Goes out of the practiceroom, perhapsisbecauseformerlythatsaid that Zhongrecited the soundreason, Xiao Yandiscoveredthatin the entiretowerwas in a crowdedextremelybusycondition, muchwhen the practiceroomfront door that comingalsoto shut tightly, at this timecompletelyopened wide, a trooppersonswarmed, was goingto the place of fastlinepyller, fromtheseperson of eyes, Xiao Yanhas foundsomeindifferentlyredglow.
走出修炼室,或许是因为先前那道钟吟声的缘故,萧炎发现,整个塔内都处于一种人来人往极度忙碌的境况之中,不少在来时还紧闭的修炼室大门,此时都是全部敞开,一大群人从中蜂拥而出,然后对着塔门之处快速行去,从这些人眼中,萧炎都是瞧见了些许淡淡的红芒。Standsoutside the practice, Xiao Yanhas hesitated, then crushes into the stream of people, the central placefastlineis goingto the tower, entersnextpassage should then there, thisfirst can only stop overobviouslyday of time, it seems likewantsto continueto practice, obtainsnextseveralto goto be good.
站在修炼室外,萧炎踌躇了一下,然后便是挤进人流,对着塔内中心位置处快速行去,进入下一层的通道应该便是在那里,这第一层明显只能够逗留一天时间,看来想要继续修炼,得到下几层去才行。Counter the stream of people are pushing, Xiao Yanstatureagilely the swept in a flash vanguardin the minimumrange, merelyless thantenminutes, thatblockingis so sparseinfrontstream of peoplegradually, statureturns, thenthoroughlyhas squeezed outin the crowd.
逆着人流挤动,萧炎身形敏捷地在极小的范围中闪掠前行,如此仅仅不到十分钟时间,那阻塞在面前的人流便是逐渐稀疏,身形一拐,便是彻底地挤出了人群之中。Surroundingscrowdedfeelingvanishessuddenly, in the Xiao Yanheartrelaxed, the visionjustwantedto strafeto seekto enternextpassagein all directions, together the person's shadow is actually suddenlyswept in a flash before the body, the sinkingsound that at onceslightlysomewhatcomplainstogetherhas made a soundin the Xiao Yanear: „Doesn't yourthisfellow, howsuchknow the custom? Does not know when the ancientclockresounds, in the towerrefusesto rushcarelessly?”
The person's shadow that the frontpresentsmakesXiao Yanhurriedlystop the footsteps, the visionlifts, discovered that the opposite party is also the middle-aged person who an age and period of five daystigerare similar, moreoverinhischestplace, is wearing similarly also a teacherbadge, it seems like, heshouldbe also same as the period of five daystiger, ismanagesin the tower the teacher of order.
“这位导师……”Since the opposite partyis a teacher, thatXiao Yannaturallydoes not dareto burst inagain, howeverhejustwantedto open the mouthto explainthatthisplanesinkssuch as the teacher of wateractuallyto wield the big hand, knits the brows: „Let alone, since the practicehad ended, thatthengoes backto rest, whenwill meltinvisibleFire Poison after tomorrow, thencomes to the towerto practice, immediatelyin the towermuststart the inspection routine, ifdiscovered that youalsostop overinthisplace, butmustbuckleFire Energy.”
既然对方是导师,那萧炎自然是不敢再乱闯,然而他刚欲开口解释,这位面沉如水的导师却是一挥大手,皱眉道:“别说了,既然修炼结束了,那便回去休息吧,等明日将隐形火毒化解后,再来塔中修炼,马上塔中就要开始检查程序了,若是发现你还逗留在此地,可是要扣火能的。”InvisibleFire Poison, shouldthenbe the flamewildfactor that in the period of five daystigermouth said that although the name is not quite respectively same, but the substantivemeaningdiffers not much.
