BTTH :: Volume #3

#465: Initially sees

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In the spacious ancient tower, sees only piece of indifferently white fog shrouded, white fog edge, the old person's shadow several points of rapid breath is standing together. 宽敞的古塔之中,只见得一片淡淡的白雾缭绕,白雾的边缘处,一道苍老人影正略带着几分急促呼吸地站立着。 At this moment, Elder Liu face is fluctuating rapidly the color, from time to time shocks, from time to time is surprised, has a liking for quite splendidly, but the clothes robe on his body, was burnt down will be near most, full Tou the hair, is sending out taste of the burnt odor faintly, from the entire image, this has not low status elder in Inner Academy, is in the extremely distressed condition. 此刻,柳长老脸庞正急速变幻着颜色,时而震撼,时而惊疑,看上颇为精彩,而其身体上的衣袍,也是被焚烧了将近大半,满头头发,隐隐散发着一种焦臭之味,从整个形象上来看,这位在内院拥有不低地位的长老,正处于极为狼狈的状态之中。 At this time in hall, other to avoid flame dispersing senior, was recovers from formerly panicked and disorderly finally, however, when the vision when they have gotten back one's composure went to formerly the panicked and disorderly eruption source area once again, actually just looked at distressed Elder Liu, heart that immediately, had just gotten back one's composure, was once again is substituted by the delay. 此时大厅中,其他为了躲避火焰而散开的老生们,也是终于从先前的惊乱中回过神来,然而,待得他们回过神的目光再度投向先前惊乱爆发源地时,却是刚好瞧得一身狼狈的柳长老,当下,刚刚回过神的心,便是再度被呆滞所取代。 Can become Inner Academy defending tower elder, this itself then needs severe Requirement to the strength, therefore, in the tower elder, is the strength extremely powerful generation. 能够成为内院的守塔长老,这本身便是需要对实力有着严厉的要求,因此,塔中长老,无一不是实力极为强悍之辈。 In this Inner Academy, although there is some startled certainly the person of colorful talent after the self-torture, can with some elder side by side, but these people, absolutely are extremely rare existences, and nobody will not practice for nearly 45 years just now to have this achievement in Inner Academy. However now, Elder Liu actually in new poor hand who in just entered the Inner Academy not over three days of time, ends up to turn out the so distressed fate, this, almost led the new student instead to snatch the senior matter to make one compared with initially Xiao Yan feel that shocks unbelievable with. 在这内院之中,虽然有过一些惊才绝艳的天才之人经过苦修,能够与一些长老相比肩,可那些人,绝对是凤毛麟角的存在,并且没有一个人不是在内院修炼了将近45年时间方才有此成就。然而现在,柳长老却是在一名刚刚进入内院不超过三天时间的新生手中,落得如此狼狈下场,这一幕,几乎是比当初萧炎带领新生反抢老生的事情更加令人感到震撼与难以置信。 The shock on Han Yue cheeks after continuing for about one minute has restrained finally gradually, the pupil sweeps to that white fog shrouded place, in the desolate vision, left some strange, this new student, is very indeed interesting. 韩月脸颊上的震惊在持续了一分钟左右后终于是逐渐收敛,眸子扫向那处白雾缭绕的地方,原本冷淡的目光中,多出了些许奇异,这个新生,的确很有意思。 Coughs......” “咳……” In the peaceful ancient tower, was broken by the cough sound suddenly, the Elder Liu vision closely stares at the white fog that group is filling, at once lowers the head to pat the burnt tattered clothes, said with a smile lightly: „When good Xiao Yan, no wonder to mention you these old fellow always mysterious, had this thing, was really by the fellow of day caring, this type of thing, elder in tower may not have one not to obtain......” 安静的古塔之内,忽然被咳嗽声所打破,柳长老目光紧紧地盯着那团弥漫的白雾,旋即低头拍了拍被烧的破破烂烂的衣服,轻笑道:“好个萧炎,难怪提起你时那些老家伙总是神秘兮兮的,原来是有这东西,真是个受天眷顾的家伙,这种东西,塔中的长老们可没有一个不想得到……” The Elder Liu words, senior in tower naturally listen not to understand, but actually can also try to find out that a point anything thing, this Xiao Yan, as if has to plant anything including elder to desire mysterious thing that but results. 柳长老的话语,塔内的老生们自然是听不怎么懂,不过却也能够摸索一点什么东西,这个萧炎,似乎有种什么连长老们都欲求而得的神秘东西。 