BTTH :: Volume #3

#467: Mystical invisible hot python

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Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” The unusual sound just likes the electric light twinkle, resounds in the jet black deep hole place spread unceasingly, after instantaneous, the somewhat dim environment suddenly greatly is slightly bright, the temperature in air, rises rapidly, extremely terrifying and ancient aura, reappears from black hole slowly, finally just likes tears to pieces the dark night the lightning to be ordinary, violently surge left that as if forever profound Darkness without limits. 异样的声响犹如电光闪烁般,不断地在漆黑深洞处蔓延响起,瞬间之后,略有些昏暗的环境陡然大亮,空气中的温度,也是急速上升,一股极为恐怖且古老的气息,自黑洞缓缓浮现,最后犹如撕破黑夜的闪电一般,暴涌出了那似乎永无止境的深邃黑暗 Xiao Yan face looked at the place of that Cave entrance stiffly, the throat cannot be bearing rolled. 萧炎脸庞僵硬地望着那洞口之处,喉咙忍不住地滚动了一下。 At this time, the Cave entrance above about two meters spaces, nearly fell into a situation of extremely distortion, although the space twists extremely, may use the naked eye actually unable to see slightly the thing, except for hissing hissing sound that these distorted space as well as resound unceasingly, the trim region, appears because of this scene slightly somewhat is strange. 此时,洞口上方两米左右的空间,近乎已经陷入了一种极为扭曲的地步,然而虽然空间极度扭曲,可使用肉眼却是看不见丝毫东西,除了那些扭曲的空间以及不断响起的“嘶嘶”声响,整片区域,都是因为这一场景而显得略有些诡异。 Nearby, Elder Liu face is also extremely serious, unceasingly draws Xiao Yan to retrocede, when the eye is looking at that piece of space distortion, has wipes flashes through frightened, actually although he cannot see there to have anything, may work as these many years elder in the tower, he faintly has also heard something, therefore also knows, that thing in this profound Darkness, actually terrifying...... 一旁,柳长老脸庞也是极度凝重,不断地拉着萧炎后退着,眼睛望着那片扭曲空间时,有着一抹恐惧闪过,他虽然也看不见那里究竟有着什么,可在塔中当了这么多年的长老,他也是隐隐听说过一些事情,因此也是知道,这深邃黑暗中的那东西,究竟有多恐怖…… The naked eye is unable obviously, pupil that however Xiao Yan that was wrapped by Green Lotus Heart Flame, was actually clearly saw that the terrifying thing that fled from the black hole, immediately by body of Elder Liu dragging, suddenly coagulation. 肉眼无法可见,然而萧炎那被青莲心火包裹的眸子,却是清晰地看见了那从黑洞中窜出来的恐怖之物,当下被柳长老拖动的身体,陡然凝固。 In flood the pupil of green/blue fire is shooting but actually, Xiao saw clearly that not to have in Darkness violently surge on, was one has ten rice to be sturdy impressively fully, actually how long invisible huge fire python may actually not know...... 在泛着青火的眸子倒射之间,萧看清了那从无黑暗之中暴涌而上的,赫然是一条足有十来米粗壮,可却不知道究竟有多长的无形巨大火蟒…… fire python was wrapped by some flame of turning all over the body, great mouth big, has Xiao Yan thigh sturdy fangs fully flood a fluctuation of distortion, a huge triangle eye, has the invisible fire unceasingly from sprays, regarding this flame, Xiao Yan is not strange, because formerly then had suffered this flame hardship. Naturally, formerly presented a wisp of invisible fire in heart with this as if completely the python that compared with is condensed by flame becomes, without doubt is the disparity between glow and bright moon, feels on the fire python body the flame intensity, Xiao Yan is not doubting, even if Dou Huang Expert, perhaps was moistened the upper body to shortly by it be reduced to ashes. 火蟒通体被有些扭的火焰所包裹,巨嘴大张,足有萧炎大腿粗壮的獠牙泛着一股扭曲的波动,一双巨大的三角眼睛,不断有着无形之火从其中喷射而出,对于这火焰,萧炎并不陌生,因为先前自己便是吃过这火焰的苦头。当然,先前出现在心中的一缕无形之火与这条似乎完全由火焰凝聚而成的巨蟒相比,无疑是萤火与皓月间的差距,感受着火蟒身体上火焰的强度,萧炎丝毫不怀疑,就算是斗皇强者,被其沾上身恐怕都得在顷刻间化为灰烬。 fire python has the angry sound to roar from Darkness jumps out, however in it will soon arrive at the jet black deep hole above five meters positions, surroundings space fierce fluctuation. Draws support from the help of green/blue fire, Xiao Yan can discover faintly that as if in this moment, the black hole surrounding space extremely strange twisted has been constructing a space shackles, but invisible fire python, although was mammoth, may work as it to hit when that space shackles, made the shackles fluctuate merely a meeting, then again did not have other effects. 