BTTH :: Volume #3

#456: Win!

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Green & Purple Fire Lotus, is enlarging in the Luo Hou pupil rapidly, that by the terrifying blazing energy that the air penetration comes, making the cold sweat above his forehead just brave, was evaporated the nihility. 青紫火莲,在罗侯瞳孔之中急速放大着,那股透过空气渗透而来的恐怖炽热能量,让得他额头之上的冷汗刚刚冒出来,便是被蒸发成虚无。 In ground, the place of Fire Lotus passing over gently and swiftly, dark green green grass rapidly withered and yellow, finally changes into bunch of black ashes baseless, with the wind dissipation. 地面上,火莲掠过之处,碧绿的青草急速枯黄,最后凭空化为一簇黑色的灰烬,随风消散。 Feels the destruction energy that violently shoot is coming, in the Luo Hou heart flood wipes panic-stricken that is incapable of resisting quietly, this strength, was extremely really huge, he even has a faint intuition, if were hit by that beautiful Fire Lotus directly, perhaps he also will just like these green grass general being reduced to ashes. 感受着那暴射而来的毁灭能量,罗侯心中悄然泛起一抹无力抗拒的惊骇,这种力量,实在太过庞大了,他甚至有种隐隐的直觉,若是被那个美丽的火莲正面击中的话,恐怕他也将会犹如那些青草一般的化为灰烬。 The tooth is biting the lip stubbornly, the bloodstain from the lip place overflow , the aching feeling made Luo Hou restore some soberly from that weak condition, both hands closely grasped cold Iron Staff, the eye are staring at that more and more near Fire Lotus stubbornly, latter that nearly speed like lightning, made him already nowhere avoidance. 牙齿死死地咬着嘴唇,血迹从嘴唇处溢流而下,疼痛感让得罗侯从那种无力状态中恢复了些许清醒,双手紧紧地握着寒铁棍,眼睛死死地盯着那越来越近的火莲,后者那种近乎闪电般的速度,令得他已经无处躲避。 Above cold Iron Staff, the cold air seeps rapidly, but the cold air just appeared, is blazing temperature that because that comes, but burnt down makes noise, finally causes white misty mist, twines area cyclopian riprap this, making the line of sight of people somewhat be blocked. 铁棍之上,寒气急速地渗透而出,不过寒气刚刚出现,就是因为那迎面而来的炽热温度,而被焚烧的嗤嗤作响,最后导致一片白蒙蒙的雾气,缠绕在乱石堆这一带,使得众人的视线有些受阻。 Deeply inspired, Luo Hou that gripped tightly both hands of cold Iron Staff because to make the sound of creaking vigorously, drop of cold sweat following forehead drop pleasant, the bitter feeling made in the Luo Hou heart suddenly well up to wipe the spunk, solemn Dou Ling Expert, almost will give unexpectedly up defending because of an attack of Da Dou Shi, this situation, quite made the disposition arrogant he really somewhat ashamed feeling. 深深地吸了一口气,罗侯那紧握着寒铁棍的双手因为大力而发出了嘎吱的声响,一滴冷汗顺着额头滴入眼中,酸涩的感觉让得罗侯心中猛然涌上一抹怒意,堂堂一名斗灵强者,竟然会因为一位大斗师的攻击而差点放弃防御,这种情况,令得心性颇傲的他实在有些羞愧的感觉。 Come! I must have a look but actually, actually your can Xiao Yan strong to where go?!” The low and deep roar is reverberating in the heart, the Luo Hou arm inspires, immediately that zhang (3.33 m) allow Chang cold Iron Staff was shakes several stick shades, within the body Dou Qi surged crazily, finally was going to the cold Iron Staff irrigation continuously. “来吧!我倒要看看,你萧炎究竟能强到什么地方去?!”低沉的吼声在心中回荡着,罗侯手臂一振,顿时那丈许长的寒铁棍便是晃出了几道棍影,体内斗气疯狂涌动,最后源源不断地对着寒铁棍灌注而去。 Along with Dou Qi irrigation of rapidly, sees only that all over the body such as above ice cold Iron Staff, starts flood layer upon layer thick incorruptible, around stick body space temperature, in reduces at this moment rapidly, finally finally reluctantly the energy above that Fire Lotus isolating. 