BTTH :: Volume #3

#466: Black hole

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Looks at that to put down Han Yue that cleanliness and Xiao Yan shake hand unexpectedly temporarily, nearby Elder Liu also slightly feels stunned, after the moment recovers, if there is a profound meaning to look at Han Yue one, at once says with a smile: Xiao Yan, in this Inner Academy, student but who a few can shake hand with Yue Girl.” 望着那竟然暂时放下洁癖与萧炎握手的韩月,一旁的柳长老也是略感愕然,片刻后回过神来,若有深意地看了韩月一眼,旋即笑着道:“萧炎啊,在这内院中,可是少数几个能与月丫头握手的男学员哦。” That may really be honored.” Xiao Yan shows a faint smile, although grasps that white jade delicate hands is very being comfortable, but he merely after politely has grasped, is loosens, says with a smile. “那可真是荣幸。”萧炎微微一笑,虽然握着那白玉般的纤手很是舒服,可他仅仅是在礼貌性地握了握后,便是松开来,笑着道。 Xiao Yan study younger brother, this year this new student under your leadership, but is showed off.” Han Yue is also receives to reach behind the back, said in a soft voice. 萧炎学弟,今年这届的新生在你的带领下,可算是出尽了风头啊。”韩月也是收回手来,轻声道。 If early knows will have afterward these troublesome, this crest of wave...... Does not leave.” Xiao Yan sighed, the forced smile said. “若是早知道会有后来的这些麻烦,这风头……不出也罢。”萧炎叹了一口气,苦笑道。 It seems like had senior to ask you to trouble?” Hearing this, some Han Yue surprise, at once suddenly nod, the corners of the mouth overflow wipes the curve of faint smile. “看来已经是有老生去找你们麻烦了吧?”闻言,韩月不由地有些诧异,旋即恍然点头,嘴角溢出一抹浅笑的弧度。 But Xiao Yan place. 萧炎无奈地点了点。 „The Xiao Yan study younger brother thinks that should know to Inner Academy some circumstances? That should also know that has superiority that the influence shelters? Does not know whether has the meaning to join a side influence?” The Han Yue bright pupil closely is staring at Xiao Yan, resembling is speaks thoughtlessly asks. 萧炎学弟想必应该对内院的一些情势知道点吧?那应该也知道有势力庇护的优势吧?不知是否有没有意思加入一方势力?”韩月明亮眸子紧紧地盯着萧炎,似是随口地问道。 „......” “呃……” Hears this saying, Xiao Yan to let go, says with a smile: Perhaps I was in addition, because this new student depended on was making me form named Pan's Gate the new influence, therefore the Han Yue study elder sister's good intention, Xiao Yan can only decline with thanks.” 听得这话,萧炎不由地摊了摊手,笑道:“恐怕我是加不进去了,因为这一届的新生都赖着让我组建了一支名为‘磐门’的新势力,所以韩月学姐的好意,萧炎只能心领了。” „Have you formed the influence? Are the members also completely newborn?” The Xiao Yan words just fell, not only Han Yue is stunned, nearby Elder Liu, was casting the extremely amazed vision to the former. “你自己组建了势力?成员还全部是新生?”萧炎的话刚刚落下,不仅韩月一脸错愕,就连一旁的柳长老,也是对着前者投去了极为惊诧的目光。 Um.” Looks at their expression, the Xiao Yan hollow laugh nod. “嗯。”瞧得两人表情,萧炎干笑着点了点头。 Xiao Yan study younger brother, your this matter...... May bring in troublesome.” The Han Yue willow eyebrows are tightly pressed, after the moment, sinking sound track. 萧炎学弟,你这事……或许会引来很多麻烦的。”韩月柳眉紧蹙着,片刻后,沉声道。 „? In Inner Academy seemingly had not stipulated that can't form by the influence of newborn gathering?” Hearing this, Xiao Yan is startled, looks at the Han Yue that serious look, frowns to say. “呃?内院中貌似并没有规定不能组建由新生汇聚的势力吧?”闻言,萧炎一怔,瞧得韩月凝重的神色,不由地微皱着眉头道。 Oh...... Indeed does not have this stipulation, but...... Every year enters the Inner Academy new student, almost then occupied entire Inner Academy about 60% fresh blood. Therefore, many Inner Academy influences, will recruit some new students every year, increases the strength by this. In the past years so, has almost become the convention.” “唉……的确没有这种规定,不过……每年进入内院的新生,几乎便是占据了整个内院将近60的新鲜血液。