BTTH :: Volume #3

#473: In secret confrontation

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Under the gazes of all vision, Bai Cheng one line of slowly arrived in front of Xiao Yan, the former vision has swept on that numerous imposing manner not weak new student first, finally stayed in the Xiao Yan four people of surface. 在所有目光的注视下,白程一行人缓缓地来到了萧炎面前,前者目光先是在那一众气势不弱的新生身上扫过,最后停留在了萧炎四人面上。 The eye is looking at each other with front this appearance and Bai Shan somewhat similar man, Xiao Yan not because of the tyrannical imposing manner that the opposite party within the body sends out, but dreaded, a pair of pupil, tranquil does not have the mighty waves. 眼睛与面前这位长相与白山有几分相似的男子对视着,萧炎并未因对方体内所散发的强横气势而有所畏忌,一对眸子,平静不起波澜。 Is looking at this side troops to relying on, the surrounding crowd cannot help but was more peaceful, looked is flooding all kinds of mood to their vision. 望着这方人马的对恃,周围的人群都是不由得安静了许多,瞧向他们的目光中充斥着各种各样的情绪。 „Are you Xiao Yan? Often listens to Bai Shan to mention you, today sees, really imposing manner extraordinary.” Looked at each other moment with Xiao Yan, some face slightly heavy Bai Cheng suddenly has smiled, put out a hand unexpectedly to Xiao Yan. “你就是萧炎吧?常听白山提起你,今日一见,果然气势不凡。”与萧火对视了片刻,脸庞略有些阴沉白程忽然一笑,竟然还冲着萧炎伸出手来。 Narrows the pupil to look at the Bai Cheng action, to heavy that in the grid contains, by its income eye, Xiao Yan was smiled lightly, under the gaze of glare of the public eye, puts out a hand, grasped with the hand of Bai Cheng in one. 微眯着眸子望着白程的举动,对方眼中所蕴含的阴沉,也是被其收入眼中,萧炎轻笑了笑,在众目睽睽的注视下,伸出手来,与白程的手掌握在了一起。 Both hands grasp, the happy expression on Bai Cheng face receives suddenly, tyrannical aura from within the body violently surge out, shakes the clothes robe to sway the surrounding crowd, some strength slightly weak people, were set up the insufficient body withdrew one step, but Bai Cheng that with Xiao Yan was grasping the palm place , was covered by rich Dou Qi instantaneously. 双手相握,白程脸庞上的笑意骤然一收,一股强横气息自体内暴涌而出,将周围的人群震得衣袍拂动,一些实力稍弱之人,更是立不足身子的退后了一步,而白程那与萧炎握着的手掌处,也是瞬间被浓郁的斗气所覆盖。 Is feeling above the palm the strength as well as ache of sharp increase, the Xiao Yan complexion sinks, within the body Dou Qi revolves, wisp of green-colored flame pulled out to pull, finally flees along the meridians to the place of palm rapidly. 感受着手掌之上剧增的力量以及疼痛,萧炎脸色微沉,体内斗气运转间,一缕青色火焰被抽扯而出,最后沿着经脉飞速地窜到手掌之处。 However is flame soon the exsomatize, but instant that Bai Cheng has induced general, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe to sneer, the middle finger is slightly curving, at once by an extremely small curve, heavily goes against in the place of Xiao Yan palm. 然而就是火焰即将离体而出的霎那,那白程似是有所感应一般,嘴角勾起一抹冷笑,中指微微弯曲,旋即以一个极为微小的弧度,重重地顶在萧炎掌心之处。 The dark vigor that in the palm transmits makes the Xiao Yan arm shake, however face still extremely tranquilly is actually fixing the eyes on opposite Bai Cheng. 掌心中传来的暗劲让得萧炎手臂一抖,然而脸庞却依然是极为平静地紧盯着对面的白程 Hits the enemy, Bai Cheng withdraws while Xiao Yan palm numb that instant palm like lightning. 一击中敌,白程趁着萧火手掌麻木的那一霎手掌闪电般地抽回。 