BTTH :: Volume #3

#475: Quenchinging

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In the lonely tranquil mind, only has the sound of glorious and steady heartbeat, slowly is reverberating, after entering practice condition, induction of Xiao Yan energy among surroundings Heaven and Earth, becomes keener, he can feel that in this practice room that is rich makes the blazing energy that one is flabbergasted, in this place practice, studies the hot attribute Qi Method person, without doubt will make others more remarkable progress. 寂寞宁静的心灵之中,唯有着悠久而平稳的心跳之声,缓缓地回响着,在进入修炼状态后,萧炎对周围天地间能量的感应,变得越加敏锐,他能感觉到这间修炼室之中那浓郁得令人咋舌的炽热能量,在这种地方修炼,修习火属性功法的人,无疑将会取得别人更加显著的成效。 Puff......” “噗……” The mind is tranquiler, suddenly, has the low and deep slight sound to resound, at once, a bunch seems like invisible, may flood the flame of difference fluctuation, not have the omen to appear in has been away from the Xiao Yan heart position not far place, faint trace warming up sends out slowly, smokes the body of Xiao Yan in roasts steaming hot. 心灵越加宁静,忽然间,有着低沉的细微声音响起,旋即,一簇看似无形,可却泛着异样波动的火苗,毫无预兆地出现在了距离萧炎心脏位置不远的地方,丝丝温热徐徐散发而出,将萧炎的身体内部熏烤得热气腾腾。 The mind gazes at that wisp of invisible flame, in the Xiao Yan heart for mysteriously appearing and disappearing of this Fallen Heart Flame is feeling the palpitation once again, even if he has been at the extreme defense readiness condition now, may actually still not realize that actually this wisp of flame how appears...... 心神注视着那缕无形火苗,萧炎心中再度为这陨落心炎的神出鬼没而感到心悸,即使现在他已经处于极度戒备状态,可却依然没有察觉到,这缕火焰究竟是如何出现的…… In the heart sighed secretly, Xiao Yan is fixing the eyes on this wisp of flame, the bunch of present, must appear the flame that yesterday's Xiao Yan meets without doubt is more vigorous, wants to come to be the reason of this middle level practice room. 心中暗暗感叹了一番,萧炎紧盯着这缕火苗,现在的这簇,无疑比昨天萧炎所碰见的火苗要显得更加雄浑一些,想来应该是这所中级修炼室的缘故吧。 Along with the appearance of this wisp of Fallen Heart Flame projectiles, that meridians burningly painful feeling of yesterday once having, is starts to appear, but this time, Xiao Yan again has not actually displayed Green Lotus Core Flame to isolate, because after cultivates the understanding of way to here, he understands that makes appropriate in the meridians, the skeleton, the muscle, and even slow growth of cell in burning pain, evolution, is this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower a quite important part, therefore, if will isolate, instead will attain changes will be small, as the matter stands, rather will be some gaines does not equal the loss. 随着这缕陨落心炎投射体的出现,昨日曾经出现的那种经脉灼痛之感,又是开始出现,不过此次,萧炎却是并未再施展青莲地心火将之隔绝开来,因为经过对这里修炼方式的了解,他已经明白,让得体内经脉,骨骼,肌肉,乃至细胞在灼痛中缓慢成长,进化,正是这“天焚炼气塔”中颇为重要的一环,所以,若是将之隔绝开去的话,反而所获将会越加变小,这样一来,未免是有些得不偿失。 Clenches teeth to endure the burningly painful feeling in within the body, that wisp of invisible flame is actually ascends happily, the curling high temperature seeps, in the human body, just liked forms a drying furnace to be ordinary, but all organs and even the meridians in human body, accepted to boil down in this drying furnace, and was boiling down, constantly strengthened! 