... 最后一缕有些驳杂的能量从无形火焰之中穿梭而过,最后带着缩小了将近十倍有余的体积,沿着经脉一圈循环,最后钻进了气旋斗晶之中…… Along with pouring into of last wisp of Dou Qi, slightly some Dou Crystal of shivering, suddenly the coagulation, the rays of light that in its surface sends out, Sheng, the radiant glare has illuminated suddenly an insight within the body each place greatly, but under the illumination of this strange glare, Xiao Yan can feel fuzzily that within the body meridians, skeleton, even the cell, is exuding sound of the inaudible happy groan...... 随着最后一缕斗气的灌入,略微有些颤抖的斗晶,陡然凝固,其表面上所散发的毫光,猛然大盛,璀璨的强光将体内每个地方都是照了个通透,而在这阵奇异强光的照射下,萧炎能够模糊地感觉到,体内经脉,骨骼,甚至细胞,都是在发出一阵不可闻的舒畅呻吟之声…… The strange glare has continued for merely dozens seconds, is slowly flinches, a moment later, the ray is dim, until final thorough dissipation. 奇异的强光持续了仅仅几十秒的时间,便是缓缓退缩,片刻之后,光芒越加黯淡,直至最后的彻底消散。 Glare powder, that hides in Dou Crystal, then has appeared itself. 强光一散,那枚隐藏在其中的斗晶,便是现出了本身。 Dou Crystal comes, then once again sends out one to shiver slightly, wisp of vigorous Dou Qi surges, finally such as a green mighty current, winds to occupy in the meridians, flees to well up rapidly, brings a extremely full to Xiao Yan the feeling of strength. 斗晶一现身,便是再度发出一阵细微颤抖,一缕雄浑斗气涌动而出,最后如一条青色洪流般,蜿蜒盘踞在经脉之中,急速窜涌,给萧炎带来一波波极为充盈的力量之感。 The mind was looking at this in a big way compared with formerly enough about 2-3 Diamond Dou Crystal, felt again compared with was formerly vigorous more than a time of Dou Qi reserves, Xiao Yan long relaxed, the so difficult self-torture, has not wasted finally...... 心神瞧着这比先前足足大了将近两三圈的菱形斗晶,再感受得其中较之先前雄浑了一倍余的斗气储量,萧炎不由地长长地松了一口气,这般艰辛苦修,总算是没有白费…… As tight heart slowly relaxes, Xiao Yan also gradually somewhat cannot maintain the practice condition, a soul murkiness, has drawn at once then back from the practice condition...... 随着紧绷的心缓缓放松,萧炎也逐渐有些保持不住修炼状态,灵魂一阵昏沉,旋即便是从修炼状态中退了出来…… In spacious practice room, Xiao Yan slowly has opened both eyes, in the jet black pupils, indifferently green fine glow swept in a flash , has gained ground slightly, the vision sweeps to another four people in room, but looks at his vision glance to come, other four people hurry to divert the attention, at this time Xiao Yan was just promoted, the whole body imposing manner reaches the peak, how is the person who their these just entered the Da Dou Shi rank can contend? 宽敞的修炼室之中,萧炎缓缓地睁开了双眼,漆黑眸间,淡淡的青色精芒闪掠而过,微微抬头,目光扫向房间中的另外四人,而瞧得他目光扫视而来,其他四人赶紧转移视线,此时萧炎刚刚晋级完毕,浑身气势达到巅峰,怎是他们这些刚刚进入大斗师级别的人能够相抗衡的? Xiao Yan extremely has not paid attention to four people, foul air long spits, the jet black pupil, changes immediately adds is profound and limpid. 萧炎也并未太过理会四人,一口浊气长吐而出,漆黑眸子,顿时变更加幽深与清澈。 Has turned the body, after adapts slightly, Xiao Yan just now extracts front Green Fire Crystal Card, the pupil glances at will, actually stunned discovered that above has buckled eight days of Fire Energy...... 扭了扭身体,待得稍稍适应后,萧炎方才抽出面前的青火晶卡,眸子随意一瞥,却是错愕地发现,上面已经扣了八天的火能…… How long have I cultivated the time?” Xiao Yan frowns, turns the head to ask to a student. “我修炼了有多久时间?”萧炎微皱着眉头,转头对着一名学员问道。 Four days......” look at Xiao Yan to ask, that student hurries to return to say honestly. “四天……”瞧得萧炎发问,那名学员赶忙老实回道。 Unexpectedly has practiced for four days...... No wonder......” reluctantly whispered, in the Xiao Yan heart is actually secret somewhat joyful, this merely cultivates four days of time, unexpectedly then broke through the 7-Star rank, if placed the outside, did not have 1-2 months, was impossible. “居然修炼了四天……难怪……”无奈地嘀咕了一声,萧炎心中却是暗暗有些欣喜,这才仅仅修炼四天时间,居然便是突破到了七星级别,若是放在外界的话,没有一两个月的时间,是决计不可能的。 This Fallen Heart Flame really has infinite mystery...... The projectiles that splits up then can promote to so the speed, if takes the main body, that practice speed will be the what kind fearfulness?” “这陨落心炎果然有着无穷奥妙……分化出来的投射体便是能够让得人提升到这般速度,若是占用去本体的话,那修炼速度将会是何等的可怕?” Acclaimed one secretly, Xiao Yan stands up, was walking to the practice room outside directly, watches has practiced four days of time, poured is also this temporarily recuperation. Although cultivates diligently very well, but Xiao Yan actually knows that has been inferior to especially...... 暗自赞叹了一声,萧炎站起身来,径直对着修炼室之外走去,不眠不休地修炼了四天时间,倒也是该暂时地休整一下。虽然勤奋修炼很好,可萧炎却是知道,过尤不及…… ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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