BTTH :: Volume #3

#469: Gambling stake

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Newborn lodging area internal open area, dense troop people surround here, in the crowd, two side troops is opposing covetously, a side population are many, a side only then about ten people, however in the field the circumstance, the population seem to be few, instead is getting the winning side. 新生住宿区内部一处空地,黑压压的一大群人围拢在此,在人群之中,两方人马正虎视眈眈地对立着,一方人数偏多,一方则只有将近十来人,然而场中情势,似乎人数少的,反而占据着上风。 Xun'er, Hu Jia, do not was tenacious, I have said that your this Pan's Gate cannot get up in Inner Academy absolutely, the new student is Inner Academy numerous influences must every year the fresh blood, they will be impossible to look on that you will grasp all fresh blood in the hand.” A population few side, what lead is one wears youth of white clothing, the handsome appearance is extremely easy to attract the favorable impression of woman, however now opposite Xun'er and Hu Jia, therefore have not actually shown the half minute favorable impression, despises and disdains not to add many hideaways actually. 薰儿,琥嘉,不要固执了,我说过,你们这‘磐门’在内院是绝对起不来的,新生是内院众多势力每年必须的新鲜血液,他们不可能会坐视你们将所有新鲜血液都握在手中的。”人数较少的一方,领头的是一名身着白衣衫的青年,英俊的模样极容易吸引女人的好感,然而现在对面的薰儿琥嘉,却是并未因此而表现出半分好感,鄙夷与不屑倒是未加多少隐藏。 These are our matters, having no need for your this abandoning the companion the person who to worry.” Hu Jia sneers to say. “这些是我们的事,用不着你这个背弃同伴的人来操心。”琥嘉冷笑道。 You annoy do not have other matters, then please leave, our newborn area does not welcome you.” Xun'er shot a look at Bai Shan one, the indifferently tunnel. “你惹是没有其他的事,便请离开吧,我们新生区并不欢迎你。”薰儿瞥了白山一眼,淡淡地道。 Their manner, making the Bai Shan corners of the mouth unable to bear twitched, covered entirely face of smiling face is also cloudy and cold. 两人的这番态度,令得白山嘴角忍不住地抽搐了一下,原本布满笑容的脸庞也是阴冷了许多。 „Did Bai Shan, why again speak idle talk? Regarding these new students, begins to defeat their arrogance directly first, at the appointed time naturally some people will choose with us walk.” The laughter spreads from a Bai Shan stature strong youth mouth suddenly, this youth when the speech, the eye once for a while on their Naqu line graceful monster body sweeps in Xun'er and Hu Jia. 白山,何必再说废话?对于这些新生,直接先动手把他们傲气打垮,到时自然会有人选择跟我们走。”笑声忽然从白山身旁的一位身材健硕的青年嘴中传出,这名青年在说话时,眼睛时不时地在薰儿琥嘉两人那曲线曼妙的妖躯上扫动。 He he, what Fu Ao big brother said that but opposite is the girl, just came to begin, unavoidably will be talked into does not have the bearing not?” Regarding this youth, Bai Shan does not dare to disregard actually, the latter helps one of the few three Dou Ling Expert besides his cousin, therefore says with a smile immediately hastily. “呵呵,付敖大哥说的是,不过对面是女孩子,刚来就动手,难免会被人说成没有气度是不?”对于这位青年,白山倒是不敢无视,后者可是帮中除了他堂哥之外屈指可数的三位斗灵强者之一,所以当下连忙笑着道。 Hey, said is.” Heard Bai Shan so saying that Fu Ao also yes smiled, the vision changed Xun'er once again, the smiling tunnel: Xun'er study younger sister, that Xiao Yan, although has the skill to lead you to hunt matchto win in Fire Energy, what a pity in Inner Academy, he does not have this qualifications, your also do not presumptuously thinks him to have any boldness, perhaps has waited for 1-2 days, he of suffering loss, oneself will dismiss your this so-calledPan's Gate.” “嘿嘿,说得也是。”