咬着牙忍受着体内的灼痛之感,那缕无形火苗却是升腾得越加欢愉,袅袅高温从中渗透而出,在人体之内,犹如形成了一个烘炉一般,而人体之内的所有器官乃至经脉,都是在这烘炉之中接受熬炼,并且在熬炼之中,不断地增强! Burning pain that the high temperature produces, although will occasionally make the Xiao Yan within the body meridians extremely slightly twitch, but, will not be is fortunately unsupportable, after so had insisted about ten minutes, the Xiao Yan mind will move, in that Diamond Dou Crystal situated in channel, will send out the indifferently ends of long fine hairs suddenly, at once tyrannical Dou Qi just like the flood releases the floodgate to be ordinary \; Swarms continuously. 高温所产生的灼痛,虽然令得萧炎体内经脉偶尔会极为细微地抽搐一下,不过还好,并非是不能忍受,在这般坚持了十分钟左右后,萧炎心神一动,位于气旋之中的那枚菱形斗晶,忽然散发出淡淡的毫芒,旋即一股股强横斗气犹如洪水泄闸一般\;源源不断地从中蜂拥而出。 Rapid revolution of Dou Qi in meridians, finally under inviting the direction of flame mind, arrives at that wisp to send out high temperature the place of Fallen Heart Flame projectiles, during the mind fine motions, already waited for that in this's Dou Qi immediately Rushes , green Dou Qi is filling to well up to enter to invisible flame! 斗气在经脉之中飞速运转,最后在请炎心神的指引下,来到那缕散发着高温的陨落心炎投射体之处,心神微动间,早已等待在此的斗气立刻奔涌而下,青色斗气直直地对着无形火焰灌涌而进! Enters invisible flame instant that in Dou Qi, Xiao Yan can feel clearly that the latter suddenly became in that moment blazing, but that entered flame Dou Qi, was just likes the boiling water that boiling got up is ordinary, has any thing to be pursued in the high temperature unceasingly, peeling...... 斗气进入无形火焰的霎那,萧炎能够清晰地感觉到,后者在那一刻猛然变得炽热了许多,而那进入火焰斗气,也是犹如沸腾起来的开水一般,不断地有着什么东西在高温中被驱逐,剥离…… How long time this boiling has not continued, that wisp of Dou Qi then successfully drilled from flame, drills flame later Dou Qi before compares, the volume reduced about one time, however contains the vigorous and compact degree of energy, actually far from formerly may compare, obviously, after invisible flame Tempered, this wisp of Dou Qi the downsizing was successful. 这种沸腾并未持续多久时间,那缕斗气便是成功地从火焰之中钻了出来,钻出火焰之后的斗气与之前相比,体积缩小了将近一倍,然而其中所蕴含能量的雄浑与紧凑程度,却远非先前可比,显然,经过无形火焰淬炼,这缕斗气已经瘦身成功。 The first wisp by Tempered successful Dou Qi after flame, under inspiring of Xiao Yan mind, once again was then revolved along the meridians a circulation, then was the irrigation entered in Dou Crystal, immediately, the ray in Dou Crystal surface rose once again slightly. 第一缕被淬炼成功的斗气在出了火焰之后,便是在萧炎心神的引动下,再度沿着经脉运转了一个循环,然后便是灌注进入了斗晶之中,当下,斗晶表面上的光芒再度微微涨动了一些。 Looks at the change of Dou Crystal, in the Xiao Yan heart is welling up to wipe immediately joyfully, this Fallen Heart Flame also really worthily cultivates the accelerator, so the effect, made anybody be jealous simply, if this matter biography, perhaps by status of Jia Nan Academy on continent, will receive the person triumphantly to covet unavoidably. 瞧着斗晶的这变化,萧炎心中顿时涌上一抹喜悦,这陨落心炎还真不愧是修炼加速器,这般功效,简直令任何人都眼红不已,若是此事传了出去,恐怕就算是以迦南学院大陆上的地位,也免不了会受得人凯觎吧。 Along with the success of first Tempered, Xiao Yan put down the last worry in heart, the mind flashed, continuously Dou Qi continuously pulled out to pull from Dou Crystal, then revolved along the meridians, has shuttled back and forth again in flame, finally induced to enter in Dou Crystal once again! 