In the brilliantly illuminatedroom, the atmosphereis having a bomb igniterflavorfaintly, inthisroom, scatteredorsits inor the stationaltogether hasseveralpeople, at this time, ontheseperson of facehassomespunks.
灯火通明的房间之中,气氛隐隐带着一点火药味道,在这房间里,错错落落地或坐或站共有十几人,此时,这些人脸庞上都是有着些许怒意。„leader, that‚Pan's Gate’reallydid not know good from bad, daresto make intothisappearanceFu Aounexpectedly, if not ask for the toneto come back, we‚White Gang’howalsowill base in the futureinInner Academy?”In the room, a mancannot bear a palm of the handpatsuddenlyon the table, gets angry the sound track.
“老大,那‘磐门’也实在是太不知好歹了,竟然敢把付敖打成这副模样,若是不讨口气回来的话,日后我们‘白帮’还如何在内院立足?”房间中,一名男子忽然忍不住地一巴掌拍在桌子上,怒声道。„Yes, leader, cannotmakeFu Aobig brotherBaiAithishit.” The voice of thismanjustfell, otherpeople of room, then together echoesto say.
“是啊,老大,不能让付敖大哥白挨了这顿打啊。”这名男子的话音刚落,房间的其余人等,便是齐齐附和道。Inroomfirst place, a mancloses right up against the chairbackto sitslantingly, the palmis supporting the chin, looks atitsappearance, hasseveralpointsto imaginewithBai Shanfaintly, butseems is actually matureras well ascloudy and cold, wantsto come, heshouldthenbe„White Gang”leader, the Bai Shancousin, thatis„Strong Ranking”34Expert, Bai Cheng.
在房间首位处,一名男子斜靠着椅背坐着,手掌撑着下巴,看其面貌,与白山隐隐有着几分想像,只不过看上去却是更加成熟以及阴冷一些,想来,他应该便是“白帮”的首领,白山的表哥,那位名列“强榜”34名的强者,白程吧。Bai Chenghas not paid attention to the room these person who rallies togetherto be roused to action, the visionstopson a leftperson's shadow, at this time, the mostfacebedding bag of thisperson's shadowin the gauze, fromhalfface of hiddendew, canlook at the status of thispersonfuzzily, todayis flungby a Xiao Yanfistmaliciouslyon the face, andat the scenecomaFu Ao.白程并未理会房间中那些群起激奋的人,目光停在左边的一道人影上,此时,这位人影的大半个脸庞都被包在纱布之中,从隐露的半边脸庞中,能够模糊瞧出此人的身份,正是今天被萧炎狠狠一拳甩在脸上,并且当场昏迷的付敖。„Fu Ao, injuryhow?”Looks atFu Aothisdistressedappearance, thatmalebrowcould not bearwrinkled the wrinkle, opened the mouthto say.
“付敖,伤势如何?”瞧得付敖这幅狼狈模样,那名男子眉头忍不住地皱了皱,开口道。Along withhisstart to talk, the disturbance in roomis immediately peaceful, allvisionstoponFu Ao.
随着他的开口,房间中的吵杂声立马安静,所有目光都是停在付敖身上。„Notbytoobiginternal injury, butat least must recuperate45Arabia to reply.”Slightly the sounds of sometranspositions, in the mostFu Aomouthspreadfrom the facebedding bag.
“没受太大的内伤,不过至少也要休养45天方才能够回复。”略有些变调的声音,从脸庞被包了大半的付敖嘴中传出。„ThatXiao Yan, is the strengthwhat kind of?”slightly nod, Bai Chengis narrowingeye, in the lightsoundis dopingcloudy and cold.
“那个萧炎,实力怎样?”微微点头,白程微眯着眼睛,平淡的声音中掺杂着一丝阴冷。„Hisstrengthalsoinfive6-StarDa Dou Shiabout, butheas ifcanuseSecret Skill the bodystrengthto promoteto the Dou Lingrankforcefully, flame that , hedisplays is also quite overbearingtyrannicalally, IwithdisplayingDou Techniqueas well asDou Qiconcentrates the dualcoordination, is counter-balancedbyflame that hisNahasaid.”In the Fu Aoeyeflashes throughwipesunwillingly, the spunk in sound is also quitethick: „Iwill not defeatsovexed, who expectsthatfellowalsoto understandsound waveDou Techniqueunexpectedly, handlesagainstunderto be shakenwhilemeabsent-mindedwithin, has the heavyhandto make intothisappearanceme.”