The sleeve robe wields lightly, Elder Liu just wanted to fill front white mist to blow off, sound of footsteps gently, is actually suddenly spreads from the mist, this closely makes him stop started the movement, the vision is staring in the mist. 袖袍轻挥,柳长老刚欲将弥漫面前的白色雾气吹散,轻轻的脚步声,却是忽然从雾气中传出,这让得他止下了手中的动作,目光紧紧盯着雾气之中。 The slowly reverberation of sound of footsteps in the ancient tower, the people is also rushing to be first goes to the mist region that the vision the sound of footsteps spreads, no matter how said that formerly Xiao Yan demonstrated the tyrannical strength that has made them put behind its newborn status sufficiently. Although they do not know that this strength, is not leads by Xiao Yan, but relies upon completely with Green Lotus Core Flame occasionally protects the energy of main eruption. Now, if makes the Xiao Yan automatic guidance Green Lotus Core Flame erupt one time to force this appearance again Elder Liu the strength, that failure rate, absolutely over 95%. 脚步声在古塔之内缓缓回荡,众人也是争先恐后的将目光投向脚步声传出的雾气地带,不管如何说,先前萧炎所展示出来的强横力量,已经足以让得他们将其新生的身份忘却。虽然他们并不知道,这份力量,并非是由萧炎主导,而是全部仰仗与青莲地心火的偶尔护主爆发之能。现在,若是再让萧炎自动引导着青莲地心火爆发一次能够将柳长老逼成这幅模样的力量,那失败率,绝对会在95以上。 As the sound of footsteps in white fog is getting more and more resounding, fuzzy person's shadow slowly reappears together, finally, the person's shadow treadons the white fog peripheral zone, appeared under all person vision gazes. 随着白雾之中的脚步声越来越响亮,一道模糊的人影缓缓浮现,最后,人影一脚踏出白雾边缘地带,出现在了所有人目光注视下。 youth of black robe, shouldered with the height with the long giant black ruler, the left hand is carrying as if coma past Wu Hao, brow micro wrinkle vision slowly has been sweeping in the surroundings crowd, but these and its vision to bumping senior, besides some minority strength not weak people, other mostly because of it formerly frightening of that eruption, but slightly somewhat was evasive. 一身黑袍的青年,背负着与身高同长的巨大黑尺,左手拎着似乎已经昏迷过去的吴昊,眉头微皱的目光缓缓地在周围人群中扫过,而那些与其目光对碰的老生,除了少数一些实力不弱之人外,其他的大多都是因为其先前那番爆发的震慑,而略有些躲躲闪闪。 tut tut, roasts from the first Heart Flame moxibustion by own strength unexpectedly replies soberly. Xiao Yan, for these years, you, but the first person.” Looked replies normal state Xiao Yan, Elder Liu has been startled, at once says with a sigh. 啧啧,竟然是凭借自己的力量从第一次心火灸烤中回复清醒。萧炎,这么多年来,你可是第一人啊。”瞧得回复了正常状态的萧炎,柳长老一怔,旋即叹息道。 „Are you?” Looks at front this image extremely distressed old man, some Xiao Yan doubts is opening the mouth to ask. “你是?”望着面前这形象极为狼狈的老者,萧炎有些疑惑地开口问道。 He he, I am Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower first defending tower elder, you can call me Elder Liu directly.” Elder Liu contains to say with a smile, among the languages, completely has not treated other senior that to berate severely, but the light is the treatment that Xiao Yan receives, is makes surrounding senior secretly whisper. In Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower even entire Inner Academy, the elder status is extremely high, here, their words, dare to violate without any student, naturally, besides some outstanding candidates. Because, these outstanding people, likely have the opportunity become with the elder positions of their same rank, in this Inner Academy, even if they are elder, for later, wins over Expert of same camp. “呵呵,我是天焚炼气塔第一层的守塔长老,你可以直接叫我柳长老。”柳长老含笑道,语言间,全然没有对待其他老生的那种严厉喝斥,而光是萧炎所受到的这幅待遇,便是令得周围的老生暗自嘀咕。在天焚炼气塔甚至整个内院中,长老的身份都是极高的,在这里,他们的话,没有任何学员敢于违背,当然,除了一些优秀者之外。因为,这些优秀的人,很可能有机会成为与他们同等级的长老职位,在这内院中,就算他们是长老,也得为以后,拉拢同一阵营的强者 After all, elder in Inner Academy, is not completely is the same clique, any place, must have the battle, perhaps is the power, perhaps is the advantage, perhaps for other things wait / etc....... 