Looks the pyller that is opening, the crowdclamoredimmediately, Xiao Yan must stopto introducethatwas letting gotoHan Yue, is looking at that more and morespaciouscrack in a door.
After the front dooropenscompletely, crowdfierceswarming outside pyllergoes, just likes the tideis ordinary.
待得大门完全打开之后,塔门之外的人群猛的蜂拥而去,犹如潮水一般。Incrowded of crowd, Xiao Yanoneline of made use of the personmanysuperiority , the noisy crowdhas been spilling into Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.
After enteringin the tower, Han Yuebecause of the difference of route, thereforewas then leadingthatseveralfemalesandXiao Yanhas distinguished, just before leaving, but alsoexhorted the Xiao YanDogariuintent„White Gang”every action and every movement.
进入塔中后,韩月因为路线的不同,所以便是带着那几名女子与萧炎分别了开去,临走时,还嘱咐萧炎多加留意“白帮”的一举一动。Regarding the Han Yuegood intention, Xiao Yannaturallyunderstands, looks at their to vanish the backinline of sight, thisturns aroundto lookto the Pan's Gatepeople, whenformerlyenteredin the tower, hethenbeforehandinformsthem to be careful that firsttimeHeart Flameroastsroasts, andalsohowcorrectlyto melt the Heart Flameknack is also oneandinforms. Therefore, although the new studentsare now stiffexcept for the whole body, the eyepupilshuts tightly, beside the complexionblood flushes, has not had any extremeheteromorphismto appear.
对于韩月的好意,萧炎自然是心领神会,望着他们那消失在视线中的背影,这才转身看向磐门众人,在先前进入塔中时,他便是事先告知了他们要小心第一次的心火炙烤,并且还将如何正确化解心火的诀窍也是一并告知。因此,虽然现在新生们除了浑身僵硬,眼眸紧闭,脸色潮红之外,并未有什么过激的异像出现。Afterwaiting for nearlytwominutes, Xun'erhas opened the eye, on the cheeksis discontented the indifferentlyrays of light, obviously, afterbythatbunch of Heart FlameTemperedDou Qi, herharvestwas not been quite small.
在等待了将近两分钟后,薰儿率先睁开了眼,脸颊上不满着淡淡的毫光,显然,在被那簇心火淬炼了斗气之后,她的收获颇为不小。ButcansothenreviveregardingXun'erfast, Xiao Yanalsoslightlyfeels the surprise, becausehad knownhowcanmeltHeart Flame, thisfirsttimeHeart Flameroastsroasts, naturallylost the effect of verification, therefore, thatso-calledinsistencemustfor a long timethenbe a more splendidstandard , was useless. On the contrary, now, mustlook that whocanvolatilizefirepower in a wisp of Heart Flamemostquicklyall, toarrive the TemperedDou Qieffect, therefore, the Xun'ersospeed, making the Xiao Yanquitefeelingbe startled.
After Xun'er, is not out of the anticipation is Hu Jia, after that is the Pan's Gatepeopleone after anotherrevivesagain.
在继薰儿之后,不出意料的便是琥嘉,再其后,便是陆陆续续的磐门众人苏醒过来。Although the consciousnesstimevaries, complexion that butshinesfrompeople that obviouslyinthiswisp of Heart Flameroastsroasts the income not poor, it seems like, thisFallen Heart Flameregarding the practice, reallyhas the hugehelp.
虽然苏醒时间不一,不过从众人那放光的脸色来看,明显都是在这缕心火炙烤中收益不菲,看来,这陨落心炎对于修炼,果然有着巨大的帮助。„ThisBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower is really somewhatmarvelous, no wonderprogresssuchrapidness of thesesenior, thisInner Academy, is it that depends on......”on the Xun'ercheekshas a wisp of exclamation, whenthatexclamation, as if some other peopleunobservableothermeaning.
“这天焚炼气塔果然是有些奇妙,难怪那些老生的进展如此之快,这内院,原来便是靠的它……”薰儿脸颊上有着一缕惊叹,不过那惊叹之余,似乎有些许旁人难以察觉的其他意味。„Herecultivates, can indeed make the twice the result with half the effortprogress.”Nearby, Hu Jianoddedpleasantly surprised, said: „PracticesinthisBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, less than oneyear, Idecidehowevercanenter the Dou Lingrank!”
“在这里修炼,的确能够取得事半功倍的效果。”一旁,琥嘉惊喜地点了点头,道:“在这天焚炼气塔里修炼,一年不到,我定然能够进入斗灵级别!”OtherPan's Gatemembers, iscomplexionis echoingjoyfully, looks at their anxiousappearances, reallywishes one could is finds a placeto sit the practiceat this timeimmediately.
其他磐门成员,也是脸色喜悦地附和着,看他们那急切的模样,真是恨不得此时立刻便是找个地方坐下来修炼。„This should beSchoolmateXiao Yan?”