因此,很多内院的势力,每年都会吸收一些新生,以此来增加实力。历年如此,差不多已经成了惯例。” However now, you were actually this all new students draw in one, this then causes other influences unable to absorb the fresh blood this year again, this action definitely by the disaffection of many influence, in offended under these many influences in secret, your Pan's Gate perhaps will receive not small preemption, therefore, I said that you will bring in...... Han Yue to shake the head troublesome reluctantly, answered for Xiao Yan. “而现在,你却是这一届所有新生都收拢在了一起,这便导致其他势力今年无法再吸收新鲜血液,这举动肯定会遭来很多势力的不满,而在暗中得罪了这么多势力之下,你那‘磐门’恐怕将会受到不小的排挤,所以,我说,你会引来很多麻烦……”韩月无奈地摇了摇头,替萧炎解释道。 Nearby, Elder Liu is also slightly nod, hinted Han Yue not to say false. 一旁,柳长老也是微微点头,示意韩月所说不假。 Hears the explanation of Han Yue, Xiao Yan face was also gradually serious, because to Inner Academy was not familiar, causing him to forget unexpectedly this, present Pan's Gate newly officially established, has not thought that will then be almost the most Inner Academy will influence offend, at the present Pan's Gate the strength, was not enough to deal with these many potential enemies. 听得韩月的解释,萧炎脸庞也是逐渐凝重了许多,由于对内院的不熟悉,导致他竟然是忘记了这一茬,现在的‘磐门’刚刚正式成立,没想到便是几乎将大半个内院势力得罪了个遍,以现在“磐门”的实力,根本不足以应付这么多潜在敌人。 Oh, this actually rash......” sighed lightly, Xiao Yan pondered a meeting, said with a smile to Han Yue: „The mistake by hence, me does not have what means that can only be ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available, if some influences wantto destroy Pan's Gate really ‚, my Xiao Yan will not resign oneself to extinction is.” “唉,这倒是莽撞了……”轻叹了一口气,萧炎沉吟了一会,冲着韩月笑道:“不过事以至此,我也没有什么办法,只能兵来将挡,水来土掩,若是真有势力想将‘磐门’搞垮,那我萧炎也不会束手待毙便是。” Han Yue was sighing nod, she has not thought actually Xiao Yan such quickly is will form own influence unexpectedly, the thought that this only let her winning over swallowed the stomach. Although the Xiao Yan potential is good, may enter Inner Academy after all, now the strength just now the Da Dou Shi rank, so the behavior, without doubt will also set up many enemies, but now their this Pan's Gate the influence, is actually not enough to deal with so numerous matches. 韩月叹息着点了点头,她倒是没想到萧炎竟然会这么快便是组建起自己的势力来,这让得她只能将拉拢的念头吞回肚去。萧炎潜力虽然不错,可毕竟才入内院,现在实力也不过方才大斗师级别,如此行止,无疑是将会树立很多敌人,可如今他们这“磐门”的势力,却根本不足以应付如此众多的对手。 „The side that if needs to help later has, can look for me, I do everything possible.” Han Yue silent long time, catches the eye is obtaining enlightenment to Xiao Yan slowly. “以后若是有需要帮忙的的方,可以找我,我尽力而为。”韩月沉默了半晌,抬眼对着萧炎缓缓得道。 He he, that then many thanks Han Yue study elder sister.” Hearing this, Xiao Yan is smiling nod. No matter how said that can Pan's Gate be in this isolated region also to be able so to speak in them, although in the words does not know that has the pretence under pretext of being perfunctory, may at least come up from the surface, person who her can become friends with actually. “呵呵,那便多谢韩月学姐了。”闻言,萧炎微笑着点了点头。不管如何说,能够在他们“磐门”处于这种孤立境地还能这般说话,虽说话语中不知道有没有敷衍的托辞,可至少从表面上来,她倒是个可以结交的人。 Also leaves urgently is thanking me, I can do, perhaps are not many, moreover this also all looks in your potential share.” Han Yue shook the head, sound chilly tunnel. “也别急着谢我,我所能做的,或许也并不多,而且这还全是看在你的潜力的份上。”韩月摇了摇头,声音清冷地道。 