The look ice-cold looks at Bai Cheng that was holding cheaply has wanted to withdraw, the Xiao Yan finger light shell, wisp of green flame fierce from fingertip violently shoot, pursued on the palm of Bai Cheng withdrawing fast. 眼神冰冷地望着占有了便宜就想撤走的白程,萧火手指轻弹,一缕青色火苗猛的自指尖暴射而出,快速地追击上白程抽回的手掌。 Shoots a look at blazing flame that is coming rapidly, Bai Cheng eye pupil micro, the palm place, Dou Qi gushes out suddenly, finally changes into about one -and-a-half foot Dou Qi light cover, wraps in inside that bunch of flame, then fast removes the hand to draw back. 瞥着那飞速而来的炽热火苗,白程眼瞳微缩,掌心处,斗气猛然涌出,最后化为一圈半尺左右的斗气光罩,将那簇火苗包在里面,然后飞快撤手而退。 Explodes!” “爆!” The lip moves slightly, the low and deep sound, has spat from the Xiao Yan mouth. 嘴唇微动,低沉的声音,自萧炎嘴中吐了出来。 Bang!” “轰!” As the sound falls, was encircled the green flame that the Dou Qi light covers to wrap by that fierce shivers, at once in together sad crack, explodes loudly, not a weak flame fluctuation, heavily pounds in the Dou Qi light coats, will explode just likes is invested the stone level of the lake to be ordinary, so moment time, the Dou Qi light that is constructed in a hurry by Bai Cheng covers is not unable to withstand the load finally, the clear breakage opens. 随着音落,被那圈斗气光罩所包的青色火苗,猛的一阵颤抖,旋即在一道沉闷的炸响中,轰然爆裂开来,一股不弱的火焰波动,重重地砸在斗气光罩上,将之炸得犹如被投入了石头的湖面一般,如此片刻时间,那由白程仓促间构建出来的斗气光罩终于是不不堪重负,清脆的破裂而开。 However flame explodes, although covers blasting open the Dou Qi light, may actually also be because the using ruler of body energy, after changing into a hot wave proliferation, but, is the slowly dissipation goes. 然而火焰爆炸虽然将斗气光罩炸裂,可却也是因为已身能量的用尺,在化为一阵火浪扩散而出后,便是缓缓消散而去。 Bai Cheng, do you do?!” 白程,你干什么?!” The confrontation of two worlds, vaguely and quickly, when everybody from hot wave sending out when responded, just now understands that in this electric light flint, they in secret has fought unexpectedly then, immediately, irritable Hu Jia pretty face sank, cold cry out loudly. 两人间的这番交锋,隐晦而又快捷,等到大家从火浪散发时才反应过来时,方才明白,在这电光火石间,两人居然便是暗中交手了一回,当下,火爆的琥嘉俏脸一沉,率先冷喝道 With the Hu Jia drinking sound, Wu Hao as well as 40 Pan's Gate people, is face belt spunk Qi Qi goes forward one step, the word does not gather greatly, meaning that then must attack brutally. 随着琥嘉的喝声,吴昊以及40来名磐门众人,也是脸带怒意地齐齐上前一步,大有一言不合,便要大打出手的意思。 He he, so is why anxious? And the Xiao Yan study younger brother has compared notes, what has to be quite strange at Inner Academy this matter?” The Bai Cheng racket the sleeve cuff, indifferently said with a smile \; Advised politely one, since arrived at Inner Academy, then should better according to the custom management of Inner Academy, otherwise in the end, will only bring contempt upon oneself.” “呵呵,何必这么急?只是和萧炎学弟切磋了一下而已,在内院这种事情有什么好奇怪的?”白程拍拍袖口,淡淡地笑道\;“奉劝一句,既然来到内院,那么就最好按照内院的规矩办事,不然到头来,只会自取其辱。” When speaks, his eye has been staring at Xiao Yan, its meaning nature is self-evident, formerly confrontation, Xiao Yan has not become to other party anything injures, but he actually solid refers to a Xiao Yan fist, although this is some ingredients of plotting, but also occupied on the minute after all, therefore, during speeches, slightly somewhat vague self-satisfied smiling face. 