Above the spaciousopen area, atmospherecoagulationis peaceful, lines of sightlook atthatto lie downinFu Ao that dozensmetersdistant placeis entirely still, in the visionhavepanic-stricken that wipingis hardto conceal.
宽敞的空地之上,气氛凝固安静,一道道视线望着那躺在几十米远处纹丝不动的付敖,目光中有着一抹难以掩饰的惊骇。Thisis3-StarDou LingExpert, by the Fu Aostrength, even if placesinentireInner Academy, that can also enter the first about 70ranks, butnow, heactuallydefeatsinonejustenteredInner Academyis about the new students of fivedays of time, thisdefeat...... Alsodefeatsopitiful, before remembering for tenminutes, stillalsoincomplacentFu Ao, nowisto actually just like the dead doglies downinnot far awaygenerally, periphery thisdramaticone, is really allpeople who madeto surroundsomewhatfeelsunthinkable.
这可是三星斗灵强者啊,以付敖实力,就算是放在整个内院之中,那也是能够进入前70左右的排名,而如今,他却是败在了一个刚刚进入内院不过五天时间的新生,并且,这败……还败如此的凄惨,想起十来分钟前尚还在得意洋洋的付敖,如今却是犹如死狗一般躺在不远处,这戏剧性的一幕,实在是令周围围观的所有人有些感到匪夷所思。„, Coughs......”
“咳,咳,咳……”Fiercecoughsoundresoundsinopen areasuddenly, broke the peacefulatmosphere.
剧烈的咳嗽声忽然在空地上响起,也是将安静的气氛打破了去。In the Xiao Yanhandheavy rulertouches the tread, singleXi was actually could not bearpastesin the ground, delicatefacefloodsomepale, closecold sweatwere seepingfrom the foreheadat this timeunceasingly, from his rapidbreath, thisdefeatedobviouslyquite not easily.萧炎手中重尺触着地面,单膝却是已经忍不住地贴在了地面上,清秀的脸庞此时泛着些许苍白,细密的冷汗不断地从额头之上渗透而出,从他那急促的呼吸来看,明显这一战胜得颇不容易。„BrotherXiao Yan, all right?”Beautiful figureswept in a flash appearsin the sidetogether, the delicate handsring the waist of Xiao Yan, looks atlatterthatpaleface, the black clothingyoung girlsomewhatis loving dearly the tunnel.
“萧炎哥哥,没事吧?”一道倩影闪掠出现在身旁,纤手环着萧炎的腰,望着后者那张苍白的脸庞,青衣少女不由地有些心疼地道。„All right, butpromotesstrengthforcefullyaftereffect.”Xiao Yanhaunches the bodydifficultly, clenches teethto shake the head, Skyfire Three Mysterious Changeno doubtcanbe promoted the strengthbyoneselfin a short time, wound that butthatwildenergymakesto the bodyinterior, is not small, if notXiao Yanitself is Alchemist, andhasOld YaothisexperiencerichincomparableAlchemymasterto assistfromside, perhapshedoes not dareto usethisthingeasily, but the bonusisso, after having displayedeach time, the bodywill feel a webcolic.
The armbuildson the Xun'erdelicatefragrantshoulder, the Xiao Yanlookshot a look atFu Ao of distant placeindifferently, thisfellowwill not losesopitifully, but was actually underestimate the restraintdegree of Heavenly FlametowaterattributeDou Qi, formerlythatrecordedDou Techniqueto mix withDou Qiwas congealing the powerfulattack, ifdid not change intoby the Heavenly Flameextremelyrestraintattribute, perhapsXiao Yandoes not daresohardlyto spell.
手臂搭在薰儿纤弱的香肩上,萧炎眼神冷漠地瞥了一眼远处的付敖,这个家伙原本不会输得这般凄惨的,只不过却是小看了异火对水属性斗气的克制程度,先前的那记斗技夹杂着斗气凝物的强悍攻击,若是换成不被异火太过克制的属性的话,恐怕萧炎也不敢如此硬拼。Howeverno matterfightwhetherexistsby luckfor some reason, presentXiao Yan, achieved the success of thiscompetition, thiswas then enough.
不过不管战斗是否存在着侥幸因故,现在的萧炎,已经获得了这场比试的胜利,这便已经足够。Takes outrepairinternal injuryMedicinal PillfromStorage Ring, forces in the mouth, Xiao Yanthenturns the headto go toBai Shanthatgroup of people the vision.
从纳戒中取出一枚修复内伤的丹药,塞进嘴中,萧炎这才转头将目光投向白山那一群人。Looks atXiao Yanthatsuch as the knife edgeswift and fiercevisionto throw, that„White Gang”onegroup of peopleincludedBai Shanare beingcannot bearwithdrawtwosteps, the whole facewere looking atXiao Yanvigilantly.