随着第一次淬炼的成功,萧炎更是放下了心中的最后一份担心,心神闪动间,一缕缕斗气源源不断地从斗晶之中抽扯而出,然后沿着经脉运转,再穿梭过火焰之中,最后再度归纳进入斗晶之内! The perfect circulation, perfect Tempered, under the practice of this circulation, Xiao Yan can feel Dou Qi that in that Dou Ling rushes, perhaps according to this speed, how long time could not require, he then can arrive at the 6-Star Da Dou Shi peak, then broke through to 7-Star! 完美的循环,完美的淬炼,在这种循环的修炼之下,萧炎能够感受到那斗灵之中越加澎湃的斗气,按照这种速度,恐怕要不了多久的时间,他便是能够到达六星大斗师巅峰,进而突破到七星之列! ............ ………… During the practice, not having the actual time concept, the people to immerse in the rapid growth strength, that strength, as if wishes one could the one breath to practice by promote rank directly. 修炼之间,没有确切的时间概念,众人沉浸在飞速增涨的实力之中,那股劲头,似乎恨不得一口气直接修炼到晋阶为止。 In spacious practice room, in front of all person body surface was wrapped during an invisible fluctuation of indifferently, the faint trace indifferently white mist curls to raise from the top of the head, at once gradually changes pale, until transforms the nihility finally, vanishes does not see. 宽敞的修炼室中,所有人身体表面前是被包裹在一层淡淡的无形波动之中,丝丝淡淡的白色雾气从头顶上袅袅升起,旋即逐渐变淡,直至最后转化成虚无,消失不见。 Occasionally, the invisible fluctuations of some people body surfaces can present the fierce tremor, but along with the occurrences of these tremors, above their face will well up indifferently red light suddenly, if at this time induces carefully, will then discover that their aura compared with formerly, were more tyrannical, obviously, these people in this first time Tempered, had the opportunity of being promoted luckily. 偶尔间,有的人身体表面的无形波动会出现剧烈的颤动,而随着这些颤动的发生,他们脸庞之上会陡然涌上淡淡红光,此时若是细细感应的话,则是会发现,他们的气息比先前,强横了很多,显然,这些人是在这第一次的淬炼中,非常幸运地得到了晋级的机会。 In the entire practice room, presents this being promoted, mostly is some talents is good, but strength actually also in the Dou Shi seven 8-Star about people, but similar Xiao Yan, Xun'er their this itself strengths already to Da Dou Shi six 7-Star, then has not had this being promoted situation. After all, the student who is similar their this ranks, mostly entered Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower 23 to practice, this middle level practice room, could not meet their need. 整个修炼室之中,出现这种晋级的,大多都是一些天赋不错,可实力却还在斗师八星左右的人,而类似萧炎,薰儿他们这种本身实力已到大斗师七星的,则是并未出现这种晋级情况。毕竟,类似他们这种等级的学员,大多都已经进入天焚炼气塔23层修炼了,这一层的中级修炼室,已经满足不了他们的需求。 The time of practice, such as the running water, in referring to the seams passes quietly, when ancient Zhong Yinsheng does not know together when in the entire tower level resounds through, in practice room the people of tight closing one's eyes pupil, was slowly has opened a pupil, suddenly, because the strength rose aura that but slightly somewhat controlled, has filled the air immediately. 修炼的时间,如流水般,顺着指缝间悄然流逝,当一道古老钟吟声不知何时在整个塔层中响彻时,修炼室中紧闭眼眸的众人,也是缓缓睁开了眼眸,一时间,因为实力涨动而略有些控制不及的气息,顿时弥漫了出来。 The eye pupil opens suddenly, the indifferently fine glow dodges passes, Xiao Yan deeply spat has suppressed in the chest for a long time foul air, has turned the neck, hears clear sound that bone collided resounds, the chuckle, turned the head to sweep the vision to the Pan's Gate member who other regained consciousness, actually gawked, originally his line of sight when sweeping their eyes, discovered unexpectedly has fiery red of wisp of indifferently. 