“他本身实力也不过在五六星大斗师左右,可他似乎能够使用一种秘法强行将已身实力提升到斗灵级别,还有,他所施展的火焰也极为霸道强横,我在施展斗技以及斗气凝物的双重配合下,都被他那霸道的火焰尽数抵消。”付敖眼中闪过一抹不甘,声音中的怒意也是颇浓:“本来我并不会败得这般窝囊,可谁料到那个家伙竟然还懂得声波斗技,趁我措不及防下被震得失神间,出重手将我打成这副模样。”Bai Chengslightly nod, a deviationotherone side, there, is sittingfaceindifferentBai Shan, the latterlooks athimto look, nodded, indifferentlytunnel: „Cousin, the detailsandFu Aobig brothersaidalsosimilar, thatXiao Yan, indeedhasthesemethods . Moreover, healsounderstood that more tyrannicalDou Technique, is thatdaydefeatsLuoHoustrangeFire Lotus, todaydoes not know, actuallyhas not used why.”白程微微点头,将头偏向另外一旁,那里,正坐着脸庞冷漠的白山,后者瞧得他望来,点了点头,淡淡地道:“表哥,详情与付敖大哥说的也差不多,那个萧炎,的确拥有这些手段,另外,他还懂得一种更为强横的斗技,便是那日击败罗候的诡异火莲,今日不知为何,却是未曾用上。”„ThatFire LotusDou TechniqueIhave also heard, is very indeed strong, butas ifconsumes is also very big, perhapsby the Xiao Yanstrength, the most flourishingconditionmerely can only display1-2 times.”Bai Chengnoddedto say.
“那火莲斗技我也听说过,的确挺强,不过似乎消耗也很大,以萧炎的实力,全盛状态或许仅仅只能施展一两次而已。”白程点了点头道。„leader, thistimeIsuffer a lossindo not knowitsdetails, ifnext timewill fightagain, will decidehoweverwill not defeat!”Fu Aoextremelyunwillingtunnel.
“老大,这次我只是吃亏在不知其底细,下次若是再战,定然不会败!”付敖极为不甘地道。„Alsodislikeslosesdisgracedinsufficiently?”facesinks, Bai Chengpalmfiercepounds on the table, the people of resoundingsoundin the roomfrightensdoes not dareto interrupt.
“还嫌丢人丢得不够?”脸庞一沉,白程手掌猛的一拍桌子,响亮的声音将房间内众人吓得不敢插嘴。„Todayyou, if under does not havethatso-calledcompetitionto pledgethatnowIcanhave the personto trample flat‚Pan's Gate’, makingitcloseto dismiss, idiot but who yourthisis conceited, clear(ly)knows that Xiao Yanhas defeatedLuoHou, the promisingagreement that unexpectedlyalsodaresto be proud, thatagreementearlypassed on Inner Academynow, nowlooks for the trouble of Pan's Gateagain, to fall the personargument? InthisInner Academy, waitsto lookperson who we‚White Gang’make a boner, butare many!”
“今日你若是没有下那所谓的比试承诺,现在我便可带人踏平‘磐门’,让它关门解散,可你这自视甚高的蠢货,明知道那萧炎打败了罗候,居然还敢自负的许下约定,如今那约定早已经在内院中传了开来,现在再去找磐门的麻烦,岂不是落人口舌?这内院里,等着看我们‘白帮’出丑的人,可不少!”„Thatwhat to do? Can'tthiseasilyuncover? Pretendsanymatterto occur, tous‚White Gang’ the prestige is not quite as if good.”Becausereprimanding of Bai Chengdrinks the sound, Fu Ao must lower the sound, the indignanting disturbedtunnel.
Side the Bai Chengendpasses away the teacup, sip, has raised head, silentlong time, just nowslowlytunnel: „A halfyearcannotlook for the Pan's Gatetroublesomeagreement, youpromised, therefore, in a short time, ‚White Gang’ the person, is shortas far as possiblewiththemhas the dispute......”白程端过身旁的茶杯,浅浅地抿了一口,仰着头,沉默了半晌,方才缓缓地道:“半年不许找磐门麻烦的约定,你已经许下了,所以,短时间内,‘白帮’的人,尽量少与他们有纠纷……”„Does cousin, youthinkto ignoreXiao Yantheysix months?”Hearing this, a Bai Shanbrowcannot help butwrinkle, asked.