In the Xiao Yanpreparationis leadingpeoplegoesto seek for the practiceroom, suddenly a middle-aged personquicklytothemwas walking, toXiao Yansmilingtunnel.
就在萧炎准备带着众人前去寻找修炼室时,忽然一名中年人快步对着他们走了过来,冲着萧炎笑眯眯地道。„StudentXiao Yan, does thisteacherhave the matter?”Xiao Yanis looking at the specialbadge on thismiddle-aged personchest, thisonly thenTeacherInner Academyjust nowcanwear, immediatelyis busy atreturningto saypolitely.
“学生正是萧炎,这位导师有事?”萧炎望着这名中年人胸口上的特殊徽章,这只有内院导师方才能够佩戴,当下忙客气地回道。„IpresentElder Liuto command, bringsyouto go tothatplace‚middle levelpracticeroom’......”middle-aged personto say with a smilein a low voice.
“我是奉柳长老的吩咐,来带你们去那处‘中级修炼室’……”中年人低声笑道。Hearing this, Xiao Yaneyeonebright, thisrecalls to mindthatplacespecialmiddle levelpracticeroom that yesterdayElder Liu said that cups one hand in the other across the chestto sayhurriedly: „ThatthenTeachermany thanksled the way.”闻言,萧炎眼睛一亮,这才记起昨天柳长老所说的那处特殊的中级修炼室,急忙拱手道:“那便多谢导师引路了。”„He he, all right, comeswithme.”Shook the headwith a smile, the middle-aged personvisionat will on Xiao Yanhas sweptsweeping, after the moment, slightly nod, turns aroundbeforeto guide.
“跟上。”Was wavingto the followingpeople, Xiao Yanhurriesto follow the frontmiddle-agedteacher.
The groupfollowto goto the towerinmiddle levelpracticeroomregionlineinthismiddle-aged personbehind, after nearly severalminutes of windingroute, the peoplewill stayoutside a quiteobsoletepractice.
一行人跟在这名中年人身后一路对着塔内的中级修炼室区域行去,在经过将近几分钟的曲折路线之后,众人停留在了一处颇为老旧的修炼室外。Looks atthisto comparewithelsewhere, appearsespeciallyworn-outpracticeroom, Xiao Yanand the otherscould not bearsomewhatspeechless, looks attheirfacial expression, thatmiddle-agedteacherresemblesalsoknows that theyare thinkinganything, cannot help buthas smiledone, pushed the doorto enter, standsin the entrance, Xiao Yanhas hesitatedslightly, took the leadto enter.
The both feetsteps into the room, the solefallsis situated, the indifferentlycold airclimbs upalong the solefrom the flagstoneon, makingXiao Yanand the others the whole bodyhave a coolfeeling.
双脚踏进房间,脚掌落地处,淡淡的寒气从石板中沿着脚掌攀爬而上,令得萧炎等人浑身有种清凉的感觉。In the room, the indifferentlygentlelight, lets the personnot onlydoes not feeldazzlingly, does not thinkdim, the floor spaceis large, accommodates40peopleto have more than enough to spare, the centralplace, has a bulkwith the spaciousplatform that the jet blackrockaccumulates, the platformmakes the groundtwocuns (2.5cm)high.
房间之中,淡淡的柔和灯光,让得人既不感觉刺眼,又不觉得昏暗,房间面积颇大,容纳40人绰绰有余,中央处,有着一大块用漆黑岩石累积起来的宽敞平台,平台高约地面两寸。„Xiao Yan, centralblack stoneregion, is the place of practice.” The middle-aged peoplearrive at the blackstone stageedgewith a smile, lowbodyis pointing attaping of thatplanneddistinguishing right from wrong, says with a smile: „Everyone hasenoughpracticespace, herehas the scoop channel that protrudes, so long asyouinsertyourFlame Crystal Card, thenrevolutionQi Method, thenhascontinuousHeart Flameto appearinyourwithin the body, then, yourthenavailablethiscomesTemperedDou Qi, tenaciousmeridians, skeleton, as well aspromotionstrength.”
