Pattedhas tapped the head of Xun'er, Xiao Yanslowlyturns the head, heavy on facevanishedrapidly, indifferentlywas looking atoppositeFu Ao, saidin a soft voice: „Starts?”
轻拍了拍薰儿的脑袋,萧炎缓缓转过头来,脸庞上的阴沉迅速消失,淡淡地望着对面的付敖,轻声道:“开始吧?”„Hey, has the guts......”
“嘿,有胆量……”Reallylooks atXiao Yanto dareto accept a challenge, someFu Aocannot help butsurprisewere calledone, at onceheysays with a smile: „Good, todaythenmakesmetake a look. Thispasses on the noisynewbornleaderinInner Academy, actuallywhetherto haverumours like thattyrannical.”
瞧得萧炎果真敢应战,付敖不由得有些诧异地叫了一声,旋即嘿嘿笑道:“好,今日便让我来瞧瞧。这在内院中传得沸沸扬扬的新生领头人,究竟是否有传闻的那般强横。”Lookswar that in the fieldwill soon launch, the student who the surroundingssurround was also hurriesto withdrawonestep, regardingXiao Yanrumours , theyalsolistenedmuch, nowcanjudgewith own eyes, theynaturally were extremely glad.
瞧得场中即将展开的大战,周围围观的学员也是赶忙退后了一步,对于萧炎的传闻,他们也是听了不少,如今能够自己亲眼判断,他们自然是极为乐意。„Does not know that actuallythatXiao Yanwhethercan contendwithFu Ao, perhapsifcannot, thisfacebe possible to losein a big way.”
“不知道那萧炎究竟能否与付敖抗衡,若是不能的话,恐怕这脸可就得丢大了啊。”„Hey, thatFu Aoit is saidonemonth ago was alreadypromote to enter the 3-StarDou Lingrank, althoughthisXiao YancandefeatLuo Hou, maywithhimto the war, beveryhard and dangerous.”
“嘿嘿,那付敖据说在一个月前便是已经晋入了三星斗灵的级别,这萧炎虽然能够打败罗侯,可与他对战,还是很艰险啊。”„If there is lost toFu Aocarelessly, thatnot onlyloses face, but also will giveto throwownwoman...... Thatpleasurewas big.”
“若是一个不慎输给了付敖,那不仅丢脸,而且还会把自己的女人也给丢了……那乐子就大了。”Xiao Yanhas not paid attention tosurroundingtalking in whispers, slowlytreadsforwardonestep, both handshas hadsomestrangehand imprintsrapidly, butalong with the knot of itshand imprint, in within the bodychannel, continuouslygreen-colored flamesuddenlyviolently surge out, finallyfollowed the somewhatstrangerouteto revolvetogetherrapidly.萧炎没有理会周围的窃窃私语,缓缓地向前踏了一步,双手迅速地结出了一些奇异的手印,而随着其手印的结动,体内气旋之中,一缕缕青色火焰猛然暴涌而出,最后顺着一道有些诡异的路线急速运转了起来。Whengreen-colored flamecompletes one revolution of thisstrangeroute, somegreen/blue firecannot help butboiling, wildenergieshave sent out, finallyinvades each corner of Xiao Yanbody.
当青色火焰完成一圈这诡异路线的运转之时,青火不由得有些沸腾了起来,一股股狂暴的能量从中散发而出,最后侵入萧炎身体的各个角落。„Skyfire Three Mysterious Change: Green Lotuschanges!”
“轰!”Hand imprintstiff, vigorousgreen-colored flameleavesfromXiao Yanwithin the bodycrazyviolently surgesuddenly, will wrap a greenhotperson.