听得白山这般说,付敖也是嘿嘿一笑,目光再度转向薰儿,笑眯眯地道:“薰儿学妹,那萧炎虽然有本事带着你们在‘火能猎捕赛’中获得胜利,可惜在内院中,他却是没这资格,你也不要妄想他有什么魄力,说不定等过一两天,吃足了苦头的他,自己都是会解散你们这所谓的‘磐门’。” „The work you do not take the trouble. So long as Brother Xiao Yan has not opened the mouth, this Pan's Gate, will not have feared any influence, you want to cutt, that then tries!” Xun'er looked at his one eyes, the sound indifferent tunnel. “不劳你多费心。只要萧炎哥哥未曾开口,这磐门,不会怕过任何势力,你想强拆,那便试试!”薰儿看了他一眼,声音冷漠地道。 Looks at simple and elegant fine cheeks to cover entirely the cold frost Xun'er, the happy expression on Fu Ao face was thicker a point, tut tut said: Good stubborn girl, but also is really to my taste...... Like this, looks in your face, you hand over five new students today, I White Gang will not ask in the future then you to trouble, how?” 瞧得一张清雅精致的脸颊布满寒霜的薰儿,付敖脸庞上的笑意却是更浓了一点,啧啧道:“好个倔强的女孩子,不过还真是对我口味……这样吧,看在你的面子上,你们今天交出五名新生,那我‘白帮’日后便也不来找你们麻烦,如何?” Pays big brother, five.......” Hearing this, nearby Bai Shan complexion changes, the hurried start to talk, he has the person to come here, may not only want five new students. “付大哥,五……。”闻言,一旁的白山脸色微变,急忙开口,他带人来此处,可不仅仅只是想要五个新生而已啊。 The hand wields, Fu Ao has interrupted the Bai Shan words, smilingly is looking at Xun'er, said: Naturally, in these five people, must have the Xun'er study younger sister.” 手一挥,付敖打断了白山的话,笑眯眯地望着薰儿,道:“当然,在这五人之中,必须有薰儿学妹。” Fu Ao this saying falls, Bai Shan face cannot help but slightly sinks, now he can also listen, this fellow unexpectedly also in having the idea of Xun'er, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly the chill in the air that immediately wipes to be fleeting. 付敖这话一落,白山脸庞不由得微微一沉,现在他也是能够听出,这个家伙竟然也在打薰儿的主意,当下眼中掠过一抹稍纵即逝的寒意。 Because the vision closely has stared on Xun'er, therefore Fu Ao has not seen his so complexion actually. 由于目光一直紧紧地盯在薰儿身上,所以付敖倒是未曾看见他这般脸色。 Pan's Gate will not give any influence person!” 磐门不会交给任何势力一个人!” The Fu Ao words meaning of that sexually harassing, Xun'er naturally also listened, the nimble and resourceful pupil is staring at the former, for a long time , the cold frost on cheeks actually suddenly completely dissipates, sound light tunnel. 付敖话语中的那份调戏之意,薰儿自然也是听了出来,灵动眸子盯着前者,许久之后,脸颊上的寒霜却是忽然完全消逝,声音平淡地道。 Looks at that once again is becoming faint Xun'er, a Fu Ao brow wrinkle, he does not like the woman showing so the facial expression, immediately on the face the happy expression also gradually restrains, sneers saying: Such being the case, that looked like also can only use, defeated your this Pan's Gate Expert completely, I thought that you also did have the reputation to retain them?” 望着那再度变得淡漠的薰儿,付敖眉头一皱,他可不喜欢女人露出这般神情,当下脸上笑意也是逐渐收敛,冷笑道:“既然如此,那看来也只能用强了,将你们这磐门强者全部打败,我看你们还有威信来留住他们?” „Do you try?” The Hu Jia pretty face ice is cold, emerald green Dou Qi from within the body violently surge out, a tyrannical imposing manner, fills this open area. “那你来试试?”琥嘉俏脸冰寒,翠绿色斗气自体内暴涌而出,一股强横气势,弥漫这处空地。 Along with the Hu Jia eruption imposing manner, its behind dozens new students are also Qi Qi one roar, color various Dou Qi also gush out, in a twinkling, the leaf in ground by the air of Dou Qi vibration raising to fly. 