“萧炎,中央的黑石地带,便是修炼之处。”中年人笑着走到黑石台边缘,低身手指着其中那被规划的泾渭分明的线带,笑着道:“每人有着足够的修炼空间,在这里有着一处凸出来的凹槽,只要你们将自己的火晶卡插进去,然后运转功法,便是会有着源源不断的心火出现在你们体内,然后,你们便可用此来淬炼斗气,坚韧经脉,骨骼,以及提升实力。”Hearing this, the Xiao Yanpeoplehurryto surroundcuriously, is really seesaboveblackstage, was outlined the respectivepracticedomainby that not well-knownfuel, inthispracticedomain, but alsohasoneinchhighstone stagereceptacle.闻言,萧炎众人赶忙好奇地围拢上去,果然是见到黑台之上,被那不知名燃料勾画出了各自的修炼地盘,并且,在这修炼地盘上,还有着一处一寸多高的石台插口。„YourfirsttimeentersinBlazing Sky Qi Refining Towerto practice, therefore, Ispeak the custom that needsto pay attention towithyou.” The middle-aged peoplewere straight the body, pondered a meeting, said: „Heart FlameTempered, althoughcanmakeyourgrowthstrength, mayactually unable to neglect to eat and sleepcultivatesinthis, becauseinHeart Flame, is containing the flamewildstrength, in junksTempered in Dou Qi, has a flamewildstrengthdopingto enter......”
“你们第一次进入天焚炼气塔中修炼,所以,我得与你们讲讲所需要注意的规矩。”中年人直起身子,沉吟了一会,道:“心火淬炼,虽然能够令得你们快速增长实力,可却并不能废寝忘食的在此修炼,因为心火之中,蕴含着火焰狂暴之力,在将斗气中的杂物淬炼之时,也是会有着一丝火焰狂暴之力掺杂而进……”„Thisflamewildstrength, cannotmeltwithDou Qi, butmustwear in the time, therefore, byyourpresentstrengthsas well asto the Heart Flameresistances, is bestto practicefor quite a while, restsagain for night, sowork and rest, best......”
“这种火焰狂暴之力,并不能用斗气化解,而必须用时间磨合,所以,以你们如今的实力以及对心火的抵抗性,最好修炼半天,再休息一夜,这般作息,最好……”„Howeverwaited foryouto practiceinthisfor a long time, thencanappropriatelyincrease the practicetime, ifpromote to enterDou Lingrank, thencanpractice for 45daysnot to use the towerin the towerone time, butnow...... Youtrulymustroutinelyaccording todaily schedulepractice of stipulation, otherwiseis damaged can only beone, thismatter, ourInner Academyis not willingto see.”Thismiddle-agedteacherremindedseriously.
“而等你们在此修炼久了,便是可以适当地增加修炼时间,如果晋入了斗灵级别,则是能够在塔中一次性修炼45天而不用出塔,但是现在……你们确实得按部就班的按规定的作息时间修炼,不然受损的只会是自己,这种事情,我们内院是不愿意看见的。”这名中年导师郑重地提醒道。Hears the middle-agedteacher'sreminder, Xiao Yanand the others to nod.
听得中年导师的提醒,萧炎等人皆是点头。Sees that middle-agedteacherthensmiled, waves saying: „Sinceunderstands, thenyouthenstartto grasp the timepractice, firsttimeenters the practiceroomto practice, thateffectis remarkable, many talentoutstandingnew students, are promotedin this firstpractice, hopes that you can also be good.”
见状,中年导师这才笑了笑,挥手道:“既然已经明白,那么你们便开始抓紧时间修炼吧,第一次进入修炼室修炼,那效果可是非常显著的,不少天赋杰出的新生,都是在这第一次修炼中晋级,希望你们也能行吧。”Then, helaid out the sleeve, wantsto turn aroundtoout of the doorto walk.
说完,他摆了摆袖子,就欲转身对着门外走去。Is looking at the middle-agedteacher of departure, Xiao Yanslightlypondered, thenfollowedquickly, sends out the entrance when the latter, suddenlysaidin a low voice: „Teacherpleasewait.”
望着离开的中年导师,萧炎微微沉吟,然后快步跟了上去,将后者送出门口时,忽然低声道:“导师请等等。”Hears the Xiao Yanwords, thatmiddle-agedteachercannot help butstares, butamonghisgods, Xiao Yanactuallyfasthas filledsmalljade bottleinhishand, said with a smilelightly: „Todaytroubled the teacher, thiswas onlyonebottlecanletMedicinal Pill that the personcalmed the mindto practice, could not be regardedtoopreciously......”
听得萧炎的话,那名中年导师不由得一愣,而在他愣神间,萧炎却是快速地塞了一个小玉瓶在其手中,轻笑道:“今天麻烦导师了,这只是一瓶能让得人静下心来修炼的丹药,算不得太珍贵……”In the handhad been filled the thingbyXiao Yansuddenly, thatmiddle-agedteacherjust about toreturns, but after hearing to makeMedicinal Pill that onecalms the mindto practice, in the eyeflashes throughfallspleasantly surprised, has hesitatedslightly, smilinglyreceivesjade bottle, aboutlooks, saidin a low voice: „Kid, relax, thisregionjustIgoverns, therefore, hey, relievedpractice.”