Yes, if I am only the ordinary Inner Academy new student, perhaps two so will not treat politely.” Xiao Yan indifferently smiled. He is not a fool, certain matters, he looked that pays off compared with whom, if not for because of own talent and potential, lives in Elder Liu of position of elder with have Han Yue of not weak influence in Inner Academy, is impossible to regard with a special fondness to him absolutely. This is Inner Academy, the strength to revere the principle passes through all matters and person. “明白,若我只是普通内院新生,恐怕两位也不会这般客气对待。”萧炎淡淡地笑了笑。他不是傻子,某些事,他看比谁还清,若不是因为自己的天赋与潜力,身居长老之位的柳长老与在内院中拥有不弱势力的韩月,是绝对不可能对他另眼相看的。这就是内院,实力为尊的法则贯穿所有的事与人。 Although the Xiao Yan words are straightforward, but Han Yue and Elder Liu are slightly nod, everybody was the sensible person, the speech also covers up instead fell the hinayana. 萧炎的话语虽然直白,可韩月柳长老都是微微点头,大家都是明白人,说话还遮遮掩掩反而落了下乘。 Was good, the Xiao Yan study younger brother, you then first strolls Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower with Elder Liu, I must go to sixth, no longer has been detained, in the future will have the opportunity to discuss again.” Han Yue is raising slightly to Xiao Yan slightly, at once then turns around to go to one slowly line of ancient tower. “好了,萧炎学弟,你便先与柳长老逛逛天焚炼气塔吧,我还得去第六层,就不再滞留了,日后有机会再谈。”韩月对着萧炎微微欠身,旋即便是转身对着古塔的一处缓缓行去。 Nodded with a smile, Xiao Yan is gazing after departure of Han Yue, when her back vanishes after the gentle ray end, just now takes back the vision. 笑着点了点头,萧炎目送着韩月的离开,待得她的背影消失在柔和光芒的尽头后,方才收回目光。 Hey, Xiao Yan, thought that Yue Girl is what kind of?” Nearby, Elder Liu smilingly looks at Xiao Yan to take back the vision, smiles to ask. “嘿嘿,萧炎,觉得月丫头怎么样?”一旁,柳长老笑咪咪地看着萧炎收回目光,笑问道。 Is very good, thinks that Han Yue study elder sister Inner Academy chase is forms groups.” Xiao Yan says with a smile, by the Han Yue appearance as well as that makings, decides however is impossible to lack the pursuer. “很不错啊,想必韩月学姐内院的追逐者是成群结队吧。”萧炎笑着道,以韩月的容貌以及那番气质,定然不可能会缺乏追求者的。 Pursuer indeed are but actually many, but can be looked to glance by her, is actually extremely few, she to your manner, seemingly is a good start, by your talent, in addition cultivates in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, perhaps one year, then can enter the Dou Ling rank, but perhaps when the time comes, can become the most powerful pursuer.” [Say / Way] that Elder Liu teased. “追求者倒的确不少,不过能被她看上眼的,却是极少,她对你的态度,貌似是个不错的开始哦,以你的天赋,再加上在天焚炼气塔中修炼,恐怕一年时间,便能够进入斗灵级别,而到时候,说不定也是能够成为最有力的追求者哦。”柳长老戏谑的道。 He he, the Han Yue study elder sister is indeed good, but I do not have that thoughts......” Xiao Yan to shake the head with a smile, is looking at the Elder Liu surprise look, does not continue to pester in this issue, transferred the issue with a smile: Elder Liu has not reported this to the student Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.” “呵呵,韩月学姐的确不错,可我却是没有那份心思……”萧炎笑着摇了摇头,望着柳长老诧异的神色,也不在这个问题上继续纠缠,笑着将问题转了开去:“柳长老还未向学生介绍这‘天焚炼气塔’呢。” „, Has almost forgotten, he he...... Comes with me.” Was reminded by Xiao Yan, Elder Liu taps the head hastily, the apology smiled, at once turns around to lead the way before, Xiao Yan follows close in. “哦,差点忘记了,呵呵……跟我来吧。”被萧炎提醒,柳长老连忙一拍脑袋,歉意地笑了笑,旋即转身在前引路,萧炎紧跟而上。 