随着琥嘉爆发气势,其身后的几十名新生也是齐齐一声怒吼,一道道颜色各不相同的斗气同时涌出,霎时间,地面上的树叶都是被斗气振动的空气给掀飞了去。 Yo? This new student was really similar to rumours said that side was rampant somewhat does not have......” looked at road Dou Qi that the opposite was emerging, Fu Ao cannot help but ridicules smiles, before footsteps heavily , trod one step, only heard together the low and deep thundering sound, sky-blue Dou Qi covered the body instantaneously, during the Dou Qi tumblings, viscous must just like the sea water is ordinary, surged in the whole body tumbling. “哟?这届的新生果然如同传闻所说,嚣张得有些没边了……”望着对面涌现的道道斗气,付敖不由得讥讽一笑,脚步重重前踏一步,只听得一道低沉的轰鸣声响,蔚蓝色的斗气瞬间覆盖身体,斗气翻滚间,粘稠得犹如海水一般,在周身翻滚涌动。 Along with gushing out of Fu Ao Dou Qi, a ratio presents anybody to want the tyrannical several times of vigorous imposing manners incessantly to fill the open area immediately, unexpectedly depending on one strength, has oppressed numerous newborn imposing manners anti-. 随着付敖斗气的涌出,一股比在场任何人都要强横几倍不止的雄浑气势立马弥漫空地,居然是凭一已之力,生生地将众多新生的气势压迫抗了下来。 Today then wants you to take a look, disparity between new student and senior!” Fu Ao back, sneers saying: Bai Shan, having the person to begin, making these new students understand that in this Inner Academy, the light has the unyielding person, cannot survive!” “今日便要你们瞧瞧,新生与老生间的差距!”付敖腰杆一挺,冷笑道:“白山,带人动手,让这些新生明白,在这内院,光是拥有硬骨头,是生存不下去的!” Bai Shan slightly nod, both eyes looked at opposite Xun'er one complex, then the hand wields, sinking sound track: On!” 白山微微点头,双眼复杂地看了对面的薰儿一眼,然后手一挥,沉声道:“上!” Hears Bai Shan to drink the sound, its behind about ten senior, will drink immediately lightly, at once stature changes into the shadow, is going to people violently shoot like lightning. 听得白山喝声,其身后将近十名老生,顿时一声轻喝,旋即身形化为影子,闪电般地对着众人暴射而去。 I block Bai Shan, Xun'er, you have the person to intercept other people.” The Hu Jia delicate hands shake, a slender green long whip flashes before, the whip shakes slightly, then flings together the thunderclap sound in the air, has an unusual fragrance faintly. “我拦住白山,薰儿,你带人截住其他人。”琥嘉纤手一抖,一条修长的绿色长鞭闪现而出,鞭子微微一震,便是在空气中甩出一道霹雳声响,隐隐还带有一股异样香味。 Um.” Xun'er slightly nod, the pupil ice-cold looks at the person's shadow that is exploding shoots to come, such as among jade small hands, dazzling Golden ray for the first time presently. “嗯。”薰儿微微点头,眸子冰冷地望着爆射而来的人影,如玉般的小手间,耀眼的金色光芒乍现而出。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Soon will open in the fight, Bai Shan and the others quickly with Xun'er when and the others encountered, the shadow cuts the horizon suddenly, at once brings to tear the air the incisive sound. Shoots loudly in both sides, immediately, crack is staying together the dust, has separated the twin engine. 就在战斗即将开启,白山等人都快与薰儿的等人交锋时,黑影猛然划破天际,旋即带起撕裂空气的尖锐声响。轰然射在双方之间,顿时,一道炸响呆着灰尘,将双发隔开了去。 The brow micro wrinkle looks to that dust region, Fu Aoxiu the robe wields, the fresh breeze is appearing suddenly, at once blows Buddha, asks the price with no intention of buying the dust all. 眉头微皱地望向那处灰尘地带,付傲袖袍一挥,一股略带着劲风突出现,旋即吹佛而出,将灰尘尽数打落地。 As the dust falls to the ground, one inserts the huge black ruler on hard flagstone, appeared in Fu proud and the others in the line of sight....... 随着灰尘落地,一把插在坚硬石板上的巨大黑色尺子,出现在了付傲等人视线之中……。 