手印陡然一僵,雄浑的青色火焰自萧炎体内狂暴涌出,将之包裹成一个青色火人。flameascended the momenttime, thenrapidlyretractedXiao Yanwithin the body, butalong with the returningbody of flame, the people are actually realizethatXiao Yanaura, is climbing highsuccessively, even, will soon arrive at the Dou LingExpertsituation!火焰升腾了片刻时间,便是迅速缩回了萧炎体内,而随着火焰的回体,众人却是察觉到,萧炎的气息,正在节节攀高,甚至,即将到达斗灵强者的地步!„Originallypromotes the strengthforcefully, no wondercandefeatLuo Hou, butthismethodeventuallyis the hinayana, can not, insteadalsocause the hugedamageto the bodylastingly, Xiao Yan, is thisyourcard in a hand?”Looks atXiao Yanthatstrengthenaura, Fu Aois being startledsuddenlyfirst, at oncesneersto saysuddenly.
“原来是强行提升实力,怪不得能够打败罗侯,不过这种法子终究是下乘,持久不得,反而还会给身体造成巨大伤害,萧炎,这就是你的底牌?”望着萧炎那骤然变强的气息,付敖先是一怔,旋即恍然地冷笑道。Regardingsneering of Fu Ao, Xiao Yanstillkeeps silent, the handgraspsonone sideHeavy Xuan Rulerhandle, to the Wu Haoindifferentlytunnel: „WatchesBai Shanthey.”
对于付敖的冷笑,萧炎依然是不言不语,手掌握上一旁的玄重尺柄,偏头对着吴昊淡淡地道:“看住白山他们。”„Relax, thatchop sueygivesme.”Wu Haonodded, hesitatesslightly, saidin a low voice: „You, thisFu Ao, is carefully stronger than Luo Hou.”
“嗯。”Xiao Yanslightly nod, turnsFu Ao that the focus the oppositefacesneers, soleslowlytreads. Thenfallsloudly, immediately, the energycrackresounds throughin the soletogether, the body of Xiao Yanchanges into a shadow, is goingtolatterviolent conflictdirectly.萧炎微微点头,将视线转向对面一脸冷笑的付敖,脚掌缓缓踏起。然后轰然落下,顿时,一道能量炸响在脚底响彻而起,萧炎的身体化为一道黑影,直接对着后者暴冲而去。„Snort, todaythenmakesyoutake a look, anythingistrueDou LingExpert! Side doorheretical ways, butnot can be regardedproper way!”In the eye pupil, the shadowenlargesrapidly, Fu Aocoldly snorted, the palmgrasps. The blue lighttwinkle, nearhalf a ZhanglongXu'sbluetrident, flashes before.
“哼,今日便让你瞧瞧,什么才是真正的斗灵强者!旁门左道,可算不得正途!”眼瞳之中,黑影急速放大,付敖一声冷哼,手掌一握。蓝光闪烁,一把将近半丈长许的蓝色三叉戟,闪现而出。In the handgrips tightly the forkhandle, Fu Aoto the frontshadow, directsuddendly to stab the past, has forked the place of point. Is glittering the spookyblue light, mistake, including the spaceisfaintlypresentlysomebluerays.
The shadowstagnatessuddenly, in the hand the giantblackrulerbrandishes the fanto come, hitsintogether, [gold/metal]Tiejiaowiththattridentheavily strikes the soundto mix with the sparkimmediately, suddenly to dodgeon the scene.
黑影猛然停滞,手中巨大黑尺抡扇而来,与那三叉戟重重撞击在一起,当下金铁交击声响夹杂着火花,在场中暴闪了出来。„Strengthis not small.”
“力气不小。”Bodytremor, the footstepswithdrewhalfstep, Fu Aoalsowithdrewonestepto haveXiao Yanto smileonetothatamazed, at oncebullies the bodyonce againon, in the hand the tridentunder the exaggeration of sky-blueDou Qi, just likedin the sea the wickedsharkis common, the tumblingleapspresently, the strengthcold and gloomyandhiddenwas bringingair/Qi of evil spirit.