This depth buries in place bottom, only reveals Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower of section of spire merely, the area in tower somewhat stems from the anticipation of Xiao Yan spaciously, along with this taking a walk, Xiao Yan discovered that perhaps the light is in this first tower the space, is enough 500 people also cultivates. 这个深埋在地底,仅仅只露出一截塔尖的天焚炼气塔,塔内的面积宽敞地有些出乎萧炎的意料,随着这一路的走动,萧炎发现,恐怕光是这第一层的塔内空间,便是足够500人同时修炼。 In becoming circular distribution tower in space, builds practice room that the size is varying, these practice rooms of this time mostly had been fully occupied, moreover above the entrances of these rooms, is hanging some small red signs. Character that however above the sign writes, is actually different, Xiao Yan in the step looked, originally above these small red signs high level, middle level, low level three types the glossary that represents the rank, wants to come, this should then be in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower that in the Tai mouth said the rank distinction of practice room. 在成圆形分布的塔内空间中,搭建着大小不一的修炼房间,不过此时的这些修炼室大多都已经被人占满,而且这些房间的门口上方,都是挂着一些小红牌子。不过牌子之上所写的字,却是不尽相同,萧炎驻步看了一下,原来这些小红牌子之上着高级,中级,低级三种代表级别的词汇,想来,这应该便是阿泰口中所说的天焚炼气塔中修炼室的等级分别吧。 As takes a walk to south slowly by east, Xiao Yan discovered that as if all high level practice rooms, are the central locations in close tower, but in their surrounding, is distributing the middle level practice room as well as the low level practice room in surrounding. 随着由东向南缓缓走动,萧炎发现,似乎所有的高级修炼室,都是接近塔内的中央位置,而在它们外围,则是分布着中级修炼室以及更外围的低级修炼室。 In this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, these high school low level other practice rooms must depend upon oneself strength to compete generally, strength, then can obtain the best practice condition, the strength is bad, then can only go to the outermost low level practice room to practice.” Points at one to hang the practice room of high level sign, Elder Liu indifferently is saying with a smile. “在这天焚炼气塔中,这些高中低级别的修炼室一般都是得依靠自己实力争夺,实力强,则是能获得最好的修炼条件,实力差,便只能去最外面的低级修炼室修炼。”指着一处挂着高级牌子的修炼室,柳长老淡淡地笑道。 In same level tower how, no matter cultivates the rank of room, their practice expenses are the same, for example in this first, the low level practice room is one Fire Energy cultivates day of time, but high level practice room, is so......” “在同一层塔内不管修炼室的级别如何,它们的修炼费用都是一样,比如在这第一层内,低级修炼室是一个‘火能’修炼一天时间,而高级修炼室,也是如此……” Spends the same expense, the result of obtains is actually the difference of heaven and earth, this will cause Expert to be stronger, aspect that the weak one is hard to pursue?” The Xiao Yan doubts asked. “花费相同的费用,所获得的成效却是天壤之别,这样岂不是会造成强者越强,弱者难以追赶的局面?”萧炎疑惑地问道。 Does not face the difficult position, the potential of person will not erupt thoroughly, we need, is this type of alternative constrains, when so long as constrained peak, the student who would some thorough eruptions pursued on Expert that is hard to touch before the extremely quick speed, Inner Academy until now, this matter, almost will present...... Elder Liu to shake the head every year, says with a smile. “不面临困境,人的潜力是不会彻底爆发的,我们所需要的,就是这种另类压抑,只要当压抑到了极致,总会有一些彻底爆发的学员以极快的速度追赶上以前难以触摸的强者,内院至今为止,这种事情,几乎每年都会出现……”柳长老摇了摇头,笑道。 