The vision after on the black ruler stayed, two people that after the people are shifts black ruler, have stood. 目光在黑尺上停留了后,众人便是转移到了黑尺后站立的两人身上。 Xiao Yan, Wu Hao, I also think that you heard the rumor to travel, has not thought that also dares to come back?” Looks presents two person's shadows to that the Bai Shan complexion changes, cold voice said. 萧炎,吴昊,我还以为你们听到风声跑路了,没想到还敢回来?”望向那出现两道人影,白山脸色微变,冷声道。 The Xiao Yan look ice-cold shot a look at his one eyes, then jumps over him, stays, in has paid arrogantly. He can induce to this fellow, just now is here strongest person. 萧炎眼神冰冷地瞥了他一眼,然后跳过他,停留在了付傲身上。他能感应到这个家伙,方才是此处最强之人。 Looks at Xiao Yan and Wu's arrogant appearance, the new student happy drinks immediately, after these days matter that has, in their hearts, Xiao Yan became the genuine pillar, so long as there are him, they then dare with war intent that anybody fights. 瞧得萧炎与吴傲的出现,新生顿时欢喝起来,经过这段时间的所发生的事情,在他们心中,萧炎已经成为了真正的主心骨,只要有了他在,他们便是敢与任何人战斗的战意。 Your fellows, came back...... to look finally to the front that but actually thin back, Hu Jia relaxed quietly. No matter her temper is how valiant, but this matter, consistently is the man stands in front is best. “你们两个家伙,终于回来了……”望向面前那倒消瘦背影,琥嘉悄悄松了口气。不管她性子如何彪悍,可这种事情,始终都是男人站在前面最好。 Brother Xiao Yan, they......” the Xun'er vision stays on the Xiao Yan back, said in a soft voice. Waved, breaks the Xun'er words, saying with a smile of Xiao Yan indifferently: Um, I knew, then gives me,” 萧炎哥哥,他们……”薰儿目光停留在萧炎背影上,轻声道。挥了挥手,打断薰儿的话语,萧炎淡淡的笑道:“嗯,我知道了,接下来交给我吧,” The Xun'er gentle nod, looks at that [say / way] thin back, she likes him to any matter self-confident appearance, like childhood like that. 薰儿温柔点头,看着那道消瘦背影,她喜欢他对任何事都充满自信的样子,就像小时候那般。 „Are you Xiao Yan?” Is looking at Xiao Yan, was looking at a Xun'er that and was formerly desolate the entirely different gentleness, Fu proud the brow cannot bear wrinkle, sneers to say. “你就是萧炎?”望着萧炎,在看了一眼薰儿那与先前冷淡截然不同的温柔,付傲眉头忍不住皱了起来,冷笑道。 He is Xiao Yan, now these newborn heads.” Nearby, Bai Shan inserts the tastes. “他就是萧炎,如今这些新生的头。”一旁,白山插口道。 Bai Shan, has not thought your facial skin indeed so thick to so degree, before I also was really my faulty vision.” Xiao Yan is shooting a look at Bai Shan, says with a smile, satire that in the laughter cannot conceal. 白山,真没想到你这人的脸皮尽然厚到这般程度,以前我还真是眼拙了。”萧炎瞥着白山,笑着道,笑声中掩饰不住的讽刺。 So was satirized by Xiao Yan, on the Bai Shan face emerged wipes pale, looked at Xiao Yan one gloomily, cold sound track: You are rampant, I already said that to Inner Academy, my some are the means renovates you.” 萧炎这般讽刺,白山脸上不由地浮出一抹铁青,阴森地望了萧炎一眼,寒声道:“你就嚣张吧,我早就说了,到了内院,我有的是办法整治你。” Except for attaching to others' influence, what can you also make?” Xiao Yan indifferently said with a smile. “除了依附别人的势力,你还能做什么?”萧炎淡淡地笑道。 You......” “你……” Was good, do not quarrelled.” Fu proud waves, breaks their to satirizing, looks up Xiao Yan, light [say / way]: I do not display one's eloquence with you, give me White Gang 15 new students, we leave immediately.” “好了,不要吵了。”付傲一挥手,打断两人的对讽,抬头望着萧炎,平淡的道:“我也不与你耍嘴皮子,交给我‘白帮’15名新生,我们马上离开。” If doesn't hand over?” The Xiao Yan palm builds on a front foot handle, cold voice said. “若是不交呢?”萧炎手掌搭在面前尺柄上,冷声道。 