说着话时,他的眼睛一直盯着萧炎,其意自然不言而喻,先前的交锋,萧炎并未对他造成什么伤害,可是他却结结实实的给萧炎一记拳指,虽然这是有些暗算的成分,但是毕竟也是占据了上分,因此,说话间,不由略有些隐晦的得意笑容。 Xiao Yan unemotionally, was waving to Wu Hao and the others, hints their do not to be impulsive, another palm takes back the sleeve, is entering instant of sleeve, the palm endured to shiver freely several, formerly Bai Cheng that recorded the fist to refer , the strength was not weak, perhaps this arm several days cannot move. 萧炎面无表情,对着吴昊等人挥了挥手,示意他们不要冲动,另外一只手掌收回袖子,在进入袖子的霎那,手掌忍不住地颤抖了几下,先前白程的那记拳指,力量不弱,恐怕这条手臂得好几天都不能动弹。 Although sees Bai Cheng just now several minutes, but he gets rid as well as the computation from this short time, this person, actually also wants heavy compared with Bai Shan many, obviously strength, but also adopts to plot against the form, so procedure, although somewhat made one despise, but has saying that was very effective. 虽然见到白程不过方才几分钟的时间,可是他从这短暂的时间出手以及计算来看,这人,却是比白山还要阴沉得多,明明实力比自己强,还采取暗算形式,这般做法,虽有些令人不齿,可不得不说,很具成效。 In the heart flashes through the thought that Xiao Yan slowly gains ground together, is looking at opposite Bai Cheng, after the moment, on tranquil face appears wipes the indifferently smiling face, said in a soft voice: Bai Cheng Senior worthily is Strong Ranking the master, today this fist refers , the Xiao Yan technique was inferior to the person, in the heart has remembered, but came the day, but also asked Senior to take back.” 心中闪过一道念头,萧炎缓缓抬头,望着对面的白程,片刻后平静的脸庞上出现一抹淡淡的笑容,轻声道:“白程学长不愧是名列‘强榜’的高手,今天这一拳指,萧炎技不如人,心中记住了,但来日,还请学长收回。” Stares on Xiao Yan face the indifferently smiling face, the Bai Cheng brow cannot be bearing the micro wrinkle, the opposite party somewhat stems from his anticipation to the mood suppression degree actually, in the eye that wipes vague self-satisfied slowly to dissipate, sound low and deep tunnel: So long as you have that skill, my Bai Cheng momentarily awaits respectfully, you give under Fu Ao the sheath, making me White Gang in six months not permit you Pan's Gate, this also calculates your some skills, not a half year later, I will make you dismiss Pan's Gate!” 盯着萧炎脸庞淡淡的笑容,白程眉头忍不住地微皱,对方对情绪地压制程度倒是真有些出乎他的意料,眼中那抹隐晦得意缓缓消散,声音低沉地道:“只要你有那本事,我白程随时恭候,你给付敖下套子,让得我‘白帮’半年内不准动你‘磐门’,这也算你有些本事,不过半年后,我会让你自己解散‘磐门’!” „Those words, Inner Academy has the Inner Academy custom, no matter you outside are what status, potential how, before the strength, must lie, but you, do not have the strength, actually still dares so extremely arrogant rampant, without doubt brings contempt upon oneself.” Bai Cheng sneers to say “还是那句话,内院内院的规矩,不管你在外面是何身份,潜力如何,没有实力之前,就得趴着,可你,没有实力,却依然敢这般狂妄嚣张,无疑是自取其辱。”白程冷笑道 Saw that Xiao Yan was reprimanded by the Bai Cheng so big crowd of people under recklessly, nearby Xun'er, in the nimble and resourceful pupils, has Golden flame to leap faintly dodges, among flame, mixes with is wiping rare killing intent 见到萧炎白程这般大庭广众之下肆意斥责,一旁的薰儿,灵动的眸间,隐隐有着金色火焰跃闪,火焰间,夹杂着一抹罕见的杀意 The Xiao Yan eye pupil narrows the eyes, in the jet black pupils was to also pass over gently and swiftly some chill in the air, suddenly the right hand stretched out, nearby complexion heavy, the whole body had been pressed down by scarlet Dou Qi shrouded Wu Hao, shook the head to mutter slightly in a low voice: do not is swayed by personal feelings...... Bides one's time for punishment.” 