Footsteps that slightly nod, Xiao Yan formerly walked, formerly looked suddenly following its line of sight, actually discovered that they have arrived at the central location in tower 微微点了点头,萧炎先前行走的脚步忽然一顿,顺着其视线先前望去,却是发现,他们已经走到了塔内的中央位置 „Is this......?” “这是……?” Somewhat stunned looked at that to appear in front depth does not see the bottom the black hole, Xiao Yan slowly forwards two steps, arrived at the black hole edge, to under was looking at one cautiously, the pitch-dark gloom, the spread to the end of line of sight, that type nearly did not have least bit ray strange Darkness, making the Xiao Yan head slightly have the feeling of dizziness. 有些错愕地望着那出现在面前的深不见底的黑洞,萧炎缓缓向前走了两步,来到黑洞边缘,小心翼翼地对着下面望了一眼,黑漆漆的阴暗,一直蔓延到视线的尽头,那种近没有半点光线的诡异黑暗,令萧炎脑袋略有种眩晕的感觉。 This black hole, has as if passed through entire Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, if not has cover of spire, perhaps this pitch-dark deep hole, then can look clearly from space one. 这个黑洞,似乎贯穿了整座天焚炼气塔,若非是有着塔尖的遮盖,这个黑漆漆的深洞,或许从天上一眼便是可以瞧得清楚。 In this jet black deep hole, the words of careful induction, as if can realize that here the air, wants to be hotter than other places, that feeling...... Probably has any thing to send out in the bottom of deep hole continuously is providing is ordinary to the quantity of heat of entire day refining tower. 在这个漆黑深洞之中,细细感应的话,似乎能够察觉到此处的空气,比其他地方要炽热许多,那种感觉……就好像在深洞之底有什么东西在源源不断地散发着提供给整座天炼气塔的热量一般。 Stretched out the palm empty to grasp hot air, some Xiao Yan within the body type of thing, actually suddenly beat. 伸出手掌虚抓了一炽热的空气,萧炎体内某种东西,却是猛然跳动了一下。 The throat rolls slightly, the Xiao Yan head toward the throat a point, the eye was staring at profound Darkness slightly stubbornly, after long time, within the body green-colored flame wells up the pupil fiercely, the time, the jet black double pupil was transforms the green/blue fire pupil...... 喉咙微微滚动,萧炎脑袋略微朝前探了一点,眼睛死死地盯着深邃的黑暗,半晌之后,体内青色火焰猛涌上眸子,顿时间,漆黑双瞳便是转化成了青火瞳孔…… As green/blue fire wells up the eye pupil, that below endless Darkness, was actually strange extremely starts changes pale. 随着青火涌上眼瞳,那下方无尽的黑暗,却是极为奇异地开始变淡了起来。 However, when Darkness is getting more and more pale, the Xiao Yan whole body fine body hair suddenly has actually set upright. 然而,就当黑暗越来越淡时,萧炎浑身寒毛却是骤然竖了起来。 In that to the gaze of green/blue fire pupil, in endless Darkness, the space started somewhat slightly to twist suddenly, these distorted space just liked the invisible python is ordinary, was climbing up by extremely terrifying speed to a Cave entrance place on. 在那对青火眸子的注视之下,无尽黑暗之中,空间忽然开始有些细微地扭曲了起来,紧接着,这些扭曲的空间犹如无形的蟒蛇一般,以一种极为恐怖的速度对着洞口之处攀爬而上。 Xiao Yan, draws back!” 萧炎,退开!” In space distortion will soon climb up on, drinks the sound together fiercely resounds in the Xiao Yan ear, at once a being dried up palm makes contact with his shoulder, makes an effort to pull, then by far left this jet black Cave entrance its belt. 就在扭曲空间即将攀爬而上时,一道喝声猛的在萧炎耳边响起,旋即一只干枯手掌搭上其肩膀,用力一扯,便是将其带得远远离开了这处漆黑洞口 Xiao Yan was just avulsed shortly after Cave entrance, he then suddenly felt the temperature of periphery rapidly elevating, then, only hears together extremely incisively hissing hissing sound spread from the deep hole place, looks up hurriedly, face actually suddenly coagulated, the lip is trembling, the hoarse sound, has overflowed from the tooth slits difficultly. 萧炎刚刚被扯离洞口不久,他便陡然感觉到周围急速升高的温度,然后,只听得一道极为尖锐的“嘶嘶”声响从深洞处蔓延了出来,急忙抬头一看,脸庞却是骤然凝固了起来,嘴唇哆嗦着,嘶哑的声音,艰难地从牙齿缝隙间溢了出来。 This...... This...... Is anything...... Thing?” “这……这……是什么……东西?” ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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