隐形火毒,应该便是候虎嘴中所说的火焰狂暴因子吧,虽然各自称呼不太一样,可实质意思都是相差不多。Seesthisteacherthatsevereface, someXiao Yancannot help butheadaches, how longbuthas not continuedin the headachewell, was meltedbytogether the sound.
见到这位导师那严厉面孔,萧炎不由得有些头痛,不过好在头痛并未持续多久,便是被一道声音化解了去。„Well? Xiao Yan? Youhowalsohere?”Hearsthissound, in the Xiao Yanheartimmediatelyonehappy, hurriesto turn head, looks at the period of five daystiger that strideis walking, hurriesto signal with the eyestohim.
“咦?萧炎?你怎么还在这里?”听到这声音,萧炎心中顿时一喜,赶忙回过头,望着那大步走来的候虎,赶紧对着他使了个眼色。Looks atXiao Yanto winktooneself, waitsin the tigerheartsomedoubts, walks uptothatto block the Xiao Yanmiddle-agedguyto say with a smile: „QinLi, makingmecome, youwere busy atyourgood.”
瞧得萧炎对自己挤眉弄眼,候虎心中有些疑惑,走上前来对着那拦住萧炎的中年大汉笑道:“秦黎,让我来吧,你去忙你的就好。”Hearing this, thatteacherhesitated, the visionhas sweptsweepingonXiao Yan, at oncenods saying: „Good, youmusthurryto makehim, otherwiseinspectstimewas discovered that wewill also be reprovenbyElder Liu.”闻言,那名导师迟疑了一下,目光在萧火身上扫了扫,旋即点头道:“那好吧,你得赶紧把他弄出去,不然检查的时候被发现了,我们也会被柳长老训斥的。”„Um.”Waits the tigerto nodwith a smile.
“嗯。”候虎笑着点了点头。Butseeshimto nod, the teacher who thatwas calledQinLijust nowturned aroundto depart.
而见到他点头,那位叫做秦黎的导师方才转身离去。VisualQinLiwas disappearingin the corner, waited the tigerthento changeXiao Yan the vision, the doubtstunnel: „BrotherXiao Yan, did the practiceend? How does thatstillstrollinthisplace?”
目视着秦黎消失在转角处,候虎这才把目光转向萧炎,疑惑地道:“萧炎老弟,修炼结束了?那怎么还在此地闲逛?”„Hey, waits the brother, Ihave a matter, wantsto askyouto help.”Xiao Yanapproached a point, says with a smile.
“嘿嘿,候老哥,我有件事,想请您帮个忙。”萧炎凑近了一点,笑着道。„What?”Waits the tigerto blink, asks.
“何事?”候虎眨了眨眼睛,问道。„Hey, waits the brother, youalsoknowthatbymypresentstrength, in the firstpractice, could not take the toobigeffect, thereforeIwantto go to the followingseveralpractice, does not know whether to stretch the rules?”Xiao Yansaidin a low voice.
“嘿嘿,候老哥,你也知道,以我现在的实力,在第一层修炼,取不了太大的效果,所以我想去下面几层修炼,不知道能否通融一下?”萧炎低声道。„Goes tofollowingseveral?”
“去下面几层?”Hearing this, Hou Huonestartled, at onceshakes the headsaidin a low voice: „BrotherXiao Yan, Iknows that byyourstrengthin the firstpractice, the effectis notveryremarkable. Mayaccording to the custom, no matternewborninfluencestrong, mustpersist incultivatingoneweek of timeonfirst, just nowcanenter the nextseveralpractice, thatHeart Flamemoxibustionroasts, no matter the strength, will always infiltrate howonmixedFire PoisoninDou Qi, thisthing, cannot the child's play, inInner Academythese manyyears, becauseFire Poisonaccumulatesperson, buttocreatingto be hardto recall the loss, but many.”闻言,侯虎一惊,旋即摇着头低声道:“萧炎老弟,我知道以你的实力在第一层修炼,效果不是非常显著。可按照规矩,不管新生势力有多强,都必须在第一层坚持修炼一周时间,方才能够进入下几层修炼,那心火灸烤,不管实力如何,总是会在斗气之中渗杂上一丝火毒,这东西,可不能儿戏,内院这么多年中,因为火毒累积而对造成难以挽回损失的人,可并不少啊。”„Furthermore, theseHeart Flamemoxibustionsroast, isrequires the timeto adapt, thisBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, eachnext, practiceroom the vigorousas well asblazingdegree of Heart Flame, will begrowthdoubled and re-doubled, younowfirsthas not adapted, thenmustget down, ratherextremelytake risked.”