随着斗气的急速灌注,只见得那通体如冰的寒铁棍之上,开始泛起一层层厚实的冰霜,并且,棍身周围空间的温度,也是在此刻急速降低,最后终于是勉强地将那火莲之上的能量给隔绝了去。 Within the body Dou Qi passes rapidly, on cold Iron Staff incorruptible is actually more and more thick, the time of several blinking, only had arm sturdy cold Iron Staff, then suddenly increased a about half foot thickness, that appearance, just likes is a giant icicle is ordinary. 体内斗气迅速流逝,寒铁棍上的冰霜却是越来越浓,几个眨眼的功夫,原本仅有手臂粗壮的寒铁棍,便是突的增加了将近半尺的厚度,那模样,就犹如是一根巨大的冰柱一般。 The both arms embrace to change into the icicle cold Iron Staff, Luo Hou pale face upwell to wipe the ruddy, low and deep severity drink the sound to call out from his mouth, the giant icicle holds up high, at once gets angry loudly pounds under! 双臂怀抱着化为冰柱的寒铁棍,罗侯苍白的脸庞上涌上一抹红润,低沉的厉喝声从其嘴中暴吼而出,巨型冰柱高高举起,旋即轰然怒砸而下! Strength that the icicle contains, is quite tyrannical, in the short distance, then has the low and deep air/Qi violent sound of continuously, in the air of mistake resounds from the icicle, even, the icicle when was also still separated the ground has several meters distance, that gathered the Luo Hou whole body strength strikes, then by the air, shakes to be fierce many cracks the rock in ground, thus it can be seen, Luo Hou this attack that goes all out to wrestle , is not quite ordinary. 冰柱所蕴含的劲气,极为强横,短短距离中,便是有着连绵不断的低沉气暴之声,从冰柱所过处的空气中响起,甚至,冰柱在尚还间隔地面有着几米距离时,那汇聚了罗侯全身力量的一击,便是透过空气,将地面上的岩石震烈出不少裂缝,由此可见,罗侯这拼命一搏的攻击,也是颇不一般。 Green & Purple Fire Lotus tearing space, raids Luo Hou, when being separated the latter merely only then less than 2-3 meters distance, the huge shadow mixes with the cold wind to drop from the clouds, finally heavily bombardment above Fire Lotus. The time, the space was at this moment is coagulating has flickered, just like exploding the thunder-like thunder bang, has resounded through in the cyclopian riprap loudly, person who guarded against, even was shaken binaural buzz the cry by this bang. 青紫火莲撕裂空间,直袭罗侯,在间隔后者仅仅只有不到两三米距离时,巨大的阴影夹杂着寒风从天而降,最后重重地轰击在了火莲之上。顿时间,空间都是在此刻凝固了一瞬,紧接着,宛若炸雷般的雷霆巨响,轰然间在乱石堆中响彻了起来,一些防备不及的人,甚至都是被这巨响震得双耳嗡鸣。 The energy ripples that after the thunder bang, is similar to people expect the energy collision that produces not to appear, fire and ice as if in the quarry stone region that in that place was covered by the indifferently white fog has counter-balanced quietly generally, has not had the least bit to contain the destructive power broken to move spreads, this somewhat strange scene, made many people stunned actually somewhat, looking at each other in blank diamay, all was bewildered. 在雷霆巨响之后,如同众人所料的能量碰撞而产生的能量涟漪却是并未出现,火与冰似乎是在那处被淡淡白雾笼罩的乱石地带中悄然抵消了一般,并未有着半点蕴涵着破坏力破动传出,这有些诡异的场景,倒是令得许多人有些错愕,面面相觑着,皆是一脸茫然。 In the people line of sight may not and in the white fog, Luo Hou face becomes flushed, the double palm doom grips tightly is shivering cold Iron Staff, at this time above stick body later generation is incorruptible is melting at the naked eye obvious speed, because the palm is contacting the stick body, Luo Hou can feel that blazing aura of extreme terrorist, in that dim white fog, is coming following cold Iron Staff erosion unceasingly, Luo Hou can imagine, when that the incorruptible consumption that is congealed by its Dou Qi completely, perhaps is carving of that blazing aura thorough eruption! 