That projects on you before new student, completely loses dignifiedly!” Fu proud cracks into a smile, the white tooth shows wipes chill. “那就打到你在新生面前,威严尽失!”付傲咧嘴一笑,白森森的牙齿透出一抹冷意 Xiao Yan slightly nod, turns the neck, just wanted formerly to tread the step, nearby Wu Hao puts out a hand to block him, said \; Makes me come?” 萧炎微微点头,扭扭脖子,刚欲先前踏出步子,一旁的吴昊伸手拦住他,道\;“让我来吧?” This fellow is Dou Ling Expert, you deal with be a little strenuous now.” Xiao Yan is smiling shaking the head, shoves open the arm of Wu Hao, then slowly treads one step, the vision stays in paying arrogantly, said with a smile lightly: single Tiao, you have won, according to office that you said that if lost, your White Gang in three months, cannot look for my Pan's Gate to be troublesome again, how? Dares to meet?” “这家伙是斗灵强者,你现在应付起来有点吃力。”萧炎微笑着摇了摇头,推开吴昊的手臂,然后缓缓踏出一步,目光停留在付傲身上,轻笑道:“单挑,你赢了,按你说的办,若是输了,你白帮三个月内,不许再找我磐门麻烦,如何?敢接么?” Hearing this, Fu proud the eyes empty have narrowed the eyes immediately. 闻言,付傲眼睛顿时虚眯了起来。 Pays big brother, do not promise him, in the fellow hand has some cards in a hand, uses sufficiently and Dou Ling Expert contends, previous time defeated including Luo Hou in his hand.” Nearby, Bai Shan hurried [say / way]: All of us on together, their newborn person, although are many, but the absolute files do not live!” “付大哥,别答应他,那家伙手中有一些底牌,使用起来足以和斗灵强者抗衡,上次连罗侯都败在了他手中。”一旁,白山急忙道:“我们所有人一起上,他们新生人虽多,可绝对档不住!” Does not use, that Luo Hou just entered the Dou Ling rank, defeats him not to be regarded anything.” “不用,那罗侯不过刚刚进入斗灵级别而已,打败他算不得什么。” Fu proud waved, the vision closely is staring at Xiao Yan, at once says with a smile \; How trades a gambling stake, I have won, gives me the White Gang 15 people, including her \; I lost, White Gang a half year does not ask you to trouble, how?” 付傲挥了挥手,目光紧紧地盯着萧炎,旋即笑道\;“换个赌注如何,我赢了,交给我白帮15人,其中有她\;我输了,白帮半年不找你们麻烦,如何?” The smile on Xiao Yan face restrains gradually, some heavy and hideaway fierceness of after until moment. The dragon invites the wrath of the emperor, touching the anger, inviting the wrath of the emperor of Xiao Yan, is this from childhood to greatly has put without doubt then to pour oneself girl the thoughts...... ” 萧炎脸庞上的微笑逐渐收敛,直至片刻后的阴沉与些许隐藏的狰狞。龙有逆鳞,触之者怒,箫炎的逆鳞,无疑便是这个从小到大一直将心思都放注自己身上的女孩……” Brother Xiao Yan, ratio!” 箫炎哥哥,比!” The gentle sound, resounds in Xiao Yan behind suddenly, at once continuously supple, if the delicate hands of characterless, grip the fist that Xiao Yan has pinched tightly gently. 轻柔的声音,忽然在箫炎身后响起,旋即一直柔若无骨的纤手,轻轻地握住了箫炎紧捏的拳头。 In the heart deeply inspired, Xiao Yan turns the head to look at that smiling face simple and elegant black clothing young girl, for a long time, bends down slightly, draws close to her ear in the young girl micro red cheeks, with sound that only then two hear, slowly tunnel: Girl, six months later, I will clean White Gang!” 心中深吸了一口气,箫炎转头望着那笑容清雅的青衣少女,许久后,微微俯身,在少女微红的脸颊中贴近她的耳朵,用仅只有两人听到的声音,缓缓地道:“妮子,半年后,我会扫除‘白帮’!” Um.” Young girl Yanran (beautiful) smiles, the smiling face is gently beautiful, makes other people heart movement. “嗯。”少女嫣然一笑,笑容柔美动人,令得旁人心动不已。 Regarding him, she never some suspicion, to small so. 对于他,她从未有过怀疑,至小如此。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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