“表哥,你想放任萧炎他们半年时间?”闻言,白山眉头不由得一皱,问道。Bai Chengwas gripping tightly the teacup, pondered a meeting, slightly nod, the indifferentlytunnel: „Six months, theycould not becomeanyclimate, at the appointed time the timearrived, Iwill approachPan's Gatepersonally‚’under the war declaration.”白程紧握着茶杯,沉吟了一会,微微点了点头,淡淡地道:“半年时间,他们也成不了什么气候,到时时间一到,我会亲自向‘磐门’下战书。”„Did thistootake risk? Six months, whocanknowwhataccidentwill have? ThatXiao Yancannottreatbycommon sense.”Bai Shansinkingsound track.
“这太冒险了吧?半年时间,谁能知道其中会发生什么变故?那萧炎可不能以常理对待啊。”白山沉声道。„Relax, six months, even ifthey ’ practiceinBlazing Sky Qi Refining Towerevery day‚, thatalsoat mostenters the Da Dou Shipeak, the Dou Lingstepleaves, is notsucheasypromote to enter, moreoverIam notFu Aothisidiot, even ifoddsis grasping, allowwhatsingleTiao, White Gang’allpeopleallwill not send outat the appointed time‚, looked that he ‚ Pan's Gate’canstruggle?”Bai Chengwaved, said.
“放心吧,半年时间而已,就算他们每天都在‘天焚炼气塔’中修炼,那也顶多进入大斗师巅峰而已,斗灵阶别,可不是这么容易晋入的,而且我也并非是付敖这蠢货,就算胜算在握,也不会许什么单挑,到时‘白帮’所有人全部出动,看他‘磐门’能不能挣扎起来?”白程挥了挥手,道。„This......”Hearing this, Bai Shan is still somewhatscruple, afterwas togetherinforestthat timewithXiao Yan, hedid not haveto createsomeamazedmiracleto come outtothisfellowrarely, thereforein the heartwas somewhat disturbed.
“这……”闻言,白山依然是有些迟疑,经过与萧炎在森林中的那段时间相处,他没少见到这个家伙创造出一些令人惊诧不已的奇迹出来,因此心中有几分忐忑。„Mythis is also onlypreliminaryplan, when the time comesdecidesagainin accordance with the situation, recentlymade the personis staring at‚Pan's Gate’every action and every movement......”look at the appearance that Bai Shanthatstillsomedo not feel relieved, Bai Chengmustreluctantlyshake the head, changes a statementto say.
“我这也只是初步打算而已,到时候再视情况而定吧,最近让人盯着一下‘磐门’的一举一动……”瞧得白山那依然有些不放心的模样,白程只得无奈地摇了摇头,改口说道。„Was good, the weatherearly, respectivelydid not diverge, tomorrowIwill enter the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Towerclockpractice, perhaps56days of timewill just now come out, these days, the thing in gang was being looked afterbyyouandFu Ao.”Bai Chengstands up, indifferentlytunnel.
“嗯。”Next day, in the morning, when the weatherjustshone, the lights of newbornlodgingarea were bright, swept in a flash of person's shadowsfrom the room, arrangedfinallyneatlyin the small buildingpavilion that the Xiao Yanfourpeople of instituteswere.
“嘎吱……”Partly after making a sound, doorslowly of small buildingpavilionopens, the Xiao Yanfourpeoplego outgradually, standin the entrance, looks attheseimposing mannersto be soaring, the whole faceexcitedPan's Gatemember, cannot help butsmiles, althoughthesemembers are very small and weak, but the potentialvalue, is quite not weak, so long asgivestheirenoughtime, Xiao Yanbelievesthattheysooner or latercanbecometrueExpert.
The personnelhave gatheredto finish, Xiao Yanrubbish, the handwields, thenquicklyis walkingto the oppositewith the Wu Haothreepeople, after that 40new studentscloselyfollow.