身体微震,脚步退后了半步,付敖冲着那也是退后了一步有余的萧炎惊诧地笑了一声,旋即再度欺身而上,手中三叉戟在蔚蓝色斗气的渲染下,犹如海中恶鲨一般,翻滚腾现,劲气森冷而隐带着一股凶煞之气。facelooks atthreeforkoffensive that is following closelyto cometight, Xiao Yanarmtremor, has not flinched, iswields the rulerto welcomeFu Aodirectlyonce again.脸庞紧绷地望着那紧接而来的三叉攻势,萧炎手臂微震,没有丝毫退缩,直接是挥尺再度迎上付敖。In the location, blueDou Qiandgreen-colored flameoccupyhalfwallskyrespectively, the place of bothcontact, has the whitemistascension of indifferentlyunceasingly. Among the mist, twoghosts and demonsperson's shadoweach otherswept in a flash shoot, like thatspeed, even if the crowd that the surroundingssurround, can only hear the sound that heavy ruler and tridentjunctiontouchesas well asseessomerupturing the sparks.
场地之中,蓝色斗气与青色火焰各自占据半壁天空,两者接触之处,不断有着淡淡的白色雾气升腾而起。雾气间,两道鬼魅人影彼此闪掠而射,那般速度,即使是周围围观的人群,都只能听见重尺与三叉戟交碰的声响以及看见一些爆裂的火花。VigorousDou Qion the scenetobumping, erupts the energybang, thatspreadsunceasingly, but the energyripples, enabling the crowd that peripherysurroundsonlyto retrocedeunceasingly.
雄浑斗气在场中对碰,爆发起能量巨响,那一波波不断扩散而出的能量涟漪,让得周围围观的人群只能不断后退着。„Can Xiao Yanwinthatfellow?” The eyestares in the indifferentlywhite fogstubbornly the swept in a flash person's shadow, the Hu Jiawhite handscannot be bearingis gripping tightly. In a low voiceaskedtonearbyXun'erandWu Hao.
“萧炎能胜得了那家伙么?”眼睛死死地盯着淡淡的白雾中闪掠的人影,琥嘉玉手忍不住地紧握着。低声对着一旁的薰儿与吴昊问道。„Does not know...... Nowcould not have seenanything.”Wu Haoswung the head, the sinkingsound track.
“轰!”In the instance that the Wu Haowordsjustdropped, shakestogethersuddenly the personeardrumsendssorelycrackfrom the white foginspreads, at oncetwoperson's shadowseach oneshootfrom the white fogbut actually, the both feetappliedseveralmetersdistanceafter the ground, just nowstopped.
就在吴昊话语刚刚落下的瞬间,一道震得人耳膜发疼的炸响忽然自白雾中传出,旋即两道人影从白雾中各自倒射而出,双脚在地面上足足搽出了十几米的距离后,方才止住。„Hey, good, really the skill, no wondersois a little rampant.”In the handtridentheavily touchedon the ground, Fu Aobreathed heavilyfiercelyseveraltones, sneeredto say.
“嘿嘿,好,果然有点本事,难怪如此嚣张。”手中三叉戟重重地触在地上,付敖剧烈地喘了几口气,冷笑道。Xiao Yanheavy rulerinsertsin the floorslit, the breathsomewhatis similarly rapid, afterusingSkyfire Three Mysterious Changehas promoted the strengthforcefully, althoughhecanin the frontageandFu Aocontends, butperfection, even, instrength, but can also pressfrom now on a head, but, thesehave the shorttime limit, the promotioneffect that onceGreen Lotuschangesretreats, thatat the appointed time, hewill be hardto fightwithFu Aoagain.萧炎重尺插进地板缝隙之中,呼吸同样有些急促,在使用了天火三玄变强行提升实力后,他虽然已经能够在正面与付敖相抗衡而不败,甚至,在力量方面,还能压过后者一头,不过,这些都是有着短暂时间限制,一旦青莲变的提升效果退去,那到时,他将难以和付敖再战。
The Xiao Yanweakness, Fu Aoislookssimilarlyveryclearly, sinister smile, inhand a tridentsuddenlyvibration, at onceaboveblueDou QisuddenlygreatlySheng, butonrichness of Dou Qialong withtrident. Fu Aoface, turned into the strangesky-blue.萧炎的弱点,付敖同样是看得很清楚,阴笑了一声,手中三叉戟忽然一阵震动,旋即其上蓝色斗气陡然大盛,而随着三叉戟上斗气的浓郁。付敖的脸庞,也是变成了诡异的蔚蓝色。Feelson the Fu Aotridentrapidly the Dou Qienergy of condensation, Xiao Yanfaceslightlychanges, hecanperceivetyrannicaldegree that Fu Aothisstrikes.