“再者,这些心火灸烤,也是需要时间来适应,这天焚炼气塔,每下一层,其中修炼室的心火的雄浑以及炽热的程度,都是会成倍的增涨,你如今第一层的都还未适应,便是要下去,未免是太过冒险了。”Hearswords that Hou Huonebigis fleeing, Xiao Yanimmediatelyfeelings of somedizziness, after long time, other sourcereluctantlyshook the head, is pointing atowneye, said: Qi Method that „BrotherHou, Ipracticealthough the rankis not high, mayactuallybe a littleunique element, thatthenregardingFire Poisonwait / etc.toxin, hascertainresistance, therefore, youdo not needto be worried aboutmebecause the enteringbody of Fire Poisonwill haveanythingto damage. As forthatsufficiency, youalsofeel relieved, IheardthatgenerallyinInner Academy, the strengthin5-StarDa Dou Shiabout, thencanenterthird, Ientersecond levelnow, will not have the toobigrelations.”
听得侯虎着一大窜的话语,萧炎顿时有种头晕的感觉,半晌后,他方才无奈地摇了摇头,指着自己的眼睛,道:“侯老哥,我所修炼的功法虽然等级不高,可却是有点特殊之处,那便是对于火毒等等毒素,有着一定的抗性,所以,你不用担心我会因为火毒的入体而有什么损伤。至于那适应度,你也放心把,我听说,一般内院中,实力在五星大斗师左右,便是能够进入第三层,我现在只是进入第二层而已,不会有太大的关系的。”Is staring atXiao Yanthatpairjet blacksuch as the pupil of black ink, waits the tigerto stare, works for manyyearsin the tower, regardingFire Poisonthisthing, heunderstoodextremely. Therefore, so long aslooks at an eye of opposite party, then can actually distinguishitto have not wornFire Poison, howeverlooks at the eye of Xiao Yannow, seeminglyreallyhas not receivedFire Poisonerosion.
盯着萧炎那双漆黑如墨的眸子,候虎一愣,在塔内工作多年,对于火毒这东西,他是极为的了解。因此,只要看一眼对方的眼睛,便是能够分辨出其究竟有没身着火毒,然而现在看萧炎的眼睛,貌似还真是没有受到火毒的侵蚀。„Good, Ibelieve that youhave the resistancetoFire Poison, mayso , after issomedo not gather the custom......”for a long time, waits the tigerto sighnod, maystillsomewhatfeel embarrassed the tunnel.
“好吧,我相信你对火毒有着抗性,可就算如此,也是有些不合规矩啊……”许久之后,候虎叹息着点了点头,可依然是有些为难地道。Lookswaitstigerthatindecisiveappearance, Xiao Yangoes forwardonestep, the handturns, wasjade bottlehas forced in the period of five daystigerhandby the trace, smilingtunnel: „Waits the brother, youworkinthistowerfrequently, although the itselfstrengthis tyrannical, in fits nicelyFire Poison that every dayabsorbs, perhaps is also hardto eliminate, thisbottle of Medicinal Pillare‚icemiracle cure’, althoughgradeis not high, mayhas the depressingFire Poisoneffect.”