人员已经集合完毕,萧炎也并未废话,手一挥,便是与吴昊三人率先对着对面快步行去,其后,40来名新生紧紧跟随。Inleading to the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Towerjourney, the institute of communicationis looking atthathas welled upfrom the side a troopperson, cannot help butsomehowever, whatwhen some people of being sharp-eyedinfindingto take the leadisXiao YanafterthatgiganticHeavy Xuan Ruler that shoulderspromptly, the amazedsoundcausedto resound throughimmediately.
在通往天焚炼气塔的路途上,来往的学院望着那从身边呼啦涌过的一大群人,不由得都有些愣然,而当一些眼尖之人在瞧见领头的是萧炎以及时背负的那硕大玄重尺后,惊诧的声音顿时使响彻了起来。„Well? Isn't thatXiao Yan?”
“咦?那不是萧炎么?”„Hee, seeminglyverygraceful......”
“嘻,貌似挺帅的啊……”„Thatfollowstwogirlsbythem is very attractive, hey, does not know that whocanhaveluckyownperfumed hair-oil......”
“那跟在他们旁边的两个女孩子也很漂亮哦,嘿嘿,不知道谁能有好运地一亲芳泽……”„Should thesepeople, thenberecentlypassed onnoisynewborninfluenceinInner Academy‚Pan's Gate’? It seems the imposing manner seems to be good.”
“这些人,应该便是最近在内院中传得沸沸扬扬的新生势力‘磐门’了吧?看上去似乎气势还不错啊。”„Heardyesterdaycompany‚White Gang’Fu Ao, has eatenin the Xiao Yanhandshrivelled, it seems likethesefellowsalsoindeedaresomestrengths.”
„ Hearsplace visitedtheseto talk in whispersalong the way, Xiao Yanaspiratedlightly, nowtheirthis‚Pan's Gate’, has also become famousinInner Academy, but their strengthwiththesereputations, seeminglysupportsnowdoes not tally.
“听得沿途所过之处的那些窃窃私语,萧炎轻吐了一口气,如今他们这‘磐门’,在内院也算是出名了,不过如今他们的实力与这些名声,貌似挺不符合的。Shook the head, no longerpays attentionsurroundingtohimas well as„Pan's Gate” the discussion, Xiao Yanurged that has drunkone, the entireteamspeedspeeds uponce again, thenbrings the mist and dustspeedily, vanishesin the end of pathrapidly......
摇了摇头,不再理会周围的对他以及“磐门”的谈论,萧炎催促地喝了一声,整支队伍速度再度加快,然后带起一溜烟的烟尘,迅速地消失在道路的尽头……Afternearlyonehour of hurrying along, thatonlyrevealed a section of spirein the ground„Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower”finallywill appearin the line of sight of peoplemerely, after the Pan's Gatepeoplelooked atthisextremelyunusualBlack tower, astonishedsoundcannot help butcontinuously.
经过将近一个小时的赶路,那仅仅只在地面上露出一截塔尖的“天焚炼气塔”终于是出现在了众人的视线之中,而当磐门众人瞧得这极为奇特的黑塔之后,惊异的声音不由得此起彼伏了起来。„BrotherXiao Yan, is thisthenBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower? Reallyis very unusual, unexpectedlydeepburiedbottom.”Xun'eris looking atthatsection of hugespire, the prettyappearance of Yanran (beautiful)chuckle, caused that the shockingvisionwill have throwninmanymen who herewaits.
“萧炎哥哥,这便是天焚炼气塔么?果然很奇特啊,竟然深埋地底。”薰儿望着那截庞大塔尖,嫣然轻笑的娇俏模样,引得在此处等候的不少男子将惊艳的目光投了过来。Shook the head, no longerpays attentionsurroundingtohimas well as ” Pan's Gate ” the discussion, Xiao Yanurgedhas drunkone, the entireteamspeedsped uponce again, thenbrought the mist and dustspeedily, rapiddisappearancein the end of path......
摇了摇头,不再理会周围的对他以及”磐门”的谈论,萧炎催促的喝了一声,整支队伍速度再度加快,然后带起一溜烟的烟尘,迅速的消失在道路的尽头……Afternearlyonehour of hurrying along, thatonlyrevealed a section of spirein the ground„Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower”finallywill appearin the line of sight of peoplemerely, after the Pan's Gatepeoplelooked atthisextremelyunusualBlack tower, astonishedsoundcannot help butcontinuously.