手中忽然被萧炎塞了东西,那名中年导师刚要退回,可当听见是能够令人静心修炼的丹药后,眼中闪过一掉惊喜,略微迟疑了一下,笑眯眯地将玉瓶收好,左右望了望,低声道:“小家伙,放心吧,这片区域刚好我掌管,所以,嘿嘿,安心修炼吧。”„He he, Teachermany thanks.”Xiao Yannodswith a smile.
“呵呵,多谢导师。”萧炎含笑点头。„If not shut out, in the futurewill askmeto waitBrother Tigerto be good.”Middle-agedteacherbrightsound track.
“若是不嫌弃,日后叫我候虎老哥就好。”中年导师朗声道。„ThatJuniorthenrespectfullymight as wellobey orders.”Xiao Yansaid with a smilelightly.
“那小子便恭敬不如从命了。”萧炎轻笑道。„Em, was good, goes in the practice, do not waste the time.”Waits the tigerto waveto saywith a smile.
“恩,好了,进去修炼吧,可别浪费时间了。”候虎笑着挥手道。Xiao Yannodded, thisturns aroundto close the door.萧炎点了点头,这才转身关上房门。Looksdoor that is closing, waits the tiger unable to bearshook the headwith a smile, saidin a low voicethat„thiskid, will cultivate the behaviorvery much, good, good, Ilike.”
……„tut tut, herestrangepracticemethod, but alsoreallyhears something never heard of before.”
“啧啧,这边稀奇的修炼法子,还真是闻所未闻。”Justentered the room, Xiao Yan is the sound that heardHuJia, lookedfollowing the sound, was actually saw that hewas strokingblackstone stageunceasingly.
刚刚进屋,萧炎便是听得胡嘉的声音,顺着声音望去,却是见到他不断地抚摸着黑色石台。Xiao Yannoddedwith a smile, walks up, the palmalsocautiouslytouchedgroping the stage, warming up of indifferentlyhas transmittedfollowing the fingertip, underthisstrangewarming up, as ifwithin the bodyDou Qicirculationspeed, wasbecomeshas enlivenedsome.萧炎笑着点了点头,走上前去,手掌也是小心翼翼地摸了摸黑台,淡淡的温热顺着指尖传来,在这股奇异温热下,似乎体内斗气的流转速度,都是变得活跃了些许。„Reallyissomewhatmarvelous, he he, everybodyfinds the seatto sit downrespectively, has a look in us, many peoplecanbe promotedin this firstpractice!”Xiao YanextractsbackgiganticHeavy Xuan Ruler, palmturns, thentook in Storage Ring, statureleaps, lookedby the leftposition.
“果然是有些奇妙,呵呵,大家各自找位子坐下吧,看看我们之中,有多少人能够在这第一次修炼中晋级!”萧炎抽出背后硕大玄重尺,掌心一翻,便是将之收进了纳戒中,身形一跃,率先找了靠左的位置。Looks atXiao Yanto take the lead, the Pan's Gatepeopleallaretake orders from the line, staturedodgeto move, respectivelylooked forinstitute of the practice.
瞧得萧炎带头,磐门众人皆是听命而行,身形闪移间,都是各自找了一处修炼之所。Sits cross-leggedto sitinstone stage, feelsthatmore and morerichwarming up, Xiao Yanlongwas aspirating, counts on the fingers a ball, greenFlame Crystal Card, thenappearedin the palm.
盘腿在石台中坐好,感受着那股越来越浓郁的温热,萧炎长长地吐了一口气,屈指一弹,一张青色火晶卡,便是出现在了手掌之中。Both handsare gripping tightlyGreen Fire Crystal Card, theninsertsinslowlyfrontthatscoop channeldiscretely, onlyhearstogetherslightly the sound, thatindifferentlyrays of lightjumpto shootfrom the scoop channel, butalong with the appearance of rays of light, Xiao Yanseesclearly, onGreen Fire Crystal Cardthat148figure, reducesoneimmediately, obviously, thisshouldembezzle an expense of day of practice, isFire Energy.
Shortly after Fire Energy was deducted, Xiao Yan was slowlyclosesboth eyes, both handshas hadto practiceseals, the bodylikesitting in contemplation, was entirely still, after Xiao Yan, Xun'erand the othersalsoinserted the scoop channelFlame Crystal Card, suddenly, in the roomconnectedresoundedunceasinglyslightlythat the sound, the indifferentlyrays of lightsimultaneouslyshines, has almost covered up the light of room.火能在被扣除之后不久,萧炎便是缓缓闭上了双眼,双手结出修炼印结,身体如老僧入定般,纹丝不动,紧接着萧炎后,薰儿等人也是将火晶卡查插进凹槽,一时间,房间中连接不断地响起那细微的咔嚓声响,淡淡的毫光同时亮起,几乎是将房间的灯光都是遮掩了下去。
The rays of lightare gradually pale, some rooms of talking in whispers, slowlybecomessilent, onlyhas the steadypowerfulbreathing, slowlyis reverberatingin the room.
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