在众人视线不可及的白雾中,罗侯脸庞涨红,双掌死命地紧握着颤抖不已的寒铁棍,此时棍身之上后世的冰霜正在以肉眼可见的速度消融着,而由于手掌接触着棍身,罗侯能够感觉到,一股极端恐怖的炽热气息,正在那朦胧白雾中,不断地顺着寒铁棍侵蚀而来,罗侯能够想象到,只要等到那由其斗气所凝结出来的冰霜消耗殆尽时,恐怕便是那炽热气息彻底爆发之刻! Although in the heart understands this point, but Luo Hou does not have the least bit means that therefore, he can only look is condensed the giant icicle that helplessly by cold Iron Staff, melts rapidly, but from the stick going against place transmitting the quantity of heat , is also more and more rich...... 虽然心中明白这一点,可罗侯却是没有半点办法,因此,他只能眼睁睁地看着由寒铁棍所凝聚成的巨大冰柱,急速地消融,而从棍顶处传来的热量,也是越来越浓郁…… On cold Iron Staff incorruptible has maintained merely less than ten seconds, is the thorough ablation, but along with incorruptible all divergence, sees only that red such as ice cold Iron Staff, immediately at an extremely quick speed, by snow white transformation for fiery red. 铁棍上的冰霜仅仅只是维持了不到十秒钟的时间,便是彻底消融,而随着冰霜的尽数散去,只见那通红如冰的寒铁棍,立马以一种极为快捷的速度,由雪白转化为火红。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” The Luo Hou double palm is gripping tightly the place of cold Iron Staff, turns white mist as well as the unusual sound suddenly, then hears Luo Hou to contain the pain stuffy pshaw together, loosens both hands hurriedly, almost became that charcoal cold Iron Staff has put aside. 罗侯双掌紧握着寒铁棍之处,猛然间翻起一件白色雾气以及异样声响,紧接着,便听得罗侯一道蕴含着痛楚的闷哼声,急忙松开双手,将那几乎成了火炭的寒铁棍丢开。 Cold Iron Staff falls to the ground, heavily pounds on a rock, the time, the rock cracks, the fiery red stick speed retraction, the twinkling time, then changes to together ordinary Iron Staff rapidly, and above that Iron Staff, but also is spreading unceasingly the crack, obviously, this construction cost not poor cold Iron Staff, was turning into lump of scrap iron at this moment completely. 铁棍落地,重重地砸在一处岩石上,顿时间,岩石崩裂,火红的棍子速度急速回缩,瞬息时间,便是化作一道普通铁棍,并且在那铁棍之上,还不断地蔓延着裂缝,显然,这根造价不菲的寒铁棍,已经在此刻完全地变成了一坨废铁。 This time Luo Hou loves dearly own weapon to change into the scrap iron radically without enough time, that instant of because in cold Iron Staff letting go, he then clearly sees, wisp of purple green/blue fire glow, Biao to launch from the white fog comes suddenly, blazing aura, burns down the nihility the surrounding white fog all. 此时的罗侯根本来不及心疼自己的武器化为废铁,因为在寒铁棍脱手的那一霎,他便是清楚地看见,一缕紫青火芒,猛然从白雾中彪射而来,炽热的气息,将周围的白雾尽数焚烧成虚无。 The white fog was burnt down, Luo Hou saw that purple blue true colors finally clearly, immediately in the eye passing over gently and swiftly wiped with amazement, because he discovered that oneself formerly that nearly spelled strikes, unexpectedly made that beautiful Fire Lotus surface flame glow that tried more low-spirited, but its main body, has not had the slight vacillation unexpectedly! 白雾被焚烧了一些,罗侯终于是清楚地看见了那紫青的真面目,当下眼中不由的掠过一抹骇然,因为他发现,自己先前那近乎拼尽全力的一击,居然只是让那朵美丽的火莲表面的火芒黯然了一些而已,而其本体,居然是都未曾有丝毫的动摇! Actually is this Dou Technique of what rank? Unexpectedly strong to so situation?” When the heart is panic-stricken, simply has not avoided the time Luo Hou to clench teeth, transfers within the body few Dou Qi hurriedly, then concentrates in the body surface a slightly frail Dou Qi armor, looks at its appearance, unexpectedly is prepares hardly anti-. “这究竟是什么等级的斗技?