瞧得候虎那犹豫不决的模样,萧炎上前一步,手一翻,又是一个玉瓶被不着痕迹地塞进了候虎手中,笑眯眯地道:“候老哥,你经常在这塔内工作,虽然本身实力强横,可体内每日所吸收的火毒,恐怕也是难以消除,这瓶丹药为‘冰灵丹’,虽然品阶不高,可却是有着压抑火毒的功效。”In the handforced injade bottleonce again, waited the heart of tigerthento jump, after Xiao YanexplainedthisMedicinal Pilleffect, thatgrasped the palm of jade bottleto be immediately anxious, as iffor fear thatitimmediatelyrangenerally, just likeXiao Yansaidthatworkedinthistowerfrequently, Fire Poison that theirtheseteachersreceivedwas actually more serious than the student, moreoversometimesadded on the restto be insufficient, thereforeFire Poison was hardto meltthoroughly, sogradually, unavoidablywill make the personoccasionallymeetHeart Flameto rise, causesto exercise martial arts the accident.
手中被再度塞进玉瓶,候虎的心便是跳了一下,待得萧炎将这丹药功效解释一遍后,那握着玉瓶的手掌立马紧张起来,似乎生怕它立刻跑了一般,正如萧炎所说,经常在这塔内工作,他们这些导师所受到的火毒其实比学生更加严重,而且有时候加上休息不足,因此火毒更是难以彻底化解,这般久而久之下,难免会让人偶尔会心火上升,导致练功走岔子。Exercises martial artsto take the wrong road11 p.m. to 1 a.mrisk, well-known, therefore, after the period of five daystigerknew that thisbottle of Medicinal Pillunexpectedlyarehas the depressingFire Poisoneffect, in the heartshortlythenby the pleasant surpriseis flooded.
练功走岔子时的危险性,众人皆知,因此,在候虎得知这瓶丹药竟然是有着压抑火毒的功效后,心中顷刻间便是被惊喜所充斥。Althoughconstrainsmerely, butdoes not drive out, butHou Hu is still was quite satisfied, therefore, afterpondered the moment, hehas been smiling bitterlysighing , the visionstrangeis looking atXiao Yan, said: The thing that „youtake, alwaysmakes the personnot give up the rejection. Oh, good, todayforyoutake riskonetime, comeswithme!”
虽然仅仅只是压抑,而并非驱除,可侯虎却依然是已经极为满足,所以,在沉吟了片刻后,他苦笑着叹了一口气,目光奇异地望着萧炎,道:“你拿出来的东西,总是让得人舍不得拒绝。唉,好吧,今天就为了你冒险一次,跟我来!”Then, the Hou Hueyefasthas sweptall around, drawsXiao Yanto pass through the cornerfast, is goingtosituated incentralonepositionlinerapidly
说完,侯虎眼睛飞快地扫过四周,拉着萧炎快速地穿过转角,然后迅速地对着位于中央的一处位置行去Followsinperiod of five daystigerbehind, in the Xiao Yanheartlongto relax, this„icemiracle cure”refinement, althoughsomewhatcomplicated, maynot be difficult, has not thought that bribes the personwithit, will really havethisgrade of effect, was the goodsteelto useon the knife edgeseriously.
跟在候虎身后,萧炎心中长长地松了一口气,这“冰灵丹”的炼制,虽然有些繁复,可却并不困难,没想到用它来贿赂人,竟然还会有这等奇效,当真是好钢用在了刀刃上。Waited the tigerto walk for nearly about fiveminutes, Xiao Yanjust nowfelt that heslowed down the step, the eyefaced forwardto look, actuallyjustsawin the corner of distant place, has a screwstairway, wantsto comethis should thenenters the nextentrance.
跟着候虎行走了将近五分钟左右,萧炎方才感觉到他减缓了步伐,眼睛朝前一望,却是刚好看见在远处的转角处,有着一个螺旋型的楼梯口,想来这应该便是进入下一层的入口吧。„GoodtodayisIguards a gate, otherwise, but also is really impossibleto putyouto get down. Hey, do not move, careful, heresupposeswith the spaceties the mirror, the words that rushes tocarelessly the strength that was containedbyabovewill only rebound, thatfate, at least is also the severe wound.” The half steparrives at the stairwayplace, waitedin the tigermouth saying that thenhurriedto hold onXiao Yan that wantedto circle.