眼眸乍然睁开,淡淡精芒一闪即逝,萧炎深吐了憋在胸口已久的浊气,扭了扭脖子,听得那骨头碰撞间响起的清脆声音,不由地轻笑了一声,转头将目光扫向其他苏醒的磐门成员,却是一愣,原来他视线在扫过他们眼睛之中时,发现其中居然有着一缕淡淡的火红。 This should then because of Tempered Dou Qi, but by flame wild energy factor that Fallen Heart Flame doping enters.” Because is the fire manipulation master, therefore Xiao Yan is not strange regarding this situation, one was to then look at the clue. “这应该便是因为淬炼斗气,而被那陨落心炎掺杂而进的火焰狂暴能量因子吧。”由于属于玩火高手,因此萧炎对于这种情况并不陌生,一眼便是瞧出了端倪。 It seems like was really similar to the period of five days tiger said that strength Expert, cannot continue to practice in this, otherwise, flame accumulated in the violent energy factor excessively, sooner or later becomes one type Fire Poison that was hard to cure, damaged the human body.” In the Xiao Yan heart sighed, mutters. “看来果然如同候虎所说,实力不强者,并不能持续在此修炼啊,不然的话,火焰在暴能量因子过度累积,迟早会成为一种难以治愈的火毒,损坏人体。”萧炎心中叹了一口气,喃喃道。 „Does Brother Xiao Yan, how practice?” Suddenly has the gentle sound to resound in the side, Xiao Yan gains ground, originally is Xun'er that the one side revives. 萧炎哥哥,修炼得如何?”忽然有着轻柔声音在身旁响起,萧炎抬头,原来是一旁苏醒过来的薰儿 The line of sight has swept from Xun'er that nimble and resourceful pupils, Xiao Yan slightly feels the surprise to select the eyebrow, cultivated was so long, this girl actually did not have the least bit unusual form, this appearance, as if that flame wild energy factor has not produced anything to affect to her. 视线从薰儿那灵动眸子间扫过,萧炎略感诧异地一挑眉,修炼了这么久,这妮子竟然没有半点异状,这模样,似乎那火焰狂暴能量因子对她并未产生什么作用。 This girl was also Hiding One's Ability......” in heart whispers one, Xiao Yan changed the direction that Hu Jia and Wu Hao were at the head once again, discovered in their eyes, faintly has wisp of extremely pale red glow, obviously, the Xun'er in strength and surface as them who was similar, was received the flame wild energy factor erosion. “这个妮子也是深藏不露啊……”心中嘀咕了一声,萧炎再度将脑袋转向琥嘉吴昊所在的方向,发现他们眼中,都是隐隐存在着一缕极淡的红芒,显然,作为实力与表面上的薰儿相仿的他们,也是受到了火焰狂暴能量因子的侵蚀 The palm in a flash, a quartz appears in the hand, drew support from that smooth mirror surface, Xiao Yan is staring at to look at the long time carefully, was actually some surprise discoveries, in oneself eye, has not appeared by the erosion trace unexpectedly similarly. 手掌一晃,一块水晶出现在手中,借助着那光滑的镜面,萧炎仔细地盯着自己看了半晌,却是有些诧异地发现,自己眼中,居然同样没有出现被侵蚀的痕迹。 Has the Green Lotus Core Flame guard, you may greatly unscrupulously Tempered Dou Qi, although rank of Green Lotus Core Flame on Heavenly Flame Ranking cannot compare Fallen Heart Flame, but if depending on this little projectiles is thinks that the opposite party Green Lotus Core Flame is protecting you of body to cause the damage, that has somewhat presumptuously thought that as for your young girlfriend, feared that was also has the thing of any mysterious to protect the body......” in the Xiao Yan doubts, the Old Yao sound, has made a sound in his heart quietly. “有着青莲地心火护身,你大可肆无忌惮地淬炼斗气,虽然青莲地心火异火榜上的排名比不上陨落心炎,可若是光凭这一点点投射体便是想对方着青莲地心火护体的你造成伤害,那可是有些妄想了,至于你那小女友,怕也是有着什么神秘之物护体……”在萧炎疑惑之间,药老的声音,悄悄地在其心中响了起来。