居然强到了这般地步?”心中惊骇之余,根本没有躲避时间的罗侯只得一咬牙,急忙调动体内为数不多的斗气,然后在身体表面凝出一幅略显单薄的斗气铠甲,看其模样,居然是准备硬抗下来。 Beside the cyclopian riprap, the Xiao Yan complexion is a paleness, look coldly looks at that similarly by the region that the white fog wraps, the palm is raised, the stagnation, grasps slightly at once suddenly, immediately, pale face, is just likes the white paper was ordinary, the body is also one that cannot bear lightly trembles, which instant that in the Xiao Yan palm gripped tightly, Elder Su and Elder Qing in stone stage, face has changed finally, Elder Su stood up suddenly, stature trembled, at once the body then strangely vanishes in stone stage. 乱石堆之外,萧炎脸色同样是一片苍白,目光冷冷地望着那被白雾包裹的区域,手掌升起,略微停滞,旋即猛然一握,顿时,本就苍白的脸庞,更是犹如白纸一般,身体也是忍不住的一阵轻颤,就在萧炎手掌紧握的哪一霎,石台中的苏长老庆长老,脸庞终于是大变了起来,苏长老豁然站起身来,身形一颤,旋即身体便是诡异地消失在了石台中。 Bang!” “轰!” Low and deep explosion sound, resounds in cyclopian riprap, at once energy ripples of terrifying from the proliferation of wavilness, the mistake, the rock crack along the way all the smashing, so scary destructive power, making these senior delay above hillside flicker, at once in together startled drank in the sound greatly, just liked leave the melon bottle gourd to be ordinary, was jumping down to the hillside other aspect extremely distressedly, suddenly, in the location became is extremely chaotic. 低沉的爆炸声响,在乱石堆中响起,旋即一圈恐怖的能量涟漪从波浪状的扩散而出,沿途所过处,岩石尽数崩裂成粉碎,这般骇人的破坏力,令得山坡之上的那些老生呆滞了一瞬,旋即在一道惊慌的大喝声中,一个个犹如滚瓜葫芦一般,极为狼狈地对着山坡的另外一面跳下,一时间,场地中变得极其混乱不堪。 The energy ripples come quickly, goes also quickly, when contacts the hillside, after above leaves behind some half inch cracks, just now gradually dissipates, but so after again crosses partly makes a sound, hears not to have the sound, behind that hillside, just now cautiously reveals heads, looks to became in a field in confusion, secretly has inhaled cold air. 能量涟漪来得快,去得也快,接触到山坡时,在其上面留下一些半寸长的裂缝之后,方才逐渐消散,而如此再过得半响后,听得没有了动静,那山坡后面,方才小心翼翼地露出一个个脑袋,望向已经变得一片狼藉的场中,不由地暗自吸了一口凉气。 Perhaps this time cyclopian riprap, should not be called as for the cyclopian riprap, because of present here, did not have a quick rock, has, overspreads the thick lime of ground merely, formerly these boulder, as if were that [say / way] has under the energy ripples of destructive power, changed into the dust all. 此时的乱石堆,哦,或许不应该称作为乱石堆了,因为现在的这里,已经没有了一快岩石,有的,仅仅只是铺满地面的厚厚石灰,先前的那些巨石,似乎都是那道极具破坏力的能量涟漪下,尽数化为了粉尘。 This...... Is this Xiao Yan creates?” The eye is still bringing several points of delay looked at that to change the cyclopian riprap of appearance, Sha Tie that then appeared from a hillside, could not bear swallow saliva, muttered. Side him, Su Xiao three people of face nodded stiffly, the vision sweeps that stature thin black-robed youth to the field, in the heart cannot bear is thinking, if in forest they to the wartime, this fellow lost this purple blue Fire Lotus, then their these three teams, how many people can live? “这……这是萧炎造成的?”眼睛犹自带着几分呆滞的望着那大变了模样的乱石堆,那从一处山坡露出头来的沙铁,忍不住咽了一口唾沫,喃喃道。在他身边,苏笑三人脸庞僵硬地点了点头,目光扫向场中那身形消瘦的黑袍青年,心中忍不住地在想,如果在森林中他们对战时,这个家伙将这个紫青火莲丢了出来,那么他们这三支队伍,能活下来几个人? Thinks of here, three people are some whole bodies break into sweat, looks to the Xiao Yan vision, just likes regards the monster to be ordinary, is this fellow really only Da Dou Shi? 