火蟒带着怒声咆哮从黑暗之中窜出,然而就在其即将到达漆黑深洞上空五米位置时,周围空间猛的波动起来。借助着青火的帮助,萧炎能够隐隐发现,似乎在这一刻,黑洞周围的空间极为奇异地扭曲着构建了一副空间牢笼,而无形火蟒,虽然声势浩大,可当其撞在那空间牢笼上时,却仅仅只是令得牢笼波动了一会,便是再无其他效果。 The discovery breakthrough is hopeless, fire python somewhat crazy, invisible flame emits from the great mouth fully, is burning down the space shackles unceasingly. No matter what a pity, how it burns down, that space shackles, still firmly stands and waits for a long time. 发现突破无望,火蟒不由地有些疯狂了起来,无形火焰从巨嘴中铺天盖地地喷吐而出,不断地焚烧着空间牢笼。可惜,不管它如何焚烧,那空间牢笼,依然是牢牢伫立。 After has struggled crazily the long time, that invisible fire python is some strength uses up finally, face upwards to exude one to contain neighing of violent anger mood, then sees only the space unceasingly to twist, fire python changes into once again invisible, was drilling to Darkness deep hole. 在疯狂地挣扎了半晌之后,那无形火蟒终于是有些力竭,仰天发出一声蕴含着暴怒情绪的嘶鸣,然后只见得空间不断扭曲,火蟒再度化为无形,对着黑暗深洞之内钻了回去。 Along with disappearance of fire python, that space shackles side gradually changes pale, until final disappearance. 随着火蟒的消失,那空间牢笼方逐渐变淡,直至最后的消失。 Under feels periphery to reduce the temperature, Elder Liu then long vented anger, mutters: Narrow squeak, but how will this thing revive suddenly?” 感受着周围降低下的温度,柳长老这才长长地出了一口气,喃喃道:“好险,不过这东西怎么会忽然间苏醒过来?” Nearby, Xiao Yan also gradually recovers from shock, green-colored flame rapid retrogression in eye, sound hoarse tunnel: Elder Liu, what thing is that?” 一旁,萧炎也是从震惊中逐渐回过神来,眼中的青色火焰迅速消退,声音嘶哑地道:“柳长老,那那是什么东西?” Was startled by the question of Xiao Yan recovers, Elder Liu face serious is looking at the former, sinking sound track: Here matter, do not told anybody, the student did not allow to approach in the tower central here. Today I somewhat neglected duty actually, good today is one's turn me to be on duty, otherwise must have some troublesome.” 萧炎的问话惊得回过神来,柳长老脸庞凝重地望着前者,沉声道:“这里的事,不要告诉任何人,原本学员是不允许靠近塔内中央这里的。今天我倒是有些失职了,还好今日轮到我值班,不然肯定少不了一些麻烦。” Sees Elder Liu that serious complexion, Xiao Yan nodded, somewhat innocently let go: My anything has not seen, but thought suddenly here temperature changed high, moreover was in the black hole has some sounds to resound.” 见到柳长老凝重脸色,萧炎点了点头,有些无辜地摊了摊手:“我什么都没看见,只是忽然觉得此处温度变高了许多,另外就是黑洞中有着一些声音响起。” Has not seen that to be naturally best, something, not know to well, later you also do a bit less here, otherwise was discovered that is on duty elder together with us, was implicated.” Elder Liu loose, regarding the Xiao Yan words, does not have many suspicions but actually, after all links him, cannot see that terrifying the thing, merely actually can only depend upon the induction space distortion curve to judge that invisible thing is what shape. “没有看见那自然最好,有些东西,还是不知道为好,以后你也少来这里,否则被发现了,连同着我们值班长老,也受牵连。”柳长老松了一口,对于萧炎的话,倒没有多少怀疑,毕竟连他自己,都是看不见那恐怖的东西,仅仅只能依靠着感应空间的扭曲弧度来判断那无形之物究竟是何形状。 Hears Elder Liu so seriously, the Xiao Yan complexion that the words said cannot bear some changes, immediately nods hurriedly. 听得柳长老把话说的这般严重,萧炎脸色也是忍不住地有些变化,当下急忙点头。 Was good, walks......” sees Xiao Yan to nod, the Elder Liu complexion slow, once again had a lingering fear shoots a look at one just liked the bottomless common profound black hole, turns around to go to outside the line. “好了,走吧……”见到萧炎点头,柳长老脸色缓了一些,再度心有余悸地瞥了一眼犹如无底一般的深邃黑洞,转身对着外面行去。 Xiao Yan nods once again, then followed, when soon the curve, once more will look at a that to fall into the silent bottomless black hole, in the heart has several points to mutter faintly panic-strickenly in a low voice: Actually is that what thing? That aura...... was too powerful, that space shackles is also very abnormal, under burning down of that terrifying thing, does not have the least bit to respond unexpectedly that this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, everywhere is really flooding mysterious......” 