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan then suddenly, trace slightly nod, in the heart actually somewhat chuckles to oneself asks: That, I can treat in this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower practice, but doesn't need to rest to melt the flame wild factor?” 闻言,萧炎这才恍然,不着痕迹地微微点头,心中却是有些窃喜地问道:“那如此说来,我可以一直待在这‘天焚炼气塔’中修炼,而不用休息以化解火焰狂暴因子?” Um, so long as you can endure the aridness of practice, has Green Lotus Core Flame you, can dominate the practice time willfully.” Old Yao returns to say with a smile. “嗯,只要你能忍受住修炼的枯燥,有着青莲地心火的你,可以任意把持修炼时间。”药老笑着回道。 He he, this was arid I to insist for several years, why not can also endure?” “呵呵,这枯燥我都已经坚持了好几年了,又何不能忍受的?” The Xiao Yan chuckle, on face could not bear reappears some joyfully, has the protecting body of Green Lotus Core Flame, then he practice time in tower then can surpass other people greatly, but words so, his practice speed, will surpass other people! 萧炎轻笑了一声,脸庞上忍不住地浮现些许喜悦,有着青莲地心火的护体,那么他在塔中的修炼时间便是能够大大地超出其他人,而这般的话,那他的修炼速度,也将会远超其他人! It seems like looks for excuse stay to practice in the tower, cannot waste this precious time in vain, early a day arrives at Dou Ling, then Fallen Heart Flame will have the variable time in the future, just now can have the strength to rob!” In the heart flashes through together the thought that Xiao Yan from the black stone platform standing up body, then neglects the stage, puts out a hand to look for Xun'er, then put one's mouth close to another's ear with her said some arrangements. “看来得找个借口逗留在塔中修炼,不能白白浪费了这宝贵的时间,早一天到达斗灵,那么日后陨落心炎有变时,方才能够有着实力抢夺!”心中闪过一道念头,萧炎从黑石台上站起身子,然后闪下台来,伸手找过薰儿,然后附耳与她说了一些安排。 After heart slightly a surprise, Xun'er is slightly nod, is gazing at Xiao Yan that slightly somewhat earnest face, supple sound track: Relax, the Pan's Gate matter, gives three of us, your by all means relieved practice is good.” 心中略一诧异之后,薰儿便是微微点了点头,注视着萧炎那张略有些热切的脸庞,柔声道:“放心吧,磐门的事情,交给我们三人,你就只管安心修炼便好。” Lowers the head to look at that to escape the dust simple and elegant the cheeks, why Xiao Yan does not know, in the tranquil hearts, cannot bear flood ripples. This girl these years went out seriously end up to turn out were getting more and more juicy, came out the informed and experienced these many years, Xiao Yan was really is extremely difficult to meet the appearance and makings can with it woman side by side. 低头望着那张清雅脱尘的脸颊,萧炎不知为何,平静的心间,忍不住地泛起一丝涟漪。这妮子这些年当真走出落得越来越水灵了,出来历练这么多年,萧炎还真是极难遇见容貌与气质能与之相比肩的女人。 Makes an effort to shake, Xiao Yan train of thought temporary abandoning in heart, patted has tapped the head of Xun'er, then was turns around alone to go out of the practice room, he needs to go to the relations now, was good to facilitate itself to continue to stay in the tower to practice, since there is a Green Lotus Core Flame help, then did not hold the chance that this was in sole possession, that may really somewhat not can be justified. 使劲地甩了甩头,萧炎将心中的思绪暂时的抛开,轻拍了拍薰儿的脑袋,然后便是转身独自走出修炼室,他现在需要去走关系,好方便自己能够继续留在塔中修炼,既然有青莲地心火帮忙,那么不抓住这独有的机缘的话,那可实在是有些说不过去。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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