经过将近一个小时的赶路,那仅仅只在地面上露出一截塔尖的“天焚炼气塔”终于是出现在了众人的视线之中,而当磐门众人瞧得这极为奇特的黑塔之后,惊异的声音不由得此起彼伏了起来。„BrotherXiao Yan, is thisthenBlazing Sky Qi Refining Tower? Reallyis very unusual, unexpectedlydeepburiedbottom.”Xun'eris looking atthatsection of hugespire, the prettyappearance of Yanran (beautiful)chuckle, caused that the shockingvisionwill have throwninmanymen who herewaits.
“嗯。”Xiao Yannoddedwith a smile, before gettingpeopleto occupyhas not depended on the place, according to the Inner Academycustom, the refiningtowerhas the strictclosure and opening instantevery day, thereforeXiao Yanand the others must wait foropening of pyllerpatiently.萧炎笑着点了点头,领着众人占了一块不靠前的地方,按照内院规矩,炼气塔每天都有着严格的关闭与开启时间,所以萧炎等人也只得耐心地等待着塔门的开启。Along withpassing of standby period, the surroundingstream of people is also more and morehuge, the stream of people of soundas well asgathering that makes noise, making the Pan's Gatepeoplesomewhatsurprised, has not thought that thisentersconditionextremelyharshInner Academy, is havingso the human spirit.
That Xiao Yanand the othersare, without doubtis the most noticeableplace, for serveral daysin the time, Xiao Yanas well asPan's Gateestablishmentand othermatters, as well asbecameInner Academythese daysfocal pointare, andyesterdayXiao YandefeatedFu Ao, frustrateshas drawn back„White Gang”matter, intensifiedthisfamedissemination.萧炎等人所在的这一处,无疑是最为引人注目的地方,这些天时间中,萧炎以及磐门的建立等事情,以及成为了内院这段时间的焦点所在,并且昨日萧炎打败付敖,挫退了“白帮”的事,更是加剧了这名气传播。Xiao Yanand the otherssat cross-leggedto sit, has not paid attention to the surroundingtheseto quarrel the mixedsoundto send and assortedvision.萧炎等人盘腿而坐,并未理会周围那些吵杂的声音发及各色目光。
The timecontinuessuch asto refer to the sandpassing, afterXiao Yanand the others arrived here more than 20minutes, hasoneline to squeeze outfrom the crowdedcrowdsuddenly, thenslowlyto the placeline that Xiao Yanand the othersare.
时间继续如指间沙般流逝而过,在萧炎等人来到此处将近20多分钟后,猛然有着一行人从拥挤人群中挤出,然后缓缓地对着萧炎等人所在的地方行来。Along withthisline of taking a walk, the surroundingvisionwasto also gatheronthem, afterlooking at the leader of thispedestrian, thesevisionshifted the place that Xiao Yanand the otherswere atimmediately, in the eyewas bringingsomejumping for joy of watching the funfaintly.
随着这一行人的走动,周围的目光也是汇聚到了他们身上,当瞧得这行人的领头者之后,那些目光顿时转移到了萧炎等人所在的地方,眼中隐隐带着些许看热闹的雀跃。Suddenlybecomes the strangeatmosphere, makingXiao Yanalsoopen a pupil, gained groundoneline of who the visionwent tothatto walk, the browcannot help butslightlywrinkled the wrinkle.
忽然变得奇异的气氛,令得萧炎也是睁开了眼眸,抬头将目光投向那走过来的一行人,眉头不由得微微皱了皱。„Head, careful, the fellow is ‚White Gang’leader, Bai Cheng!”SideXiao Yan, Taicomplexionserioussaidin a low voice.
“嗯。”Xiao Yanslightly nod, the handwields, dozenssit cross-leggedin the place„Pan's Gate”member, one, wasextremelyneatlyhas then stood, vision, closelystared atBai Cheng that and the othersthatslowlywas walking.萧炎微微点头,手一挥,几十名盘坐在地的“磐门”成员,唰的一声,便是极为整齐的站了起来,一道道的目光,紧紧地盯着那缓缓走过来的白程等人。Suddenly, this„Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower”beside, the atmospherebecamehas tied slightly somewhat tight.
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