想到这里,三人便是有些浑身冒冷汗,望向萧炎的目光,犹如看待怪物一般,这家伙真的只是大斗师么? „Is this fellow really Da Dou Shi? This destructive power, sufficiently caught up with Dou Ling Expert of six 7-Star ranks......” Sha Tie from shocking recovers, smiles bitterly this Su Xiao three people of hearts to think in that slowly said. “这家伙真的是大斗师么?这种破坏力,都足以赶上了一些六七星级别的斗灵强者了……”沙铁从震撼中回过神来,苦笑这将苏笑三人心中所想,缓缓地说了出来。 Hearing this, the Su Xiao three people deeply have the feeling to nod. 闻言,苏笑三人都是深有感受地点点头。 Was right, Luo Hou?” “对了,罗侯呢?” Suddenly has sound together to resound on the hillside, at once all vision shift suddenly to that still by some white fog shrouded the places of tumultuous times region center. 忽然间有一道声音在山坡上响起,旋即所有目光猛然转移向那依然被些许白雾缭绕的乱世地带中央之处。 Along with the shift of people vision, the white mist of that region, was slowly dissipated, finally, under the gazes of all vision, Luo Hou stature, appearance...... This time Luo Hou, almost sits in the ground, that indifferent face is at a stiff condition at this moment, but looks at its appearance, what wound seemingly hasn't received? 随着众人目光的转移,那片区域的白色雾气,也是缓缓地消散了许多,最后,在所有目光的注视下,罗侯身形,率先出现……此时的罗侯,几乎是一屁股坐在地面上,那张冷漠的脸庞此刻正处于一种僵硬状态,不过看其模样,貌似并未受到什么创伤? Looks at that safe and sound Luo Hou, on the hillside also resounds stunned talking in whispers, from formerly that proliferation, but the destructive power of energy ripples, by the Luo Hou strength, should not send lossless? 瞧得那安然无恙的罗侯,山坡上也是响起一阵愕然的窃窃私语,从先前那扩散而出的能量涟漪的破坏力来看,凭借罗侯的实力,不应该毫发无损的啊? However, when some people hearts doubtful, the white mist dissipates finally thoroughly, but along with the dissipation of mist, saw only the old form to appear in front of Luo Hou together...... 然而,就在一些人心中充满疑惑时,白色雾气终于彻底消散,而随着雾气的消散,只见得一道苍老的身影却是出现在了罗侯面前…… Elder Su?” Looks at that [say / way] old form, on the hillside is hearing screams immediately. 苏长老?”望着那道苍老的身影,山坡上顿时传来一道道惊呼声。 Is called the Elder Su old form, maintains the palm is stretching out straight in front of oneself, but the posture, from its front that giant pit, the seemingly formerly Fire Lotus offensive, was given to stop by him, no wonder Luo Hou actually will not have the least bit to damage...... 被称为苏长老的苍老身影,保持着手掌平伸而出的姿势,从其面前的那一个巨坑来看,貌似先前的火莲攻势,是被他给阻拦了下来,难怪罗侯竟然会没有半点损伤…… Just likes the stump stands erect generally in same place Elder Su, partly after making a sound, face indifferent takes back palm slowly, after the palm retracting sleeve robe, that truly cannot bear shivers slightly, in the opacitas old eyes, passed over gently and swiftly wipes serious. 犹如树桩一般矗立在原地的苏长老,半响后,脸庞淡然的将手掌缓缓收回,在手掌缩回袖袍之后,确实忍不住的一阵轻微颤抖,浑浊的老眼中,掠过一抹凝重 In being in the glare of the public eye under gaze, Elder Su gained ground, sweeps the vision to face whiten Xiao Yan, silent moment, sound gently, in this piece experienced in the battlefield after war to make a sound. 在众目睽睽注视下,苏长老抬起头来,将目光扫向脸色苍白的萧炎,沉默了片刻,轻轻的声音,在这片经历了大战后的战场中响起来。 Kid, this year this Fire Energy hunts match, calculates that your new students won.” “小家伙,今年这届的‘火能猎捕赛’,算你们新生赢了。” ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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