“还好今天是我守门,不然的话,还真不可能放你下去。嘿,别动,小心点,这里设用空间结镜,胡乱闯的话只会被其上所蕴含的力量所反弹,那下场,至少也是重伤。”快步来到楼梯口处,候虎嘴中说了一声,然后赶紧拉住想要绕过来的萧炎。Hears the reminder of period of five daystiger, Xiao Yanthento discoverthat the space of frontthatpassagemouthplace, reallyfaintly some feelings of distortion, immediatelystartlebreak into sweat, inthisBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, but alsoreallyeverywhereis the institutiontrap, is not careful, is the severely woundedfate.
After Xiao Yanfrightens, waits the tigerthento put out a handto take down the badge on chest, cautiouslyaccording to an vaguescoop channel on one sidewall.
将萧炎震慑住后,候虎这才伸手取下胸口上的徽章,小心翼翼地按在一旁墙壁上的一个隐晦凹槽之中。As the badgepresses down, the time of a frontspacesuddenlyslightfluctuation, merelyseveralblinking, Xiao Yanthendiscoveredthat the feeling of frontspatial warping, vanishedall.
随着徽章地按上,面前的空间忽然一阵细微波动,仅仅几个眨眼的时间,萧炎便是发现,面前的空间扭曲之感,已经尽数消失。„Nowcango in?”Xiao Yanaskedcautiously.
“现在可以进去了吧?”萧炎小心翼翼地问道。„Um, the spacetied the mirrorto untie, nowyouget down, after youwent, I must continueto block, will open when until the tomorrow'spylleragain, just nowwill open.”Waits the tigerto nod, said.
“嗯,空间结镜已经被解开了,现在你自己下去吧,等你进去后,我还得继续封锁,直到明天塔门再开时,方才会打开。”候虎点了点头,道。„many thankswaited the brother.”Hearing this, the Xiao Yangreat happiness, has been archingcuping one hand in the other across the chestto the period of five daystigergrateful, thenputs out a handto tracein the frontdiscretelyvoid, thisfelt relieved that is going downto the staircase.
“多谢候老哥了。”闻言,萧炎大喜,对着候虎感激地拱了拱手,然后谨慎地伸手在面前虚空摸了摸,这才放心地对着楼梯走下。„Remember, ifcannot boil the second levelHeart Flamemoxibustionto roast, thatfinds the placeto rest, tomorrow after waiting for the pyllerto open, will then come backto practice.”Waits the tigerto sayto the Xiao Yanreminder.
“记住,若是熬不住第二层的心火灸烤,那就找地方休息一下,明天等塔门开启后,再回来修炼。”候虎对着萧炎提醒道。„He he, yes, many thankswaited the brother.”Waits the good intentionreminder of tigerto makeXiao Yanwith a smilenod, once moretohim, as soon ascups one hand in the other across the chest, staturedodges, thenhas entered the screwstaircasecorner, vanishesdoes not see.
“呵呵,明白,多谢候老哥了。”候虎的好意提醒让得萧炎笑着点了点头,再次对着他一拱手,身形一闪,便是窜进了螺旋型的楼梯转角处,消失不见。Waited the tigerto throwjade bottle in hand, receivedcautiously, looksplace that Xiao Yanwas vanishing, sighedlightly, saidin a low voice: „Kid, in the lower levelcultivates, the speedis no doubt quicker, butthatalsoincanresistunder the Heart Flamepremise......”
候虎抛了抛手中的玉瓶,小心翼翼地收好,望着萧炎消失的地方,轻叹了一口气,低声道:“小家伙,下层中修炼,速度固然更加快捷,可那也是在能够抵御心火的前提下啊……”„Hopes that youcanboilreally......”
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