感受到付敖三叉戟上急速凝聚的斗气能量,萧炎脸庞微微一变,他能觉察到付敖这一击的强横程度。„A move of solution!”
“一招解决吧!”In the hand a tridentfiercespin, forksat oncepoints toXiao Yansharp, Fu Aocracks into a smile, a solestep onground, the bodychanges intoblueshadowviolently shoot, butalong withejection of itsstature, above the trident, blueDou Qitumblesrapidly, tofinally, has formedoneunexpectedlyfaintlycompletely the energyshark that is congealedbyDou Qibecomes.
手中三叉戟猛的一旋,旋即叉尖直指萧炎,付敖咧嘴一笑,脚掌一蹬地面,身体化为一道蓝色影子暴射而出,而随着其身形的射出,三叉戟之上,蓝色斗气急速翻滚,到得最后,竟然隐隐地形成了一只完全由斗气凝化而成的能量鲨鱼。Blueenergysharkgreatmouthbig, sharptoothunderblueDou Qiserves as contrastis reflecting the cloudy and coldwoodscoldgloss, making the personnot doubt. Ifwere nippedbyit, decideshoweverismortally injured.
蓝色能量鲨鱼巨嘴大张,锋利的牙齿在蓝色斗气衬托下反射着阴冷的森寒光泽,让得人丝毫不怀疑。若是被其咬中的话,定然将会是致命伤害。Dou Qicongealingthing, the symbol of Dou LingExpert, just likesDou ShiDou Qi Cloak, the Da Dou ShiDou Qiarmoris common, belongs toDou Lingas well asabove the patent of rankExpert, thisDou Qiconcentrates the lethality, is coordinating the words of Dou Techniqueuse, without doubtwill play the easily accomplishedeffect.斗气凝物,斗灵强者的标志,就犹如斗师的斗气纱衣,大斗师的斗气铠甲一般,属于斗灵以及其上级别强者的专利,这种斗气凝物的杀伤力,配合着斗技使用的话,无疑将会起到摧枯拉朽的效果。Has the zhang (3.33 m)longDou Qisharkto cometoXiao Yanviolent conflictfully, visionbyslightlysomewhattransparentDou Qishark, but can also seeto hideinhisstomachthatsharpincomparabletrident.
The eyecloselyis staring atthatrapidly the shark of enlargementin the eye pupil, the rankwind that front surfacethrowsmadeXiao Yanfaceserious, the armshakeslightly, green-colored flamegushed outfollowing the meridians, finally the entirejet blackrulerwill cover up. Completesthisaction, the Xiao Yandoublepalmgrips tightly the rulerhandle, slowlylifts the head, within the bodyDou Qi, in was almost revolvesat this momentpeak!
The eyeshrinkssuddenly, the deafeningdrinkingsound, calls outamong the Xiao Yanthroats, at oncebyheavy ruler that richgreen-colored flamewraps, just likeschops the Splitting Mountainmountainto be ordinarysuddenly, the strengthchopsunder!
眼睛猛然一缩,震耳欲聋的喝声,自萧炎喉咙间暴喝而出,旋即被浓郁青色火焰包裹的重尺,猛然犹如劈裂山岳一般,力劈而下!Along withdividing of heavy ruler, saw only the space of itswhole bodyisbecomessomewhattwisted, burning hottemperature, surroundingsgroundinwater-damagedevaporatedall!
随着重尺的劈下,只见得其周身的空间都是变得有些扭曲了起来,炙热的温度,将周围地面上的水渍尽数蒸发!Under the gazes of surroundingpeople, byheavy ruler that green-colored flamewraps, heavily withthatDou Qishark, collidedinone.
“轰!”Bothcontact, sadexplosionsoundwill shortly resound, everywheremistfrom the contact pointhissinghissingviolently surge out, inwater sprayis mixing with the fluctuations of somegreenflame, becomes the ripplesshapetois proliferatingin all directions, along the way the mistake, anyjunks above ground, is the flushingcompletely.