毕竟,内院中的长老们,也并非是完全是同一派系,任何地方,都是少不了争斗,或许为权,或许为利,或许为其他东西等等…… „, Elder Liu, is your this?” Nodded suddenly, Xiao Yan is looking at the Elder Liu image, cannot help but some surprise asked. “哦,柳长老,您这是?”恍然地点了点头,萧炎望着柳长老的形象,不由得有些诧异地问道。 „, All right, when does not control flame carefully had something go wrong.” So was inquired by the instigator innocently, the Elder Liu eyebrow vibrated several, at once hollow laugh shaking the head. He has not suspected Xiao Yan to play the fool actually, terrifying flame that formerly Xiao Yan erupted, although is quite terrifying, may, in this played the fire person eye for a lifetime looked like, actually understands, this merely was that thing the independent counter-attack, did not close Xiao Yan many matters but actually. “呃,没事,不小心操控火焰时出了岔子。”被始作俑者这般无辜地询问,柳长老眉毛不由地抖动了几下,旋即干笑着摇了摇头。他倒是并未怀疑萧炎装傻,先前萧炎所爆发出来的恐怖火焰,虽然极为恐怖,可在他这玩了一辈子的火的人眼中看来,却是明白,这仅仅是“那东西”的自主反击而已,倒不关萧炎多少事。 My this friend?” Xiao Yan refers to has been carrying Wu Hao, this time latter, entered in the coma condition. “那我这朋友?”萧炎指了指拎着的吴昊,此时的后者,已经进入了昏迷状态之中。 All right, because Heart Flame roasts roasts, but is somewhat exhausted, will rest a evening.” Elder Liu answered with a smile. “没事,只是因为心火炙烤而有些精疲力竭而已,休息一晚上就会好了。”柳长老笑着解释道。 „Does Heart Flame roast roasts?” The strange glossary made the Xiao Yan brow once again wrinkle the wrinkle. 心火炙烤?”陌生的词汇令得萧炎眉头再度皱了皱。 He he, you come Inner Academy newly, therefore does not know Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower something and customs, if there is a time, listens to me and you says?” elder said with a smile. “呵呵,你是新来内院,所以不知道天焚炼气塔的一些事情与规矩,若是有时间,听我与你讲讲?”长老微笑道。 That...... On many thanks Elder Liu.” Hearing this, Xiao Yan slightly hesitates, then has complied. Newly-arrived, he indeed is in advance understood in this Inner Academy most mysterious place institute, to facilitate his Pan's Gate the new students can find out the method as soon as possible , to promote the overall strength rapidly, thus bases in Inner Academy that this Expert converges qualified. “那……就多谢柳长老了。”闻言,萧炎略一迟疑,便是应了下来。初来乍到,他的确是得先行了解这座内院中最神秘的地所,以方便他那“磐门”的新生们能够尽早摸到门路,快速提升总体实力,从而够格立足于这强者云集的内院之中。 All right, this is my responsibility is also.” Elder Liu beckoned with the hand, periphery the vision changes the student who surrounds, the smiling face sinks, cry out loudly: Also dull here does? Hasn't practiced as early as possible? If cultivates the time idly already foot Enough, I can help you move the position.” “没事,这也是我责所在。”柳长老摆了摆手,目光转向周围围观的学员,笑脸不由地一沉,喝道:“都还呆在这里干什么?还不趁早去修炼?若是闲修炼时间已经足够了,我可以帮你们挪一下位置。” Hears the Elder Liu drinking sound, the surroundings student shakes the head hurriedly, then fast respectively various direction swept in a flash is going to the ancient tower, if for fear that walked late, really with great difficulty must come by the former gave to trade well. 听得柳长老的喝声,周围学员急忙摇头,然后飞快地各自对着古塔之内各处方向闪掠而去,生怕若是走得晚了,会真的被前者将自己好不容易得来的好地所给换了去。 Looks at these complacent senior before the new student, is similar when the Elder Liu hand the lamb is obedient, Xiao Yan somewhat funny, however is funny, in heart to this Elder Liu component, raised heavily, if not held the real power in Inner Academy, these temper stubborn senior, is impossible so tamely. 瞧得那些在新生面前得意洋洋的老生,在柳长老手中如同羔羊般听话,萧炎不由地有些好笑,然而好笑之余,心中对这位柳长老的份量,又是提重了许多,若非是在内院中握有实权的话,这些性子桀骜的老生,是决计不可能如此驯服的。 He he, these rabbits arrogant angry, is not severe, does not pay attention to you.” Dispatches to draw back the surrounding crowd, Elder Liu said to Xiao Yan with a smile. “呵呵,这些兔子都傲气得很,不严厉点,根本就不理会你。”将周围人群遣退,柳长老笑着对萧炎说道。 Xiao Yan has a smile, has not actually published anything. 