萧炎再度点头,然后跟了上去,在即将转弯时,偏头再次看了一眼那已经陷入寂静的无底黑洞,心中隐隐带着几分惊骇地低声喃喃道:“那究竟是什么东西?那股气息……太强悍了,那空间牢笼也很变态啊,在那恐怖东西的焚烧下,居然没有半点反应,这‘天焚炼气塔’,果然处处都充斥着神秘……” Left the central region, Elder Liu also restored formerly calm, brought Xiao Yan to stroll in the first tower once more carefully, the mistake, was saying with him along the way unceasingly place that the customs in some towers as well as other need to pay attention, trivial, just liked the common old person is ordinary. 出了中央地带,柳长老也是恢复了先前的淡定,再次带着萧炎在第一层塔内细细地闲逛着,沿途所过处,不断与他说着一些塔内的规矩以及其他需要注意的地方,琐琐碎碎的,犹如寻常老人一般。 Passes through, occasionally can meet some students, when they in looking at that after Elder Liu discussed that really happy Xiao Yan, is some surprised, because these defend the tower elder status and strength, moreover usually is also quite severe to the person, therefore many students are respect and fear to them, besides in strength good extremely senior, little saw that which elder assembly so politely treats a new student. 一路走过,偶尔能够遇见一些学员,而当他们在瞧得那与柳长老相谈甚欢的萧炎后,都是些惊讶,由于这些守塔长老的身份与实力,而且平日对人也极为严厉,因此很多学员都是对他们又敬又惧,除了一些在实力极为不错的老生外,很少见到有哪位长老会如此客气地对待一名新生。 But regarding these surprised vision along the way, made Xiao Yan understand actually this Elder Liu in the deterrent that here had, some so-called North Korean and Chinese person of easy to do matters, are newly-arrived now, can become friends with relations, that naturally was best, no matter potential again how huge, may at least now, oneself merely just now the Da Dou Shi rank, this strength, in reached the Dou Wang rank in the Elder Liu eye, really did not have what the place that was good to praise. 而对于沿途的这些惊讶目光,倒是更让得萧炎明白了这位柳长老在此处所拥有的威慑,所谓朝中有人好办事,如今初来乍到,能结交点关系,那自然是最好,不管自己潜力再如何庞大,可至少现在,自己仅仅方才大斗师级别而已,这种实力,在已达斗王级别的柳长老眼中,实在是没有什么好称道的地方。 Xiao Yan, your Pan's Gate just established, I suggested when you enter the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower practice, temporarily do not snatches any high level practice room......” to arrive at a place, looked at periphery the stream of people short, Elder Liu indifferently said with a smile suddenly. 萧炎啊,你那磐门刚刚建立,我建议你们进入天焚炼气塔修炼时,暂时不要去抢什么高级修炼室……”走到一处地方,瞧得周围人流少了许多,柳长老忽然淡淡地笑道。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan is startled, at once slightly nod, he indeed has not hit such thought that just entered Inner Academy this time, then wants to occupy the best practice institute, that will make more people Pan's Gate hold without doubt discontentedly to their this, perhaps the group just went, will then have the influence to expel the person forcefully. Compared with these established influences, present Pan's Gate, besides Xiao Yan several minority Da Dou Shi, other did not have that strength to contend with them, but fight between this influences, light depends on their several people, without doubt cannot make the reversal progress of changing the course of events. 闻言,萧炎一怔,旋即微微点头,他也的确没打这样的念头,刚刚进入内院这点时间,便是想占据最好的修炼地所,那无疑将会令得更多人对他们这“磐门”抱有不满,恐怕一行人刚刚进去,紧接着便是会有势力来强行撵人了。而与那些老牌势力相比,现在的“磐门”,除了萧炎几个少数的大斗师之外,其他的都还没有那种实力与他们相抗衡,而这种势力间的战斗,光靠他们几个人,无疑并不能取得扭转乾坤的逆转效果。 Because in the tower has the custom, our these defend tower elder unable to meddle among the students to cultivating competition of room, therefore, so long as does not make the human life, we mostly will not meddle.” Elder Liu pondered a meeting, said with a smile: So long as your Pan's Gate can present Dou Ling Expert fast, then has the qualifications to advance into enters Inner Academy second-tier faction, at the appointed time, can participate in competition of practice room. I think that by your potential, should be quick.” “由于塔中有着规矩,我们这些守塔长老并不能插手学员间对修炼室的争夺,所以,只要不闹出人命,我们大多都不会插手。”