瞧得萧炎那如刀刃凌厉的目光投来,那“白帮”的一群人包括着白山都是忍不住地退后了两步,满脸警惕地望着萧炎。„Fu Aolost, takes awayperson, remembersamongus the commitment, on the scenehasmanypeopleto testify, to renege on a promise, yourWhite Gang was also the prestigesweeps the floor.”Xiao Yanhas not takenanyextremeaction, iscold voicesaidmerely.
“付敖输了,把人带走吧,记住我们之间的承诺,在场可是有着不少人作证,若是想要反悔,你白帮也算是声誉扫地了。”萧炎并未采取什么过激的行动,仅仅是冷声道。„The idiot of thisbeing conceited, thinks that was3-StarDou Lingon the unmannedenergyenemy, nownot onlyloseshas given back toXiao Yantheyto leave behinda halfyear of respitetime. Six months later, wantedto tidy uptheirthis‚Pan's Gate’perhaps to the cousinhave the personagainto comepersonally.”Bai Shanlooks atnot far awayto lie downon the groundwith clenched jawslikedead dogFu Ao, the violent angerin the heartscolded.
“这个自视甚高的蠢货,以为是三星斗灵就无人能敌了,现在不仅输了还给萧炎他们留下了半年的喘息时间。半年后,想要再收拾他们这‘磐门’恐怕非得堂哥亲自带人来了。”白山咬牙切齿地望着不远处躺在地上如死狗般的付敖,在心中暴怒地骂道。„Walks.”Was gazing by the Xiao Yancloudy and coldvision, the Bai Shanwhole bodydoes not feelhappily, after the moment, finallywaves, soundsadlyandextremelyunwillinglycry out loudly.
“走。”被萧炎阴冷目光注视着,白山浑身都是感到不舒畅,片刻后,终于是一挥手,声音沉闷且极为不甘地喝道。Then, hethenturns around, is walkingto the extra income of newbornlodgingarea, after that several„White Gang”member, hurriesto follow, whenpassing byFu Ao, will branch outthemto lift, will look atthatline to vanishin the line of sightenddistressedly, thesehave been tying tight the nerve„Pan's Gate”member, relaxedfinally. Howeverthistime, theyhave not cheeredactuallymake noise, has looked at each otheronemutually, fromlooksto wipeto the gridinurgently, thatisto the urgency that the strengthgrows.
说罢,他便是率先掉头,对着新生住宿区之外快步行去,其后那几名“白帮”成员,赶忙跟上,在路过付敖时,分出两人将之抬了起来,望着那一行人狼狈地消失在视线尽头,那些一直紧绷着神经的“磐门”成员,终于是松了一口气。不过这次,他们倒是并未欢呼出声,互相对视了一眼,都是从对方眼中瞧出一抹迫切,那是对实力增长的迫切。AlthoughentersInner Academyis aboutseveraldays of time, butthey were actually clearlyfeel the importance of strengthinInner Academy, beforetheyinOuter Academy, cancalculate that didis the outstanding person, butinthisInner Academy, is most commonnow, in order tono longerreceivesto be similartoday'sinsult, theymustpromote the strengthas soon as possible. Theyalsoclear, inthisInner Academy, everythingis impossiblecompletelyto depend uponXiao Yanseveralpeopleto undertake, asPan's Gateone, theyalsoneedsto pay.
虽然才进入内院不过几天时间,可他们却是真真切切地感受到了实力在内院之中的重要性,以前他们在外院,能够算做是佼佼者,可如今在这内院,却只是最寻常不过的一员,为了能够不再受到类似今日的侮辱,他们必须尽快地提升实力。他们心里也清楚,在这内院中,凡事不可能完全都依靠着萧炎几人承担,作为磐门的一员,他们也需要付出。„, The good playends, everybodypleasereturn.”Xiao Yanhas archedcuping one hand in the other across the chesttothesesenior that peripherywas surroundingwith a smile, said.
“诸位,好戏收场,大家请回吧。”萧炎对着周围围观的那些老生笑着拱了拱手,道。Hears the Xiao Yanorder for a guest to leave, thesebystandersarequitepolitelyare also cuping one hand in the other across the chesttoXiao Yan, then3322placesare goingtooutside the line, along the way, but also was talking in whispersunceasingly, wantsto comeindiscussionformerlyfight.
听得萧炎的逐客令,那些围观者也是颇为客气地对着萧炎一拱手,然后3322地对着外面行去,沿途间,还不断地窃窃私语着,想来是在谈论先前的战斗。„Perhapshe he, BrotherXiao Yan, how longtimecould not require, youdefeated the Fu Aomatter, will spread overentireInner Academy.”HoldsXiao Yan, Xun'eris saying with a smiletenderly.