萧炎含笑,却并未对此发表什么。 Come, come, Xiao Yan, gives you to introduce a person.” The Elder Liu vision has swept in this ancient tower, is drawing Xiao Yan, is going to a female line of silver skirt robe, looks at its appearance, that is qualified for the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower sixth practice Han Yue. “来,来,萧炎,给你介绍一个人。”柳长老目光在这层古塔中扫过,然后一手拉着萧炎,对着一位一身银色裙袍的女子行去,看其样貌,正是那位有资格进入天焚炼气塔第六层修炼的韩月 This is Han Yue, entered the Inner Academy three years, is your study elder sister. He he, her strength is not ordinary, moreover group in Inner Academy namedMoon Spirit the influence, the strength is not quite weak, in Inner Academy that in this audiences converge, is the unusual influence dares to provoke. ” Arrives in front of the silver skirt female, Elder Liu introduced with a smile. “这位是韩月,已经进入内院三年时间了,算是你的学姐。呵呵,她实力可不一般,而且在内院中还组了一支名为“月灵”的势力,实力颇为不弱,在这众强云集的内院中,也是少有势力敢于招惹。”来到银裙女子面前,柳长老笑着介绍道。 „?” “哦?” Hears the introduction of Elder Liu, on Xiao Yan face to delimit has wiped the surprise, the vision is taking a look at this named Han Yue female. First meeting, the latter that such as the Iceberg snow lotus desolate makings, made him profound actually quite somewhat. However, makes its shocking, is this female strength, although cannot see the opposite party actual situation with the naked eye, draws support from the Spiritual Strength tyrannical reason, Xiao Yan can but actually also induce fuzzily, this silver skirt silver hair female , is more tyrannical than Luo Hou unexpectedly. 听得柳长老的介绍,萧炎脸庞上划过一抹诧异,目光打量着这位名叫韩月的女子。初次见面,后者那如冰山雪莲般的冷淡气质,倒是令得他颇有些深刻。然而,让得其震惊的,是此女的实力,虽然用肉眼并不能一眼看出对方虚实,借助着灵魂力量强横的缘故,萧炎倒也是能够模糊感应到,这位银裙银发女子,居然比罗侯还要强横许多。 In this Inner Academy the latent talent, has not really thought that an opposite party womenfolk, then has strength so, it seems like here...... Really is not quite good to mix.” In the heart smiled bitterly, in the Xiao Yan surface to display anything actually, Wu Hao places the ground in the hand was carrying, put out a hand, said with a smile: Hello, Han Yue study elder sister.” “这内院之中果然藏龙卧虎,没想到对方一届女流之辈,便是有这般实力,看来这里……果然不太好混。”心中苦笑了一声,萧炎面上倒是为表现出什么,将手中拎着的吴昊放在地上,伸出手来,笑道:“你好,韩月学姐。” Looks at Xiao Yan to put out a hand to Han Yue, nearby Elder Liu is startled, he of clear latter temper, naturally understands that this usually has the extreme cleanliness female, to touches with the man flesh, a little conflicts very much, when is with the person fights, will use itself Dou Qi firmly to wrap, cleanliness to this situation, indeed is very speechless. 望着萧炎对着韩月伸出手去,一旁的柳长老不由地一怔,清楚后者性子的他,自然是明白,这个素来有着极度洁癖的女子,对与男人肌肤相触,很是有点抵触,就算是在与人战斗时,都会使用斗气把自己牢牢包裹,洁癖到了这个地步,也的确是挺让人无语的。 However has not needed Elder Liu to speak the stop, sees only that named Han Yue female, after has hesitated slightly one next, a section falls from the silver sleeve like the jade white arms, then in Elder Liu that stunned vision, grasped with the hand of Xiao Yan gently in one, the red lip opened, chilly such as the snowy mountain flowed the You Quan sound, spread quietly and beautifully. 然而还不待柳长老出言阻拦,只见得那位名叫韩月的女子,在略微迟疑了一下后,一截如玉般的皓腕从银色袖子中滑落出,然后在柳长老那错愕的目光中,轻轻地与萧炎的手掌握在了一起,红唇微启,清冷如雪山流淌幽泉般的声音,清幽传出。 You good......” “你好……” In ancient tower, when some vision shoot from various places, looks at them to grasp when the same place palm, is all startled, at once is holding some boiling hot lines of sight of envy, immediately is shifts that to make on their clenching jaws some black-robed youth. 古塔之中,当一些目光从各处射来,瞧得两人握在一起的手掌时,皆是一怔,旋即噙着些许嫉妒的滚烫视线,顿时便是转移那个令他们有些咬牙切齿的黑袍青年身上。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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