萧炎眼眸微眯,漆黑的眸间也是掠过些许寒意,忽然右手伸出,将一旁脸色阴沉,浑身已被血色斗气缭绕吴昊按下,微微摇头低声喃喃道:“不要意气用事……秋后算账。” Held down by Xiao Yan, Wu Hao slightly hesitates, must nod, has drawn back, he is clear, by their present strengths, but also very difficult with is 6-Star Dou Ling Expert Bai Cheng fights. 萧炎按住,吴昊略一迟疑,只得点了点头,退了回去,他清楚,以他们如今的实力,还很难与身为六星斗灵强者白程相战。 Sees Xiao Yan that and the others that did not say a word, Bai Cheng then happily sneered. 见到那一言不发的萧炎等人,白程这才得意地冷笑一声。 Others do not have the skill to be rampant, brings contempt upon oneself, your Bai Cheng does not have the skill, whether is also so?” In the Bai Cheng preparation swaggering withdraws, suddenly has the chilly sound to spread from the crowd, but hears this not strange sound, Bai Cheng face changes, cold voice said: Han Yue! You multibarreled what other people's business?” “别人没本事嚣张,就是自取其辱,那你白程没本事,是否也是如此?”就在白程准备大摇大摆地撤去之时,忽然有清冷的声音从人群中传出,而听得这并不陌生的声音,白程脸庞微变,冷声道:“韩月!你又多管什么闲事?” In the crowd, separates a track suddenly, at once 78 stature graceful beautiful figures enter slowly, the intermittent fragrant wind, made surrounding bystander spirit one, but that took the lead a person, had casual acquaintance Han Yue with Xiao Yan. 人群中,忽然分开一条小道,旋即78道身形曼妙的倩影徐徐走进,阵阵香风,令得周围的围观者精神一阵,而那领头一人,正是与萧炎有过一面之缘的韩月 Han Yue behind several people, are the uniform females, in the places of their chest, is wearing a crescent moon shape badge, although is the same influence, although these females the appearance is inferior to Han Yue, may so many people crowd around in together, is the extremely appealing eyeball, in this male draft animal has occupied about three-fourth Inner Academy, the female, the especially attractive female, is without doubt most popular. 韩月身后的几人,都是清一色的女子,在她们胸口之处,都是佩戴着一枚弯月形状的徽章,虽然是属于同一个势力,这些女子虽容貌不及韩月,可这般多人簇拥在一起,也是极为吸引人眼球,在这雄性牲口占了将近3的内院中,女子,特别是漂亮的女子,无疑最受欢迎。 Han Yue and the others come, the surrounding line of sight was earnest immediately, talked in whispers to keep ringing. 韩月等人一现身,周围的视线顿时热切了许多,窃窃私语响个不停。 Looks at you to depend the status to bully one group of new students somewhat unable to tolerate, if there is a skill, look Lin Xiuya, Yan Hao they do play the power and prestige?” The cheeks of Han Yue, are still that like the Iceberg desolateness, a bright silver hair is coordinating the silver skirt artillery of synthesis, female on the scene, only has Xun'er and Hu Jia can compare with it elegant demeanor. “只是瞧你仗着身份欺负一群新生有些看不过去而已,若是有本事,去找林修崖,严皓他们耍威风去?”韩月的脸颊,依然是那副如冰山般的冷淡,一头齐腰灿烂银发配合着合体的银色裙炮,在场的女子,也唯有薰儿琥嘉能与之风采相比。 You......” “你……” A face anger, the Bai Cheng corners of the mouth also twitched slightly, that Lin Xiuya and Yan Hao are Strong Ranking first ten masters, the strength in the Dou Ling peak, the subordinates influence is also in Inner Academy first five, depending on him, how also dares to go to front of them to play the power and prestige? 