“呵呵,萧炎哥哥,恐怕要不了多久时间,你打败付敖的事情,就会传遍整个内院了。”扶着萧炎,薰儿娇笑道。„Thisis also good, at leastcanfrightenotherPan's Gate ’ to have the badthoughtsinfluencetous ‚.”Xiao Yansighed, gains groundlookstheseoneis flushingto sincerely hopeoneself„Pan's Gate”member, slowlytunnel: „Everybody, thinks that nowalsounderstandsinthisInner Academystrengthimportantly?”
“嗯!”几十名新生齐齐点头!„Without the strength, can only be stopped upin the entranceis bullied! Today'smatter, do youalsowantto receive the secondtime?”Xiao Yansinkingsound track.
“没有实力,就只能被人堵在门口被欺负!今天的事情,你们还想受第二次么?”萧炎沉声道。„Does not think.”Allnewbornfacewell upto become flushedsuddenly, the heartwarm-bloodedtumbling, exclaimed.
“不想。”所有新生脸庞陡然涌上涨红,心头热血翻滚,吼道。„Starting fromtomorrow, ‚Pan's Gate’member, startsto enter‚Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower’to practice, todayis drawing support from the defeat of Fu Ao, in a short time, shouldnot have the influenceto askusto troubleagain, therefore, these days, wemustpromote the strengthas soon as possible.”Xiao Yansoundlow and deep[say / way].
“从明天开始,‘磐门’成员,开始进入‘天焚炼气塔’中修炼,今天借助着付敖之败,短时间内,应该不会再有势力来找我们麻烦,所以,这段时间,我们必尽快提升实力。”萧炎声音低沉的道。„Moreover, todaydefeatsFu Ao, without doubthas given‚White Gang’ a maliciouslybox on the ear, therefore, theydo not give upabsolutely, reason that becausepledged, in six months, theywill perhaps not get ridtous, but once six monthspassed, that‚White Gang’, will decidehoweverwill turn out in full strengthto come.”
“而且,今天打败付敖,无疑给了‘白帮’一个狠狠耳刮子,因此,他们绝对不善罢甘休,因为承诺的缘故,半年内,他们或许不会对我们出手,可一旦半年时间过去,那‘白帮’,定然会倾巢而来。”„In order to a halfyear, resists‚White Gang’, the matter of promotionstrength, imminent!”
“为了能够在半年,抵御住‘白帮’,提升实力之事,迫在眉睫!”Hears the Xiao Yandrinkingsound, „Pan's Gate”member is facebecomes flushedheavily to nod.
听得萧炎的喝声,“磐门”成员皆是脸庞涨红地重重点头。„Was good, todayeverybodythenrespectivelydiverges, tomorrowhereset, will enterBlazing Sky Qi Refining Towercollectively‚’.”Xiao Yanwaved, at oncethenturns aroundto goto the small buildingline, whenwill soon enter the front door, suddenlyfootsteps, turns aroundtoXun'erin a soft voice saying: „Was right, calledTai, my something mustaskhim.”
“好了,今日大家便各自散去吧,明日此处集合,集体进入‘天焚炼气塔’。”萧炎挥了挥手,旋即便是转身对着小楼行去,在即将进入大门时,忽然脚步一顿,转身对着身旁的薰儿轻声道:“对了,把阿泰叫过来一下,我有些事要问他。”„Um.”Xun'erslightly nod, turned aroundto draw back.
“嗯。”薰儿微微点头,转身退了开去。„Do youWhite Gang ’ how manyknowtothat ‚?”
“你对那‘白帮’知道多少?”In the hall, Xiao Yan, Xun'er, Wu Hao, the Hu Jiafourpeoplesitonerespectively, inleftposition, Taialsosits above, but the Xiao Yanissue, thenaskedobviouslytohim.
大厅之中,萧炎,薰儿,吴昊,琥嘉四人各坐一席,在偏左的位置处,阿泰也坐于其上,而萧炎的问题,明显便是向他问出。„White GangleadernamedBai Cheng, is the Bai Shancousin, the strengthis very strong, roughlyin the 6-StarDou Lingrankabout, it is said‚Strong Ranking’master, inInner Academy, is the prestigiousprominentperson.”Taihas thought that the slowlytunnel.
“白帮的首领名叫白程,是白山的堂哥,实力很强,约莫在六星斗灵级别左右,据说还是‘强榜’高手,在内院中,也属于声望显赫之人。”阿泰思索了一下,缓缓地道。„6-StarDou Ling? ‚Strong Ranking’master? Rowhow many?” The browmicrowrinkle, the Xiao Yanfingerstrikesgentlyon the tabletop, heandFu AothisthreeDou Lingfight, thenhas displayedSkyfire Three Mysterious Change, andis drawing support from the advantage of Green Lotus Core Flame, just nowby luckdefeating, ifmeets6-StarDou Ling, thatisentirestepdon'tdisparity, odds, only ifusesFlame Splitting Tsunamiorlarge-scaleBuddha's Fury Flame Lotus, otherwise, oddsdoes not havebasically.