两者接触,沉闷的爆炸声响顷刻响起,漫天水雾从接触点嘶嘶地暴涌而出,一股水浪中夹杂着些许青色火苗的波动,成涟漪状地对着四面八方扩散而出,沿途所过处,将地面之上的任何杂物,都是冲洗殆尽。In the mist, the Fu Aocomplexionsomewhatuglyis looking atthatslightlyby the trident that heavy rulersupports. green-colored flame that aboveascends, not onlyhad not been suppressedbyitsenergywatershark, insteadincontact, is condensed instant the energywatershark that becomesto evaporateinstantaneouslyeverywheremoisturebyDou Qi, the sosudden outbreak, Fu Aohas not expectedactually.
The doublepalmgrasps the tridenthandlestubbornly, the Fu Aoarmis vibrating, the strength that thenuploadsfromheavy ruleris tyrannicalsomewhatmakeshimfeel the palpitation.
双掌死死地握着三叉戟柄,付敖手臂抖动着,那从重尺上传过来的力量强横得令他有些感到心悸。Xiao Yanface, isonepiecebecomes flushed, thatis the strengthdisplays the performance of limit, the eyefixes the eyes onis being separated bytwofeetdisparityFu Ao, the corners of the mouthraisessuddenlywipes the densecurve.萧炎的脸庞,也是一片涨红,那是力量施展到极限的表现,眼睛紧盯着相隔不过两尺差距的付敖,嘴角忽然掀起一抹森然弧度。
The throatrollsslightly, strangesoundconstantlyis fermentingin the Xiao Yanmouth, butalong with the fermentation of thatsound, the Xiao Yanmouth was also someballooning, after the moment, headonesupine, mouth that shut tightlyfierceopened.
“吼!”Along withopening of Xiao Yanmouth, just likes the thunderlionroarsound wave, enormously and powerfulviolently surge out, making the surroundingbystanderhurrieddoomcoverthatto be shaken the eardrumto send the painear.
The bystandersstillalsofelt that the eardrumshakespain, is separated a twofeetdistancewithXiao YanFu Ao, thencaused heavy lossesenormously!
When the sound wavehad still not spread, althoughFu Aofelt that does not suit, mayactuallyimmediatelynot flinch, therefore, Xiao Yanthisrecords„Liger Gold Shattering Roar”, was acceptedbyhimcompletely.
The both armsare shiveringrapidly, inXiao Yanthissuch asunder a clearHeavenly Lightningthunderclaproar, the Fu Aobinauralplace, seeps a bloodstain, inhead, isjust likes the bells and drums sounding simultaneously, in great confusionbad.
双臂急速地颤抖着,在萧炎这如晴天雷霆般的一吼之下,付敖双耳处,渗透出一丝血迹,脑袋之中,也是犹如钟鼓齐鸣,乱成一团糟。Was shakenabsent-mindedinstantthatinFu Aoby„Liger Gold Shattering Roar”, Xiao Yanboth handsfiercelooseningheavy ruler, a bodyspin, thenappearedlike the ghosts and demonsin the Fu Aoleft, the coldface, the fist that gripped tightlywas mixing with the tearingairincisiverumor, in the surroundingpanic-strickenvision, poundedmaliciouslyaboveFu Aoface.
The fistmeattouches, the low and deepsoundmade the surroundingbystanderheartfiercejumped, at oncethenseesthatFu Ao, just liked the kite of broken lineis ordinary. Bodyhas hitseveraltumblingsafter the midaircontinually, just nowheavily poundsto fallon the place of dozensmetersdistant place, butabove, acts recklessly......
拳肉相碰,低沉的声音令周围围观者心头猛的一跳,旋即便是见到那付敖,犹如断线的风筝一般。身体在半空中连打了几个翻滚后,方才重重地砸落在几十米远处的地而之上,不知死活……Poundsto drop the placein the Fu Aobodythatinstant, surroundingdead calm!
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