脸庞微微一怒,白程嘴角也是抽搐了一下,那林修崖严皓都是名列‘强榜’前十的高手,实力更是在斗灵巅峰,麾下势力也是在内院名列前五,凭他,又如何敢去他们面前耍威风? However although the heart has the spunk, but he actually does not dare to be extremely dissolute to Han Yue, the opposite party regardless of the strength as well as the influence, is not weak in him, therefore, he can only look heavy blow has hacked Xiao Yan one, the sound slightly somewhat ridiculed the tunnel: If did not say with Bai Shan false, your female personal connection is very indeed enviable......” 不过虽然心有怒意,可他却不敢对韩月太过放肆,对方不论实力以及势力,都不弱于他,因此,他只能眼神阴沉地刮剐了萧炎一眼,声音略有些讥讽地道:“如果和白山所说不假,你女人缘的确很令人羡慕啊……” Six months later, I must have a look but actually again, can you also find what excuse?” Sneers, Bai Cheng waves, having the person to walk to the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower entrance. “半年后,我倒要再看看,你还能找何借口?”冷笑一声,白程一挥手,带人对着天焚炼气塔门口走去。 Six months later, White Gang dismisses......” when Bai Cheng and Xiao Yan brushed past, latter slowly inspired, said in a soft voice. “半年后,白帮解散……”在白程萧炎擦肩而过时,后者缓缓吸了一口气,轻声说道。 Footsteps, the Bai Cheng look has several points to tease and taunt is looking at Xiao Yan, said: I am waiting for you, so long as when the time comes do not hide in woman behind well......” saying that wields the sleeve robe, having the person to leave this place. 脚步一顿,白程眼神带着几分戏谑与嘲讽地望着萧炎,道:“我等着你,只要到时候别又躲在女人身后就好……”说完,一挥袖袍,带人离开了这处地方。 Is looking at departure Bai Cheng and the others, surroundings these are waiting for the person of watching the fun, cannot help but somewhat disappointedly shook the head. 望着离去的白程等人,周围那些等着看热闹的人,不由得有些失望地摇了摇头。 Han Yue slowly moves toward Xiao Yan, looked at that to receive has ridiculed still tranquil face, sighed lightly, said in a low voice: Yesterday had said with you, before has not expanded, is as far as possible low-key, finally today has annoyed troublesome.” 韩月缓缓走向箫炎,望着那张在受了奚落依然平静的脸庞,轻叹了一口气,低声道:“昨天才与你说过,在未壮大前,尽量低调,结果今天就惹了麻烦。” This may unable to complain about me, others walk, cannot sit by and do nothing.” Xiao Yan shrugs with a smile, at once is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to say to Han Yue: many thanks the Han Yue study elder sister has raised one's head for my Pan's Gate today, if in the future has the place that needs to help, Xiao Yan will exhaust ability surely.” “这可怨不得我,别人找上门来,总不能坐视不理。”箫炎笑着耸了耸肩,旋即对着韩月拱手道:“多谢今日韩月学姐替我磐门出头了,日后若是有需要帮忙的地方,箫炎定会竭尽所能。” This matter...... In the future will again say that present you, may unable to help anything.” Han Yue shook the head, the straightforward words, making Xiao Yan smile helplessly. “这种事……还是日后再说吧,现在的你,可帮不了什么。”韩月摇了摇头,直白的话,让得箫炎无奈一笑。 Opens the tower!” “开塔!” In Xiao Yan the Xun'er four people introduced when to the Han Yue understanding, the old sound, resounds through suddenly enormously and powerful in this crowded region. At that moment, all loud noises, fell, opens the creaking sound of pyller, slowly resounds...... 就在箫炎薰儿四人介绍给韩月认识时,苍老的声音,忽然浩荡地响彻在这片拥挤的地域之中。当下,所有的喧闹声,都是落了下来,开启塔门的嘎吱声响,缓缓响起…… ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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