“34。”Taireturnsto sayhonestlythat he understandingInner Academy, somewhatstems from the anticipation of Xiao Yanvery much.阿泰老实地回道,他对内院的了解,很是有些出乎萧炎的意料。„6-StarDou Lingjust nowranks34...... ThisInner Academy‚Strong Ranking’, reallyvery muchhas the gold content.”Xun'eris holding the teacup of warming up, the corners of the mouthholdto smile the tunnel, „, indeedvery muchhasselecting.”Wu Haonoddedwith a smile, onfaceis floodingcrazyactive warintent.
“六星斗灵方才排名34……这个内院的‘强榜’,果然很有含金量啊。”薰儿捧着温热的茶杯,嘴角噙笑地道,“嗯,的确很有挑性。”吴昊笑着点了点头,脸庞上充斥着狂热战意。Tenfingers of overlapping, the bodychaircarries on the back, Xiao Yansighed, said: „OtherWhite Gangmembers? Is the strengthwhat kind of?”
十指交叉,身体靠椅背上,萧炎叹了一口气,道:“白帮其他成员呢?实力怎样?”„White GangexceptleaderBai Chengbeside, threeDou LingExpert, one, is todaywithFu Ao that fights, perhaps the two, battle efficiencyhighslightlyFu Aoplans, butrank, in3-StarDou Lingabout.”Taiponderedsaid: „Othermembers, altogether34people, the Da Dou ShiExpert13people, hismostlyare in the Dou Shipeak, perhaps the chancearrives, directpromote to enterDa Dou Shi.”
“白帮除开首领白程之外,还有三名斗灵强者,其中一名,便是今天与头战斗的付敖,其他两人,战斗力或许稍高付敖一筹,不过级别,也都是在三星斗灵左右。”阿泰沉吟道:“其他成员,总共有34人,大斗师强者13人,他的大多都是处于斗师巅峰,说不定机缘一到,就会直接晋入大斗师。”„FourDou Ling, 13Da Dou Shi, otherallare the Dou Shipeak......”sigh, Xiao Yanmutter: „This‚White Gang’, the strengthis not weak...... Troublesome.”
“四名斗灵,13名大斗师,其他皆是斗师巅峰……”轻叹了一声,萧炎喃喃道:“这个‘白帮’,实力不弱啊……麻烦。”„It is not indeed weak, ’ perhapsthis‚White Gangcannotcalculate the topstrengthinInner Academy, possiblyprovokesitsperson, are not many.” The Taiforced smilesaid: „Before tradingdoes, is actually similar ‚ White Gang’ the influence of thisrank, generallywill not look for the newborninfluenceto be troublesome, thesetimewill walk, mostlybecause ofBai Shanfor some reason.”
“的确不弱,这‘白帮’在内院或许并不能算顶尖实力,可能招惹它的人,也并不多。”阿泰苦笑道:“换作以前,其实类似‘白帮’这种等级的势力,一般不会找新生势力麻烦,这一次会找上门来,多半还是因为白山的因故。”Xiao Yanslightly nod, thisBai Shanearlyhasconflictwithhim, nowentersthisInner Academy, hasstrength that canborrow, naturallymustlook forowntrouble, saidthatPan's Gate is also implicatedbyoneself.萧炎微微点头,这白山与他早有过节,如今进入这内院,有了能够借用的实力,自然是要找自己的麻烦,说起来,磐门还算是受自己牵连的吧。„Allpress the office that Iformerly said that tomorrowstarting from, the Pan's Gatememberwill enter‚Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower’to practice, wewill needto promotein a short time the strength.”Xiao Yanpondered a meeting, has gained groundto ask: „Ineverybodyhand‚should Fire Energy’suffice?”
“一切都按我先前说的办,明天开始,磐门成员进入‘天焚炼气塔’中修炼,我们需要在短时间内将实力提升起来。”萧炎沉吟了一会,抬头问道:“大家手里的‘火能’应该都够吧?”„He he, taking advantage of the merit of head, inhuntingmatch, Fire Energy that weobtain, enoughcultivates for onemonthin the tower.”Taiselectedwith a smile.
“呵呵,借头的功,在猎捕赛中,我们得到的火能,足够在塔中修炼一个月的时间。”阿泰笑着点了点。„Um, thatis then good......”Xiao Yanto nod, aspiratedlightly, mutteredin a low voice: „Hopecannotagaincoming up in great numbers and from all sidesbranch breakage, presentPan's Gate, betooweak, wantsto baseinthisInner Academy, but also is really troublesome.”
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