柳长老沉吟了一会,笑道:“不过只要你们那‘磐门’能够快速地出现一名斗灵强者,那么便是有资格跻身进入内院二流势力,到时,就能来参与修炼室的争夺。我想,以你的潜力,应该很快的。” Had Dou Ling Expert just now is second-tier faction? That first-class, must to have Dou Wang Expert to assume personal command?” Xiao Yan asked stunned. “有了斗灵强者方才是二流势力?那一流,岂不是得要有斗王强者坐镇了?”萧炎错愕问道。 He he, this is but actually not complete, the general influence can present three to four Dou Ling Expert, then can calculate that makes first-tier faction......” Elder Liu to shake the head with a smile, said. “呵呵,这倒不尽然,一般一个势力能够出现三至四名斗灵强者,便是能够算做一流势力……”柳长老笑着摇了摇头,道。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan then quietly relaxed, by the Xun'er three people of talents, arrives at Dou Ling, perhaps similarly will not require the too long time, it seems like, Pan's Gate low key some time, so long as waits till their four people of promote to enter Dou Ling, then all can be good, but before then, was can only roll up peacefully. 闻言,萧炎这才悄悄松了一口气,以薰儿三人的天赋,到达斗灵,或许同样不会需要太久的时间,看来以后“磐门”低调一段时间了,只要等到他们四人晋入斗灵,那么一切都能好起来了,而在这之前,则是只能安安静静地蜷缩着了。 In the talks, Xiao Yan they once again arrived at the entrance, but here, Wu Hao has also revived from coma, is standing at a loss same place, looks at the Xiao Yan form, this relaxed. 在一路谈话间,萧炎两人已经再度来到了入口处,而在这里,吴昊也是已经从昏迷中苏醒过来,正茫然地站立原地,瞧得萧炎的身影,他这松了一口气。 Looks Wu Hao that the half step is walking, Xiao Yan smiled to elder, cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: „The instruction of many thanks Elder Liu, then first arrived here today, in the future will have the time, then consults.” 望着快步走来的吴昊,萧炎冲着长老笑了笑,拱手道:“多谢柳长老的教诲了,今天便先到此处吧,日后有时间,再来请教。” He he, doesn't plan to practice today here?” Elder Liu smilingly asked. “呵呵,今天不打算在这里修炼一下?”柳长老笑眯眯地问道。 Pan's Gate just established, but also needs me to go back to assist to manage.” Xiao Yan smiled has been turning down the Elder Liu good intention. 磐门刚刚建立,还需要我回去协助管理一下。”萧炎微笑着婉拒了柳长老的好意。 Um, is, the new influence is very frail, you indeed have busily.” Nodded with a smile, Elder Liu did not insist that the vision has swept around, said with a smile lowly: You will have the person to come a practice next time, I you look for in the middle level practice room will be good the institute, cultivates there, not compared with high level practice room difference many.” “嗯,也是,新势力很是脆弱,你的确有得忙。”笑着点了点头,柳长老也不坚持,目光扫了一下四周,低笑道:“等下次你带人来一层修炼,我会给你们找个中级修炼室中的好去所,在那里修炼,不比高级修炼室差多少。” „Does same level practice room have the difference of quality?” Hearing this, some Xiao Yan slightly surprise. “同级修炼室也有好坏之别?”闻言,萧炎略有些诧异。 He he, that nature, but these matter ordinary students are very difficult to discover, only then our these defend tower elder just now to understand that......” Liu Chang be pleased said with a smile. “呵呵,那自然,只是这些事情普通学员很难发现,只有我们这些守塔长老方才明白……”柳长不无得意地笑道。 So, that then many thanks Elder Liu......” pleasantly surprised nodded, Xiao Yan is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Elder Liu once again, then is turns around to welcome Wu Hao, pulls him is going to the layman. “如此,那便多谢柳长老了……”惊喜地点了点头,萧炎再度对着柳长老一拱手,然后便是转身迎上吴昊,将他拉扯着对外行去。 Looks at Xiao Yan they to vanish in the tower entrance back, the Elder Liu palm is caressing the beard lightly, muttered: Heavenly Flame...... has not thought that rising of Inner Academy, is then depending upon that thing...... But now, an age still the under 20-year-old kid, then alone had this grade of wondrous item. Oh, is really is lucky lets the fellow who the person cannot bear some envy.” 望着萧炎两人消失在塔门口的背影,柳长老手掌轻抚着胡须,喃喃道:“异火……没想到啊,内院的崛起,便是依靠着那东西……而现在,一个年龄尚不到20岁的小家伙,便是独自拥有这等奇物。唉,真是个幸运得让人忍不住有些嫉妒的家伙啊。” ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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